def inpaint_map_const_cov(imap,mask,union_sources_version=None,noise_pix = 20,hole_radius = 3.,plots=False): """ Inpaints a map under the assumption of constant 2D Fourier covariance. This uses the average PS of the full map for the noise model at each source location and thus does not handle inhomogenity. Pros: no products needed other than map-maker outputs of map Cons: imap -- (npol,Ny,Nx) ivar -- (Ny,Nx) """ ras,decs = sints.get_act_mr3f_union_sources(version=union_sources_version) kmap = enmap.fft(mask*imap,normalize='phys') gtags = [] gdicts = {} pcoords = [] for i,(ra,dec) in enumerate(zip(ras,decs)): sel = reproject.cutout(ivar, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec), pad=1, corner=False,npix=noise_pix,return_slice=True) if sel is None: continue civar = ivar[sel] if np.any(civar<=0): continue modrmap = civar.modrmap() modlmap = civar.modlmap() res = maps.resolution(civar.shape,civar.wcs) cimap = imap[sel] print(ra,dec) if plots: for p in range(3): io.plot_img(cimap[p],os.environ['WORK']+"/cimap_%d_%s" % (p,str(i).zfill(2))) mimap = cimap.copy() mimap[...,modrmap<np.deg2rad(hole_radius/60.)] = np.nan for p in range(3): io.plot_img(mimap[p],os.environ['WORK']+"/masked_cimap_%d_%s" % (p,str(i).zfill(2))) scov = pixcov.scov_from_theory(modlmap,cmb_theory_fn,fn_beam,iau=False) ncov = pixcov.ncov_from_ivar(civar) pcov = scov + ncov gdicts[i] = pixcov.make_geometry(hole_radius=np.deg2rad(hole_radius/60.),n=noise_pix,deproject=True,iau=False,pcov=pcov,res=res) pcoords.append(np.array((dec,ra))) gtags.append(i) if len(gtags)>0: pcoords = np.stack(pcoords).swapaxes(0,1) result = pixcov.inpaint(imap,pcoords,deproject=True,iau=False,geometry_tags=gtags,geometry_dicts=gdicts,verbose=True) if plots: for i,(ra,dec) in enumerate(zip(ras,decs)): sel = reproject.cutout(ivar, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec), pad=1, corner=False,npix=noise_pix,return_slice=True) if sel is None: continue civar = ivar[sel] if np.any(civar<=0): continue modrmap = civar.modrmap() modlmap = civar.modlmap() res = maps.resolution(civar.shape,civar.wcs) cimap = result[sel] print("Inpainted ", ra,dec) if plots: for p in range(3): io.plot_img(cimap[p],os.environ['WORK']+"/inpainted_cimap_%d_%s" % (p,str(i).zfill(2))) return result
def mask_map(imap, iys, ixs, hole_arc, hole_frac=0.6): shape, wcs = imap.shape, imap.wcs Ny, Nx = shape[-2:] px = maps.resolution(shape, wcs) * 60. * 180. / np.pi hole_n = int(round(hole_arc / px)) hole_ny = hole_nx = hole_n oshape, owcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0., 0.), shape=(2 * hole_n, 2 * hole_n), res=px * np.pi / 180. / 60.) modrmap = enmap.modrmap(oshape, owcs) mask = enmap.ones(shape, wcs) for iy, ix in zip(iys, ixs): if iy <= hole_n or ix <= hole_n or iy >= (Ny - hole_n) or ix >= ( Nx - hole_n): continue vslice = imap[ - hole_ny) + hole_ny), - hole_nx) + hole_nx)] vslice[modrmap < (hole_frac * hole_arc) * np.pi / 180. / 60.] = np.nan # !!!! could cause a bias mask[ - hole_ny) + hole_ny), - hole_nx) + hole_nx)][modrmap < hole_arc * np.pi / 180. / 60.] = 0 return mask
def init_geometry(ishape,iwcs): modlmap = enmap.modlmap(ishape,iwcs) bin_edges = np.arange(args.kellmin,args.kellmax, binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) if args.beam<1e-5: kbeam = None else: kbeam = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap,args.beam) lmax = modlmap.max() ells = np.arange(2,lmax,1) wnoise_TT = ells*0.+(args.noise*(np.pi/180./60.))**2. wnoise_PP = 2.*wnoise_TT nT = modlmap*0.+(args.noise*(np.pi/180./60.))**2. nP = 2.