def __init__(self, view): self.window_id = view.window().id() settings = get_settings(view) # infer `python_interpreter` and `python_virtualenv` python_interpreter = settings.get('python_interpreter') python_virtualenv = settings.get('python_virtualenv') if python_interpreter and not python_virtualenv: python_virtualenv = up(up(python_interpreter)) if python_virtualenv and not python_interpreter: python_interpreter = join(python_virtualenv, 'bin', 'python') if python_virtualenv and python_interpreter: self.env = Environment(python_virtualenv, python_interpreter) else: self.env = jedi.get_default_environment() # prepare the extra packages if any extra_packages = settings.get('extra_packages') if extra_packages: self.sys_path = self.env.get_sys_path() + extra_packages else: self.sys_path = None # how to autocomplete arguments self.complete_funcargs = settings.get('complete_funcargs')
def __init__(self, repo_url, repo_name, repo_lang): self.repo_url = repo_url self.repo_name = repo_name self.repo_lang = repo_lang self.repo_obj = git2repo.git2repo(self.repo_url, self.repo_name) self.repo = self.repo_obj.clone_repo() self.cwd = Path(os.getcwd()) if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': self.repo_path = os.getcwd() + '/temp_repo/' + self.repo_name self.file_path = up( self.cwd) + '/results/refactored/' + self.repo_name + '.csv' else: self.repo_path = os.getcwd() + '\\temp_repo\\' + self.repo_name self.file_path = up( self.cwd) + '\\results\\refactored\\' + self.repo_name + '.csv' print(self.file_path) self.refactored_pairs = self.read_commits() self.all_commits = self.repo_obj.get_current_commit_objects() # Reference current directory, so we can go back after we are done. # Generate path to store udb files self.udb_path = self.cwd.joinpath(".temp", "udb") # Create a folder to hold the udb files if not self.udb_path.is_dir(): os.makedirs(self.udb_path) # Generate source path where the source file exist self.source_path = self.cwd.joinpath(".temp", "sources", self.repo_name)
def getLogDir(): ''' Makes all code simpler. If the alias are changed in the imports section that could be an issue ''' logdir = up(up(__file__)) return join(logdir, "logs")
def test_retrieve_hierarchy_creates_tree_of_bones(self): collection = get_collection() self.loadBlend( up(up(up(self.relpath()))) + '/testfiles/unordered_bones.blend') hierarchy, _ = retrieve_hierarchy(self, 'lorem ipsum') self.assertEqual(11, len(hierarchy.pivots)) self.assertEqual('ROOTTRANSFORM', hierarchy.pivots[0].name) self.assertEqual(-1, hierarchy.pivots[0].parent_id) self.assertEqual('Location', hierarchy.pivots[1].name) self.assertEqual(0, hierarchy.pivots[1].parent_id) self.assertEqual('fx_damage_3', hierarchy.pivots[2].name) self.assertEqual(1, hierarchy.pivots[2].parent_id) self.assertEqual('tp_2', hierarchy.pivots[3].name) self.assertEqual(0, hierarchy.pivots[3].parent_id) self.assertEqual('turret_2', hierarchy.pivots[4].name) self.assertEqual(3, hierarchy.pivots[4].parent_id) self.assertEqual('barrel_2', hierarchy.pivots[5].name) self.assertEqual(4, hierarchy.pivots[5].parent_id) self.assertEqual('fx_damage_2', hierarchy.pivots[6].name) self.assertEqual(4, hierarchy.pivots[6].parent_id) self.assertEqual('tp_1', hierarchy.pivots[7].name) self.assertEqual(0, hierarchy.pivots[7].parent_id) self.assertEqual('turret_1', hierarchy.pivots[8].name) self.assertEqual(7, hierarchy.pivots[8].parent_id) self.assertEqual('barrel_1', hierarchy.pivots[9].name) self.assertEqual(8, hierarchy.pivots[9].parent_id) self.assertEqual('fx_damage_1', hierarchy.pivots[10].name) self.assertEqual(8, hierarchy.pivots[10].parent_id)
