def __createSimpleGridOptions(self) -> BoxSizer: szrSimple: BoxSizer = BoxSizer(VERTICAL) cbEnableBackgroundGrid: CheckBox = CheckBox( self, self.enableBackgroundGridID, _('Enable Background Grid')) cbSnapToGrid: CheckBox = CheckBox(self, self.snapToGridID, _('Snap to Grid')) box: StaticBox = StaticBox(self, ID_ANY, _("Grid Interval")) szrGridInterval: StaticBoxSizer = StaticBoxSizer( box, HORIZONTAL | ALIGN_LEFT) scGridInterval: SpinCtrl = SpinCtrl(self, self.scGridIntervalID, "") szrGridInterval.Add(scGridInterval, 0, LEFT | RIGHT, BackgroundPreferences.HORIZONTAL_GAP) szrSimple.Add(cbEnableBackgroundGrid, 0, LEFT | RIGHT, BackgroundPreferences.VERTICAL_GAP) szrSimple.Add(cbSnapToGrid, 0, LEFT | BOTTOM, BackgroundPreferences.VERTICAL_GAP) szrSimple.AddSpacer(BackgroundPreferences.VERTICAL_GAP) szrSimple.Add(szrGridInterval, 0, LEFT | RIGHT | TOP, BackgroundPreferences.VERTICAL_GAP) self._cbEnableBackgroundGrid: CheckBox = cbEnableBackgroundGrid self._cbSnapToGrid: CheckBox = cbSnapToGrid self._scGridInterval: SpinCtrl = scGridInterval return szrSimple
def onToolPlugin(self, event: CommandEvent): """ Args: event: """ # Create a plugin instance wxId: int = event.GetId() self.logger.warning(f'{wxId=}') clazz: type = self._toolPluginsMap[wxId] pluginInstance: PyutToPlugin = clazz(self._mediator.getUmlObjects(), self._mediator.getUmlFrame()) # Do plugin functionality BeginBusyCursor() try: pluginInstance.callDoAction() self.logger.debug(f"After tool plugin do action") except (ValueError, Exception) as e: PyutUtils.displayError( _("An error occurred while executing the selected plugin"), _("Error...")) self.logger.error(f'{e}') EndBusyCursor() # Refresh screen umlFrame = self._mediator.getUmlFrame() if umlFrame is not None: umlFrame.Refresh()
def onHelpVersion(self, event: CommandEvent): """ Check for newer version. Args: event: """ from org.pyut.general.PyutVersion import PyutVersion from org.pyut.general.GithubAdapter import GithubAdapter from org.pyut.general.SemanticVersion import SemanticVersion wxBeginBusyCursor() githubAdapter: GithubAdapter = GithubAdapter() latestVersion: SemanticVersion = githubAdapter.getLatestVersionNumber() myVersion: SemanticVersion = SemanticVersion( PyutVersion.getPyUtVersion()) if myVersion < latestVersion: msg = _("PyUt version ") + str(latestVersion) + _( " is available on") else: msg = _("No newer version yet !") wxEndBusyCursor() wxYield() PyutUtils.displayInformation(msg, _("Check for newer version"), self._parent)
def _OnMnuHelpVersion(self, event: CommandEvent): """ Check for newer version. Args: event: """ # Init FILE_TO_CHECK = "" # TODO FIXME :-) # Get file -- Python 3 update f = request.urlopen(FILE_TO_CHECK) lstFile = f.readlines() f.close() # Verify data coherence if lstFile[0][:15] != "Last version = " or lstFile[ 1][:15] != "Old versions = ": msg = "Incorrect file on server" else: latestVersion = lstFile[0][15:] oldestVersions = lstFile[1][15:].split() print(oldestVersions) from org.pyut.general.PyutVersion import PyutVersion v = PyutVersion.getPyUtVersion() if v in oldestVersions: msg = _("PyUt version ") + str(latestVersion) + _( " is available on") else: msg = _("No newer version yet !") # Display dialog box PyutUtils.displayInformation(msg, _("Check for newer version"), self)
def doAction(self, umlObjects: List[OglObject], selectedObjects: List[OglObject], umlFrame: UmlFrame): """ Args: umlObjects: list of the uml objects of the diagram selectedObjects: list of the selected objects umlFrame: the frame of the diagram """ if len(selectedObjects) != 1: dlg = MessageDialog(None, _("You must select at most a single class"), _("Warning"), OK | ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return filename: str = ToFastEdit.FAST_EDIT_TEMP_FILE file: TextIO = open(filename, "w") self.write(selectedObjects[0], file) file.close() if sysPlatform == PyutConstants.THE_GREAT_MAC_PLATFORM: osSystem(f'open -W -a {self._editor} {filename}') else: osSystem(f'{self._editor} {filename}') file = open(filename, "r")[0], file) file.close() self._setProjectModified() self._cleanupTempFile()