*nT ncomp = 3 if pol else 1 ps = np.zeros((ncomp,ncomp,ells.size)) ps[0,0] = wnoise_TT if pol: ps[1,1] = wnoise_PP ps[2,2] = wnoise_PP oshape = (3,)+ishape if pol else ishape if not(args.flat) and args.noise_pad>1.e-5: # Pad noise sim geometry pad_width_deg = args.noise_pad pad_width = pad_width_deg * np.pi/180. res = maps.resolution(oshape[-2:],iwcs) pad_pixels = int(pad_width/res) template = enmap.zeros(oshape,iwcs) btemplate = enmap.pad(template,pad_pixels) bshape,bwcs = btemplate.shape,btemplate.wcs del template del btemplate ngen = maps.MapGen(bshape,bwcs,ps) else: ngen = maps.MapGen(oshape,iwcs,ps) tmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.tellmin,lmax=args.tellmax) pmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.pellmin,lmax=args.pellmax) kmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.kellmin,lmax=args.kellmax) qest = lensing.qest(ishape,iwcs,theory,noise2d=nT,beam2d=kbeam,kmask=tmask,noise2d_P=nP,kmask_P=pmask,kmask_K=kmask,pol=pol,grad_cut=None,unlensed_equals_lensed=True) taper,w2 = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees = args.taper_width,pad_width_degrees = args.pad_width) fc = maps.FourierCalc(oshape,iwcs,iau=args.iau) purifier = maps.Purify(ishape,iwcs,taper) if args.purify else None return qest,ngen,kbeam,binner,taper,fc,purifier
def compute_map(self,oshape,owcs,qid,pixwin_taper_deg=0.3,pixwin_pad_deg=0.3, include_cmb=True,include_tsz=True,include_fgres=True,sht_beam=True): """ 1. get total alm 2. apply beam, and pixel window if Planck 3. ISHT 4. if ACT, apply a small taper and apply pixel window in Fourier space """ # pad to a slightly larger geometry tot_pad_deg = pixwin_taper_deg + pixwin_pad_deg res = maps.resolution(oshape,owcs) pix = np.deg2rad(tot_pad_deg)/res omap = enmap.pad(enmap.zeros((3,)+oshape,owcs),pix) ishape,iwcs = omap.shape[-2:],omap.wcs # get data model dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region_shape=ishape,region_wcs=iwcs,calibrated=True) # 1. get total alm array_index = self.qids.index(qid) tot_alm = int(include_cmb)*self.alms['cmb'] if include_tsz: try: assert self.tsz_fnu.ndim==2 tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + hp.almxfl(self.alms['comptony'][0] ,self.tsz_fnu[array_index]) except: tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + self.alms['comptony'][0] * self.tsz_fnu[array_index] if self.cfgres is not None: tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + int(include_fgres)*self.alms['fgres'][array_index] assert tot_alm.ndim==2 assert tot_alm.shape[0]==3 ells = np.arange(self.lmax+1) # 2. get beam, and pixel window for Planck if sht_beam: beam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=False) # NEVER SANITIZE THE BEAM IN A SIMULATION!!! for i in range(3): tot_alm[i] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[i],beam) if'planck_hybrid': pixwint,pixwinp = hp.pixwin(nside=tutils.get_nside(qid),lmax=self.lmax,pol=True) tot_alm[0] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[0],pixwint) tot_alm[1] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[1],pixwinp) tot_alm[2] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[2],pixwinp) # 3. ISHT omap = curvedsky.alm2map(np.complex128(tot_alm),omap,spin=[0,2]) assert omap.ndim==3 assert omap.shape[0]==3 if not(sht_beam): taper,_ = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees=pixwin_taper_deg,pad_width_degrees=pixwin_pad_deg) modlmap = omap.modlmap() beam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True) kmap = enmap.fft(omap*taper,normalize='phys') kmap = kmap * beam # 4. if ACT, apply a small taper and apply pixel window in Fourier space if'act_mr3': if sht_beam: taper,_ = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees=pixwin_taper_deg,pad_width_degrees=pixwin_pad_deg) pwin = tutils.get_pixwin(ishape[-2:]) if sht_beam: omap = maps.filter_map(omap*taper,pwin) else: kmap = kmap * pwin if not(sht_beam): omap = enmap.ifft(kmap,normalize='phys').real return enmap.extract(omap,(3,)+oshape[-2:],owcs)