def __init__(self,repo_url,repo_name,repo_lang,code_path): self.repo_url = repo_url self.repo_name = repo_name self.repo_lang = repo_lang #self.repo_obj = git2repo.git2repo(self.repo_url,self.repo_name) self.root_dir = code_path print("root:",self.root_dir) if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': self.repo_path = self.root_dir+ '/commit_guru/ingester/CASRepos/git/' + self.repo_name self.file_path = up(self.root_dir) + '/data/commit_guru/' + self.repo_name + '.csv' #self.committed_file = up(os.getcwd()) + '/data/committed_files/' + self.repo_name + '_committed_file.pkl' self.und_file = up(self.root_dir) + '/data/understand_files/' + self.repo_name + '_understand.csv' else: self.repo_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\temp_repo\\' + self.repo_name self.file_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\data\\commit_guru\\' + self.repo_name + '.pkl' #self.committed_file = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\data\\committed_files\\' + self.repo_name + '_committed_file.pkl' self.buggy_clean_pairs = self.read_commits() #self.buggy_clean_pairs = self.buggy_clean_pairs[0:5] # Reference current directory, so we can go back after we are done. self.cwd = Path(self.root_dir) #self.repo = self.clone_repo() # Generate path to store udb files #self.udb_path = self.cwd.joinpath(".temp", "udb") self.udb_path = self.cwd.joinpath("temp", "udb/"+self.repo_name) # Create a folder to hold the udb files if not self.udb_path.is_dir(): os.makedirs(self.udb_path)
def test_mesh_export_W3D_too_few_uv_layers(self): copyfile( up(up(up(self.relpath()))) + '/testfiles/', self.outpath() + '') self.file_format = 'W3D' mesh ='mesh_cube') b_mesh = bmesh.ops.create_cube(b_mesh, size=1) b_mesh.to_mesh(mesh) material, principled = create_material_from_vertex_material( 'loem ipsum', get_vertex_material()) tex = find_texture(self, '') principled.base_color_texture.image = tex mesh.materials.append(material) mesh_ob ='mesh_object', mesh) = 'MESH' coll = bpy.context.scene.collection = mesh_ob mesh_ob.select_set(True) meshes, _ = retrieve_meshes(self, None, None, 'container_name') self.assertEqual(0, len(meshes[0].material_passes[0].tx_stages))
def get_smpl_file(self): if self.gender == 'neutral': THREE_UP = up(up(up(__file__))) SMPL_PATH = os.path.join(THREE_UP, 'assets/neutral_smpl.pkl') return SMPL_PATH else: raise (NotImplemented)
def _find_project(view): directory = up(abspath(view.file_name())) while '' in os.listdir(directory) and directory != '/': directory = up(directory) if directory == '/': return up(abspath(view.file_name())) else: return directory
def root(path: str): from os.path import dirname as up wd = os.getcwd() if "unittest" in wd and "python" in wd: # go up 3 dirs wd = up((up(up(wd)))) return os.path.join(wd, path)
def __init__(self,access_token,repo_owner,source_type,git_url,api_base_url,repo_name): self.repo_name = repo_name if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': self.data_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '/data/' else: self.data_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\data\\' self.git_client = api_access.git_api_access(access_token,repo_owner,source_type,git_url,api_base_url,repo_name) self.git_repo = git2repo.git2repo(git_url,repo_name) self.repo = self.git_repo.clone_repo()
def __init__(self, repo_url, repo_name): self.repo_url = repo_url self.repo_name = repo_name self.commit = [] if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': self.repo_path = up(up(os.getcwd())) + '/temp_repo/' + repo_name else: self.repo_path = up(up(os.getcwd())) + '\\temp_repo\\' + repo_name self.clone_repo()
def __init__(self, project_name, repo_url, repo_name): self.project_name = project_name if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': self.data_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '/data/' else: self.data_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\data\\' self.commit = self.read_files('commit') self.committed_files = self.read_files('committed_file') self.initilize_repo(repo_url, repo_name) self.cores = cpu_count()
def generate_repo_path(self): def randomStringDigits(stringLength=6): """Generate a random string of letters and digits """ lettersAndDigits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(lettersAndDigits) for i in range(stringLength)) ukey = randomStringDigits(8) if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': repo_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '/temp_repo/' + ukey + '/' + self.repo_name else: repo_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\temp_repo\\' + ukey + '\\' + self.repo_name return repo_path
def test_mesh_import_2_textures_1_vertex_material(self): mesh = get_mesh_two_textures() copyfile( up(up(self.relpath())) + '/testfiles/', self.outpath() + '') copyfile( up(up(self.relpath())) + '/testfiles/', self.outpath() + '') create_mesh(self, mesh, bpy.context.collection)
