def open_fd(*args, **kwargs): """ Wraps os.fdopen to use it inside a with statement that auto closes the generated file descriptor after the with block closes Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :param args, kwargs: arguments passed to os.fdopen :return: TextIOWrapper ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- open file object connected to the file descriptor """ fp = os_fdopen(*args, **kwargs) try: yield fp finally: fp.close()
def silence(fd: "File descripter"): """ silence(fd) -> Silence any output from fd. """ from os import dup as os_dup from os import pipe as os_pipe from os import dup2 as os_dup2 from os import close as os_close from os import fdopen as os_fdopen # Backup the file old_fd = fd # Flush the file so it can be silenced properly. fd.flush() # Create a duplicate of fd new_fd = os_dup(fd.fileno()) # Create a pipe to write to. read, write = os_pipe() # Set the write to the fd filenumber os_dup2(write, fd.fileno()) # Close the pipe. os_close(write) os_close(read) # Set fd to the new fd fd = os_fdopen(new_fd, "w") try: # Run the commands in the 'with' statement. yield finally: # Return the fd back to its original state. os_dup2(fd.fileno(), old_fd.fileno()) fd = old_fd
def silence(fd): """ silence(fd) -> Silence any output from fd. """ from os import dup as os_dup from os import pipe as os_pipe from os import dup2 as os_dup2 from os import close as os_close from os import fdopen as os_fdopen # Backup the file old_fd = fd # Flush the file so it can be silenced properly. fd.flush() # Create a duplicate of fd new_fd = os_dup(fd.fileno()) # Create a pipe to write to. read, write = os_pipe() # Set the write to the fd filenumber os_dup2(write, fd.fileno()) # Close the pipe. os_close(write) os_close(read) # Set fd to the new fd fd = os_fdopen(new_fd, 'w') try: # Run the commands in the 'with' statement. yield finally: # Return the fd back to its original state. os_dup2(fd.fileno(), old_fd.fileno()) fd = old_fd
def save_combined_data(self, pdf_data=None, js_data=None, pdf_path=None, save_path=None): ## See: ## for where the following is inspired from fd, tmp_path = mkstemp() try: ## Write to a tempfile, note 'b' is there to avoid warnings during write process with os_fdopen(fd, 'wb') as tmp: pdf_data.addJS(js_data) pdf_data.write(tmp) ## Figure out where to save the temp file for the calling process if self.clobber is True: save_path = pdf_path copyfile(tmp_path, save_path) message = 'overwrote exsisting: ' else: if save_path is None: save_path = path_join(dirname(tmp_path), basename(pdf_path)) copyfile(tmp_path, save_path) message = 'enhanced file path: ' finally: ## Clean up and return saved file path or throw error messages about failures if path_exists(tmp_path) is True: os_remove(tmp_path) else: error('Unable to remove temp path: {0}'.format(tmp_path)) if path_exists(save_path) is True: if self.verbose and self.verbose > 0: notice(message + save_path) return save_path else: error('Unable to make save path: {0}'.format(save_path))
def open_fd(*args, **kwargs): fp = os_fdopen(*args, **kwargs) try: yield fp finally: fp.close()