def inpaint_map_white(imap,ivar,fn_beam,union_sources_version=None,noise_pix = 40,hole_radius = 6.,plots=False,cache_name=None,verbose=True): """ Inpaints a map under the assumption of inhomogenous but white uncorrelated instrument noise. Pros: no products needed other than map-maker outputs of map and ivar, good inpainting despite crappy noise model. Cons: noise model has to be built for each source, so this is actually quite slow. imap -- (npol,Ny,Nx) ivar -- (Ny,Nx) fn_beam -- lambda ells: beam(ells) cache_name -- a unique string identifying the catalog+map/array/frequency/split combination to/from which the geometries are cached """ if cache_name is not None: cache_name = cache_name + "_catversion_%s" % union_sources_version try: ras,decs,gtags,pcoords,gdicts = load_cached_inpaint_geometries(cache_name) do_geoms = False if verbose: print("actsims.inpaint: loaded cached geometries for ", cache_name) except: if verbose: print("actsims.inpaint: no cached geometries found for ", cache_name, ". Generating and saving...") do_geoms = True else: do_geoms = True if do_geoms: ras,decs = sints.get_act_mr3f_union_sources(version=union_sources_version) cmb_theory_fn = lambda s,l: cosmology.default_theory().lCl(s,l) gtags = [] gdicts = {} pcoords = [] for i,(ra,dec) in enumerate(zip(ras,decs)): sel = reproject.cutout(ivar, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec), pad=1, corner=False,npix=noise_pix,return_slice=True) if sel is None: continue civar = ivar[sel] if np.any(civar<=0): continue modrmap = civar.modrmap() modlmap = civar.modlmap() res = maps.resolution(civar.shape,civar.wcs) cimap = imap[sel] if verbose: print("actsims.inpaint: built noise model for source ",i," / ",len(ras)) scov = pixcov.scov_from_theory(modlmap,cmb_theory_fn,fn_beam,iau=False) ncov = pixcov.ncov_from_ivar(civar) pcov = scov + ncov gdicts[i] = pixcov.make_geometry(hole_radius=np.deg2rad(hole_radius/60.),n=noise_pix,deproject=True,iau=False,pcov=pcov,res=res) pcoords.append(np.array((dec,ra))) gtags.append(i) if len(gtags)>0: pcoords = np.stack(pcoords).swapaxes(0,1) if cache_name is not None: save_cached_inpaint_geometries(cache_name,ras,decs,gtags,pcoords,gdicts) if verbose: print("actsims.inpaint: cached geometries for ",cache_name) if len(gtags)>0: result = pixcov.inpaint(imap,pcoords,deproject=True,iau=False,geometry_tags=gtags,geometry_dicts=gdicts,verbose=verbose) if plots: for i,(ra,dec) in enumerate(zip(ras,decs)): sel = reproject.cutout(ivar, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec), pad=1, corner=False,npix=noise_pix,return_slice=True) if sel is None: continue civar = ivar[sel] if np.any(civar<=0): continue modrmap = civar.modrmap() modlmap = civar.modlmap() res = maps.resolution(civar.shape,civar.wcs) cimap = imap[sel] for p in range(3): io.plot_img(cimap[p],os.environ['WORK']+"/cimap_%d_%s" % (p,str(i).zfill(2))) mimap = cimap.copy() mimap[...,modrmap<np.deg2rad(hole_radius/60.)] = np.nan for p in range(3): io.plot_img(mimap[p],os.environ['WORK']+"/masked_cimap_%d_%s" % (p,str(i).zfill(2))) cimap = result[sel] for p in range(3): io.plot_img(cimap[p],os.environ['WORK']+"/inpainted_cimap_%d_%s" % (p,str(i).zfill(2))) return result