def test_loadParameterSetFromDir1(self): """ Try loading from X, where the FS looks like: X/ 2013-03/ GenomicConsensus/ QuiverParameters.ini """ quiverParamsIni = m._findParametersFile() X = up(up(up(quiverParamsIni))) paramSets = m._loadParameterSets(m._findParametersFile(X)) assert "C2.AllQVsModel" in paramSets
def test_loadParameterSetFromDir2(self): """ Try loading from specified bundle X/ 2013-03/ <------------ here GenomicConsensus/ QuiverParameters.ini """ quiverParamsIni = m._findParametersFile() X = up(up(quiverParamsIni)) paramSets = m._loadParameterSets(m._findParametersFile(X)) assert "C2.AllQVsModel" in paramSets
def __init__(self, access_token, repo_owner, source_type, git_url, api_base_url, repo_name): self.repo_name = repo_name if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux': self.data_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '/data/' else: self.data_path = up(os.getcwd()) + '\\data\\' if not os.path.exists(self.data_path): os.makedirs(self.data_path) self.git_client = api_access.git_api_access(access_token, repo_owner, source_type, git_url, api_base_url, repo_name)
def import_server_variable(): # python3 compatibility by setting unicode = str import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: unicode = str # getting logged in user global username #import getpass #user = getpass.getuser() # or (see loggedInUser in shell scripts) from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser import sys username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0]; username = [username,""][username in [u"loginwindow", None, u""]] #print (username) # defining path to script with server variable from os.path import dirname as up three_up = up(up(up(__file__))) #print (three_up) path = (three_up) + "/_scripts_input_keep/" #path = (three_up) + "/_scripts_input_keep/finder_favorites_" + username + ".py" # checking if file exists import os if not os.path.exists(path): print("file " + path + " does not exists, exiting...") quit() # reading server variable def getVarFromFile(filename): import imp f = open(filename) global data data = imp.load_source('data', path) f.close() getVarFromFile(path) print ('') print("severs entry...") print (data.servers) global servers servers = (data.servers) # checking if server variable is defined try: servers except NameError: print("servers is not defined, exiting...") quit() else: print('')
def test_modifiers_are_applied_on_export(self): self.loadBlend( up(up(up(self.relpath()))) + '/testfiles/cube_with_modifiers.blend') self.assertTrue('Cube' in meshes, _ = retrieve_meshes(self, None, None, 'container_name') self.assertEqual(1, len(meshes)) mesh = meshes[0] self.assertEqual(42, len(mesh.verts))
def test_vertex_material_roundtrip(self): mesh = get_mesh() copyfile( up(up(self.relpath())) + '/testfiles/', self.outpath() + '') for source in mesh.vert_materials: (material, _) = create_material_from_vertex_material(, source) principled = node_shader_utils.PrincipledBSDFWrapper( material, is_readonly=True) actual = retrieve_vertex_material(material, principled) compare_vertex_materials(self, source, actual)
def module_api(self): query = self.options['query'] project_root = up(up(up(__file__))) filepath = os.path.join(project_root, 'data', 'username_checker.json') with open(filepath) as handle: data = json.load(handle) thread(self, data, query, self.options['thread']) output = OUTPUT self.save_gather(output, 'osint/username_search', query, output=self.options.get('output')) return output
