Exemple #1
    def list(self, request):
        data = self.request.QUERY_PARAMS
        os = {0: {"id": 0, "name": "台湾行政区划", "expanded": True, "loaded": True}}  # 存放上级索引 key=id value=
        ds = District.objects.all().order_by("parentId", "id")
        for d in ds:
            did = d.id
            pid = d.parentId
            # 处理当前节点
            if not os.get(did, None):
                os[did] = {}
            os[did]["id"] = did
            os[did]["parentId"] = pid
            os[did]["name"] = d.name
            # 子节点伪装成已展开、加载的父节点,可以实现拖拽到叶节点上
            os[did]["leaf"] = False  # leaf = true 时,叶节点不可以被drag child
            os[did]["loaded"] = True  # 不再加载,否则会循环加载子节点

            # 处理父节点
            if not os.get(pid, None):
                os[pid] = {}
            if not os[pid].get("children", None):
                os[pid]["children"] = []
            os[pid]["leaf"] = False
            os[pid]["expanded"] = True
        return Response([os[0]])
    def _retrieve_adviser_inputs_statistics(
        adviser_files: Dict[str, Any], ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Retrieve adviser inputs statistics.

        :param adviser_files: adviser documents
        adviser_inputs_collected: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []

        for document_id, document in adviser_files.items():

            datetime_advise_run = document["metadata"].get("datetime")
            datetime_object = datetime.strptime(datetime_advise_run,

            cli_arguments = document["metadata"]["arguments"]["thoth-adviser"]
            source_type = (cli_arguments.get("metadata")
                           or {}).get("source_type")
            source_type = source_type.upper() if source_type else None

            parameters = document["result"]["parameters"]

            runtime_environment = parameters["project"].get(
            os = runtime_environment.get("operating_system", {})
            if os:
                os_name = runtime_environment["operating_system"].get("name")
                if os_name:
                        "name"] = map_os_name(
                            ["name"], )

            # Recommendation type
            recommendation_type = parameters["recommendation_type"].upper()

            # Solver
            os = runtime_environment.get("operating_system", {})
            os_name = os.get("name")
            os_version = normalize_os_version(os.get("name"),
            python_interpreter = runtime_environment.get("python_version")

            # Base image
            base_image = runtime_environment.get("base_image", None)
            # Hardware
            hardware = runtime_environment.get("hardware", {})
                    "document_id": document_id,
                    "date": datetime_object,
                    "source_type": source_type,
                    "recommendation_type": recommendation_type,
                    "base_image": base_image,
                    f'{os_name}-{os_version}-py{python_interpreter.replace(".", "")}',
                    "cpu_model": hardware.get("cpu_model", None),
                    "cpu_family": hardware.get("cpu_family", None),
                }, )

        return adviser_inputs_collected
def hello():
        r = requests.get("http://%s" % os.environ['BACKEND'])
        if r.status_code == 200:
            return "frontend:v1 - %s\n" % r.text
            return "frontend:v1 failed to contact %s" % os.get('BACKEND')
        return "frontend:v1 failed to contact %s" % os.get('BACKEND')
Exemple #4
    def get_items(self, tree, vulns):
        @return hosts A list of Host instances

        hosts = list()

        for nodes in tree.iter('nodes'):
            for node in nodes.iter('node'):
                host = dict()
                host['name'] = node.get('address')
                host['hostnames'] = set()
                host['os'] = ""
                host['services'] = list()
                host['vulns'] = self.parse_tests_type(node, vulns)

                for names in node.iter('names'):
                    for name in list(names):

                for fingerprints in node.iter('fingerprints'):
                    os = fingerprints.find('os')
                    if os is not None:
                        host['os'] = os.get('product', "")
                        if os.get('version') is not None:
                            host['os'] += " " + os.get('version')

                for endpoints in node.iter('endpoints'):
                    for endpoint in list(endpoints):
                        svc = {
                            'protocol': endpoint.get('protocol'),
                            'port': endpoint.get('port'),
                            'status': endpoint.get('status'),
                        for services in endpoint.iter('services'):
                            for service in list(services):
                                svc['name'] = service.get('name')
                                svc['vulns'] = self.parse_tests_type(
                                    service, vulns)
                                for configs in service.iter('configurations'):
                                    for config in list(configs):
                                        if "banner" in config.get('name'):
                                            svc['version'] = config.get('name')



        return hosts
Exemple #5
    def get_items(self, tree, vulns):
        @return hosts A list of Host instances

        hosts = list()

        for nodes in tree.iter('nodes'):
            for node in nodes.iter('node'):
                host = dict()
                host['name'] = node.get('address')
                host['hostnames'] = list()
                host['os'] = ""
                host['services'] = list()
                host['vulns'] = self.parse_tests_type(node, vulns)

                for names in node.iter('names'):
                    for name in list(names):

                for fingerprints in node.iter('fingerprints'):
                    os = fingerprints.find('os')
                    if os is not None:
                        host['os'] = os.get('product', "")
                        if os.get('version') is not None:
                            host['os'] += " " + os.get('version')