def insertFile(self, filename): """ Insert a file in the current project Args: filename: filename of the project to insert """ # Get current project project = self._currentProject # Save number of initial documents nbInitialDocuments = len(project.getDocuments()) # Load data... if not project.insertProject(filename): PyutUtils.displayError(_("The specified file can't be loaded !")) return False # ... if not self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): try: for document in project.getDocuments()[nbInitialDocuments:]: self.__notebook.AddPage(document.getFrame(), document.getFullyQualifiedName()) self.__notebookCurrentPage = self.__notebook.GetPageCount()-1 self.__notebook.SetSelection(self.__notebookCurrentPage) except (ValueError, Exception) as e: PyutUtils.displayError(_(f"An error occurred while adding the project to the notebook {e}")) return False # Select first frame as current frame if len(project.getDocuments()) > nbInitialDocuments: self._frame = project.getDocuments()[nbInitialDocuments].getFrame()
def __init__(self, parent: Window, dialogIdentifier, pyutNote: PyutNote): """ Args: parent: parent window to center on dialogIdentifier: An identifier for the dialog pyutNote: Model object we are editing """ super().__init__(parent, dialogIdentifier, _("Note Edit")) self._pyutNote: PyutNote = pyutNote label: StaticText = StaticText(self, ID_ANY, _("Note text")) self._txtCtrl: TextCtrl = TextCtrl(self, TXT_NOTE, self._pyutNote.content, size=(400, 180), style=TE_MULTILINE) self._txtCtrl.SetFocus() self._setupMainDialogLayout(self._txtCtrl, label) self.Bind(EVT_TEXT, self._onTxtNoteChange, id=TXT_NOTE) self.Centre()
def __initCtrl(self): """ Initialize the controls. """ # IDs [self.__editorID] = PyutUtils.assignID(1) sizer = BoxSizer(VERTICAL) self.__lblEditor = StaticText(self, -1, _("Editor")) self.__txtEditor = TextCtrl(self, -1, size=(100, 20)) sizer.Add(self.__lblEditor, 0, ALL, DlgFastEditOptions.GAP) sizer.Add(self.__txtEditor, 0, ALL, DlgFastEditOptions.GAP) hs = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) btnOk = Button(self, ID_OK, _("&OK")) hs.Add(btnOk, 0, ALL, DlgFastEditOptions.GAP) sizer.Add(hs, 0, CENTER) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) sizer.SetSizeHints(self) btnOk.SetDefault() self.Bind(EVT_TEXT, self.__OnText, id=self.__editorID) self.__setValues() self.Center() self.__changed: bool = False
def onFileInsertProject(self, event: CommandEvent): """ Insert a project into this one Args: event: """ PyutUtils.displayWarning(_("The project insert is experimental, " "use it at your own risk.\n" "You risk a shapes ID duplicate with " "unexpected results !"), parent=self) if (self._treeNotebookHandler.getCurrentProject()) is None: PyutUtils.displayError(_("No project to insert this file into !")) return # Ask which project to insert defaultDirectory: str = self._currentDirectoryHandler.currentDirectory dlg = FileDialog(self._parent, _("Choose a project"), defaultDirectory, "", "*.put", FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() != ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return False self._currentDirectoryHandler.currentDirectory = dlg.GetPath() filename = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() self.logger.warning(f'inserting file: {filename}') # Insert the specified files try: self._treeNotebookHandler.insertFile(filename) except (ValueError, Exception) as e: PyutUtils.displayError(_(f"An error occurred while loading the project! {e}"))
