Exemple #1
def get_season_bounds(input):
    Get the date bounds indicating a season's start and end.
    :param input: A year, date, or string indicating the current season.
    if type(input) == int:
        years = org_ncaa.get_season_years(input)
    elif type(input) == str:
        dt = datetime.strptime(input, '%m/%d/%Y')
        years = org_ncaa.get_season_years(org_ncaa.get_season(dt))
    elif type(input) == datetime.date:
        years = org_ncaa.get_season_years(org_ncaa.get_season(input))

    return datetime.date(years[0], 10, 30), datetime.date(years[1], 4, 30)
Exemple #2
def get_date_bounds(input=None):
    Get the two dates that bound a time range specified by the input.

        - If a year is specified then the dates that bound the season for
          that year will be returned.
        - If a date is specified, then the start date of the season in which
          that date occurs will be returned along with the specified date as
          the end date
        - If a string is specified, it will be converted to a date if possible,
          and then treated as a date input.
    :param input: A year, date, or string specifying the time range.
    if type(input) == str:
        # try to convert to date
        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(input, '%m/%d/%Y').date()
        bounds = map(lambda d: d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), list(get_season_bounds(dt)))
        bounds = [bounds[0], dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]
    elif isinstance(input, datetime.date):
        bounds = map(lambda d: d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), list(get_season_bounds(input)))
        bounds = [bounds[0], input.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]
    elif type(input) == int and (input > 1900 and input <= org_ncaa.get_season(datetime.datetime.now())):
        bounds = map(lambda d: d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), list(get_season_bounds(input)))
        bounds = [datetime.date(1900, 10, 30), datetime.date(3000, 4, 30)]

    return bounds