def checkInside(polygonOne, polygonTwo): polygon = np.array(polygonOne) # All points of polygon (but in different form) path = mplPath.Path(polygon) # Makes polygon checkPoints = polygonTwo # The inside polygon (points, not lines) edgeInside = [path.contains_point(point, radius = 0.001) or path.contains_point(point, radius = -0.001) for point in checkPoints] edgeOutside = [(path.contains_point(point, radius = 0) or path.contains_point(point, radius = 0)) and point not in polygonOne for point in checkPoints] return edgeInside, edgeOutside
def get_area_name(self,point): area_found_result = False area_name = "" for i in areas_dict: path = Path(areas_dict[i]) if path.contains_point(point) == 1: area_name = i area_found_result = True break if area_found_result == False: area_name = self.default_no_suburb return area_name
def get_area_name(self,point): # the parameter must be like point = (latitude, longitude) area_found_result = False area_name = "" for i in areas_dict: path = Path(areas_dict[i]) if path.contains_point(point) == 1: area_name = i area_found_result = True break if area_found_result == False: area_name = self.default_no_suburb return area_name
def remove_selection(self): if len(self.selected_path_verts) == 0: print "Nothing selected!" return path = self.points_to_path(close=True) nodes = [n for n in self.graph.nodes_iter() if path.contains_point((self.graph.node[n]['x'], self.graph.node[n]['y']))] print nodes self.graph.remove_nodes_from(nodes) plt.clf() plot.draw_leaf(self.graph) self.selected_path_verts = [] self.path_patch = None
def experiment(self, feature_geom, point_geom): """ feature and point are geometrys Is a QgsPoint within an arbitrary QgsPolygon? """ polygon = feature_geom.asPolygon() point = point_geom.asPoint() codes = [] codes.append(Path.MOVETO) for i in range(0, len(polygon[0]) - 2): codes.append(Path.LINETO) codes.append(Path.CLOSEPOLY) path = Path(polygon[0], codes) if path.contains_point(point): return True else: return False
def var_to_polygon(mx,vertices,lx,ly): minx=min(np.asarray(lx)) miny=min(np.asarray(ly)) maxx=max(np.asarray(lx)) maxy=max(np.asarray(ly)) mask_polygon = np.zeros(( maxy-miny+1, maxx-minx+1 )) poly_vert=[] for i in vertices: poly_vert.append((i[1]-miny,i[0]-minx)) path = Path(poly_vert) print minx,maxx, miny,maxy mx_slice = mx[(miny):(maxy+1), (minx):(maxx+1)] for index, val in np.ndenumerate(mx_slice): if path.contains_point(index)==1: mask_polygon[index]=1 else: pass mx_slice_masked = ma.masked_where(mask_polygon==0,mx_slice) mx_slice_out = ma.masked_where(mask_polygon==1,mx_slice) return mx_slice_masked, mx_slice_out
def export_selection(self): if len(self.selected_path_verts) == 0: print "Nothing selected!" return path = self.points_to_path(close=True) nodes = [n for n in self.graph.nodes_iter() if path.contains_point((self.graph.node[n]['x'], self.graph.node[n]['y']))] subgraph = nx.Graph(self.graph.subgraph(nodes)) suggested_name = self.suggested_name(self.fname, extension="_selection_") savname = raw_input("Save to [{}]: ".format(suggested_name)) if savname == '': savname = suggested_name nx.write_gpickle(subgraph, savname) print "Done."
