def graph(*data,**kwargs): ''' Creates a simple time series graph. Takes the output from getData (a list of Facts). Alternately, you can pass the same set of parameters that are passed to getData(). Takes an optional elements argument which expresses which elements to show. Also takes an optional showMissing argument which determines whether missing values (-9999.0) should be displayed. Also takes an optional lineWidth argument which lets you set lines heavier or lighter. Example: graph(data,elements=("temp","precip"),showMissing=False). Returns the plot object in case you want to customize the graph in some way. ''' from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory,ChartFrame from import TimeSeries,TimeSeriesCollection, Minute from java.awt import BasicStroke # Were we passed a dataset or parameters for obtaining a dataset? if len(data) == 3: station,date,element = data graph(getData(station,date,element)) return else: data = data[0] # unwrap from tuple showMissing = kwargs.get('showMissing',True) lineWidth = kwargs.get('lineWidth',2.0) title = kwargs.get('title',"Time series graph") elementsToShow = [ for e in findElements(kwargs.get('elements',""))] datasets = {} for fact in sorted(data): if fact.value in missingValues and not showMissing: continue station = str( element = if elementsToShow and element not in elementsToShow: continue series = station+":"+element date = fact.datetime hour = date.getHour() if fact.subhourlyTime is not None: subhourlyTime = int(fact.subhourlyTime) else: subhourlyTime = 0 if subhourlyTime == 60: # JFreeChart can't handle the 1-60 representation of minute in CRN subhourlyTime = 0 minute = Minute(subhourlyTime,hour,date.getDay(),date.getMonth()+1,date.getYear()) # JFreeChart's representation of time if series not in datasets: datasets[series] = TimeSeries(series) datasets[series].add(minute,float(fact.value)) timeSeriesCollection = TimeSeriesCollection() for dataset in datasets.values(): timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(dataset) chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("", "UTC Date", "Value", timeSeriesCollection, True, True, False) plot = chart.getPlot() r = plot.getRenderer() r.setStroke(BasicStroke(lineWidth)) frame = ChartFrame(title, chart) frame.pack() frame.setVisible(True) return plot
def plot(title, x_label, y_label, *curves): dataset = XYSeriesCollection() for legend, curve in curves: series = XYSeries(legend) for x, y in curve: series.add(x, y) dataset.addSeries(series) chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, x_label, y_label, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True, True, False) frame = ChartFrame(title, chart) frame.setVisible(True) frame.setSize(400, 300)
def createHistogram(data): ''' Creates a histogram from a list of arbitrary numerical data in range from 0..1''' from import DefaultCategoryDataset from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory,ChartFrame from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation from java.lang import Float numBins=20 datamin = min(data) datamax = max(data) #binsize = 1.01 / numBins bins = {} for d in data: binkey = round(d,1) bin = bins.setdefault(binkey,0) bins[binkey] = bin + 1 # Create dataset from bins dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset() # Ensure that bins exist even if they're empty i = datamin while i <= 1.0: bins.setdefault(round(float(i),1),0) i += .1 #print "Number of bins:",len(bins) for bin in sorted(bins): #print "bin:",bin,type(bin) dataset.addValue(bins[bin],"","%05.2f"%(bin)) # Create chart from dataset chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( "", # chart title "Bin", # domain axis label "Number of occurrences", # range axis label dataset, # data PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, # orientation True, # include legend True, # tooltips? False # URLs? ) plot = chart.getPlot() plot.getRenderer().setShadowVisible(False) frame = ChartFrame("Histogram", chart); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(True); return plot
