def __init__(self, names, top_level_path, target_folder_path, files_to_exclude): self.top_level_dir_path = top_level_path self.target_folder_path = target_folder_path self.fileNames = os.listdir(top_level_path) self.names = names self.dirNames = [] self.printFormatter = PrintFormatter() self.repeatedDirName = "REPEATED_DIRECTORY" self.dirs_to_move = {} self.files_to_exclude = set(files_to_exclude)
def __init__(self, rootPath, exceptedDirs=[], delSamples=False): self.exceptedDirs = exceptedDirs self.rootPath = rootPath self.deleteSamples = delSamples self.printFormatter = PrintFormatter()
class FilesToTop: def __init__(self, rootPath, exceptedDirs=[], delSamples=False): self.exceptedDirs = exceptedDirs self.rootPath = rootPath self.deleteSamples = delSamples self.printFormatter = PrintFormatter() def makeNewFile(self, nameList, aFile, pathToFile, fileNumber): if FileFormatter().file_contains_format(aFile, pathToFile): newFile = FileNamer().makeNewFileName(nameList, aFile, pathToFile) if newFile != aFile: src = pathToFile + aFile dst = pathToFile + newFile shutil.move(src, dst) print( fileNumber, '-- from: ' + aFile + '\n' + str(fileNumber) + ' -- to: ' + newFile + '\n') elif not os.path.isdir(pathToFile + aFile): os.remove(pathToFile + aFile) print(fileNumber, '-- removing file: ' + aFile + '\n') newFile = None else: print('File is a dir: ' + pathToFile + aFile) newFile = None return newFile def addNameToAllFilesInDir(self, nameList, topDir, currentDirPath): files = os.listdir(currentDirPath) currentDirPath = self.addSlashToDir(currentDirPath) counter = 1 for aFile in files: filePath = os.path.join(currentDirPath, aFile) if os.path.isdir( filePath) and 'keep_dir_together' not in aFile.lower(): self.addNameToAllFilesInDir(nameList, topDir, filePath) else: newFile = self.makeNewFile(nameList, aFile, currentDirPath, counter) if newFile is not None: counter += 1 topPath = topDir + newFile if topDir != currentDirPath: if not os.path.exists(topPath): shutil.move(currentDirPath + newFile, topPath) print('Moving file: ' + currentDirPath + newFile) print('To: ' + topPath + '\n') else: message = currentDirPath + newFile + ' exisits in: ' + topDir print( self.printFormatter.acrossScreenWithName( '*', message)) if len(os.listdir(currentDirPath)) == 0: shutil.rmtree(currentDirPath) print('Removing dir: ' + currentDirPath + '\n') else: print('Not removing dir: ' + currentDirPath + '\n') return None def addSlashToDir(self, dirPath): if dirPath[len(dirPath) - 1:] != '/': dirPath += '/' return dirPath def moveFilesToTop(self): files = os.listdir(self.rootPath) for aFile in files: dirPath = os.path.join(self.rootPath, aFile) if os.path.isdir( dirPath) and aFile.lower() not in self.exceptedDirs: print('\n' + self.printFormatter.acrossScreenWithName('-', aFile) + '\n') dirPath = self.addSlashToDir(dirPath) self.addNameToAllFilesInDir(aFile.split('_', 1), dirPath, dirPath) return None
def __init__(self, src_path, dst_path): self.src_path = src_path self.dst_path = dst_path self.files = os.listdir(self.src_path) self.print_formatter = PrintFormatter() self.moved_files = {}
class DirectoryMover: def __init__(self, src_path, dst_path): self.src_path = src_path self.dst_path = dst_path self.files = os.listdir(self.src_path) self.print_formatter = PrintFormatter() self.moved_files = {} def move_dirs(self): for file_name in self.files: source_path = os.path.join(self.src_path, file_name) destination_path = os.path.join(self.dst_path, file_name) self.move_single_dir(source_path, destination_path) print(self.print_formatter.acrossScreen('-') + '\n') return None def move_single_dir(self, src_path, dst_path): if os.path.isdir(src_path): file_name = src_path.split('/').pop() self.moved_files[file_name] = [] if os.path.isdir(dst_path): print("Directory named " + file_name + " exists in target directory ...Moving individual files...