def __call__(self, event): print 'click', event if event.inaxes!=self.line.axes: return if event.button == 1: self.xs.append(event.xdata) self.ys.append(event.ydata) self.line.set_data(self.xs, self.ys) self.line.figure.canvas.draw() if event.button == 3: vertices=zip(self.xs,self.ys) if len(self.xs) > 1: cycle=vertices cycle.append((self.xs[0],self.ys[0])) fig_line = plt.figure(figsize=(22, 8)) ax_line = fig_line.add_subplot(121) lat_vert, lon_vert,vert,ncv,absx,lx,ly =[],[],[],[],[],[],[] label_vert=[] #---------------Line plot---------------------------- for i in range(0,len(self.xs)): points=get_line(int(round(cycle[i][0])), int(round(cycle[i][1])), int(round(cycle[i+1][0])),int(round(cycle[i+1][1]))) for j in points: lx.append(j[0]) ly.append(j[1]) ncv.append([j[1],j[0]]) lat_vert.append([j[1],j[0]]) lon_vert.append(self.lon[j[1],j[0]]) if len(lx) ==1: absx.append(lx[0]) else: absx.append(absx[-1]+int(sqrt((lx[-1]-lx[-2])**2+(ly[-1]-ly[-2])**2))) if len(vert)==0: vert.append((absx[0],lat_vert[0],lon_vert[0])) vert.append((absx[-1],lat_vert[-1],lon_vert[-1])) else: vert.append((absx[-1],lat_vert[-1],lon_vert[-1])) #Line plot parameters and line plot itself ncv = np.asarray(ncv) r_ncv = ncv[~np.isnan(ncv)] if len(r_ncv) != 0: ax_line.axis([min(absx)-(max(absx)-min(absx))/20., max(absx)+(max(absx)-min(absx))/20., min(r_ncv), max(r_ncv)+(max(r_ncv)-min(r_ncv))/20.]) else: pass x_tick=[] x_label=[] if len(vert) > 1: for v in vert: x_tick.append(v[0]) x_label.append('('+str('%.1f' % v[1])+','+str('%.1f' % v[2])+')') else: pass ax_line.set_xticks(x_tick) ax_line.set_xticklabels(x_label, rotation=30, fontsize=8) ax_line.xaxis.grid(True) ax_line.yaxis.grid(True) ax_line.plot(absx,ncv) # Polygon mask mask_polygon = np.zeros(( np.amax(np.asarray(ly))-np.amin(np.asarray(ly))+1, np.amax(np.asarray(lx))-np.amin(np.asarray(lx))+1)) poly_vert=[] for i in vertices: poly_vert.append((i[1]-np.amin(np.asarray(ly)),i[0]-np.amin(np.asarray(lx)))) path = Path(poly_vert) mx_slice = mx[(min(np.asarray(ly))-1):(max(np.asarray(ly))), (min(np.asarray(lx))-1):(max(np.asarray(lx)))] for index, val in np.ndenumerate(mx_slice): if path.contains_point(index)==1: mask_polygon[index]=1 else: pass #polygon plot ax_zoom = fig_line.add_subplot(122) x_tick, y_tick, x_label, y_label = [],[],[],[] for v in np.linspace(0, np.amax(np.asarray(ly))-np.amin(np.asarray(ly)), num = 21): y_tick.append(v) y_label.append(str(int(y_0+v+ np.amin(np.asarray(ly))))) for v in np.linspace(0, np.amax(np.asarray(lx))-np.amin(np.asarray(lx)), num = 21): x_tick.append(v) x_label.append(str(int(x_0+v+ np.amin(np.asarray(lx))))) ax_zoom.set_xticks(x_tick) ax_zoom.set_xticklabels(x_label, rotation=30) ax_zoom.set_yticks(y_tick) ax_zoom.set_yticklabels(y_label) mx_slice_masked = ma.masked_where(mask_polygon==0,mx_slice) mx_slice_out = ma.masked_where(mask_polygon==1,mx_slice) lvls = np.linspace(np.amin(mx_slice_masked),np.amax(mx_slice_masked),num=21) print "the following arguments can be passed to the script for further zooming if needed:" print "--yrange ", str(y_0+min(np.asarray(ly)))+":"+str(y_0+max(np.asarray(ly))), " --xrange ", str(x_0+min(np.asarray(lx)))+":"+str(x_0+max(np.asarray(lx))), " --var_min ", np.amin(mx_slice_masked), " --var_max ", np.amax(mx_slice_masked) cmap_out = if args.contourf == "yes": slice_mesh=ax_zoom.contourf(mx_slice_masked,levels=lvls, cmap=cmap_zoom) slice_mesh_out=ax_zoom.contourf(mx_slice_out,levels=lvls, cmap=cmap_out, vmin=np.amin(mx_slice_masked), vmax=np.amax(mx_slice_masked)) else: slice_mesh=ax_zoom.pcolormesh(mx_slice_masked, cmap=cmap_zoom) slice_out=ax_zoom.pcolormesh(mx_slice_out, cmap=cmap_out, vmin=np.amin(mx_slice_masked), vmax=np.amax(mx_slice_masked)) for vert in vertices: txt = plt.text(round(vert[0])-min(np.asarray(lx)), round(vert[1])-min(np.asarray(ly)), "("+str('%.1f' % lat[(round(vert[1]),round(vert[0]))])+","+str('%.1f' % lon[(round(vert[1]),round(vert[0]))])+")", fontsize=8) txt.set_bbox(dict(color='white', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='red')) plt.axis('tight') # info at polygon vertices box = ax_zoom.get_position() ax_zoom.set_position([box.x0*1.05, box.y0, box.width, box.height]) axColor = plt.axes([box.x0 + box.width * 1.16, box.y0, 0.01, box.height]) plt.colorbar(slice_mesh, cax = axColor, ticks=lvls, orientation="vertical") #nullify arrays for next pick self.xs = [] self.ys = [] else: print "click one more time please!" if event.dblclick == True: print "double click detected" line.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cid) exit()
def get_contours(self, fitsfile, Ak=None): """ Given a continuum FITS file, return the contours enclosing the source position at a given flux level. There are a couple complications: 1) We seek a closed contour 2) The contour should only extend over the region covered by the NIR image (K-band, in this case) This function could usefully be refactored/simplified """ hdulist = header = hdulist[0].header img = hdulist[0].data if not Ak: contour_level = self.contour_level #10 av in Jy? print("Using a contour level of: " + str(round(contour_level, 3))) else: contour_level = self.calculate_continuum_level( cont_survey=self.cont_survey, Ak=Ak) print("Using a contour level of: " + str(round(contour_level, 3))) wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) yy, xx = np.indices(img.shape) img[img != img] = 0 #Set the borders of an image to be zero (blank) so that all contours close img[0, :] = 0.0 img[-1, :] = 0.0 img[:, 0] = 0.0 img[:, -1] = 0.0 self.all_contours = [] #for contour_level in contour_levels: wcs_paths = self.make_contour_at_level(wcs, img, yy, xx, contour_level) # self.all_contours.append(np.array(wcs_paths)) index = 0 self.good_contour = False print(self.glon, self.glat) if len(wcs_paths) > 1: print("More than one contour") for i, wcs_path in enumerate(wcs_paths): path = Path(wcs_path) #print(path) if path.contains_point((self.glon, self.glat)): index = i self.good_contour = True print("This was the contour containing the center") #index = 1 #self.good_contour = True self.contours = wcs_paths[index] #self.contours[:,0] -= 0.02 #self.contours[:,1] += 0.02 #print(self.contours[:,1]) else: self.good_contour = True self.contours = wcs_paths[0] #This selects a contour containing the center #Now we trim the contour to the boundaries of the UKIDSS image if self.good_contour: #And check to see which contour (if any) contains the center self.good_contour = False #Find the boundaries of the UKIDSS (K-band image) in Galactic coordinates h = fits.getheader( xmin = 0 xmax = h['NAXIS1'] ymin = 0 ymax = h['NAXIS2'] wcs = pywcs.WCS(h) corners = wcs.wcs_pix2world( [[xmin, ymin], [xmin, ymax], [xmax, ymax], [xmax, ymin]], 0) gals = [] for coord in corners: c = coordinates.ICRS(ra=coord[0], dec=coord[1], unit=[u.deg, u.deg]) gal = c.transform_to(coordinates.Galactic) gals.append(gal) mycoords = [] for gal in gals: l, b =, mycoords.append((l, b)) p1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(self.contours) p1 = p1.buffer(0) #print(p1.is_valid) p2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(mycoords) p2.buffer(0) #print(p2.is_valid) ya = p1.intersection(p2) #print(ya) try: mycontours = [] xx, yy = ya.exterior.coords.xy for ix, iy in zip(xx, yy): mycontours.append((ix, iy)) self.contours = np.array(mycontours) self.good_contour = True except AttributeError: #MultiPolygon mycontours = [] for j, poly in enumerate(ya): try: #print(poly) yoyo = np.asarray(poly.exterior.coords.xy) #print(yoyo.shape) #print(yoyo) yoyo2 = yoyo.T #print(poly.exterior.coords.xy) #yya = poly.exterior.coords.xy[0] #print(yya.shape) #print(yoyo2) path = Path(yoyo2) if path.contains_point((self.glon, self.glat)): self.good_contour = True index = i print("This was the contour containing the center") xx, yy = poly.exterior.coords.xy for ix, iy in zip(xx, yy): mycontours.append((ix, iy)) self.contours = np.array(mycontours) except IOError: pass self.contour_area = self.calc_contour_area(self.contours) if not self.good_contour: print("######## No good contour found ########") self.contours = None self.contour_area = 0