def plot2D(points, Ca, Cb): maxIntensity = 255.0 dataset = XYSeriesCollection() seriesNN = XYSeries(channels[Ca+1]+" -ve "+channels[Cb+1]+" -ve") seriesPP = XYSeries(channels[Ca+1]+" +ve "+channels[Cb+1]+" +ve") seriesNP = XYSeries(channels[Ca+1]+" -ve "+channels[Cb+1]+" +ve") seriesPN = XYSeries(channels[Ca+1]+" +ve "+channels[Cb+1]+" -ve") for p in points: posA = channels[Ca+1] in thresholds and p[Ca]>thresholds[ channels[Ca+1] ] posB = channels[Cb+1] in thresholds and p[Cb]>thresholds[ channels[Cb+1] ] if posA and posB: seriesPP.add(p[Cb], p[Ca]) elif posA: seriesPN.add(p[Cb], p[Ca]) elif posB: seriesNP.add(p[Cb], p[Ca]) else: seriesNN.add(p[Cb], p[Ca]) dataset.addSeries(seriesNN) dataset.addSeries(seriesPN) dataset.addSeries(seriesNP) dataset.addSeries(seriesPP) chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot( title+" - "+channels[Cb+1]+" vs "+channels[Ca+1], channels[Cb+1], channels[Ca+1], dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, False,True,False ) plot = chart.getPlot() plot.getDomainAxis().setRange(Range(0.00, maxIntensity), True, False) plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(Range(0.00, maxIntensity), True, False) renderer = chart.getPlot().getRenderer() renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color(64,64,64)) #NN renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color(0,255,0)) #PN renderer.setSeriesPaint(2, Color(0,0,255)) #NP renderer.setSeriesPaint(3, Color(0,255,255)) #PP shape = Ellipse2D.Float(-1,-1,3,3) renderer.setSeriesShape(0, shape ) renderer.setSeriesShape(1, shape ) renderer.setSeriesShape(2, shape ) renderer.setSeriesShape(3, shape ) frame = ChartFrame(title+" - "+channels[Cb+1]+" vs "+channels[Ca+1], chart) frame.setSize(800, 800) frame.setLocationRelativeTo(None) frame.setVisible(True)
def graphArbitraryData(data,title=""): ''' Creates a line graph of arbitrary data (as opposed to the rather specific format used by graph()). Pass in a list of datapoints, each consisting of a 3-part tuple: (x,y,category). If you're only graphing one sort of data (ie you want a graph with one line), you can pass in any constant for category. Example (one category): data = [] for i in range(10): data.append((i,i*i,0)) graphArbitraryData(data) Example (multiple categories): data = [] for i in range(30): data.append((i,i*i,"squared")) data.append((i,i*i*i,"cubed")) graphArbitraryData(data) ''' from import DefaultCategoryDataset from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory, ChartFrame, ChartPanel from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation from import XYSeriesCollection, XYSeries datasets = {} # dict of all series # First, create the individual series from the data for item in data: seriesname = str(item[2]) if seriesname not in datasets: datasets[seriesname] = XYSeries(seriesname) datasets[seriesname].add(float(item[0]), float(item[1])); # Second, add those series to a collection datasetcollection = XYSeriesCollection() for key in datasets: datasetcollection.addSeries(datasets[key]) chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("","","",datasetcollection,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,True,True,False) frame = ChartFrame(title, chart); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(True); panel = ChartPanel(chart) return chart.getPlot()
def histogram(title, values): dataset = HistogramDataset() dataset.setType(HistogramType.RELATIVE_FREQUENCY) #NBINS = int(maths.sqrt(len(values))) #NBINS = int( (max(values)-min(values))/binW ) NBINS = 64 dataset.addSeries(title, values, NBINS) chart = ChartFactory.createHistogram(title, "Distance (nm)", "Relative Frequency", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, False, True, False) plot = chart.getXYPlot() renderer = plot.getRenderer() renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Colour.BLUE) painter = StandardXYBarPainter() renderer.setBarPainter(painter) frame = ChartFrame(title, chart) frame.setSize(1200, 800) frame.setLocationRelativeTo(None) frame.setVisible(True)
def measure(stack, cells, nuclei): time = [ (t-1)*cal.frameInterval for t in range(T+1) ] cellValues0 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] cellValues1 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] cellAreas0 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] cellAreas1 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] nucleusValues0 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] nucleusValues1 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] nucleusAreas0 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] nucleusAreas1 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] nonNucleusValues0 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] nonNucleusValues1 = [ 0.0 for t in range(T+1) ] for t in range(1,T+1): ip = stack.getProcessor(t) if cells[t] is None: continue #subtract background Z from all intensity Z measurements if cells [t] is None: print("Nocellsfound" + str(t)) bothCells = ShapeRoi(cells[t][0]).or(ShapeRoi(cells[t][1])) backRoi = ShapeRoi(Rectangle(0,0,imp.getWidth(),imp.getHeight())).not( bothCells ) ip.setRoi(backRoi) backMean = ip.getStatistics().mean ip.setRoi( cells[t][0] ) stats0 = ip.getStatistics() cellValues0[t] = stats0.mean - backMean cellAreas0[t] = stats0.area * cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight nuc0 = None for nuc in nuclei[t]: rect = nuc.getBounds() nx = int(rect.x+(rect.width/2.0)) ny = int(rect.y+(rect.height/2.0)) if cells[t][0].contains(nx,ny): nuc0 = nuc break if nuc0 is not None: ip.setRoi( nuc0 ) nucStats0 = ip.getStatistics() nucleusValues0[t] = nucStats0.mean - backMean nucleusAreas0[t] = nucStats0.area * cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight nuc0.setPosition(0,0,t) nuc0.setStrokeColor(Color.CYAN) ol.add(nuc0) nonnucRoi0 = ShapeRoi(cells[t][0]).not( ShapeRoi(nuc0) ) ip.setRoi( nonnucRoi0 ) nonNucleusValues0[t] = ip.getStatistics().mean - backMean ip.setRoi( cells[t][1] ) stats1 = ip.getStatistics() cellValues1[t] = stats1.mean - backMean cellAreas1[t] = stats1.area * cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight nuc1 = None for nuc in nuclei[t]: rect = nuc.getBounds() nx = int(rect.x+(rect.width/2.0)) ny = int(rect.y+(rect.height/2.0)) if cells[t][1].contains(nx,ny): nuc1 = nuc break if nuc1 is not None: ip.setRoi( nuc1 ) nucStats1 = ip.getStatistics() nucleusValues1[t] = nucStats1.mean - backMean nucleusAreas1[t] = nucStats1.area * cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight nuc1.setPosition(0,0,t) nuc1.setStrokeColor(Color.CYAN) ol.add(nuc1) nonnucRoi1 = ShapeRoi(cells[t][1]).not( ShapeRoi(nuc1) ) ip.setRoi( nonnucRoi1 ) nonNucleusValues1[t] = ip.getStatistics().mean - backMean rt = ResultsTable() rt.showRowNumbers(False) for t in range(1,T+1): rt.setValue("Time ("+cal.getTimeUnit()+")", t-1, IJ.d2s(time[t],1)) areaRatio = cellAreas0[t] / cellAreas1[t] if cellAreas0[t]>0 and cellAreas1[t]>0 else 0.0 rt.setValue("Cell 0:Cell 1 Area Ratio", t-1, areaRatio) nucleusRatio = nucleusValues0[t] / nucleusValues1[t] if nucleusValues0[t]>0 and nucleusValues1[t]>0 else 0.0 rt.setValue("Cell 0:Cell 1 Nucleus Ratio", t-1, nucleusRatio) nonNucleusRatio = nonNucleusValues0[t] / nonNucleusValues1[t] if nonNucleusValues0[t]>0 and nonNucleusValues1[t]>0 else 0.0 rt.setValue("Cell 0:Cell 1 Non-Nucleus Ratio", t-1, nonNucleusRatio) nnnRatio0 = nucleusValues0[t] / nonNucleusValues0[t] if nucleusValues0[t]>0 and nonNucleusValues0[t]>0 else 0.0 rt.setValue("Cell 0 Nucleus:Non-Nucleus Ratio", t-1, nnnRatio0) nnnRatio1 = nucleusValues1[t] / nonNucleusValues1[t] if nucleusValues1[t]>0 and nonNucleusValues1[t]>0 else 0.0 rt.setValue("Cell 1 Nucleus:Non-Nucleus Ratio", t-1, nnnRatio1) rt.setValue("Cell 0 (red) Area ("+cal.getUnit()+u"\u00b2"+")", t-1, cellAreas0[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 0 Nucleus Area ("+cal.getUnit()+u"\u00b2"+")", t-1, nucleusAreas0[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 0 All", t-1, cellValues0[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 0 Nucleus", t-1, nucleusValues0[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 0 Non-Nucleus", t-1, nonNucleusValues0[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 1 (green) Area ("+cal.getUnit()+u"\u00b2"+")", t-1, cellAreas1[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 1 Nucleus Area ("+cal.getUnit()+u"\u00b2"+")", t-1, nucleusAreas1[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 1 All", t-1, cellValues1[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 1 Nucleus", t-1, nucleusValues1[t]) rt.setValue("Cell 1 Non-Nucleus", t-1, nonNucleusValues1[t])"-Results") dataset = DefaultXYDataset() dataset.addSeries( "Cell 0", [time[1:], cellValues0[1:]] ) dataset.addSeries( "Cell 1", [time[1:], cellValues1[1:]] ) dataset.addSeries( "Nucleus 0", [time[1:], nucleusValues0[1:]] ) dataset.addSeries( "Nucleus 1", [time[1:], nucleusValues1[1:]] ) dataset.addSeries( "Non-Nucleus 0", [time[1:], nonNucleusValues0[1:]] ) dataset.addSeries( "Non-Nucleus 1", [time[1:], nonNucleusValues1[1:]] ) chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot( imp.getTitle(), "Time ("+cal.getTimeUnit()+")", "Intensity Z", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True,True,False ) plot = chart.getPlot() plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color(64, 