def get_disk(cls): disks = [] os_name = if os_name == "Windows": disk_data = run_command( "powershell get-psdrive -psprovider filesystem") else: disk_data = run_command("df -Pl") header_line = disk_data.pop(0) headers = header_line.split() if == "Windows": disk_data.pop(0) for line in disk_data: data = line.split() if == "Windows": sizes = ["KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"] used_tag = "GB" free_tag = "GB" for size in sizes: if size in headers[1]: used_tag = size[:1] if size in headers[2]: free_tag = size[:1] used_size = float(data[1]) free_size = float(data[2]) total_size = used_size + free_size percent = (used_size / total_size) * 100 used = "%s %s" % (used_size, used_tag) free = "%s %s" % (free_size, free_tag) total_size = "%s %s" % (total_size, free_tag) name = data[0] drive = data[4] else: name = " ".join(data[5:]) total_size = data[1] used = data[2] free = data[3] percent = data[4].rstrip("%") drive = data[0] disk = { "hdd_pct_used": cls.normalize_value(percent, "%"), "hdd_used": cls.normalize_value(used), "hdd_free": cls.normalize_value(free), "hdd_total": cls.normalize_value(total_size), "hdd_path": drive, "hdd_name": name } disks.append(disk) disks = sorted(disks, key=lambda z: z['hdd_total'], reverse=False) return disks
def get_cpu(cls): cpu_speed = 0 cpu_max = 0 cpu_name = "unknown" cpu_used = 0 system_name = if system_name == "Windows": cpu_data = run_command( "wmic cpu get loadPercentage, CurrentClockSpeed, maxClockSpeed, name" )[1] log.debug("CPU DATA: %s" % cpu_data) cpu = cpu_data.split() cpu_speed = cpu.pop(0) + "Mhz" cpu_used = cpu.pop(0) cpu_max = cpu.pop(0) cpu_name = " ".join(cpu) if "@" in cpu_name: cpu_name = cpu_name.split("@")[0].strip() elif system_name == "Linux": cpus = run_command( 'top -b -n2 -p 1 | fgrep "Cpu(s)" | tail -1')[0].split() index = 0 idle = 0 for val in cpus: if val == "id,": idle = cpus[index - 1] print "Idle: %s" % idle index += 1 clock = run_command( "dmidecode -t processor | grep Current")[0].split() clock_string = run_command( "dmidecode -t 4 | grep Version")[0].split(" CPU @ ") cpu_speed = (clock[2] + clock[3]) + "Mhz" cpu_max = clock_string[1] cpu_used = 100 - float(idle) cpu_name = clock_string[0] elif system_name == "MacOSX": log.debug("OSX CPU QUERY") clock_string = run_command( "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string")[0].split(" @ ") cpu_speed = run_command("sysctl hw.cpufrequency")[0].split(": ")[1] cpu_max = clock_string[1] cpu_used = run_command( "ps -A -o %cpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'")[0] cpu_name = clock_string[0] result = { "cpu_clock_current": cls.normalize_value(cpu_speed, "hz"), "cpu_clock_max": cls.normalize_value(cpu_max, 'hz'), "cpu_pct_used": cls.normalize_value(cpu_used, '%'), "cpu_name": cpu_name } return result
def get_memory(cls): system_name = if system_name == "Windows": mem_total = long( run_command("wmic ComputerSystem get totalPhysicalMemory")[1]) mem_free = long( run_command("wmic OS get freePhysicalMemory")[1]) * 1024 mem_used = long(mem_total - mem_free) + .0 mem_pct_used = (mem_used / mem_total) * 100 mem_total = "%s B" % mem_total mem_free = "%s B" % mem_free mem_used = "%s B" % mem_used elif system_name == "Linux": mem_data = run_command("free") phys_data = mem_data[1].split() mem_total = phys_data[1] + " KB" mem_free = phys_data[3] + " KB" mem_used = phys_data[2] + " KB" mem_pct_used = (phys_data[1] / phys_data[2]) * 100 elif system_name == "MacOSX": log.debug("Fetching OSX Memory info") mem_data = run_command("vm_stat") page_size = mem_data.pop(0).split("page size of ")[1].split()[0] adds = ["Pages active", "Pages inactive", "Pages wired down"] mem_free = 0 mem_total = 0 for line in mem_data: info = line.split(":") title = info[0] value = int(info[1].strip().strip(".")) * int(page_size) if title == "Pages free": mem_free = int(value) elif title in adds: mem_total += int(value) mem_used = mem_total - mem_free mem_pct_used = (mem_used / mem_total) * 100 mem_total = "%s B" % mem_total mem_used = "%s B" % mem_used mem_free = "%s B" % mem_free else: mem_total = "0 B" mem_free = "0 B" mem_used = "0 B" mem_pct_used = 0 memdata = { "mem_total": cls.normalize_value(mem_total), "mem_used": cls.normalize_value(mem_used), "mem_free": cls.normalize_value(mem_free), "mem_pct_used": cls.normalize_value(mem_pct_used, "%") } return memdata
def get_net(cls): nic_info = {} if == "Windows": log.debug("Get windows stuff here...") net_data = run_command("wmic path Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface get Name,BytesReceivedPersec," "BytesSentPersec,CurrentBandwidth") time.sleep(1) net_data2 = run_command("wmic path Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface get Name,BytesReceivedPersec," "BytesSentPersec") net_data.pop(0) net_data2.pop(0) for line in net_data: info = line.split() info2 = net_data2.pop(0).split() tx1 = int(info2.pop(0)) tx2 = int(info.pop(0)) rx1 = int(info2.pop(0)) rx2 = int(info.pop(0)) tx = tx1 - tx2 rx = rx1 - rx2 nic_max = (int(info.pop(0)) * 1024) + .0 log.debug("Tx1 txt2 and rx1 and rx2 are %s and %s and %s and %s" % (tx1, tx2, rx1, rx2)) device = { "net_rx": rx, "net_tx": tx, "net_max": to_base(str(nic_max) + " KB") } interface = " ".join(info) nic_info[interface] = device elif == "Linux": log.debug("Getting 'nix net info") net_data = run_command("cat /proc/net/dev") net_data.pop(0) for line in net_data: info = line.split() interface = info[0].strip(":") net_max = run_command("ethtool eth0 | grep Speed:")[0].split(": ")[1].strip("/s") device = { "net_rx": int(info[1]), "net_tx": int(info[9]), "net_max": to_base(net_max) } nic_info[interface] = device elif == "MacOSX": net_data = run_command("netstat -ib") net_data.pop(0) for line in net_data: info = line.split() interface = info[0] tx = info[6] rx = info[9] log.debug("Values: %s and %s and %s" % (interface, tx, rx)) tx = int(tx) rx = int(rx) nic = nic_info.get(interface) or { "net_tx": 0, "net_rx": 0 } tx += nic['net_tx'] rx += nic['net_rx'] nic["net_tx"] = tx nic["net_rx"] = rx nic_info[interface] = nic nic_list = [] for interface, nic in nic_info.items(): nic["net_tx"] = cls.normalize_value(nic['net_tx']) nic["net_rx"] = cls.normalize_value(nic['net_rx']) nic["nic_name"] = interface nic_list.append(nic) nic_list = sorted(nic_list, key=lambda z: z['net_rx'], reverse=True) return nic_list