def isCompressed(self): # basepath = 'tmp' basepath = os.path.dirname(self.path) fileName = baseName(self.path) with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'r') as zf: if len(zf.namelist()) == 1: singleFile = zf.namelist()[0] outfile = [filePath(basepath, singleFile)] if self.multi is False: with open(outfile[0], 'wb') as f: f.write( ## equaly bytes ## else: self.internal.append("\r\n", b"\n")) outfile1 = filePath(os.path.dirname(self.path), singleFile) return outfile, outfile1 elif not zf.namelist(): logger.debug(f"{fileName} is empty") elif len(zf.namelist()) >= 2: izbor = [x for x in zf.namelist() if not x.endswith('/')] if len(zf.namelist()) > 9: dlg = MultiChoice(None, "Pick files:", fileName, choices=izbor) else: dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, 'Pick files:', fileName, izbor) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: response = dlg.GetSelections() files = [izbor[x] for x in response] names = [baseName(i) for i in files] outfiles = [filePath(basepath, x) for x in names] single = filePath( os.path.dirname(self.path), baseName(files[-1]), ) if len(files) == 1: with open(outfiles[0], "wb") as f: f.write([0])) for i in files: self.internal.append("\r\n", b"\n")) self.internPath.extend((files)) return outfiles, single else: logger.debug(f'{self.path}: Canceled.') dlg.Destroy() finally: dlg.Destroy()
def checkFile(path, newfile, text_s, multi=False): file1_name = path try: n_sign = text_s.count(r"\?") if n_sign > 0: poruka = re.sub( r"(?: ){2,14}", " ", u'!! Greška u tekstu\ !!\n{0}\nNeispravnih znakova\ konvertovanih kao znak `?` ukupno:\ [{1} ]', ).format(baseName(file1_name), n_sign) logger.debug(poruka) if multi is True: file1_name = newfile error_text = f"Greška:\n\n{baseName(file1_name)}\nBilo je neispravnih znakova u\ tekstu\nkonvertovanih kao znak `?`\nUkupno: [{n_sign}]\nProverite tekst." if error_text: error_text = re.sub("(?: ){2,4}", " ", error_text) return error_text except UnboundLocalError as e: logger.debug(f"File_Check, error({e})") except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"File_Check, unexpected error: {e}")
def displayError(text, tctrl, rdir, path, new_enc, multi=False): """""" nlist = w_position(r"\?", text) epath = baseName(path) if type(rdir) is list: rdir = [x for rdir[0] in rdir for x in rdir[0]] outf = os.path.join(rdir[0], os.path.splitext(epath)[0] + "_error.log") else: outf = os.path.join(rdir, os.path.splitext(epath)[0] + "_error.log") showMeError(path, text, outf, new_enc) text = text.replace('¬', '?') if multi is False: tctrl.SetValue(text) for i in nlist: if not len(nlist) > 300: tctrl.SetStyle(i[0], i[1], wx.TextAttr("YELLOW", "GREEN")) tctrl.SetInsertionPoint(i[1]) return text
def fileHandle(infiles, text_control, fdrop=False): """""" c = 0 if type(infiles) != list: infiles = [infiles] def file_go(infile, rfile): enc = FileOpened(infile).findCode() text = normalizeText(enc, infile) text = text.replace("\r\n", "\n") bufferText(text, WORK_TEXT) text = WORK_TEXT.getvalue() nlist = checkErrors(text) text_control.SetValue(text) text_control.SetInsertionPoint(0) if fdrop is False: if nlist: for i in nlist: text_control.SetStyle(i[0], i[1], wx.TextAttr("YELLOW", "BLUE")) text_control.SetInsertionPoint(i[1]) PREVIOUS.clear() addPrevious("Open", enc, text, "", infile, rfile) logger.debug(f"Opened: {baseName(infile)}, {enc}") if os.path.exists(droppedText): os.remove(droppedText) d_text = {text: enc} with open(filePath('resources', 'var', 'r_text0.pkl'), 'wb') as t: pickle.dump(d_text, t) return enc if len(infiles) > 1: rpath = [infiles[-1]] BYTES_TEXT.clear() text_control.SetValue('Files List:\n\n') if fdrop is True: dispatcher.send("TMP_PATH", message=infiles, msg=[rpath, "", True]) for i in range(len(infiles)): if not zipfile.is_zipfile(infiles[i]): try: if not os.path.exists(infiles[i]): logger.debug(f"Skipping {baseName(infiles[i])}") text_control.AppendText( f"\n_SKIP_:{baseName(infiles[i])}") continue c += 1 fop = FileOpened(infiles[i]) enc = fop.findCode() fop.addBytes(infiles[i], enc, fop.getByteText()) name = baseName(infiles[i]) text_control.AppendText(f"{c} - {name}\n") except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'FileHandler: {e}') else: try: fop = FileOpened(infiles[i], multi=True) fop.internal.clear() outfile, rfile = fop.isCompressed() except: logger.debug('FileHandler: No files selected.') else: if len(outfile) == 1: c += 1 fop = FileOpened(outfile[0]) enc = fop.findByteCode(n=0) fop.addBytes(fop.path, enc, fop.internal[0]) nam = outfile[0] text = baseName(nam) text_control.AppendText(f"{c} - {text}\n") fop.internal.clear() elif len(outfile) > 1: for i in range(len(outfile)): c += 1 fop = FileOpened(outfile[i]) enc = fop.findByteCode(n=i) fop.addBytes(outfile[i], enc, fop.internal[i]) text = baseName(outfile[i]) text_control.AppendText(f"{c} - {text}\n") fop.internal.clear() logger.debug('FileHandler: Ready for multiple files.') else: name = "".join(infiles) if zipfile.is_zipfile(name): logger.debug(f'ZIP archive: {baseName(name)}') try: fop = FileOpened(name) fop.internal.clear() BYTES_TEXT.clear() outfile, rfile = fop.isCompressed() ## outfile in tmp except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'ZIP; {e}.') else: if len(outfile) == 1: if lenZip(name): ## Append if not multiple FILE_HISTORY.append(lenZip(name)) enc = file_go(outfile[0], rfile) FILE_HISTORY.append(outfile[0]) if fdrop is True: try: dispatcher.send("TMP_PATH", message=outfile, msg=[rfile, enc, False]) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"dispatcher: {e} {outfile} {rfile}") elif len(outfile) > 1: text_control.SetValue('Files List:\n\n') for i in range(len(outfile)): c += 1 fop = FileOpened(outfile[i], True) enc = fop.findByteCode() fop.addBytes(outfile[i], enc, fop.internal[i]) text = baseName(outfile[i]) text_control.AppendText(f"{c} - {text}\n") if fdrop is True: dispatcher.send("TMP_PATH", message=outfile, msg=[rfile, enc, True]) logger.debug('FileHandler: Ready for multiple files.') elif not zipfile.is_zipfile(name): ## Single file only ## name = real path BYTES_TEXT.clear() FILE_HISTORY.append(name) tmp_path = filePath('tmp', baseName(name)) if os.path.isfile(tmp_path): if os.path.dirname(name) == "tmp": text = open(tmp_path, "rb").read() os.remove(tmp_path) if os.path.isfile(name): shutil.copy(name, tmp_path) else: open(tmp_path, "wb").write(text) enc = file_go(tmp_path, name) if fdrop is True: dispatcher.send("TMP_PATH", message=tmp_path, msg=[name, enc, False])
def newName(path, pre_suffix, multi=False): '''''' added = name_data[0] value2_s = name_data[1] value5_s = name_data[2] value_m = name_data[3] oformat = name_data[4] ex = name_data[5] spattern = re.compile(r"(?:\.srt){2,3}", re.I) tpattern = re.compile(r"(?:\.txt){2,3}", re.I) upattern = re.compile(r"\s*" + value_m + r"\d*", re.I) if len(re.findall(upattern, path)) == 2: path = upattern.sub("", path, count=2) elif len(re.findall(upattern, path)) == 3: path = upattern.sub("", path, count=3) if re.findall(spattern, path): path = spattern.sub(r".srt", path) elif re.findall(tpattern, path): path = tpattern.sub(r".txt", path) fprint = baseName(path) n = os.path.splitext(fprint)[0] if not "" in list(ex.values()): psufix = os.path.splitext(n)[-1] ## presufix ispred sufixa else: psufix = n if oformat == "txt" and pre_suffix == value5_s: sufix = ".txt" elif oformat == "txt" and pre_suffix == value2_s: sufix = ".txt" ## srt,txt ili neki drugi otvoren else: sufix = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] suffix_list = [ "." + x if not x.startswith("_") else x for x in ex.values() ] + added suffix_list.append(value_m) suffix_list = [ x.strip(".") if x.startswith(r".(") else x for x in suffix_list ] _d = "." + pre_suffix ## pre_suffix je unet u funkciji koja poziva newName if pre_suffix.startswith("_") or pre_suffix.startswith(r"("): _d = pre_suffix if psufix in suffix_list: name1 = '{0}{1}'.format(os.path.splitext(n)[0], _d) ## u tmp/ folderu else: name1 = '{0}{1}'.format(n, _d) if name1.endswith("."): name1 = name1[:-1] for i in suffix_list: if i == "." or not i: continue fpattern = re.compile(i, re.I) count_s = len(re.findall(fpattern, name1)) if count_s >= 2: name1 = "".join(name1.rsplit(i, count_s)) if not name1.endswith(i): name1 = name1 + i return name1, sufix ## Vraca samo ime fajla bez putanje