def test_empty_filters(): conf = Config.from_string(""" rules: - folders: '/' filters: actions: - Trash - folders: '~/' actions: - Trash """) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=['/'], filters=[], actions=[Trash()], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=['~/'], filters=[], actions=[Trash()], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ) ]
def test_empty_filters(): conf = """ rules: - folders: '/' filters: actions: - trash - folders: '~/' actions: - trash """ assert Config.from_string(conf).rules == [ Rule( folders=["/"], filters=[], actions=[Trash()], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=["~/"], filters=[], actions=[Trash()], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), ]
def test_yaml_ref(): config = """ media: &media - wav - png all_folders: &all - ~/Desktop - ~/Documents rules: - folders: *all filters: - Extension: *media - Extension: - *media - jpg - LastModified: days: 10 actions: - Echo: msg: 'Hello World' - folders: - *all - /more/more filters: actions: - Trash """ conf = Config.from_string(config) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=['~/Desktop', '~/Documents'], filters=[ Extension('.wav', '.PNG'), Extension('.wav', '.PNG', 'jpg'), LastModified(days=10) ], actions=[Echo(msg='Hello World')], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=['~/Desktop', '~/Documents', '/more/more'], filters=[], actions=[Trash()], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ) ]
def test_yaml_ref(): config = """ media: &media - wav - png all_folders: &all - ~/Desktop - ~/Documents rules: - folders: *all filters: - extension: *media - extension: - *media - jpg - lastmodified: days: 10 actions: - echo: msg: 'Hello World' - folders: - *all - /more/more filters: actions: - trash """ conf = Config.from_string(config) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=["~/Desktop", "~/Documents"], filters=[ Extension(".wav", ".PNG"), Extension(".wav", ".PNG", "jpg"), LastModified(days=10), ], actions=[Echo(msg="Hello World")], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=["~/Desktop", "~/Documents", "/more/more"], filters=[], actions=[Trash()], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), ]
def test_basic(): config = """ rules: - folders: '~/Desktop' filters: - Extension: - jpg - png - Extension: txt actions: - Move: {dest: '~/Desktop/New Folder', overwrite: true} - Echo: 'Moved {path}/{extension.upper}' - folders: - '~/test1' - /test2 filters: actions: - Shell: cmd: 'say {path.stem}' """ conf = Config.from_string(config) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=['~/Desktop'], filters=[Extension('.JPG', 'PNG'), Extension('txt')], actions=[ Move(dest='~/Desktop/New Folder', overwrite=True), Echo(msg='Moved {path}/{extension.upper}') ], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=['~/test1', '/test2'], filters=[], actions=[Shell(cmd='say {path.stem}')], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ) ]
def test_basic(): config = """ rules: - folders: '~/Desktop' filters: - extension: - jpg - png - extension: txt actions: - move: {dest: '~/Desktop/New Folder', overwrite: true} - echo: 'Moved {path}/{extension.upper}' - folders: - '~/test1' - '/test2' filters: actions: - shell: cmd: 'say {path.stem}' """ conf = Config.from_string(config) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=["~/Desktop"], filters=[Extension(".JPG", "PNG"), Extension("txt")], actions=[ Move(dest="~/Desktop/New Folder", overwrite=True), Echo(msg="Moved {path}/{extension.upper}"), ], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=["~/test1", "/test2"], filters=[], actions=[Shell(cmd="say {path.stem}")], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), ]