                for endpoints in node.iter('endpoints'):
                    for endpoint in list(endpoints):
                        svc = {
                            'protocol': endpoint.get('protocol'),
                            'port': endpoint.get('port'),
                            'status': endpoint.get('status'),
                        for services in endpoint.iter('services'):
                            for service in list(services):
                                svc['name'] = service.get('name')
                                svc['vulns'] = self.parse_tests_type(
                                    service, vulns)
                                for configs in service.iter('configurations'):
                                    for config in list(configs):
                                        if "banner" in config.get('name'):
                                            svc['version'] = config.get('name')



        return hosts
Exemple #6
def main(rastro: str):
    """ Função principal que roda o código. """
    texto_efeito_pausa('Conectando a matrix...')
    matrix = Arquiteto(rastro)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        while matrix.condicoes(*get()):
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print('\n' * get()[1])
    texto_efeito_pausa(attr(0) + '\nDesconectado.')
def main():
    entrada = int(input('digite o número da coluna: '))
    for a in range(10):
        print(' ' * get()[0] + '\n' * a)
        print(f"\r{' ' * entrada}O")
        input('pressione enter para continuar.')
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self):
     self._credentials = {
         "host": os.getenv("REDIS_HOST"),
         "port": os.getenv("REDIS_PORT"),
         "password": os.get("REDIS_PASSWORD"),
     self.cache = StrictRedis(**self._credentials)
Exemple #9
def main(rastro: str) -> NoReturn:
    """ Função principal que roda o código. """
    texto_efeito_pausa('Conectando a matrix...')
    matrix = Arquiteto(rastro)
    print('\n' * get()[1])
    texto_efeito_pausa(attr(0) + '\nDesconectado.')
Exemple #10
def main():
    colunas = get()[0]
    print('Tabela de temperaturas.'.center(colunas))
    print('-' * colunas)
    for celsius in range(1, 101):
        fahrenheit = celsius * 9 / 5 + 32
        print(f"celcius:  {celsius} | fahrenheit:   {fahrenheit}")
        input('aperte enter.')
Exemple #11
def main():
    colunas, linhas = get()
    linha = int(input('linha: '))
    if not 0 <= linha <= linhas:
        raise ValueError('erro: linha fora do intervalo permitido')
    caracteres = input('caracteres: ')
    print('\n' * (linha - 1))
Exemple #12
def get_slug_tag(os):
    tag = os.get("image_tag")
    if not tag:
        tag = ""
        os_slug = os["os_slug"]
    except KeyError as ke:
        raise AttributeError("required key missing from cacher data, key=%s" %
    return os_slug + ":" + tag
Exemple #13
def main():
    linha = int(input('linha: '))
    coluna = int(input('coluna: '))
    b, a = get()
    intervalos = (0 <= linha <= a - 5, 0 <= coluna <= b - 5)
    if not all(intervalos):
        raise ValueError('linha e/ou coluna fora do intervalo permitido')
    print('\n' * linha)
    print('\n'.join(f"{' ' * coluna}{a}" for a in quadrado))
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self, rastro: str) -> NoReturn:
     self.c, _ = get()
     self.colunas = [Coluna(rastro=rastro, arq=self) for a in range(self.c)]
     self._rastro = True if rastro else False
     if rastro:
         rastro = enumerate(rastro[:self.c].center(self.c))
         rastro = list(dropwhile(lambda x: x[1] == ' ', rastro))
         rastro = list(dropwhile(lambda x: x[1] == ' ', rastro[::-1]))
         rastro = list(map(lambda x: x[0], rastro[::-1]))
Exemple #15
def main():
    colunas = get()[0]
    inicial = int(input('inicial: '))
    final = int(input('final: '))
    variação = int(input('variação: '))
    print('Tabela de temperaturas.'.center(colunas))
    print('-' * colunas)
    for celsius in range(inicial, final, variação):
        fahrenheit = celsius * 9 / 5 + 32
        print(f"celcius:  {celsius} | fahrenheit:   {fahrenheit}")
        input('aperte enter.')
Exemple #16
def main():
    coluna = get()[0]
    if coluna % 2 == 0:
        coluna -= 1
    entradas = []
    entrada = input('digite uma frase: ')
    while entrada:
        string = f"{entrada} {entrada[::-1]}"
        entrada = input('digite uma frase: ')
Exemple #17
def main():
    colunas, linhas = get()
    for a in range(0, linhas, 2):
        if a != linhas // 2:
            print(f'/{" " * a}\\'.center(colunas))
            t = (a - 7) // 2
            t2 = t + (1 if (a - 7) / 2 != (a - 7) // 2 else 0)
            print(f"/{' ' * t + 'anonimo' + ' ' * t2}\\".center(colunas))
    print(('-' * (a + 2)).center(colunas))
    input('digite ENTER para sair.')
Exemple #18
 def allpxeos(self, request):
     data = request.data
     for os in data:
         pxe_server_id = os.get('pxe_server_id')
         profile_ks_content_list = os.get("profile_ks_content_list")
         for profile_ks_content in profile_ks_content_list:
             profile = profile_ks_content.get("profile")
             if not profile:
             profile = profile.replace(" ", "")
             ks_content = profile_ks_content.get("ks_content")
                     "pxe_server_id": pxe_server_id,
                     "profile": profile,
                     "ks_content": ks_content
     return Response({'msg': "添加成功"}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
Exemple #19
def send_email_with_text(text, email_from, email_to):
    message = Mail(
        subject='Email from the past',
        sg = SendGridAPIClient(os.get('SENDGRID_API_KEY'))
        response = sg.send(message)
        return response
    except Exception as e:
Exemple #20
 def _rodar(self, stop=False) -> NoReturn:
     """ Método que imprime o efeito matrix na tela. """
     colunas, linhas = get()
     if not self._rastro:
         choice(self.colunas).ativo = True  # precisa iniciar a primeira
     while self._condicoes(colunas, linhas):  # por frames
         if not stop:
         gerador = zip(*self.colunas)
         gerador = (reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, z) for z in gerador)
         print(*gerador, sep='\n')
         sleep(0.04)  # velocidade dos frames
    def handle_name(self, o, SurfaceCases, struct_data_list, namespaces):