def load_parkinson(target, random_state=None, preprocess='standardise', label='total', test_size=0.2): dir_path = [ os.path.join(up(up(up(os.path.abspath(__file__)))), 'parkinson') ] data_list = [] supp_list = [] if label == 'both': label_list = ['total', 'motor'] total_group = 84 else: label_list = [label] total_group = 42 for label in label_list: for ind in range(0, 42): for path in dir_path: if os.path.exists(path): file_path = os.path.join(path, 'patient_{}.npy'.format(ind)) patient = np.load(file_path) patient_x = patient[:, :-2] patient_x = patient_x[:, 2:] # Dropping age and sex, same for all patients. print(patient_x.shape) if preprocess == 'standardise': patient_x = preprocessing.scale(patient_x) if label == 'motor': patient_y = np.expand_dims(patient[:, -2], 1) elif label == 'total': patient_y = np.expand_dims(patient[:, -1], 1) patient_y = standardise(patient_y) train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split( patient_x, patient_y, test_size=test_size, stratify=binarize_labels(patient_y), random_state=random_state) name = 'pat_{}_{}'.format(label, ind) patient_data = data(train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y, name=name) data_list.append(patient_data) supp_list.append(name) assert target < total_group, 'Target index is more than total group.' index = range(0, total_group) index.remove(target) return data_list[target], [data_list[i] for i in index ], [supp_list[i] for i in [target] + index]
def viewClicked(self, index): from os.path import dirname as up import os tmodel = index.model() col = index.column() row = tmodel.rowCount() self.leaf_view.clicked.disconnect(self.viewClicked) parentOfMasterFolder = up(up(os.getcwd())) ImportedPath = os.path.join(parentOfMasterFolder, "IMPORTED FOLDER") if not os.path.isdir(ImportedPath): os.makedirs(ImportedPath) with open(os.path.join(ImportedPath, 'IMPORTED_DATA.txt'), 'a') as f: for i in range(0, row): f.write(str(tmodel.cell(i, col)) + '\n') f.close()
def start(metadata_filepath, json_settings): metadatas = json.load(open(metadata_filepath)) metadatas2 = prepare_metadata(metadatas).items username = os.path.basename(up(up(metadata_filepath))) site_name = os.path.basename(up(up(up(metadata_filepath)))) for metadata in metadatas2: metadata.valid = fix_metadata(metadata.valid, json_settings, username, site_name) metadata.invalid = fix_metadata(metadata.invalid, json_settings, username, site_name) metadatas2 = json.loads( json.dumps(metadatas2, default=lambda o: o.__dict__)) if metadatas != metadatas2: main_helper.update_metadata(metadata_filepath, metadatas2) return metadatas2
def compute(projects, code_path, core): for i in range(projects.shape[0]): try: print("I am here") understand_source = [] last_analyzed = None access_token = projects.loc[i, 'access_token'] repo_owner = projects.loc[i, 'repo_owner'] source_type = projects.loc[i, 'source_type'] git_url = projects.loc[i, 'git_url'] api_base_url = projects.loc[i, 'api_base_url'] repo_name = projects.loc[i, 'repo_name'] repo_lang = projects.loc[i, 'lang'] understand_source.append([1, repo_name, git_url, last_analyzed]) understand_source_df = pd.DataFrame( understand_source, columns=['id', 'name', 'url', 'last_analyzed']) file_path = up( code_path) + '/data/commit_guru/' + repo_name + '.csv' os.chdir(code_path) get_matrix = compute_metrics_final.MetricsGetter( git_url, repo_name, repo_lang, code_path) matrix = get_matrix.get_defective_pair_metrics() project_list.loc[i, 'done'] = 1 project_list.to_csv('completed_projects_' + str(core) + '.csv') print(project_list) print('Done') except Exception as e: print("error", e) continue
def mine(projects, code_path): for i in range(projects.shape[0]): try: #print("I am here") understand_source = [] last_analyzed = None #access_token = projects.loc[i,'access_token'] #repo_owner = projects.loc[i,'repo_owner'] #source_type = projects.loc[i,'source_type'] git_url = projects.loc[i, 'git_url'] #api_base_url = projects.loc[i,'api_base_url'] repo_name = projects.loc[i, 'repo_name'] repo_lang = projects.loc[i, 'lang'] understand_source.append([1, repo_name, git_url, last_analyzed]) understand_source_df = pd.DataFrame( understand_source, columns=['id', 'name', 'url', 'last_analyzed']) file_path = up( code_path) + '/data/commit_guru/' + repo_name + '.csv' # cas_manager = CAS_Manager(understand_source_df) # if os.path.isfile(file_path): # print('file exist') # cas_manager.run_ingestion() ## else: # # os.chdir(code_path) # print(code_path) get_matrix = git_understand.MetricsGetter(git_url, repo_name, repo_lang, code_path) matrix = get_matrix.get_defective_pair_metrics() #matrix.to_csv(str(repo_name)+"_final_metrics") #print('Done') except ValueError as e: print("error", e) continue