def test_case_insensitive(): config = """ rules: - folders: '~/Desktop' filters: - extension: ['JPg', 'png'] - Extension: txt actions: - moVe: {dest: '~/Desktop/New Folder', overwrite: true} - EC_HO: 'Moved {path}/{extension.upper}' - folders: - '~/test1' - /test2 filters: actions: - SHELL: cmd: 'say {path.stem}' """ conf = Config.from_string(config) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=["~/Desktop"], filters=[Extension(".JPG", "PNG"), Extension("txt")], actions=[ Move(dest="~/Desktop/New Folder", overwrite=True), Echo(msg="Moved {path}/{extension.upper}"), ], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=["~/test1", "/test2"], filters=[], actions=[Shell(cmd="say {path.stem}")], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), ]
def test_flatten_filters_and_actions(): config = """ folder_aliases: Downloads: &downloads ~/Downloads/ Payables_due: &payables_due ~/PayablesDue/ Payables_paid: &payables_paid ~/Accounting/Expenses/ Receivables_due: &receivables_due ~/Receivables/ Receivables_paid: &receivables_paid ~/Accounting/Income/ defaults: filters: &default_filters - extension: pdf - filecontent: '(?P<date>...)' actions: &default_actions - echo: 'Dated: {}' - echo: 'Stem of filename: {filecontent.stem}' post_actions: &default_sorting - rename: '{python.timestamp}-{filecontent.stem}.{extension.lower}' - move: '{path.parent}/{python.quarter}/' rules: - folders: *downloads filters: - *default_filters - filecontent: 'Due Date' # regex to id as payable - filecontent: '(?P<stem>...)' # regex to extract supplier actions: - *default_actions - move: *payables_due - *default_sorting - folders: *downloads filters: - *default_filters - filecontent: 'Account: 000000000' # regex to id as receivables due - filecontent: '(?P<stem>...)' # regex to extract customer actions: - *default_actions - move: *receivables_due - *default_sorting - folders: *downloads filters: - *default_filters - filecontent: 'PAID' # regex to id as receivables paid - filecontent: '(?P<stem>...)' # regex to extract customer - filecontent: '(?P<paid>...)' # regex to extract date paid - filename: startswith: 2020 actions: - *default_actions - move: *receivables_paid - *default_sorting - rename: '{filecontent.paid}_{filecontent.stem}.{extension}' """ conf = Config.from_string(config) assert conf.rules == [ Rule( folders=["~/Downloads/"], filters=[ # default_filters Extension("pdf"), FileContent(expr="(?P<date>...)"), # added filters FileContent(expr="Due Date"), FileContent(expr="(?P<stem>...)"), ], actions=[ # default_actions Echo(msg="Dated: {}"), Echo(msg="Stem of filename: {filecontent.stem}"), # added actions Move(dest="~/PayablesDue/", overwrite=False), # default_sorting Rename( name= "{python.timestamp}-{filecontent.stem}.{extension.lower}", overwrite=False, ), Move(dest="{path.parent}/{python.quarter}/", overwrite=False), ], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=["~/Downloads/"], filters=[ # default_filters Extension("pdf"), FileContent(expr="(?P<date>...)"), # added filters FileContent(expr="Account: 000000000"), FileContent(expr="(?P<stem>...)"), ], actions=[ # default_actions Echo(msg="Dated: {}"), Echo(msg="Stem of filename: {filecontent.stem}"), # added actions Move(dest="~/Receivables/", overwrite=False), # default_sorting Rename( name= "{python.timestamp}-{filecontent.stem}.{extension.lower}", overwrite=False, ), Move(dest="{path.parent}/{python.quarter}/", overwrite=False), ], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), Rule( folders=["~/Downloads/"], filters=[ # default_filters Extension("pdf"), FileContent(expr="(?P<date>...)"), # added filters FileContent(expr="PAID"), FileContent(expr="(?P<stem>...)"), FileContent(expr="(?P<paid>...)"), Filename(startswith="2020"), ], actions=[ # default_actions Echo(msg="Dated: {}"), Echo(msg="Stem of filename: {filecontent.stem}"), # added actions Move(dest="~/Accounting/Income/", overwrite=False), # default_sorting Rename( name= "{python.timestamp}-{filecontent.stem}.{extension.lower}", overwrite=False, ), Move(dest="{path.parent}/{python.quarter}/", overwrite=False), # added actions Rename( name="{filecontent.paid}_{filecontent.stem}.{extension}", overwrite=False, ), ], subfolders=False, system_files=False, ), ]