Exemple #1
    def finalize_options(self):
        if self.plat_name is None:
            self.plat_name = get_platform()
            # plat-name only supported for windows (other platforms are
            # supported via ./configure flags, if at all).  Avoid misleading
            # other platforms.
            if os.name != 'nt':
                raise DistutilsOptionError(
                            "--plat-name only supported on Windows (try "
                            "using './configure --help' on your platform)")

        plat_specifier = ".%s-%s" % (self.plat_name, sys.version[0:3])

        # Make it so Python 2.x and Python 2.x with --with-pydebug don't
        # share the same build directories. Doing so confuses the build
        # process for C modules
        if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'):
            plat_specifier += '-pydebug'

        # 'build_purelib' and 'build_platlib' just default to 'lib' and
        # 'lib.<plat>' under the base build directory.  We only use one of
        # them for a given distribution, though --
        if self.build_purelib is None:
            self.build_purelib = os.path.join(self.build_base, 'lib')
        if self.build_platlib is None:
            self.build_platlib = os.path.join(self.build_base,
                                              'lib' + plat_specifier)

        # 'build_lib' is the actual directory that we will use for this
        # particular module distribution -- if user didn't supply it, pick
        # one of 'build_purelib' or 'build_platlib'.
        if self.build_lib is None:
            if self.distribution.ext_modules:
                self.build_lib = self.build_platlib
                self.build_lib = self.build_purelib

        # 'build_temp' -- temporary directory for compiler turds,
        # "build/temp.<plat>"
        if self.build_temp is None:
            self.build_temp = os.path.join(self.build_base,
                                           'temp' + plat_specifier)
        if self.build_scripts is None:
            self.build_scripts = os.path.join(self.build_base,
                                              'scripts-' + sys.version[0:3])

        if self.executable is None:
            if not sys.executable is None:
                self.executable = os.path.normpath(sys.executable)
                from org.python.core import Py
                self.executable = Py.getDefaultExecutableName()
Exemple #2
    def finalize_options(self):
        if self.plat_name is None:
            self.plat_name = get_platform()
            # plat-name only supported for windows (other platforms are
            # supported via ./configure flags, if at all).  Avoid misleading
            # other platforms.
            if os.name != 'nt':
                raise DistutilsOptionError(
                    "--plat-name only supported on Windows (try "
                    "using './configure --help' on your platform)")

        plat_specifier = ".%s-%s" % (self.plat_name, sys.version[0:3])

        # Make it so Python 2.x and Python 2.x with --with-pydebug don't
        # share the same build directories. Doing so confuses the build
        # process for C modules
        if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'):
            plat_specifier += '-pydebug'

        # 'build_purelib' and 'build_platlib' just default to 'lib' and
        # 'lib.<plat>' under the base build directory.  We only use one of
        # them for a given distribution, though --
        if self.build_purelib is None:
            self.build_purelib = os.path.join(self.build_base, 'lib')
        if self.build_platlib is None:
            self.build_platlib = os.path.join(self.build_base,
                                              'lib' + plat_specifier)

        # 'build_lib' is the actual directory that we will use for this
        # particular module distribution -- if user didn't supply it, pick
        # one of 'build_purelib' or 'build_platlib'.
        if self.build_lib is None:
            if self.distribution.ext_modules:
                self.build_lib = self.build_platlib
                self.build_lib = self.build_purelib

        # 'build_temp' -- temporary directory for compiler turds,
        # "build/temp.<plat>"
        if self.build_temp is None:
            self.build_temp = os.path.join(self.build_base,
                                           'temp' + plat_specifier)
        if self.build_scripts is None:
            self.build_scripts = os.path.join(self.build_base,
                                              'scripts-' + sys.version[0:3])

        if self.executable is None:
            if not sys.executable is None:
                self.executable = os.path.normpath(sys.executable)
                from org.python.core import Py
                self.executable = Py.getDefaultExecutableName()