        new_possibile_sets = list()
        if str(o)[:5] == "path:":
            path_to_name = str(o)[5:]
            if str(
            )[1] == ":":  # This case needs to be added where there are several steps to find data
                print "here add lines to handle several parts to the path"
            elif str(
            )[1] == "*":  # Check if it is a back-up, match, & continue path indicated with an *
                path_to_name = str(o)[7:]
                levels_back_up = int(str(o)[5])
                for os in SurfaceCases:
                    ref_to_match = os.get("ref")
                    if ref_to_match is not None:
                        new_add_on = ""
                        counter = levels_back_up
                        while counter > 0:
                            new_add_on += "../"
                            counter -= 1
                        new_add_on = new_add_on[0:-1]
                        new_possibilities = os.xpath(new_add_on + path_to_name,
                        #print "new_possibilities", new_possibilities
                        #print new_add_on+path_to_name
                        for i in new_possibilities:
                            direct_parent = i.getparent()
                            #print direct_parent
                            if direct_parent.get("id") == ref_to_match:
                                #print "ref_to_match", ref_to_match
                                new_possibile_sets.append((os, direct_parent))
                                name_options = str(i.text)
                                if name_options is not None:
                                    if "Column" in name_options or "Beam" in str(
                                            str(o).split(" ")[1]).split(
                                            (os, name_options, "name"))
                                        #print "appendedNameA: ", (os, name_options, "name")
            else:  # So it must be a direct path
                for o in SurfaceCases:
                    name_options = str(
                        o.xpath("." + path_to_name,
                    if name_options is not None:
                        if "Column" in name_options or "Beam" in str(
                                str(o).split(" ")[1]).split("}")[1]:
                            struct_data_list.append((o, name_options, "name"))
                            #print "appendedNameB: ", (o, name_options, "name")

        return struct_data_list, new_possibile_sets
Exemple #22
    def _mapped_config(config):
        mapped_config = copy.deepcopy(config)

        mapped_config['customerApps'] = []
        for app in mapped_config.get('apps') or []:
                'name': app.get('package_name'),
                'version': str(app.get('version_code'))
        mapped_config.pop('apps', None)

        anim = (mapped_config.get('media') or {}).get('bootanimation')
        if anim:
            mapped_config['bootanimation'] = [{
                'name': anim.get('name'),
                'version': str(anim.get('version'))
        splash = (mapped_config.get('media') or {}).get('splash')
        if splash:
            mapped_config['splash'] = [{
                'name': splash.get('name'),
                'version': str(splash.get('version'))
        mapped_config.pop('media', None)

        os = mapped_config.get('os') or {}
        os_configs = os.get('configurations') or {}
        mapped_config['name'] = os.get('name')
        mapped_config['version'] = str(os.get('version'))
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'mason-management')
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'mason-core')
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'mason-fota')
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'mason-app-updater')
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'android')
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'settings')
        MasonAnalytics._map_os_config_items(mapped_config, os_configs, 'systemui')
        mapped_config.pop('os', None)

        return mapped_config
Exemple #23
def main():
    opção = int(input('triângulo, quadrado, sair [1/2/3]?: '))
    if opção == 3:
        return print('tchau!')
    linha = int(input('linha: '))
    coluna = int(input('coluna: '))
    b, a = get()
    intervalos = (0 <= linha <= a - 7, 0 <= coluna <= b - 12)
    if not all(intervalos):
        raise ValueError('linha e/ou coluna fora do intervalo permitido')
    print('\n' * linha)
    objeto = triângulo if opção == 1 else quadrado
    print('\n'.join(f"{' ' * coluna}{a}" for a in objeto))
Exemple #24
def parse_agent(agent):
    from httpagentparser import detect
    result = detect(agent)

    os = result.get("os", {})
    os_name = os.get("name", "?")
    os_version = os.get("version", "?")

    browser = result.get("browser", {})
    browser_name = browser.get("name", "?")
    browser_version = browser.get("version", "?")

    while browser_name.lower().startswith("microsoft"):
        browser_name = " ".join(browser_name.split()[1:])

    while browser_name.lower().startswith("internet explorer"):
        browser_name = " ".join(browser_name.split()[1:])

    if os_name.lower() == "linux":
        dist = result.get("dist", {})
        os_name = dist.get("name", os_name)
        os_version = dist.get("version", os_version)

    return os_name, os_version, browser_name, browser_version
Exemple #25
def parse_agent(agent):
    from httpagentparser import detect
    result = detect(agent)

    os = result.get("os", {})
    os_name = os.get("name", "?")
    os_version = os.get("version", "?")

    browser = result.get("browser", {})
    browser_name = browser.get("name", "?")
    browser_version = browser.get("version", "?")