\n") target_files = os.listdir(src_path) for target_file in target_files: sourceFile = os.path.join(src_path, target_file) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst_path, target_file)): print("Pre-existing file: " + target_file + " already exists in " + dst_path + "\n") else: shutil.move(sourceFile, dst_path) print("Moving: " + sourceFile + "\nTo: " + os.path.join(dst_path, target_file) + "\n") self._add_file_to_moved_files(file_name, target_file) else: print("No Directory named: " + file_name + " exists in " + self.dst_path) print('Creating: ' + dst_path + '\n') print("Moving: " + src_path + "\nTo: " + dst_path + "\n") names = os.listdir(src_path) for name in names: self._add_file_to_moved_files(file_name, name) print("Moving: " + os.path.join(src_path, name) + "\nTo: " + os.path.join(dst_path, name) + "\n") shutil.move(src_path, dst_path) return None def _del_empty_dirs(self): self.files = os.listdir(self.src_path) for aFile in self.files: path = self.src_path + aFile if os.path.isdir(path): dirFiles = os.listdir(path) size = len(dirFiles) shouldRemove = False if size == 0: shouldRemove = True if size == 1: if dirFiles[0] == ".DS_Store": shouldRemove = True if shouldRemove: shutil.rmtree(path) print("Deleting: " + path) return None def _add_file_to_moved_files(self, dirName, fileName): try: self.moved_files[dirName].append(fileName) except KeyError: self.moved_files[dirName] = [fileName] pass return None def save_recently_moved_names(self): with open('files/.latest.txt', 'a') as namesFile: namesFile.write('\n\n' + 'MOVE DATE: ' + self._timestamp() + '\n\n') for name in sorted(self.moved_files.keys()): header = '\n---------------------------------- ' + name + ' ----------------------------------------\n' namesFile.write(header) for entry in self.moved_files[name]: namesFile.write(entry + '\n') namesFile.close() return None def _timestamp(self): date = return "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d" % (date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second)
class DirectoryMover: def __init__(self, src_path, dst_path): self.src_path = src_path self.dst_path = dst_path self.files = os.listdir(self.src_path) self.print_formatter = PrintFormatter() self.moved_files = {} def move_dirs(self): for file_name in self.files: source_path = os.path.join(self.src_path, file_name) destination_path = os.path.join(self.dst_path, file_name) self.move_single_dir(source_path, destination_path) print(self.print_formatter.acrossScreen('-') + '\n') return None def move_single_dir(self, src_path, dst_path): if os.path.isdir(src_path): file_name = src_path.split('/').pop() self.moved_files[file_name] = [] if os.path.isdir(dst_path): print( "Directory named " + file_name + " exists in target directory ...Moving individual files...\n" ) target_files = os.listdir(src_path) for target_file in target_files: sourceFile = os.path.join(src_path, target_file) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst_path, target_file)): print("Pre-existing file: " + target_file + " already exists in " + dst_path + "\n") else: shutil.move(sourceFile, dst_path) print("Moving: " + sourceFile + "\nTo: " + os.path.join(dst_path, target_file) + "\n") self._add_file_to_moved_files(file_name, target_file) else: print("No Directory named: " + file_name + " exists in " + self.dst_path) print('Creating: ' + dst_path + '\n') print("Moving: " + src_path + "\nTo: " + dst_path + "\n") names = os.listdir(src_path) for name in names: self._add_file_to_moved_files(file_name, name) print("Moving: " + os.path.join(src_path, name) + "\nTo: " + os.path.join(dst_path, name) + "\n") shutil.move(src_path, dst_path) return None def _del_empty_dirs(self): self.files = os.listdir(self.src_path) for aFile in self.files: path = self.src_path + aFile if os.path.isdir(path): dirFiles = os.listdir(path) size = len(dirFiles) shouldRemove = False if size == 0: shouldRemove = True if size == 1: if dirFiles[0] == ".DS_Store": shouldRemove = True if shouldRemove: shutil.rmtree(path) print("Deleting: " + path) return None def _add_file_to_moved_files(self, dirName, fileName): try: self.moved_files[dirName].append(fileName) except KeyError: self.moved_files[dirName] = [fileName] pass return None def save_recently_moved_names(self): with open('files/.latest.txt', 'a') as namesFile: namesFile.write('\n\n' + 'MOVE DATE: ' + self._timestamp() + '\n\n') for name in sorted(self.moved_files.keys()): header = '\n---------------------------------- ' + name + ' ----------------------------------------\n' namesFile.write(header) for entry in self.moved_files[name]: namesFile.write(entry + '\n') namesFile.close() return None def _timestamp(self): date = return "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d" % (date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second)
