Exemple #1
 def test_get_prior_string_dict(self):
     """Test that prior string can be rebuilt with dict of choices."""
     categories = {"asdfa": 0.1, 2: 0.2, 3: 0.3, "lalala": 0.4}
     dim = Categorical(
         "yolo", categories, shape=2, default_value=["asdfa", "lalala"]
     assert dim.get_prior_string() == (
         "choices({'asdfa': 0.10, 2: 0.20, 3: 0.30, 'lalala': 0.40}, "
         "shape=2, default_value=['asdfa', 'lalala'])"
Exemple #2
 def test_get_prior_string_list(self):
     """Test that prior string can be rebuilt with list of choices."""
     categories = list(range(10))
     categories[0] = "asdfa"
     categories[2] = "lalala"
     dim = Categorical(
         "yolo", categories, shape=2, default_value=["asdfa", "lalala"]
     assert dim.get_prior_string() == (
         "choices(['asdfa', 1, 'lalala', 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "
         "shape=2, default_value=['asdfa', 'lalala'])"