def denoise_ornlm(data_in, v=3, f=1, h=0.05):
    from commands import getstatusoutput
    from sys import path
    # append python path for importing module
    # N.B. PYTHONPATH variable should take care of it, but this is only used for Travis.
    status, path_sct = getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_DIR')
    path.append(path_sct + '/external/denoise/ornlm')
    from ornlm import ornlm
    from numpy import array, max, float64
    dat = data_in.astype(float64)
    denoised = array(ornlm(dat, v, f, max(dat)*h))
    return denoised
Exemple #2
import numpy as np
from import fetch_stanford_hardi
from import read_stanford_hardi
from ornlm import ornlm
from hsm import hsm
from ascm import ascm

if __name__=='__main__':
    img, gtab = read_stanford_hardi()
    data = img.get_data()
    S0 = data[..., 0].astype(np.float64)
    #Note: in P. Coupe et al. the rician noise was simulated as 
    #sqrt((f+x)^2 + (y)^2) where f is the pixel value and x and y are 
    #independent realizations of a random variable with Normal distribution, 
    #with mean=0 and standard deviation=h. The user must tune the 'h' 
    #parameter taking that into consideration
    f1=np.array(ornlm(S0, 3, 1, h))
    f2=np.array(ornlm(S0, 3, 2, h))
    filterd=ascm(S0,f1,f2,h)#this is reported to have the top performer