    while browser_name.lower().startswith("microsoft"):
        browser_name = " ".join(browser_name.split()[1:])

    while browser_name.lower().startswith("internet explorer"):
        browser_name = " ".join(browser_name.split()[1:])

    if os_name.lower() == "linux":
        dist = result.get("dist", {})
        os_name = dist.get("name", os_name)
        os_version = dist.get("version", os_version)

    return os_name, os_version, browser_name, browser_version
Exemple #26
 def __init__(self, ativo=False, cor=3, rastro='', arq=''):
     colunas, linhas = get()
     self.intervalo = range(choice(range(4, linhas)))
     self.cha = list(map(PulseCaracter, (self, ) * 3))
     if rastro:
         self.rastro = rastro.center(colunas)
         self.cha += list(map(Caracter, (self, ) * (linhas - 6)))
         self.cha.insert((linhas - 6) // 2, RastroCaracter(self))
         self.cha += list(map(Caracter, (self, ) * (linhas - 5)))
     for numero, character in enumerate(self.cha):
         character.cont = -numero
     self.ativo = ativo
     self.cor = cor
     self.arq = arq
Exemple #27
def updateDomainBackup(vm_json):
    domain = vm_json.get('domain')
    if domain:
        os = domain.get('os')
        if os:
            boot = os.get('boot')
            if boot:
                os['boot'] = _addListToSpecificField(boot)
        domain['os'] = os
        sec_label = domain.get('seclabel')
        if sec_label:
            domain['seclabel'] = _addListToSpecificField(sec_label)
        devices = domain.get('devices')
        if devices:
            channel = devices.get('channel')
            if channel:
                devices['channel'] = _addListToSpecificField(channel)
            graphics = devices.get('graphics')
            if graphics:
                devices['graphics'] = _addListToSpecificField(graphics)
            video = devices.get('video')
            if video:
                devices['video'] = _addListToSpecificField(video)
            _interface = devices.get('_interface')
            if _interface:
                devices['_interface'] = _addListToSpecificField(_interface)
            console = devices.get('console')
            if console:
                devices['console'] = _addListToSpecificField(console)
            controller = devices.get('controller')
            if controller:
                devices['controller'] = _addListToSpecificField(controller)
            rng = devices.get('rng')
            if rng:
                devices['rng'] = _addListToSpecificField(rng)
            serial = devices.get('serial')
            if serial:
                devices['serial'] = _addListToSpecificField(serial)
            disk = devices.get('disk')
            if disk:
                devices['disk'] = _addListToSpecificField(disk)
        domain['devices'] = devices
    return vm_json
Exemple #28
def arch_chroot(path_dir):
    """replicate arch-chroot functionality in Python"""
    real_root = get("/", O_RDONLY)
    if path_dir[len(path_dir) - 1] == "/":
        path_dir = path_dir[0:len(path_dir) - 2]
    __mount__("proc", path_dir + "/proc", "proc", "nosuid,noexec,nodev")
    __mount__("sys", path_dir + "/sys", "sysfs", "nosuid,noexec,nodev,ro")
    if path.exists(path_dir + "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"):
        __mount__("efivars", path_dir + "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars",
                  "efivarfs", "nosuid,noexec,nodev")
    __mount__("udev", path_dir + "/dev", "devtmpfs", "mode=0755,nosuid")
    __mount__("devpts", path_dir + "/dev/pts", "devpts",
    __mount__("shm", path_dir + "/dev/shm", "tmpfs", "nosuid,noexec,nodev")
    __mount__("/run", path_dir + "/run")
    __mount__("tmp", path_dir + "/tmp", "tmpfs",
    return real_root
Exemple #29
def get_os(user_agent_string):
    '''Return operating system name.

    It pre-populates the bug reporting form.
    ua_dict = user_agent_parser.Parse(user_agent_string)
    os = ua_dict.get('os')
    version = os.get('major', u'Unknown')
    if version != u'Unknown' and os.get('major'):
        version = version + "." + os.get('minor')
        if os.get('patch'):
            version = version + "." + os.get('patch')
        version = ''
    return '{0} {1}'.format(os.get('family'), version)
Exemple #30
def get_os(user_agent_string):
    """Return operating system name.

    It pre-populates the bug reporting form.
    ua_dict = user_agent_parser.Parse(user_agent_string)
    os = ua_dict.get("os")
    version = os.get("major", u"Unknown")
    if version != u"Unknown" and os.get("major"):
        version = version + "." + os.get("minor")
        if os.get("patch"):
            version = version + "." + os.get("patch")
        version = ""
    return "{0} {1}".format(os.get("family"), version)
Exemple #31
def get_os(user_agent_string):
    '''Return operating system name.