def make_circular_geometry(shape, wcs, context_arcmin, hole_arcmin, power2d, buffer_factor=2, verbose=False): '''Makes the circular geometry matrices that need to be pre-calculated for later inpainting. Arguments --------- input2DPower - ndarray containing 2D power spectrum of a map. It need not already have been downsampled to the shape of the stamp cutout inputLy inputLx - the fourier wavenumbers corresponding to the y and x axes of the stamp cutout stampArc - the width in arcminutes of the stamp cut out stampPxX - the pixel width in arcminutes of the stamp cut out in the x direction stampPxY - the pixel width in arcminutes of the stamp cut out in the y direction holeArc - the radius of the circular hole in arcminutes bufferFactor - the pixel covariance matrix will be calculated on a periodic stamp larger by this factor verbose - True if you want more commentary Returns ------- meanMul - a matrix that has shape (nh,nc) where nh is the number of pixels in the hole and nc is the number of pixels outside (in the "context"). It should be multiplied by a vector (nc) containing pixels outside to get a vector (nh) for the mean value of the pixels inside covRoot - a (nh,nh) sqrt(covariance matrix) that can be used to generate a random realization in the hole. This can be generated by multiplying the sqrt of cov by a vector (nh) of standard normal variables. The generated vector should be added to the mean value obtained using meanMul pcov - the pixel-pixel covariance matrix used in intermediate steps, if you want to re-use it targetTemplate - a liteMap template of the stamp cutout m1 - a boolean array that can be used to select the hole region m2 - a boolean array that can be used to select the context region ''' arc = context_arcmin res = maps.resolution(shape, wcs) * 60. * 180. / np.pi bshape, bwcs = maps.rect_geometry(width_arcmin=arc * buffer_factor, px_res_arcmin=res) tshape, twcs = maps.rect_geometry(width_arcmin=arc, px_res_arcmin=res) sny, snx = tshape bmodlmap = enmap.modlmap(bshape, bwcs) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) if verbose: print("Downsampling...") Niy, Nix = shape[-2:] Noy, Nox = bshape[-2:] # print(bshape,tshape,power2d.shape) # io.plot_img(np.fft.fftshift(np.log10(power2d))) #out_power = resample.resample_fft(power2d,bshape[-2:],axes=[-2,-1]) #out_power = np.fft.ifftshift(resample.resample_fft(np.fft.fftshift(power2d),bshape[-2:],axes=[-2,-1])) out_power = resample.resample_bin( power2d, factors=[float(Noy) / Niy, float(Nox) / Nix], axes=[-2, -1]) # io.plot_img(np.fft.fftshift(np.log10(out_power))) # print(out_power.shape) if verbose: print("Starting slow part...") d = maps.diagonal_cov(out_power) with"pixcov"): pcov = maps.pixcov(bshape, bwcs, d)[0, 0, :sny, :snx, :sny, :snx] modrmap = enmap.modrmap(tshape, twcs) m1 = np.where(modrmap.reshape(-1) < hole_arcmin * np.pi / 180. / 60.)[0] m2 = np.where(modrmap.reshape(-1) >= hole_arcmin * np.pi / 180. / 60.)[0] with"geom"): meanMul, cov = get_geometry(pcov.reshape(sny * snx, sny * snx), m1, m2) covRoot = stats.eig_pow(cov, 0.5) return meanMul, covRoot, pcov, tshape, twcs, m1, m2
from __future__ import print_function from orphics import maps,io,cosmology,catalogs from pixell import enmap,reproject import numpy as np import os,sys,shutil from soapack import interfaces as sints import healpy as hp box = np.deg2rad([ [11,-173.5], [13.5,-171] ]) rosat = enmap.read_map("/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/for_sigurd/rosat_r7_boss.fits").submap(box) print(rosat.shape,maps.resolution(rosat.shape,rosat.wcs) * 180.*60./np.pi) version = "map_v1.0.0_rc_joint" cversion = "v1.0.0_rc" region = 'boss' yname = "/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/depot/tilec/v1.0.0_rc_20190919/%s_%s/tilec_single_tile_%s_comptony_%s.fits" % (version,region,region,version) ymap = enmap.read_map(yname).submap(box) print(*180./np.pi) rosat = enmap.project(rosat,ymap.shape,ymap.wcs) io.hplot(np.log10(rosat),'fig_virgo_rosat') #io.hplot(enmap.smooth_gauss(ymap,np.deg2rad(3./60.)),'fig_virgo_act',color='gray') #,min=-1.25e-5,max=3.0e-5 io.hplot(ymap,'fig_virgo_act',color='gray') #,min=-1.25e-5,max=3.0e-5