128, 255)) plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.BLACK) plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.BLACK) renderer = plot.getRenderer() legend = LegendItemCollection() shapeR = 2.0 nucShape = Ellipse2D.Float(-shapeR,-shapeR,shapeR*2,shapeR*2) nonNucShape = Path2D.Float() nonNucShape.moveTo(-shapeR,-shapeR) nonNucShape.lineTo(shapeR,shapeR) nonNucShape.moveTo(shapeR,-shapeR) nonNucShape.lineTo(-shapeR,shapeR) for s in range(dataset.getSeriesCount()): if s == 0: renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(s, True) renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, False) renderer.setSeriesStroke(s, BasicStroke(1)) renderer.setSeriesPaint(s, Color.RED) legend.add( LegendItem("Cell 0", Color.RED) ) elif s == 1: renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(s, True) renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, False) renderer.setSeriesStroke(s, BasicStroke(1)) renderer.setSeriesPaint(s, Color.GREEN) legend.add( LegendItem("Cell 1", Color.GREEN) ) elif s == 2: renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(s, False) renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, True) renderer.setSeriesShape(s, nucShape) renderer.setSeriesPaint(s, Color.RED) elif s == 3: renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(s, False) renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, True) renderer.setSeriesShape(s, nucShape) renderer.setSeriesPaint(s, Color.GREEN) elif s == 4: renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(s, False) renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, True) renderer.setSeriesShape(s, nonNucShape) renderer.setSeriesPaint(s, Color.RED) elif s == 5: renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(s, False) renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, True) renderer.setSeriesShape(s, nonNucShape) renderer.setSeriesPaint(s, Color.GREEN) plot.setFixedLegendItems(legend) frame = ChartFrame(imp.getTitle()+" Z-Normalised Intensity", chart) frame.pack() frame.setSize( Dimension(800, 800) ) frame.setLocationRelativeTo(None) frame.setVisible(True)
def histogram(*data,**kwargs): ''' Creates a histogram. Takes the output from getData (a list of Facts), or alternately the same parameters that getData() takes. Takes an optional 'numBins=k' argument, where k specifies the number of bins. Returns the plot object in case you want to customize the graph in some way. Takes an optional 'title' argument. ''' # TODO: offset labels. from import DefaultCategoryDataset from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory,ChartFrame from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation from java.lang import Float # Were we passed a dataset or parameters for obtaining a dataset? if len(data) == 3: station,date,element = data histogram(getData(station,date,element),**kwargs) return else: data = data[0] # unwrap from tuple # Find min and max; decide on number of bins numBins=kwargs.get('numBins',16) datamin,datamax = _getminmax(data) binsize = abs((datamax - datamin) / (Decimal(numBins)*Decimal("0.999"))) # divide by .999; otherwise there's always a final bin with one member, the max if binsize == 0: raise Exception("Cannot create histogram; all values are equal to "+str(datamin)) title = kwargs.get('title',"Histogram") # Create bins based on value. stations = {} for d in data: if d.value in missingValues: continue binkey = round(float(datamin + binsize * int((d.value - datamin) / binsize)),2) name = d.station.getNameString()+", " bin = stations.setdefault(name,{}).setdefault(binkey,0) stations[name][binkey] = bin + 1 # Create dataset from bins dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset() for station in stations: # Ensure that bins exist even if they're empty i = datamin while i < datamax: stations[station].setdefault(round(float(i),2),0) i += binsize #print "Number of bins:",len(stations[station]) for bin in sorted(stations[station]): #print "bin:",bin,type(bin) dataset.addValue(stations[station][bin],station,Float(bin)) # Create chart from dataset chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( "", # chart title "Bin", # domain axis label "Number of occurrences", # range axis label dataset, # data PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, # orientation True, # include legend True, # tooltips? False # URLs? ) plot = chart.getPlot() plot.getRenderer().setShadowVisible(False) frame = ChartFrame(title, chart); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(True); return plot