    It pre-populates the bug reporting form.
    ua_dict = user_agent_parser.Parse(user_agent_string)
    os = ua_dict.get('os')
    version = os.get('major', u'Unknown')
    if version != u'Unknown' and os.get('major'):
        version = version + "." + os.get('minor')
        if os.get('patch'):
            version = version + "." + os.get('patch')
        version = ''
    return '{0} {1}'.format(os.get('family'), version)
Exemple #32
def workLocationCostWorker():
    call amap api to calculate how long will it take from room to work location
    workLocation = '121.3859800000,31.1690700000'
    apiUri = "http://restapi.amap.com/v3/direction/transit/integrated?origin=%s&destination=%s&city=020&output=json&key=%s"
    apiKey = os.get('API_KEY')

    headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    connection = pymongo.MongoClient(*MONGO_URI)
    tdb = connection[MONGO_DB]
    blocks = tdb.blocks
    count = 0
    for block in blocks.find():
        if 'duration' in block:

        if count == 2000:

        response = requests.get(
            apiUri %
            ','.join([block['lng'], block['lat']], workLocation, apiKey),
        result = response.json()

        transits = result.get('route', {}).get('transits', [])
        if transits:
            fastDuration = float(transits[0].get('duration')) / 60
            fastDuration = -1

        block['duration'] = fastDuration
        count += 1
def get_os(user_agent_string=None):
    '''Return operating system name.

    It pre-populates the bug reporting form.
    if user_agent_string and isinstance(user_agent_string, basestring):
        ua_dict = user_agent_parser.Parse(user_agent_string)
        os = ua_dict.get('os')
        version = os.get('major', u'Unknown')
        if version != u'Unknown' and os.get('minor'):
            version = version + "." + os.get('minor')
            if os.get('patch'):
                version = version + "." + os.get('patch')
            version = ''
        rv = '{0} {1}'.format(os.get('family'), version).rstrip()
        if rv.strip().lower() == "other":
            return "Unknown"
        return rv
    return "Unknown"
def get_os(user_agent_string=None):
    '''Return operating system name.

    It pre-populates the bug reporting form.
    if user_agent_string and isinstance(user_agent_string, basestring):
        ua_dict = user_agent_parser.Parse(user_agent_string)
        os = ua_dict.get('os')
        version = os.get('major', u'Unknown')
        if version != u'Unknown' and os.get('minor'):
            version = version + "." + os.get('minor')
            if os.get('patch'):
                version = version + "." + os.get('patch')
            version = ''
        rv = '{0} {1}'.format(os.get('family'), version).rstrip()
        if rv.strip().lower() == "other":
            return "Unknown"
        return rv
    return "Unknown"
Exemple #35
def pie_os(q, clip, legend):
  """Evaluates OS statistics."""
  os = {}
  for k in q: os[k.os_family] = os.get(k.os_family, 0) + 1
  clutter(os, clip, ugettext(u'others').encode('utf-8'))
  return pie_chart(os.values(), os.keys(), legend)
Exemple #36
    def _user_agent(self, agent_string):
        "Get or create a UserAgent record for the given string"
        user_agent = UserAgent()
        # Store the full string for later analysis
        user_agent.full_string = agent_string
        # Create some defaults that we'll likely overwrite. OS and UA can be null, so ignore.
        user_agent.type = ""            
        # Attempt to locate in memory cache
        for item in self.cache_user_agent:
            if item.full_string == user_agent.full_string:
                return item
        # Parse the string to extract the easy bits
            uas_dict = self.uasp.parse(user_agent.full_string)

            #Set the type string
            user_agent.type = uas_dict.get('typ')[:50]

            # Deal with the OS record
            os = {}
            os['company'] = uas_dict.get('os_company')[:200]
            os['family'] = uas_dict.get('os_family')[:100]
            os['name'] = uas_dict.get('os_name')[:200]

            # Now get or create an OS record
            user_agent.os, created = OS.objects.get_or_create(
                company = os.get('company'),
                family = os.get('family'),
                name = os.get('name'),
                defaults = os)
            if created:

            # Deal with the UA record
            ua = {}
            ua['company'] = uas_dict.get('ua_company')[:200]
            ua['family'] = uas_dict.get('ua_family')[:100]
            ua['name'] = uas_dict.get('ua_name')[:200]

            # Now get or create an UA record
            user_agent.ua, created = UA.objects.get_or_create(
                company = ua.get('company'),
                family = ua.get('family'),
                name = ua.get('name'),
                defaults = ua)
            if created:

        except UASException:
            debug.errorlog('_user_agent() parsing FAILED. agent_string=' + str(agent_string) + "\n")

        #Not there, so write to database
        # Update the cache
        return user_agent
Exemple #37
def CollectHostInfo(req):
	if req.method == 'POST':
		data = simplejson.loads(req.body)

		host = data.get('hostname')
		ip = data.get('ip')
		os = data.get('os')
		cpunum = data.get('cpu')
		memtotal = data.get('mem')
		disk = data.get('disk')
		tags = data.get('tags')

		pd = PD(Name=tags.get('pd'), Contact=tags.get('pd_contact'))
		if ip and host:
			ser = Server(HostName=host.strip(), IPAddress=ip.strip(),  CPUInfo=cpunum, MemInfo=memtotal, OSInfo=os.get('release'), DiskTotal=disk.get('total'), DiskInfo=simplejson.dumps(disk.get('info')), Role=tags.get('role'), Comments=tags.get('comments'), Pd=PD.objects.get(Name=tags.get('pd')))
			ser.save()	#如果model里没有设置primary_key,save()方法将默认执行insert动作。

	 	return HttpResponse('Information has been posted.')
	 	return HttpResponse('No data post.')
 def __get_from_args_or_env(self, arg_name, env_name):
     val = self.__spec.get(arg_name)
     if val is None:
         val = os.get(env_name)
     return val
class ProductionConfig(BaseConfig):
    SECRET_KEY = os.get("SECRET_KEY", "my_precious")
Exemple #40
def customer_xml():
    Generates an XML file suitable for Customer usage