def doAction(self, umlObjects: List[OglObject], selectedObjects: List[OglClass], umlFrame: UmlFrame): """ Args: umlObjects: list of the uml objects of the diagram selectedObjects: list of the selected objects umlFrame: the frame of the diagram """ if len(selectedObjects) != 1: dlg: MessageDialog = MessageDialog( None, _("You must select at most a single class"), _("Warning"), OK | ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return oglClass: OglClass = selectedObjects[0] if isinstance(oglClass, OglClass) is False: dlg = MessageDialog(None, _('Must be a UML Class'), _('Bad Selection'), OK | ICON_ERROR | CENTER) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return filename: str = ToFastEdit.FAST_EDIT_TEMP_FILE self._writeTempTextFileForEditor(filename, oglClass) self._launchAppropriateEditor(filename) self._readTheModifiedTextFile(filename, oglClass) self._setProjectModified() self._cleanupTempFile()
def OnLeftDClick(self, event): """ """ dlg = TextEntryDialog(None, _("Message"), _("Enter message"), self._pyutObject.getInstanceName(), OK | CANCEL | CENTRE) if dlg.ShowModal() == ID_OK: self._pyutObject.setInstanceName(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy()
def __init__(self): """ """ super().__init__(None, _("Are you sure you want to remove this link ?"), _("Remove link confirmation"), style=YES_NO | ICON_QUESTION | NO_DEFAULT)
def OnToolPlugin(self, event: CommandEvent): """ Args: event: """ # Create a plugin instance cl = self.plugins[event.GetId()] obj = cl(self._ctrl.getUmlObjects(), self._ctrl.getUmlFrame()) # Do plugin functionality BeginBusyCursor() try: obj.callDoAction() self.logger.debug(f"After tool plugin do action") except (ValueError, Exception) as e: PyutUtils.displayError( _("An error occurred while executing the selected plugin"), _("Error..."), self) self.logger.error(f'{e}') EndBusyCursor() # Refresh screen umlFrame = self._ctrl.getUmlFrame() if umlFrame is not None: umlFrame.Refresh()
def __init__(self, parent: Window, dialogIdentifier, document: PyutDocument): """ Args: parent: The parent window dialogIdentifier An identifier for the dialog document: The UML document we want to edit """ super().__init__(parent, dialogIdentifier, _("Document Edit")) self.logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__) self._document: PyutDocument = document label: StaticText = StaticText(self, ID_ANY, _("Document Name")) self._nameEntry: TextCtrl = TextCtrl(parent=self, id=TXT_DOCUMENT_NAME, value=document.title) self._nameEntry.SetFocus() self._setupMainDialogLayout(self._nameEntry, label) self.Bind(EVT_TEXT, self._onDocumentNameChange, id=TXT_DOCUMENT_NAME) self.Centre() self.ShowModal()
def _createMethodInformation(self) -> FlexGridSizer: # Txt Ctrl Name lblName: StaticText = StaticText(self, ID_ANY, _("Name")) self._txtName: TextCtrl = TextCtrl(self, ID_TXT_METHOD_NAME, "", size=(125, -1)) self.Bind(EVT_TEXT, self._evtMethodText, id=ID_TXT_METHOD_NAME) # Txt Ctrl Modifiers lblModifiers: StaticText = StaticText(self, ID_ANY, _("Modifiers")) self._txtModifiers: TextCtrl = TextCtrl(self, ID_ANY, "", size=(125, -1)) # Txt Ctrl Return Type lblReturn: StaticText = StaticText(self, ID_ANY, _("Return type")) self._txtReturn: TextCtrl = TextCtrl(self, ID_ANY, "", size=(125, -1)) methodInfoContainer: FlexGridSizer = FlexGridSizer(cols=3, hgap=6, vgap=6) methodInfoContainer.AddMany([ lblName, lblModifiers, lblReturn, self._txtName, self._txtModifiers, self._txtReturn ]) return methodInfoContainer
def _createDialogButtonsContainer(self, buttons=OK) -> BoxSizer: """ Override base class with our custom version Args: buttons: Unused in our implementation. Returns: The container """ self._btnMethodCode: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_METHOD_CODE, _('C&ode')) self._btnMethodOk: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_METHOD_OK, _('&Ok')) self._btnMethodCancel: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_METHOD_CANCEL, _('&Cancel')) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onMethodCode, id=ID_BTN_METHOD_CODE) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onMethodOk, id=ID_BTN_METHOD_OK) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onMethodCancel, id=ID_BTN_METHOD_CANCEL) self._btnMethodOk.SetDefault() szrButtons: BoxSizer = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) szrButtons.Add(self._btnMethodCode, 0, ALL, 5) szrButtons.Add(self._btnMethodOk, 0, ALL, 5) szrButtons.Add(self._btnMethodCancel, 0, ALL, 5) return szrButtons