def scatter(data,x=None,y=None,**kwargs): ''' Creates a scatter plot comparing two elements. At minimum, takes a collection of data. The second and third arguments, if they exist, are treated as the two elements to compare. If these arguments do not exist, the first two elements in the list are compared. If an optional regress=True argument is present, superimposes a linear regression for each series and prints some related info (R-value etc). Note that scatter plots can be zoomed with the mouse. Returns the plot object in case you want to customize the graph in some way. Takes an optional showMissing argument which determines whether missing values (-9999.0) should be displayed. Examples: scatter(data), scatter(data,"tmin","tmax",regress=True) ''' from import XYSeriesCollection,XYSeries from import UnknownKeyException from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory,ChartFrame from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation,DatasetRenderingOrder from org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy import XYLineAndShapeRenderer from java.awt import Color regress=kwargs.get('regress',False) showMissing=kwargs.get('showMissing',False) # Try to be flexible about element parameters if x is not None: x = findElement(x).name if y is not None: y = findElement(y).name # Create a dataset from the data collection = XYSeriesCollection() for ob in data.groupedByObservation().items(): key,values = ob name = str(key[0]) if x==None: x = values[0] try: xFact = (i for i in values if == x).next() except StopIteration: # missing value continue xval = xFact.value if xval in missingValues and not showMissing: continue if y==None: try: y = values[1] except IndexError: raise Exception("Error! Your data request returned only 1 value per observation. " "Must have 2 values to generate a scatter plot.") try: yFact = (i for i in values if == y).next() except StopIteration: # missing value continue yval = yFact.value if yval in missingValues and not showMissing: continue try: series = collection.getSeries(name) except UnknownKeyException: collection.addSeries(XYSeries(name)) series = collection.getSeries(name) series.add(float(xval),float(yval)) # Create chart from dataset chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot( "", x, y, collection, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True, True, False ); plot = chart.getPlot() frame = ChartFrame("Scatter Plot", chart); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(True); # Superimpose regression if desired if regress: regressioncollection = XYSeriesCollection() for series in collection.getSeries(): regression = _getregression(series) x1 = series.getMinX() y1 = regression.predict(x1) x2 = series.getMaxX() y2 = regression.predict(x2) regressionseries = XYSeries(series.getKey()) regressionseries.add(float(x1),float(y1)) regressionseries.add(float(x2),float(y2)) regressioncollection.addSeries(regressionseries) print series.getKey(),":" print " R: %8.4f" % regression.getR() print " R-squared: %8.4f" % regression.getRSquare() print " Significance: %8.4f" % regression.getSignificance() print plot.setDataset(1,regressioncollection) regressionRenderer = XYLineAndShapeRenderer(True,False) plot.setRenderer(1,regressionRenderer) plot.setDatasetRenderingOrder(DatasetRenderingOrder.FORWARD); colors = [0xec0000,0x58b911,0x6886ea,0xedd612,0xa93bb9,0xffb71b,0xe200df,0x1de2b6,0xdc91db,0x383838,0xb09344,0x4ea958,0xd78c9e,0x64008d,0xb0c95b] mainRenderer = plot.getRenderer(0) for i in range(collection.getSeriesCount()): try: mainRenderer.setSeriesPaint(i,Color(colors[i])) regressionRenderer.setSeriesPaint(i,Color(colors[i])) except IndexError: # Finite # of colors in the color array; beyond that let jfreechart pick break ''' # Jump through some hoops to ensure regressions are same color as scatters for each series. # Initially: doesn't work because series are not indexed the same. And I don't see a way # to get the actual series from the renderer in order to compare names or something. mainRenderer = plot.getRenderer(0) print "Renderer is",type(mainRenderer) index = 0 paint = mainRenderer.lookupSeriesPaint(index) print "Paint is",type(paint) while (paint is not None): print "Setting paint." regressionRenderer.setSeriesPaint(index,paint) index += 1 paint = mainRenderer.getSeriesPaint(index) ''' return plot