    from lxml import etree

    # grab the filter type and value if provided or from the session
    if session.hostfilter is None:
        f_type  = request.vars.f_type or None
        f_value = request.vars.f_value or None
        f_type  = session.hostfilter[0]
        f_value = session.hostfilter[1]

    location_attribute = '{%s}noNameSpaceSchemaLocation' % "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    kvasir_results_xml = etree.Element('KvasirResults', attrib={ location_attribute: 'kvasir.xsd', })

    summary_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'summary')
    customer = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'customer')
    customer.text = settings.customer or 'CUSTOMER NAME'
    assessment = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'assessment')
    assessment.set('type', settings.assessment_type)
    start_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'start-date')
    start_date.text = settings.start_date or 'START DATE'
    end_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'end-date')
    end_date.text = settings.end_date or 'END DATE'

    hosts_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'hosts')
    os_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'os_records')
    vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'vulns')

    # this is a little hack to ensure a record is either blank or None
    # use it as "if variable not in notin:"
    notin = [ None, '' ]
    unknown_cpeid_counter = 0

    # go through each host, adding the os, services and vulns accordingly
    query = create_hostfilter_query([(f_type, f_value), False])
    for host_rec in db(query).select():
        host_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'host')
        host_xml.set('ipv4', host_rec.f_ipv4)
        host_xml.set('assetgroup', host_rec.f_asset_group)
        if host_rec.f_ipv6:
            host_xml.set('ipv6', host_rec.f_ipv6)
        if host_rec.f_macaddr:
            host_xml.set('macaddr', host_rec.f_macaddr)
        if host_rec.f_hostname:
            host_xml.set('hostname', host_rec.f_hostname.decode('utf-8'))
        if host_rec.f_netbios_name:
            host_xml.set('netbios', host_rec.f_netbios_name.decode('utf-8'))

        # build the os information using the highest certainty record
        highest = (0, None)
        for os_rec in db(db.t_host_os_refs.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            if os_rec.f_certainty > highest[0]:
                highest = (os_rec.f_certainty, os_rec)

        if highest[0] > 0:
            # add os element to the host
            record = highest[1]
            os = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'os')
            os.set('certainty', str(highest[0]))
            if record.f_class not in notin:
                os.set('class', record.f_class)
            if record.f_family not in notin:
                os.set('family', record.f_family)

            # since some os records may not have a cpe id we'll mask them with
            # using their title, replacing spaces with underscores
            t_os_rec = db.t_os[record.f_os_id]
            if t_os_rec.f_cpename in notin:
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_title.replace(' ', '_')
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_cpename

            os.set('id', cpeid)

            # if the id isn't in os_records, add it
            if len(os_xml.findall('.//os[@id="%s"]' % (os.get('id', None)))) < 1:
                os_info_xml = etree.SubElement(os_xml, 'os')
                os_rec = db.t_os[highest[1].f_os_id]
                os_info_xml.set('id', cpeid)
                os_info_xml.set('title', os_rec.f_title)

                if os_rec.f_vendor not in notin:
                    vendor = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'vendor')
                    vendor.text = os_rec.f_vendor

                if os_rec.f_product not in notin:
                    product = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'product')
                    product.text = os_rec.f_product

                if os_rec.f_version not in notin:
                    version = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'version')
                    version.text = os_rec.f_version

                if os_rec.f_update not in notin:
                    update = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'update')
                    update.text = os_rec.f_update

                if os_rec.f_edition not in notin:
                    edition = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'edition')
                    edition.text = os_rec.f_edition

                if os_rec.f_language not in notin:
                    language = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'language')
                    language.text = os_rec.f_language

        # snmp strings
        snmp_recs = db(db.t_snmp.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select()
        if len(snmp_recs) > 0:
            snmp_top_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'snmps')
            for record in snmp_recs:
                snmp_xml = etree.SubElement(snmp_top_xml, 'snmp')
                if record.f_community not in notin:
                    snmp_xml.set('community', record.f_community.decode('utf-8'))
                    snmp_xml.set('version', record.f_version)
                    snmp_xml.set('access', record.f_access)

        # netbios information
        netb_record = db(db.t_netbios.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select().first() or None
        if netb_record:
            netbios_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'netbios')
            if netb_record.f_type not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('type', netb_record.f_type)
            if netb_record.f_domain not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('domain', netb_record.f_domain.decode('utf-8'))
            if netb_record.f_lockout_limit not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('lockout_limit', str(netb_record.f_lockout_limit))
            if netb_record.f_lockout_duration not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('lockout_duration', str(netb_record.f_lockout_duration))

            if netb_record.f_advertised_names is not None:
                adv_names_xml = etree.SubElement(netbios_xml, 'advertised_names')
                for name in netb_record.f_advertised_names:
                    name_xml = etree.SubElement(adv_names_xml, 'name')
                    name.text = name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the services and vulnerabilities
        services_xml = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'services')
        for svc_rec in db(db.t_services.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            service_xml = etree.SubElement(services_xml, 'service')
            service_xml.set('proto', svc_rec.f_proto)
            service_xml.set('number', svc_rec.f_number)

            if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                name = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'name')
                name.text = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')

            if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                banner = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'banner')
                banner.text = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')