def _createParameterButtonsContainer(self) -> BoxSizer: self._btnParamAdd: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_PARAM_ADD, _("&Add")) self._btnParamEdit: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_PARAM_EDIT, _("&Edit")) self._btnParamRemove: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_PARAM_REMOVE, _("&Remove")) self._btnParamUp: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_PARAM_UP, _("&Up")) self._btnParamDown: Button = Button(self, ID_BTN_PARAM_DOWN, _("&Down")) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onParamAdd, id=ID_BTN_PARAM_ADD) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onParamEdit, id=ID_BTN_PARAM_EDIT) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onParamRemove, id=ID_BTN_PARAM_REMOVE) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onParamUp, id=ID_BTN_PARAM_UP) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onParamDown, id=ID_BTN_PARAM_DOWN) szrParamButtons: BoxSizer = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) szrParamButtons.Add(self._btnParamAdd, 0, ALL, 5) szrParamButtons.Add(self._btnParamEdit, 0, ALL, 5) szrParamButtons.Add(self._btnParamRemove, 0, ALL, 5) szrParamButtons.Add(self._btnParamUp, 0, ALL, 5) szrParamButtons.Add(self._btnParamDown, 0, ALL, 5) return szrParamButtons
def __OnCheckBox(self, event: CommandEvent): """ """ self.__changed = True eventID = event.GetId() val = event.IsChecked() if eventID == self.__autoResizeID: self.__prefs[PyutPreferences.AUTO_RESIZE_SHAPE_ON_EDIT] = val elif eventID == self.__showParamsID: self.__ctrl.showParams(val) self.__prefs[PyutPreferences.SHOW_PARAMETERS] = val elif eventID == self.__maximizeID: self.__prefs[PyutPreferences.FULL_SCREEN] = val elif eventID == self.__showTipsID: self.__prefs[PyutPreferences.SHOW_TIPS_ON_STARTUP] = val elif eventID == self.__centerDiagramID: self.__prefs.centerAppOnStartup = val self.__setPositionControls() dlg = MessageDialog( self, _("You must restart Pyut for position changes"), _("Warning"), OK | ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: self.logger.warning(f'Unknown combo box ID: {eventID}')
def removeDocument(self, document, confirmation=True): """ Remove a given document from the project. Args: document: PyutDocument to remove from this project confirmation: If `True` ask for confirmation """ frame = document.getFrame() if confirmation: self._mediator.getFileHandling().showFrame(frame) dlg = MessageDialog(self._mediator.getUmlFrame(), _("Are you sure to remove the document ?"), _("Remove a document from a project"), YES_NO) if dlg.ShowModal() == ID_NO: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() # Remove references fileHandling = self._mediator.getFileHandling() fileHandling.removeAllReferencesToUmlFrame(frame) document.removeFromTree() # Remove document from documents list self._documents.remove(document)
def closeCurrentProject(self): """ Close the current project Returns: True if everything is ok """ if self._currentProject is None and self._currentFrame is not None: self._currentProject = self.getProjectFromFrame(self._currentFrame) if self._currentProject is None: PyutUtils.displayError(_("No frame to close !"), _("Error...")) return False # Display warning if we are in scripting mode if self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): self.logger.warning( "WARNING : in script mode, the non-saved projects are closed without warning" ) # Close the file if self._currentProject.getModified( ) is True and not self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): frame = self._currentProject.getFrames()[0] frame.SetFocus() self.showFrame(frame) dlg = MessageDialog( self.