Exemple #1
def test_loading_unicode_files_with_bad_global_charset(Script, monkeypatch,
    dirname = str(tmpdir.mkdir('jedi-test'))
    filename1 = join(dirname, 'test1.py')
    filename2 = join(dirname, 'test2.py')
    data = "# coding: latin-1\nfoo = 'm\xf6p'\n".encode("latin-1")

    with open(filename1, "wb") as f:
    s = Script("from test1 import foo\nfoo.", path=filename2)
    s.complete(line=2, column=4)
def test_complete_expanduser(Script):
    possibilities = scandir(expanduser('~'))
    non_dots = [p for p in possibilities if not p.name.startswith('.') and len(p.name) > 1]
    item = non_dots[0]
    line = "'~%s%s'" % (os.sep, item.name)
    s = Script(line)
    expected_name = item.name
    if item.is_dir():
        expected_name += os.path.sep
    assert expected_name in [c.name for c in s.complete(column=len(line)-1)]