def save_solution(): '''Save solution to file''' cli(CLEAR) write_log(['solve.log', s_moves]) print('Saving solution to solve.log...') s_moves.clear() time.sleep(1) display()
def test_mult_solver(): '''Test random generated cubes''' t_start = time.perf_counter() count = 10000 cli(CLEAR) with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: len_moves =, range(count)) t_end = time.perf_counter() print_perf_test(t_start, t_end, count, len_moves)
def install_db_dep(): """ Install Dependencies and Setup Database """ cmd = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'carely_admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'carely_admin';" cli("echo 'Installing Dependencies'") cli("pip3 install -r requirements.txt") cli('sudo mysql -u root -e "' + cmd + '"') cli("sudo mysql -u root -p < Data/Query/skeleton.sql")
def test_solver(): '''Test random generated cubes''' t_start = time.process_time() count = 0 len_moves = [] cli(CLEAR) print('Solving: ', end='', flush=True) for count in range(1, 10001): print(count, end='', flush=True) len_moves.append(solver_call(None)) print('\033[' + str(len("%i" % count)) + 'D', end='', flush=True) cli(CLEAR) t_end = time.process_time() print_perf_test(t_start, t_end, count, len_moves)
def display(): '''Display cube''' cli(CLEAR) print(' ' + set_color(pieces[18]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[19]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[20]) + ' ' + '[SR] Shift right [SL] Shift left') print(' ' + set_color(pieces[21]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[22]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[23]) + ' ' + '[SU] Shift up [SD] Shift down') print(' ' + set_color(pieces[24]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[25]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[26]) + ' ' + '[RR] Rotate right [RL] Rotate left') print('\r') print(' ' + L_ARROW + '[ 9] ' + set_color(pieces[9]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[10]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[11]) + ' [10]' + R_ARROW + '') print(' ' + set_color(pieces[12]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[13]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[14])) print(' ' + L_ARROW + '[11] ' + set_color(pieces[15]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[16]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[17]) + ' [12]' + R_ARROW + '') print('\r') print(' ' + '▲ ▲') print(' ' + '[5] [7]') print('\r') print( set_color(pieces[36]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[37]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[38]) + ' ' + L_ARROW + '[1] ' + set_color(pieces[0]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[1]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[2]) + ' [2]' + R_ARROW + ' ' + set_color(pieces[45]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[46]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[47])) print( set_color(pieces[39]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[40]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[41]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[3]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[4]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[5]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[48]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[49]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[50])) print( set_color(pieces[42]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[43]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[44]) + ' ' + L_ARROW + '[3] ' + set_color(pieces[6]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[7]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[8]) + ' [4]' + R_ARROW + ' ' + set_color(pieces[51]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[52]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[53])) print('\r') print(' ' + '[6] [8]') print(' ' + '▼ ▼') print('\r') print(' ' + set_color(pieces[27]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[28]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[29]) + ' ' + '[U]ndo last move [S]ave moves') print(' ' + set_color(pieces[30]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[31]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[32]) + ' ' + '[M]ix the cube [E]xit and save moves') print(' ' + set_color(pieces[33]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[34]) + ' ' + set_color(pieces[35]) + ' ' + '[R]eset the cube [Q]uit without saving') print('\r')
action="store_true", help="Input of User Id for further function use") # Here constant is stored in case no argument is passed parser.add_argument("-r", "--registration", action="store_true", help="To register new Carely User.") parser.add_argument("-b", "--booking", action="store_true", help="To Book Appointment") parser.add_argument( "-v", "--view", const=True, nargs="?", help="to view records of Booking, Caretaker,Elderly,etc.", ) arg = parser.parse_args() print(arg) if arg.registration: cli("python Main/") elif arg.view: if == False: cond = "" else: cond = " --id '" + + "'" cli("python Main/ --view" + cond) elif cli("python Main/")
from Utility.Utility import verify_user, invalid_user, chgdir from argparse import ArgumentParser as ap from os import system as cli chgdir() miscellaneous = "Miscellaneous Python file to Update Carely user records and confirm Booking status and Verify Carely Users " parser = ap(description=miscellaneous) parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", action="store_true", help="To Book Appointment") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verification", action="store_true", help="To register new Carely User.") args = parser.parse() uid = input("Enter a Valid Carely Id") if uid[:2] not in ["el,ct"]: invalid_user() db = "Caretaker" if uid[:2] else "Elderly" if verify_user(uid, db, "id"): if arg.update: cli("python Miscellaneous/ -i '" + uid + "'") if arg.verification: cli("python Miscellaneous/ -i '" + uid + "'")
def load_data(): # to load data from .csv to database using certain format # used command to export data out of mysql : sudo mysql -u root -e "use carelydb;select* from Caretaker;" | sed 's/\t/,/g' > Data/Sample_CSV/Caretaker.csv cli("sudo mysql -u root -p < Data/Query/load_cs_db.sql")