__parent, _("Your project has not been saved. " "Would you like to save it ?"), _("Save changes ?"), YES_NO | ICON_QUESTION) if dlg.ShowModal() == ID_YES: if self.saveFile() is False: return False # Remove the frame in the notebook if not self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): pages = list(range(self.__notebook.GetPageCount())) pages.reverse() for i in pages: pageFrame = self.__notebook.GetPage(i) if pageFrame in self._currentProject.getFrames(): self.__notebook.DeletePage(i) self._currentProject.removeFromTree() self._projects.remove(self._currentProject) self.logger.debug(f'{self._currentProject.getFilename()=}') self._currentProject = None self._currentFrame = None nbrProjects: int = len(self._projects) self.logger.debug(f'{nbrProjects=}') if nbrProjects > 0: self.__updateTreeNotebookIfPossible(project=self._projects[0]) self._mediator.updateTitle() return True
def __init__(self, parent, ID, pyutUseCase): """ Constructor. @since 1.0 @author Philippe Waelti <*****@*****.**> """ super().__init__(parent, ID, _("Use Case Edit"), style=RESIZE_BORDER | CAPTION) # Associated PyutUseCase self._pyutUseCase = pyutUseCase self.SetAutoLayout(True) self._text = self._pyutUseCase.getName() self._returnAction = -1 # describe how the user exited the dialog box label = StaticText(self, -1, _("Use case text")) self._txtCtrl = TextCtrl(self, TXT_USECASE, self._text, size=(400, 180), style=TE_MULTILINE) self._txtCtrl.SetFocus() # text events self.Bind(EVT_TEXT, self._onTxtChange, id=TXT_USECASE) btnOk = Button(self, OK, _("&Ok")) btnOk.SetDefault() btnCancel = Button(self, CANCEL, _("&Cancel")) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onCmdOk, id=OK) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self._onCmdCancel, id=CANCEL) szrButtons = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) szrButtons.Add(btnOk, 0, RIGHT, 10) szrButtons.Add(btnCancel, 0, ALL) szrMain = BoxSizer(VERTICAL) szrMain.Add(label, 0, BOTTOM, 5) szrMain.Add(self._txtCtrl, 1, EXPAND | BOTTOM, 10) szrMain.Add(szrButtons, 0, ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) # Border szrBorder = BoxSizer(VERTICAL) szrBorder.Add(szrMain, 1, EXPAND | ALL, 10) self.SetSizer(szrBorder) szrBorder.Fit(self) self.Centre() self.ShowModal()
def _OnMnuRedo(self, event: CommandEvent): """ Args: event: """ if (self._mainFileHandlingUI.getCurrentFrame()) is None: PyutUtils.displayWarning(msg=_('No selected frame'), title=_('Huh!')) return self._mainFileHandlingUI.getCurrentFrame().getHistory().redo()
def OnLeftDClick(self, event): """ Callback for left double clicks. """ dlg = TextEntryDialog(None, _("Message"), _("Enter message"), self._pyutSDMessage.getMessage(), OK | CANCEL | CENTRE) if dlg.ShowModal() == ID_OK: self._pyutSDMessage.setMessage(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy()
def _initializeAddHierarchySubMenu(self, mnuEdit: Menu) -> Menu: sub: Menu = Menu() sub.Append(SharedIdentifiers.ID_MNU_ADD_PYUT_HIERARCHY, _("&Pyut"), _("Add the UML Diagram of Pyut")) sub.Append(SharedIdentifiers.ID_MNU_ADD_OGL_HIERARCHY, _("&Ogl"), _("Add the UML Diagram of Pyut - Ogl")) mnuEdit.Append(NewIdRef(), _('Add Hierarchy'), sub) return mnuEdit
def write(self, oglObjects: List[OglClass]): """ Args: oglObjects: """ directory = self._askForDirectoryExport() if directory == "": return False"IoPython Saving...") classes: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} generatedClassDoc: List[str] = self._pyutToPython.generateTopCode() # Create classes code for each object for oglClass in [oglObject for oglObject in oglObjects if isinstance(oglObject, OglClass)]: oglClass: OglClass = cast(OglClass, oglClass) pyutClass: PyutClass = oglClass.getPyutObject() generatedStanza: str = self._pyutToPython.generateClassStanza(pyutClass) generatedClassCode: List[str] = [generatedStanza] clsMethods: PyutToPython.MethodsCodeType = self._pyutToPython.generateMethodsCode(pyutClass) # Add __init__ Method if PyutToPython.SPECIAL_PYTHON_CONSTRUCTOR in clsMethods: methodCode = clsMethods[PyutToPython.SPECIAL_PYTHON_CONSTRUCTOR] generatedClassCode += methodCode del clsMethods[PyutToPython.SPECIAL_PYTHON_CONSTRUCTOR] # Add others methods in order for pyutMethod in pyutClass.methods: methodName: str = pyutMethod.getName() if methodName != PyutToPython.SPECIAL_PYTHON_CONSTRUCTOR: try: methodCode: List[str] = clsMethods[methodName] generatedClassCode += methodCode except (ValueError, Exception, KeyError) as e: self.logger.warning(f'{e}') generatedClassCode.append("\n\n") # Save to classes dictionary classes[pyutClass.getName()] = generatedClassCode # Write class code to a file for (className, classCode) in list(classes.items()): self._writeClassToFile(classCode, className, directory, generatedClassDoc)"IoPython done !") MessageBox(_("Done !"), _("Python code generation"), style=CENTRE | OK | ICON_INFORMATION)
def shapeSelected(self, shape, position=None): """ Do action when a shape is selected. TODO : support each link type """ umlFrame = self._fileHandling.getCurrentFrame() if umlFrame is None: return # do the right action if self._currentAction in SOURCE_ACTIONS: self.logger.debug(f'Current action in source actions') # get the next action needed to complete the whole action if self._currentActionPersistent: self._oldAction = self._currentAction self._currentAction = NEXT_ACTION[self._currentAction] # if no source, cancel action if shape is None:"Action cancelled (no source)") self._currentAction = ACTION_SELECTOR self.selectTool(self._tools[0]) self.setStatusText(_("Action cancelled")) else: # store source self.logger.debug( f'Store source - shape {shape} position: {position}') self._src = shape self._srcPos = position elif self._currentAction in DEST_ACTIONS: self.logger.debug(f'Current action in destination actions') # store the destination object self._dst = shape self._dstPos = position # if no destination, cancel action if self._dst is None: self._currentAction = ACTION_SELECTOR self.selectTool(self._tools[0]) self.setStatusText(_("Action cancelled")) return self._createLink(umlFrame) if self._currentActionPersistent: self._currentAction = self._oldAction del self._oldAction else: self._currentAction = ACTION_SELECTOR self.selectTool(self._tools[0]) else: self.setStatusText( _("Error : Action not supported by the mediator")) return self.setStatusText(MESSAGES[self._currentAction])
def __init__(self, parent, ID, title): """ Constructor. @since 1.0 @author C.Dutoit """ # dialog box super().__init__(parent, ID, title, DefaultPosition, Size(720, 520)) self.Center(BOTH) self.html = HtmlWindow(self, -1, DefaultPosition, Size(720, 520)) htmlFileName = resource_filename(DlgHelp.HELP_PKG_NAME, 'index.html') self.html.LoadPage(htmlFileName) self.printer = HtmlEasyPrinting() = BoxSizer(VERTICAL), 1, GROW) subbox = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) btn = Button(self, ID_BACK, _("Back")) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self.__OnBack, id=ID_BACK) subbox.Add(btn, 1, GROW | ALL, 2) btn = Button(self, ID_FORWARD, _("Forward")) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self.__OnForward, id=ID_FORWARD) subbox.Add(btn, 1, GROW | ALL, 2) btn = Button(self, ID_PRINT, _("Print")) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self.__OnPrint, id=ID_PRINT) subbox.Add(btn, 1, GROW | ALL, 2) btn = Button(self, ID_VIEW_SOURCE, _("View Source")) self.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self.__OnViewSource, id=ID_VIEW_SOURCE) subbox.Add(btn, 1, GROW | ALL, 2) btn = Button(self, ID_OK, _("Exit")) subbox.Add(btn, 1, GROW | ALL, 2), 0, GROW | BOTTOM) self.SetSizer( self.SetAutoLayout(True) subbox.Fit(self) self.OnShowDefault(None) self.Show(True)
def onClose(self) -> bool: """ Close all files Returns: True if everything is ok """ # Display warning if we are in scripting mode if self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): self.logger.warning( "WARNING : in script mode, the non-saved projects are closed without warning" ) # Close projects and ask for unsaved but modified projects if not self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): for project in self._projects: if project.getModified() is True: frames = project.getFrames() if len(frames) > 0: frame = frames[0] frame.SetFocus() wxYield() self.showFrame(frame) dlg = MessageDialog( self.__parent, _("Your diagram has not been saved! Would you like to save it?" ), _("Save changes?"), YES_NO | ICON_QUESTION) if dlg.ShowModal() == ID_YES: # save if self.saveFile() is False: return False dlg.Destroy() from org.pyut.ui.frame.PyutApplicationFrame import PyutApplicationFrame # Prevent recursion import problem from org.pyut.ui.Mediator import Mediator # dereference all self.__notebook.DeleteAllPages() self.__notebook = None self.__parent = cast(PyutApplicationFrame, None) self._projects = cast(List[PyutProject], None) self._mediator = cast(Mediator, None) self._currentProject = cast(PyutProject, None) self._currentFrame = cast(UmlDiagramsFrame, None) self.__splitter = None self.__projectTree = None self.__splitter = None return True
def _createMenu(self) -> Menu: menu: Menu = Menu() increaseItem: MenuItem = menu.Append( ID_MENU_INCREASE_SIZE, _('Increase Size'), _('Increase Text Size by 2 points')) decreaseItem: MenuItem = menu.Append( ID_MENU_DECREASE_SIZE, _('Decrease Size'), _('Decrease Text Size by 2 points')) incBmp: Bitmap = IncreaseTextSize.GetBitmap() increaseItem.SetBitmap(incBmp) decBmp: Bitmap = DecreaseTextSize.GetBitmap() decreaseItem.SetBitmap(decBmp) boldItem: MenuItem = menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_MENU_BOLD_TEXT, item=_('Bold Text'), help=_('Set text to bold')) italicizedItem: MenuItem = menu.AppendCheckItem( ID_MENU_ITALIC_TEXT, item=_('Italicize Text'), help=_('Set text to italics')) if self.pyutText.isBold is True: boldItem.Check(check=True) if self.pyutText.isItalicized is True: italicizedItem.Check(check=True) menu.Bind(EVT_MENU, self._onChangeTextSize, id=ID_MENU_INCREASE_SIZE) menu.Bind(EVT_MENU, self._onChangeTextSize, id=ID_MENU_DECREASE_SIZE) menu.Bind(EVT_MENU, self._onToggleBold, id=ID_MENU_BOLD_TEXT) menu.Bind(EVT_MENU, self._onToggleItalicize, id=ID_MENU_ITALIC_TEXT) return menu
def openFile(self, filename, project=None) -> bool: """ Open a file Args: filename: project: Returns: `True` if operation succeeded """ # Exit if the file is already loaded if not self.isDefaultFilename(filename) and self.isProjectLoaded(filename): PyutUtils.displayError(_("The selected file is already loaded !")) return False # Create a new project ? if project is None: project = PyutProject(PyutConstants.DefaultFilename, self.__notebook, self.__projectTree, self.__projectTreeRoot) # print ">>>FileHandling-openFile-3" # Load the project and add it try: if not project.loadFromFilename(filename): PyutUtils.displayError(_("The specified file can't be loaded !")) return False self._projects.append(project) # self._ctrl.registerCurrentProject(project) self._currentProject = project except (ValueError, Exception) as e: PyutUtils.displayError(_(f"An error occurred while loading the project ! {e}")) return False try: if not self._mediator.isInScriptMode(): for document in project.getDocuments(): diagramTitle: str = document.getTitle() shortName: str = self.shortenNotebookPageFileName(diagramTitle) self.__notebook.AddPage(document.getFrame(), shortName) self.__notebookCurrentPage = self.__notebook.GetPageCount()-1 self.__notebook.SetSelection(self.__notebookCurrentPage) if len(project.getDocuments()) > 0: self._currentFrame = project.getDocuments()[0].getFrame() except (ValueError, Exception) as e: PyutUtils.displayError(_(f"An error occurred while adding the project to the notebook {e}")) return False return True