            # service configuration records
            svc_info_recs = db(db.t_service_info.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_info_recs) > 0:
                config_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'configuration')
                for info_rec in svc_info_recs:
                    rec_xml = etree.SubElement(config_xml, 'config')
                    if info_rec.f_name not in notin:
                        rec_xml.set('name', info_rec.f_name)
                        if info_rec.f_text not in notin:
                            rec_xml.text = info_rec.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # vulnerabilities
            svc_vuln_recs = db(db.t_service_vulns.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_vuln_recs) > 0:
                svc_vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'vulns')
                for vuln_rec in svc_vuln_recs:
                    vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(svc_vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                    vuln_xml.set('status', vuln_rec.f_status)
                    vuln_xml.set('id', db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id].f_vulnid)
                    proof = etree.SubElement(vuln_xml, 'proof')
                    proof.text = etree.CDATA(unicode(MARKMIN(vuln_rec.f_proof).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                    # search for the nexpose id in vulns_xml
                    if len(vuln_xml.findall('.//vuln[@id="%s"]' % vuln_xml.get('id', None))) < 1:
                        new_vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                        vulndata = db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id]
                        new_vuln_xml.set('id', vulndata.f_vulnid)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('title', vulndata.f_title)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('severity', str(vulndata.f_severity))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('pci_sev', str(vulndata.f_pci_sev))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('cvss_score', str(vulndata.f_cvss_score))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('cvss_metric', cvss_metrics(vulndata))
                        description = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'description')
                        description.text = etree.CDATA(unicode(MARKMIN(vulndata.f_description).xml(), 'utf-8'))
                        solution = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'solution')
                        solution.text = etree.CDATA(unicode(MARKMIN(vulndata.f_solution).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                        # find vulnerability references and add them
                        vuln_refs = db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id == vulndata.id).select()
                        if len(vuln_refs) > 0:
                            refs_xml = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'references')
                            for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                                record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                                ref_xml = etree.SubElement(refs_xml, 'reference')
                                ref_xml.set('source', record.f_source)
                                ref_xml.text = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # accounts
            accounts = db(db.t_accounts.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(accounts) > 0:
                accounts_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'accounts')
                for acct_rec in accounts:
                    acct_xml = etree.SubElement(accounts_xml, 'account')

                    if acct_rec.f_username not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'username')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_username.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_fullname not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'fullname')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_fullname.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_password not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'password')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_password.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1_type

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2_type

                    if acct_rec.f_uid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'uid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_uid

                    if acct_rec.f_gid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'gid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_gid

                    if acct_rec.f_level not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'level')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_level

                    if acct_rec.f_domain not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'domain')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_domain.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_description not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'description')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_description.decode('utf-8')

    result = etree.tostring(kvasir_results_xml, pretty_print=True, encoding=unicode)
    return result
Exemple #41
import os
Exemple #42
def customer_xml():
    Generates an XML file suitable for Customer usage

    from lxml import etree

    location_attribute = '{%s}noNameSpaceSchemaLocation' % "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    kvasir_results_xml = etree.Element('KvasirResults',
                                           location_attribute: 'kvasir.xsd',

    summary_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'summary')
    customer = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'customer')
    customer.text = settings.customer or 'CUSTOMER NAME'
    assessment = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'assessment')
    assessment.set('type', settings.assessment_type)
    start_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'start-date')
    start_date.text = settings.start_date or 'START DATE'
    end_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'end-date')
    end_date.text = settings.end_date or 'END DATE'

    hosts_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'hosts')
    os_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'os_records')
    vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'vulns')

    # this is a little hack to ensure a record is either blank or None
    # use it as "if variable not in notin:"
    notin = [None, '']
    unknown_cpeid_counter = 0

    # go through each host, adding the os, services and vulns accordingly
    query = create_hostfilter_query(session.hostfilter)
    for host_rec in db(query).select():
        host_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'host')
        host_xml.set('ipaddr', host_rec.f_ipaddr)
        host_xml.set('assetgroup', host_rec.f_asset_group)
        if host_rec.f_macaddr:
            host_xml.set('macaddr', host_rec.f_macaddr)
        if host_rec.f_hostname:
            host_xml.set('hostname', host_rec.f_hostname.decode('utf-8'))
        if host_rec.f_netbios_name:
            host_xml.set('netbios', host_rec.f_netbios_name.decode('utf-8'))

        # build the os information using the highest certainty record
        highest = (0, None)
        for os_rec in db(db.t_host_os_refs.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            if os_rec.f_certainty > highest[0]:
                highest = (os_rec.f_certainty, os_rec)

        if highest[0] > 0:
            # add os element to the host
            record = highest[1]
            os = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'os')
            os.set('certainty', str(highest[0]))
            if record.f_class not in notin:
                os.set('class', record.f_class)
            if record.f_family not in notin:
                os.set('family', record.f_family)

            # since some os records may not have a cpe id we'll mask them with
            # using their title, replacing spaces with underscores
            t_os_rec = db.t_os[record.f_os_id]
            if t_os_rec.f_cpename in notin:
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_title.replace(' ', '_')
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_cpename

            os.set('id', cpeid)