class FilesToTop: def __init__(self, rootPath, exceptedDirs=[], delSamples=False): self.exceptedDirs = exceptedDirs self.rootPath = rootPath self.deleteSamples = delSamples self.printFormatter = PrintFormatter() def makeNewFile(self, nameList, aFile, pathToFile, fileNumber): if FileFormatter().file_contains_format(aFile, pathToFile): newFile = FileNamer().makeNewFileName(nameList, aFile, pathToFile) if newFile != aFile: src = pathToFile + aFile dst = pathToFile + newFile shutil.move(src, dst) print(fileNumber, '-- from: ' + aFile + '\n' + str(fileNumber) + ' -- to: ' + newFile + '\n') elif not os.path.isdir(pathToFile + aFile): os.remove(pathToFile + aFile) print(fileNumber, '-- removing file: ' + aFile + '\n') newFile = None else: print('File is a dir: ' + pathToFile + aFile) newFile = None return newFile def addNameToAllFilesInDir(self, nameList, topDir, currentDirPath): files = os.listdir(currentDirPath) currentDirPath = self.addSlashToDir(currentDirPath) counter = 1 for aFile in files: filePath = os.path.join(currentDirPath, aFile) if os.path.isdir(filePath) and 'keep_dir_together' not in aFile.lower(): self.addNameToAllFilesInDir(nameList, topDir, filePath) else: newFile = self.makeNewFile(nameList, aFile, currentDirPath, counter) if newFile is not None: counter += 1 topPath = topDir + newFile if topDir != currentDirPath: if not os.path.exists(topPath): shutil.move(currentDirPath + newFile, topPath) print('Moving file: ' + currentDirPath + newFile) print('To: ' + topPath + '\n') else: message = currentDirPath + newFile + ' exisits in: ' + topDir print(self.printFormatter.acrossScreenWithName('*', message)) if len(os.listdir(currentDirPath)) == 0: shutil.rmtree(currentDirPath) print('Removing dir: ' + currentDirPath + '\n') else: print('Not removing dir: ' + currentDirPath + '\n') return None def addSlashToDir(self, dirPath): if dirPath[len(dirPath) - 1:] != '/': dirPath += '/' return dirPath def moveFilesToTop(self): files = os.listdir(self.rootPath) for aFile in files: dirPath = os.path.join(self.rootPath, aFile) if os.path.isdir(dirPath) and aFile.lower() not in self.exceptedDirs: print('\n' + self.printFormatter.acrossScreenWithName('-', aFile) + '\n') dirPath = self.addSlashToDir(dirPath) self.addNameToAllFilesInDir(aFile.split('_', 1), dirPath, dirPath) return None
class Organizer: def __init__(self, names, top_level_path, target_folder_path, files_to_exclude): self.top_level_dir_path = top_level_path self.target_folder_path = target_folder_path self.fileNames = os.listdir(top_level_path) self.names = names self.dirNames = [] self.printFormatter = PrintFormatter() self.repeatedDirName = "REPEATED_DIRECTORY" self.dirs_to_move = {} self.files_to_exclude = set(files_to_exclude) def newDirName(self, name): nameList = self.names.separate_names(name) if len(nameList) == 2: dirName = nameList[0] + "_" + nameList[1] else: dirName = nameList[0] return dirName def doesNameListHaveRepeatedFirstName(self, name): hasSameFirstName = False names = self.names.seperateNames(name) if self.names.hasFirstAndLastName(name): for aName in self.names.nameList: splitNames = self.names.seperateNames(aName) counter = 0 if len(splitNames) == 2: if splitNames[0] == names[0] and splitNames[1] != names[1]: hasSameFirstName = True break else: if splitNames[0] == names[0]: counter += 1 if counter == 2: hasSameFirstName = True break else: counter = 0 for aName in self.names.nameList: splitNames = self.names.seperateNames(aName) if len(splitNames) == 1: if splitNames[0] == names[0]: counter += 1 if counter == 2: hasSameFirstName = True break return hasSameFirstName def directoryAlreadyCreatedForFirstName(self, name): firstName = self.names.seperateNames(name)[0] dirName = self.repeatedDirName for aDir in self.dirNames: if firstName in aDir: dirName = aDir break return dirName def