def get_contours(self, fitsfile, Ak=None): """ Given a continuum FITS file, return the contours enclosing the source position at a given flux level. There are a couple complications: 1) We seek a closed contour 2) The contour should only extend over the region covered by the NIR image (K-band, in this case) This function could usefully be refactored/simplified """ hdulist = header = hdulist[0].header img = hdulist[0].data if not Ak: contour_level = self.contour_level #10 av in Jy? print("Using a contour level of: "+str(round(contour_level,3))) else: contour_level = self.calculate_continuum_level( cont_survey=self.cont_survey, Ak=Ak) print("Using a contour level of: "+str(round(contour_level,3))) wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) yy,xx = np.indices(img.shape) img[img!=img] = 0 #Set the borders of an image to be zero (blank) so that all contours close img[0,:] = 0.0 img[-1,:] = 0.0 img[:,0] = 0.0 img[:,-1] = 0.0 self.all_contours = [] #for contour_level in contour_levels: wcs_paths = self.make_contour_at_level(wcs,img,yy,xx,contour_level) # self.all_contours.append(np.array(wcs_paths)) index = 0 self.good_contour = False print(self.glon,self.glat) if len(wcs_paths) > 1: print("More than one contour") for i,wcs_path in enumerate(wcs_paths): path = Path(wcs_path) #print(path) if path.contains_point((self.glon,self.glat)): index = i self.good_contour = True print("This was the contour containing the center") #index = 1 #self.good_contour = True self.contours = wcs_paths[index] #self.contours[:,0] -= 0.02 #self.contours[:,1] += 0.02 #print(self.contours[:,1]) else: self.good_contour = True self.contours = wcs_paths[0] #This selects a contour containing the center #Now we trim the contour to the boundaries of the UKIDSS image if self.good_contour: #And check to see which contour (if any) contains the center self.good_contour = False #Find the boundaries of the UKIDSS (K-band image) in Galactic coordinates h = fits.getheader( xmin = 0 xmax = h['NAXIS1'] ymin = 0 ymax = h['NAXIS2'] wcs = pywcs.WCS(h) corners = wcs.wcs_pix2world([[xmin,ymin],[xmin,ymax],[xmax,ymax],[xmax,ymin]],0) gals = [] for coord in corners: c = coordinates.ICRS(ra=coord[0],dec=coord[1],unit=[u.deg,u.deg]) gal = c.transform_to(coordinates.Galactic) gals.append(gal) mycoords = [] for gal in gals: l,b =, mycoords.append((l,b)) p1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(self.contours) p1 = p1.buffer(0) #print(p1.is_valid) p2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(mycoords) p2.buffer(0) #print(p2.is_valid) ya = p1.intersection(p2) #print(ya) try: mycontours = [] xx,yy = ya.exterior.coords.xy for ix,iy in zip(xx,yy): mycontours.append((ix,iy)) self.contours = np.array(mycontours) self.good_contour = True except AttributeError: #MultiPolygon mycontours = [] for j,poly in enumerate(ya): try: #print(poly) yoyo = np.asarray(poly.exterior.coords.xy) #print(yoyo.shape) #print(yoyo) yoyo2 = yoyo.T #print(poly.exterior.coords.xy) #yya = poly.exterior.coords.xy[0] #print(yya.shape) #print(yoyo2) path = Path(yoyo2) if path.contains_point((self.glon,self.glat)): self.good_contour = True index = i print("This was the contour containing the center") xx,yy = poly.exterior.coords.xy for ix,iy in zip(xx,yy): mycontours.append((ix,iy)) self.contours = np.array(mycontours) except IOError: pass self.contour_area = self.calc_contour_area(self.contours) if not self.good_contour: print("######## No good contour found ########") self.contours = None self.contour_area = 0