def test_texture_file_extensions_is_tga_if_file_is_tga_but_dds_referenced( self): with (patch.object(self, 'info')) as report_func: for extension in extensions: copyfile( up(up(up(self.relpath()))) + '/testfiles/', self.outpath() + 'texture.tga') find_texture(self, 'texture', '') # reset scene bpy.ops.wm.read_homefile(use_empty=True) os.remove(self.outpath() + 'texture.tga') report_func.assert_called_with( f'loaded texture: {self.outpath()}texture.tga')
def test_invalid_texture_file_extension(self): extensions = ['.invalid'] with (patch.object(self, 'warning')) as report_func: for extension in extensions: copyfile( up(up(up(self.relpath()))) + '/testfiles/', self.outpath() + 'texture' + extension) find_texture(self, 'texture') # reset scene bpy.ops.wm.read_homefile(use_empty=True) os.remove(self.outpath() + 'texture' + extension) report_func.assert_called()
def mine(projects,code_path,th_num): for i in range(projects.shape[0]): try: print("I am here") understand_source = [] last_analyzed = None access_token = projects.loc[i,'access_token'] repo_owner = projects.loc[i,'repo_owner'] source_type = projects.loc[i,'source_type'] git_url = projects.loc[i,'git_url'] api_base_url = projects.loc[i,'api_base_url'] repo_name = projects.loc[i,'repo_name'] repo_lang = projects.loc[i,'lang'] understand_source.append([1,repo_name,git_url,last_analyzed]) understand_source_df = pd.DataFrame(understand_source,columns = ['id','name','url','last_analyzed']) file_path = up(code_path) + '/data/commit_guru/' + repo_name + '.csv' cas_manager = CAS_Manager(understand_source_df) if os.path.isfile(file_path): print('file exist') cas_manager.run_ingestion() else: os.chdir(code_path) print(code_path) get_matrix = git_understand.MetricsGetter(git_url,repo_name,repo_lang,code_path) matrix = get_matrix.get_defective_pair_udb_files() projects.loc[i,'done'] = 1 get_matrix_computed = compute_metrics_final.MetricsGetter(git_url,repo_name,repo_lang,code_path) matrix_computed = get_matrix_computed.get_defective_pair_metrics() projects.to_csv('Test_projects_' + str(th_num) + '.csv') print('Done') except Exception as e: print("error",e) continue
def test_multiuser_mesh_with_modifiers_export(self): self.loadBlend( up(up(up(self.relpath()))) + '/testfiles/multiuser_mesh_with_modifiers.blend') self.assertTrue('Cube' in self.assertTrue('Cube2' in meshes, _ = retrieve_meshes(self, None, None, 'container_name') self.assertEqual(2, len(meshes)) mesh = meshes[0] self.assertEqual(42, len(mesh.verts)) mesh2 = meshes[1] self.assertEqual(34, len(mesh2.verts))
def find_boost(): """ Look for boost in some standard filesystem places. """ boosts_found = ( glob("/usr/include/boost/version.hpp") + glob("/usr/include/boost*/boost/version.hpp") + glob("/usr/local/boost/version.hpp") + glob("/usr/local/boost*/boost/version.hpp") + glob("/opt/local/include/boost/version.hpp") + glob("/home/UNIXHOME/dalexander/Packages/boost_1_47_0/boost/version.hpp") ) best_boost_found = (None, None) # pick the boost with the largest version number for boost in boosts_found: version = parse_boost_version(boost) boost_root = up(up(boost)) print "Boost located: %s : version %s" % (boost_root, version) if version > best_boost_found[1]: best_boost_found = (boost_root, version) return best_boost_found[0]
def restart_apache(): run(oj(up(REMOTE_DIR), 'apache2/bin/restart'))
""" Writing 2D data processed with Nmrpipe back into Topspin format """ import os from os.path import dirname as up import nmrglue as ng import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # set data paths DATA_DIR = os.path.join(up(up(up(os.path.abspath(__file__)))), 'data', 'bruker_2d') # read in data processed using TOPSPIN # this is required only to get access to the dictionary # as a reference starting point to write the data back out # in a way Topspin can read it tdic, _ = ng.bruker.read_pdata(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pdata', '1')) # read in data processed using nmrpipe # alternately, this data can be processed with nmrglue itself ndic, ndata =, 'test.ft2')) # Update dictionary parameters to match the data # Note that none of the other parameters will macth what is # written in the procs files and the procs file will not correspond to # the actual data tdic['procs']['SI'] = 2048 tdic['proc2s']['SI'] = 1024