makeNewDirectoryPath(self, name, repeat=False): newDirName = self.newDirName(name) if repeat: newDirName = newDirName + "_repeat/" newDirPath = os.path.join(self.target_folder_path, newDirName) return newDirPath def makeNewDirectory(self, name, repeat=False): newDirPath = self.makeNewDirectoryPath(name, repeat) if os.path.isdir(newDirPath): return False else: os.mkdir(newDirPath) self.dirNames.append(self.newDirName(name) + "/") return True def filesForFirstAndLastName(self, name): files = [] for aFile in self.fileNames: if self.names.file_has_name(name, aFile): files.append(aFile) for aFile in files: self.fileNames.remove(aFile) return files def filesForFirstName(self, name): firstName = self.names.separate_names(name)[0] files = [] for aFile in self.fileNames: if firstName.lower() in aFile.lower(): files.append(aFile) for aFile in files: self.fileNames.remove(aFile) return files def moveFilesForFirstAndLastName(self): self.printNumberOfFiles() files = [] for name in self.names.all_names(): if self.names.has_fist_and_last_name(name): files = self.filesForFirstAndLastName(name) else: files = self.filesForFirstName(name) if len(files) > 0: dirPath = self.makeNewDirectoryPath(name) newDir = self.makeNewDirectory(name) printNames = [] for aFile in files: src = os.path.join(self.top_level_dir_path, aFile) dst = os.path.join(dirPath, aFile) if src != dst: shutil.move(src, dst) printNames.append(aFile) self.printInfo(name, printNames, dirPath, newDir) self.printNumberOfFiles() return None def move_files(self): files = os.listdir(self.top_level_dir_path) to_move = {} for file in files: if file not in self.files_to_exclude: names_in_file = [name for name in self.names.all_names() if self.names.file_has_name(name, file)] ranking_name = self.ranker.rank(names_in_file) if ranking_name: if ranking_name in self.dirs_to_move: files_for_name = self.dirs_to_move[ranking_name] files_for_name.append(file) to_move[ranking_name] = files_for_name else: to_move[ranking_name] = [file] for dir_name, files in to_move: is_new = self.makeNewDirectory(dir_name) dir_path = self.makeNewDirectoryPath(dir_name) printNames = [] for file in files: src = os.path.join(self.top_level_dir_path, file) dst = os.path.join(dir_path, file) if src != dst: #shutil.move(src, dst) printNames.append(file) self.printInfo(dir_name, printNames, dir_path, is_new) return None def moveFilesForFirstName(self): self.printNumberOfFiles() for name in self.names.nameList: files = self.filesForFirstName(name) if len(files) > 0: firstName = self.names.seperateNames(name)[0] # if there are repeated first names in namelist, makes new directory for first name only and moves files into it if self.doesNameListHaveRepeatedFirstName(name): dirPath = self.makeNewDirectoryPath(firstName, True) isNewDir = self.makeNewDirectory(firstName, True) names = [] for aFile in files: src = os.path.join(self.top_level_dir_path, aFile) dst = os.path.join(dirPath, aFile) if src != dst: shutil.move(src, dst) names.append(aFile) if len(names) > 0: self.printInfo('Fist Name Only -- Repeated -- ' + name, names, dirPath, isNewDir) # if there are not repeated first names in namelist, will move files into folder with same first name else: dirPath = self.makeNewDirectoryPath(name) isNewDir = self.makeNewDirectory(name) names = [] for aFile in files: src = os.path.join(self.top_level_dir_path, aFile) dst = os.path.join(dirPath, aFile) if src != dst: shutil.move(src, dst) names.append(aFile) if len(names) > 0: self.printInfo('Fist Name Only -- ' + name, names, dirPath, isNewDir) self.printNumberOfFiles() return None def printInfo(self, name, files, dst, isNewDirectory): print(self.printFormatter.acrossScreenWithName('-', name)) if isNewDirectory: print('\nMaking New Directory: ' + dst) else: print('\nNot Making New Directory...Directory Exists: ' + dst) print("\nFiles Moved:") counter = 1 for aFile in files: print(counter, '--', aFile) counter += 1 print("\nMoved to: " + dst + '\n') return None def printNumberOfFiles(self): numOfFiles = len(self.fileNames) if numOfFiles > 0: title = 'Files in root directory: ' + str(numOfFiles) print('\n' + self.printFormatter.acrossScreenWithName('*', title) + '\n') return None