def createHistogram(data):
    ''' Creates a histogram from a list of arbitrary numerical data in range from 0..1'''
    from import DefaultCategoryDataset
    from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory,ChartFrame
    from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation
    from java.lang import Float
    datamin = min(data)
    datamax = max(data)
    #binsize = 1.01 / numBins

    bins = {}
    for d in data:
        binkey = round(d,1)
        bin = bins.setdefault(binkey,0)
        bins[binkey] = bin + 1
    # Create dataset from bins
    dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset()

    # Ensure that bins exist even if they're empty
    i = datamin
    while i <= 1.0:
        i += .1
    #print "Number of bins:",len(bins)
    for bin in sorted(bins):
        #print "bin:",bin,type(bin)
    # Create chart from dataset
    chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(
                "", # chart title
                "Bin", # domain axis label
                "Number of occurrences", # range axis label
                dataset, # data
                PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, # orientation
                True, # include legend
                True, # tooltips?
                False # URLs?
    plot = chart.getPlot()
    frame = ChartFrame("Histogram", chart);
    return plot
Exemple #2
def category(data, name="", xlabel="", ylabel="", stacked=False, trid=False):
  Creates a category bar chart.
  *data* is a ``dict`` whose keys are category names and whose values are 
  numerical (the height of the bar). 

  To plot multiple series *data* is specified as a ``dict`` whose keys are 
  series names and values are a ``dict`` of category names to numerical values.

  Setting *stacked* to ``True`` results in a stacked bar char. Setting *trid*
  to ``True`` results in a 3D bar chart.
    dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset()
    for k, v in data.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            for k2, v2 in v.iteritems():
                dataset.addValue(v2, k2, k)
            dataset.addValue(v, "", k)

    if trid:
        if stacked:
            chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart3D(
                name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True, True, True
            chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D(
                name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True, True, True
        if stacked:
            chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart(
                name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True, True, True
            chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(
                name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True, True, True
    return Chart(chart)
	def generatePlotPanel(self, plotTitle, listData):
		1) Create a CategoryDataset
		2) Create a BarChart (or  Create a BarPlot and put it in a JFreeChart)
		3) Put the BarChart in a ChartPanel
		# Get a dictionary of value occurence in the list {value1:count, value2:count...}
		dataDico = Counter(listData)
		#print dataDico # value: counts OK
		# Create a Pie dataset from the dicoData
		dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset() 
		for key, value in dataDico.items(): 
			#print key, value 
			dataset.setValue(value, key, "") 
		# Create an instance of JFreeChart 	
		chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(plotTitle, "Categories", "Count", dataset) 
		# Alternative way
		#piePlot = PiePlot(pieDataset)
		#chart   = JFreeChart(plotTitle, piePlot)
		return ChartPanel(chart)
Exemple #4
def category(data, name='', xlabel='', ylabel='', stacked=False, trid=False):
  Creates a category bar chart.
  *data* is a ``dict`` whose keys are category names and whose values are 
  numerical (the height of the bar). 

  To plot multiple series *data* is specified as a ``dict`` whose keys are 
  series names and values are a ``dict`` of category names to numerical values.

  Setting *stacked* to ``True`` results in a stacked bar char. Setting *trid*
  to ``True`` results in a 3D bar chart.
    dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset()
    for k, v in data.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            for k2, v2 in v.iteritems():
                dataset.addValue(v2, k2, k)
            dataset.addValue(v, "", k)

    if trid:
        if stacked:
            chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart3D(
                name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True,
                True, True)
            chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D(name, xlabel, ylabel,
                                                  True, True, True)
        if stacked:
            chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart(
                name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True,
                True, True)
            chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(name, xlabel, ylabel, dataset,
                                                PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, True,
                                                True, True)
    return Chart(chart)
from import File, FileOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter

from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory
from org.jfree.chart.axis import NumberAxis
from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation
from org.jfree.chart.renderer.category import StandardBarPainter, BarRenderer
from import DefaultCategoryDataset
from org.jfree.chart.labels import StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator, ItemLabelPosition, ItemLabelAnchor
from org.jfree.ui import RectangleInsets, TextAnchor

from org.apache.batik.dom import GenericDOMImplementation
from org.apache.batik.svggen import SVGGraphics2D

#Define the dataset
dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset()
dataset.addValue(25, 'S1', 'Slide XXX')#Value, serie name, X label
dataset.addValue(40, 'S1', 'Slide YYY')
dataset.addValue(60, 'S1', 'Slide ZZZ')

# Plot Chart #
#chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart(None,'Slide','% Brown Area',dataset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,False,True,False)
chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("% Brown Area per Slide", 'Slide', '% Brown Area', dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, False,True,False)
# set the background color for the chart...

plot = chart.getPlot()
Exemple #6
def histogram(*data,**kwargs):
    ''' Creates a histogram. Takes the output from getData (a list of Facts), or alternately the
        same parameters that getData() takes. Takes an optional 'numBins=k' argument, where k
        specifies the number of bins. Returns the plot object in case you want to customize the 
        graph in some way. Takes an optional 'title' argument.
    # TODO: offset labels.
    from import DefaultCategoryDataset
    from org.jfree.chart import ChartFactory,ChartFrame
    from org.jfree.chart.plot import PlotOrientation
    from java.lang import Float
    # Were we passed a dataset or parameters for obtaining a dataset?
    if len(data) == 3:
        station,date,element = data
        data = data[0] # unwrap from tuple
    # Find min and max; decide on number of bins
    datamin,datamax = _getminmax(data)
    binsize = abs((datamax - datamin) / (Decimal(numBins)*Decimal("0.999"))) # divide by .999; otherwise there's always a final bin with one member, the max
    if binsize == 0: 
        raise Exception("Cannot create histogram; all values are equal to "+str(datamin))
    title = kwargs.get('title',"Histogram")
    # Create bins based on value.
    stations = {}
    for d in data:
        if d.value in missingValues: continue
        binkey = round(float(datamin + binsize * int((d.value - datamin) / binsize)),2)
        name = d.station.getNameString()+", "
        bin = stations.setdefault(name,{}).setdefault(binkey,0)
        stations[name][binkey] = bin + 1
    # Create dataset from bins
    dataset = DefaultCategoryDataset()
    for station in stations:
        # Ensure that bins exist even if they're empty
        i = datamin
        while i < datamax:
            i += binsize
        #print "Number of bins:",len(stations[station])
        for bin in sorted(stations[station]):
            #print "bin:",bin,type(bin)
    # Create chart from dataset
    chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(
                "", # chart title
                "Bin", # domain axis label
                "Number of occurrences", # range axis label
                dataset, # data
                PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, # orientation
                True, # include legend
                True, # tooltips?
                False # URLs?
    plot = chart.getPlot()
    frame = ChartFrame(title, chart);
    return plot