            # if the id isn't in os_records, add it
            if len(os_xml.findall('.//os[@id="%s"]' %
                                  (os.get('id', None)))) < 1:
                os_info_xml = etree.SubElement(os_xml, 'os')
                os_rec = db.t_os[highest[1].f_os_id]
                os_info_xml.set('id', cpeid)
                os_info_xml.set('title', os_rec.f_title)

                if os_rec.f_vendor not in notin:
                    vendor = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'vendor')
                    vendor.text = os_rec.f_vendor

                if os_rec.f_product not in notin:
                    product = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'product')
                    product.text = os_rec.f_product

                if os_rec.f_version not in notin:
                    version = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'version')
                    version.text = os_rec.f_version

                if os_rec.f_update not in notin:
                    update = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'update')
                    update.text = os_rec.f_update

                if os_rec.f_edition not in notin:
                    edition = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'edition')
                    edition.text = os_rec.f_edition

                if os_rec.f_language not in notin:
                    language = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'language')
                    language.text = os_rec.f_language

        # snmp strings
        snmp_recs = db(db.t_snmp.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select()
        if len(snmp_recs) > 0:
            snmp_top_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'snmps')
            for record in snmp_recs:
                snmp_xml = etree.SubElement(snmp_top_xml, 'snmp')
                if record.f_community not in notin:
                    snmp_xml.set('version', record.f_version)
                    snmp_xml.set('access', record.f_access)

        # netbios information
        netb_record = db(
            db.t_netbios.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select().first() or None
        if netb_record:
            netbios_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'netbios')
            if netb_record.f_type not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('type', netb_record.f_type)
            if netb_record.f_domain not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('domain', netb_record.f_domain.decode('utf-8'))
            if netb_record.f_lockout_limit not in notin:
            if netb_record.f_lockout_duration not in notin:

            if netb_record.f_advertised_names is not None:
                adv_names_xml = etree.SubElement(netbios_xml,
                for name in netb_record.f_advertised_names:
                    name_xml = etree.SubElement(adv_names_xml, 'name')
                    name.text = name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the services and vulnerabilities
        services_xml = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'services')
        for svc_rec in db(db.t_services.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            service_xml = etree.SubElement(services_xml, 'service')
            service_xml.set('proto', svc_rec.f_proto)
            service_xml.set('number', svc_rec.f_number)

            if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                name = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'name')
                name.text = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')

            if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                banner = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'banner')
                banner.text = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')

            # service configuration records
            svc_info_recs = db(
                db.t_service_info.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_info_recs) > 0:
                config_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'configuration')
                for info_rec in svc_info_recs:
                    rec_xml = etree.SubElement(config_xml, 'config')
                    if info_rec.f_name not in notin:
                        rec_xml.set('name', info_rec.f_name)
                        if info_rec.f_text not in notin:
                            rec_xml.text = info_rec.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # vulnerabilities
            svc_vuln_recs = db(
                db.t_service_vulns.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_vuln_recs) > 0:
                svc_vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'vulns')
                for vuln_rec in svc_vuln_recs:
                    vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(svc_vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                    vuln_xml.set('status', vuln_rec.f_status)
                        'id', db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id].f_vulnid)
                    proof = etree.SubElement(vuln_xml, 'proof')
                    proof.text = etree.CDATA(
                        unicode(MARKMIN(vuln_rec.f_proof).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                    # search for the nexpose id in vulns_xml
                    if len(
                            vuln_xml.findall('.//vuln[@id="%s"]' %
                                             vuln_xml.get('id', None))) < 1:
                        new_vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                        vulndata = db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id]
                        new_vuln_xml.set('id', vulndata.f_vulnid)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('title', vulndata.f_title)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('severity', str(vulndata.f_severity))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('pci_sev', str(vulndata.f_pci_sev))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('cvss_metric', cvss_metrics(vulndata))
                        description = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml,
                        description.text = etree.CDATA(
                        solution = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'solution')
                        solution.text = etree.CDATA(
                                MARKMIN(vulndata.f_solution).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                        # find vulnerability references and add them
                        vuln_refs = db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id ==
                        if len(vuln_refs) > 0:
                            refs_xml = etree.SubElement(
                                new_vuln_xml, 'references')
                            for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                                record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                                ref_xml = etree.SubElement(
                                    refs_xml, 'reference')
                                ref_xml.set('source', record.f_source)
                                ref_xml.text = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # accounts
            accounts = db(db.t_accounts.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(accounts) > 0:
                accounts_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'accounts')
                for acct_rec in accounts:
                    acct_xml = etree.SubElement(accounts_xml, 'account')

                    if acct_rec.f_username not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'username')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_username.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_fullname not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'fullname')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_fullname.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_password not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'password')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_password.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1_type

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2_type

                    if acct_rec.f_uid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'uid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_uid

                    if acct_rec.f_gid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'gid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_gid

                    if acct_rec.f_level not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'level')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_level

                    if acct_rec.f_domain not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'domain')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_domain.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_description not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'description')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_description.decode('utf-8')

    result = etree.tostring(kvasir_results_xml,
    return result
Exemple #43
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/howto/deployment/checklist/

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = os.getenv(

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
if os.getenv('DEBUG') or os.get('DEBUG') != "False":
    DEBUG = True
    DEBUG = False

ALLOWED_HOSTS = os.getenv('ALLOWED_HOSTS', ['localhost'])

# Application definition
    # Default Django apps: