Exemple #1
def refresh_links(base, scripts):
	def link(filename, orig_dir):
		goodfile = join(orig_dir, filename)
		assert goodfile in allfiles

		for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walkfiles:
			for f in filenames:
				if f == filename:
					sym = join(dirpath, f)
					sys.stderr.write("\tLinking %s (to %s)\n" % (path.shorten(sym), path.shorten(goodfile)))
					os.symlink(goodfile, sym)

	assert isdir(base)
	assert isdir(scripts)

	sys.stderr.write("\n\nRefreshing links below %s...\n" % base)

	import os
	# Retrieve all files below the base dir
	walkfiles = os.walk(base)
	allfiles = []
	for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walkfiles:
		# Remove all variables.pyc
		for f in filenames:
			if f == "variables.pyc": os.remove(join(dirpath, f))
			else: allfiles.append(join(dirpath, f))
	# Point all variables.py to the one in scripts/
	link("variables.py", scripts)
	# Point all variables.pm to the one in scripts/
	link("variables.pm", scripts)
Exemple #2
	while len(str) < 12:
		str = " " + str
	return str

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

all = ["base", "scripts", "data"]
dir = {}
dir["base"]	= options.base
dir["scripts"]	= options.scripts
dir["data"]	= options.data
dir["home"]	= "/home/turian"

#thisdir = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
thisdir = wrap(os.getcwd())
sys.stderr.write("%s directory:\t%s\n" % (align("current"), thisdir))
for d in all:
	#dir[d] = os.path.realpath(dir[d])
	dir[d] = wrap(dir[d])
	sys.stderr.write("%s directory:\t%s\n" % (align(d), dir[d]))

alldirs = [d for d in dir.values()]

for d in alldirs:
	if not isdir(d):
		sys.stderr.write("FATAL: Directory does not exist:\n%s\n" % d)
	assert isdir(d)

if commonprefix(alldirs + [thisdir]) != thisdir: