Exemple #1
def GPI_Poincare(x,y,z, configuration=1):
    from osa import Client
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    tracer = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/FieldLineProxy?wsdl')

    config = tracer.types.MagneticConfig()
    config.configIds = configuration
    pos = tracer.types.Points3D()

    pos.x1 = np.linspace(0.95*np.mean(x[0,:]), 1.05*np.mean(x[-1,:]),80)
    pos.x2 = np.linspace(0.95*np.mean(y[0,:]), 1.05*np.mean(y[-1,:]),80)
    pos.x3 = np.linspace(0.95*np.mean(z[:,0]), 1.05*np.mean(z[:,-1]),80)
    poincare = tracer.types.PoincareInPhiPlane()
    poincare.numPoints = 400
    poincare.phi0 = [4.787] ## This is where the poincare plane is (bean=0, triangle = pi/5.)
    task = tracer.types.Task()
    task.step = 0.2
    task.poincare = poincare
    res = tracer.service.trace(pos, config, task, None, None)
    for i in range(0, len(res.surfs)):
        plt.scatter(res.surfs[i].points.x1, res.surfs[i].points.x3, color="black", s=0.5)


    return res
Exemple #2
def Grid():

    tracer = Client(

    config = tracer.types.MagneticConfig()
    config.configIds = [
    ]  ## Just use machine IDs instead of coil currents because it's easier.

    grid = tracer.types.Grid()
    grid.fieldSymmetry = 5

    cyl = tracer.types.CylindricalGrid()
    cyl.numR, cyl.numZ, cyl.numPhi = 181, 181, 481
    cyl.RMin, cyl.RMax, cyl.ZMin, cyl.ZMax = 4.05, 6.75, -1.35, 1.35
    grid.cylindrical = cyl

    config.grid = grid

    machine = tracer.types.Machine(1)
    machine.grid.numX, machine.grid.numY, machine.grid.numZ = 500, 500, 100
    machine.grid.ZMin, machine.grid.ZMax = -1.5, 1.5
    machine.grid.YMin, machine.grid.YMax = -7, 7
    machine.grid.XMin, machine.grid.XMax = -7, 7
    #machine.meshedModelsIds = [164]
    machine.assemblyIds = [2]

    return machine, config, tracer
Exemple #3
def FLT_poincare(phi=0, coils=coils_real_stm, currents=currents_st_real):

    flt = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/FieldLineProxy?wsdl')

    p = flt.types.Points3D()
    p.x1 = x
    p.x2 = y
    p.x3 = z

    coils = coils_real_st
    currents = currents_st_real

    config = flt.types.MagneticConfig()
    config.inverseField = 0
    config.coilsIds = coils
    config.coilsIdsCurrents = currents

    task = flt.types.Task()
    task.step = 0.2

    task.characteristics = flt.types.MagneticCharacteristics()
    task.characteristics.axisSettings = flt.types.AxisSettings()

    res = flt.service.trace(p, config, task, None, None)

    reff = [res.characteristics[i].reff for i in range(len(res.characteristics))]

    return {'reff':reff}
def get_W7X_vessel(phi=[0], nz=256):
    from osa import Client
    import matplotlib.path as path

    srv2 = Client("http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/MeshSrv?wsdl")
    #describe geometry
    mset = srv2.types.SurfaceMeshSet()  # a set of surface meshes
    mset.references = []

    #add references to single components, in this case ports
    w1 = srv2.types.SurfaceMeshWrap()
    ref = srv2.types.DataReference()
    ref.dataId = "371"  # component id
    w1.reference = ref
    # w2 = srv2.types.SurfaceMeshWrap()
    # ref = srv2.types.DataReference()
    # ref.dataId = "341" # component id
    # w2.reference = ref
    mset.meshes = [w1]  #, w2]

    lines = []
    for y in range(phi.shape[0]):
        # intersection call for phi_vals=phi
        result = srv2.service.intersectMeshPhiPlane(phi[y], mset)
        all_vertices = np.zeros((len(result), 2))
        R = np.zeros((len(result)))
        z = np.zeros((len(result)))

        # plotting
        for s, i in zip(result, np.arange(
                0, len(result))):  #loop over non-empty triangle intersections
            xyz = np.array((s.vertices.x1, s.vertices.x2, s.vertices.x3)).T
            R[i] = np.sqrt(xyz[:, 0]**2 + xyz[:, 1]**2)[0]  # major radius
            z[i] = xyz[:, 2][0]
            all_vertices[i, :] = ((R[i], z[i]))

        # now have all vertices of vessel, but need to put them in sensible order...

        # find magnetic axis
        # axis_line = get_VMEC_surfaces(phi=[phi[y]],s=0,npoints=20)
        # axis = [axis_line[0].R[0], axis_line[0].Z[0]]

        # loc = np.asarray([all_vertices[:,0] - axis[0], all_vertices[:,1] - axis[1]])

        # theta = np.arctan2(loc[1,:],loc[0,:])

        # sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(theta)), key=lambda k: theta[k])

        # r, z = [all_vertices[sorted_indices][::4,0], all_vertices[sorted_indices][::4,1]]

        Path = path.Path(all_vertices, closed=True)
        r, z = [all_vertices[::3, 0], all_vertices[::3, 1]]
        line = zb.rzline.line_from_points(r, z)
        line = line.equallySpaced(n=nz)

    return lines
def get_VMEC_surfaces(phi=[0], s=0.75, w7x_run='w7x_ref_1', npoints=100):
    from osa import Client
    client = Client("http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/vmec_v5?wsdl")
    points = client.service.getFluxSurfaces(str(w7x_run), phi, s, npoints)

    lines = []
    for y in range(len(phi)):
        r, z = points[y].x1, points[y].x3
        line = zb.rzline.line_from_points(r, z)
        line = line.equallySpaced()

    return lines
def field_line_curvature(xin, yin, zin, configuration=1):

    tracer = Client(

    pos = tracer.types.Points3D()

    config = tracer.types.MagneticConfig()
    config.configIds = configuration

    lineTask = tracer.types.LineTracing()
    lineTask.numSteps = 512

    task = tracer.types.Task()
    task.step = 2 * np.pi * (np.sqrt(xin**2 + yin**2)) / 512
    task.lines = lineTask

    pos.x1 = xin
    pos.x2 = yin
    pos.x3 = zin

    res_forward = tracer.service.trace(pos, config, task, None, None)

    x = np.asarray(res_forward.lines[0].vertices.x1)
    y = np.asarray(res_forward.lines[0].vertices.x2)
    z = np.asarray(res_forward.lines[0].vertices.x3)

    # config.inverseField=1

    # res_backward = tracer.service.trace(pos, config, task, None, None)

    # x = np.insert(x,0,res_backward.lines[0].vertices.x1[:])
    # y = np.insert(y,0,res_backward.lines[0].vertices.x2[:])
    # z = np.insert(z,0,res_backward.lines[0].vertices.x3[:])

    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
    dphi = phi[1] - phi[0]

    drdphi = calc.deriv(r) / dphi
    d2rdphi2 = calc.deriv(drdphi) / dphi
    k = (r**2 + 2 * drdphi**2 - r * d2rdphi2) / ((r**2 + drdphi**2)**(1.5))

    # dzdphi = calc.deriv(z)/dphi
    # d2zdphi2 = calc.deriv(dzdphi)/dphi

    # Ktot = np.sqrt(d2zdphi2**2 + (d2rdphi2*dzdphi - d2zdphi2*drdphi)**2 - (d2rdphi2)**2) / (drdphi**2+dzdphi**2)**1.5

    # kz = Ktot - k

    return r, phi, x, y, z, k
Exemple #7
from osa import Client

cl = Client("http://localhost:8088/mockApiPortSoap11?WSDL")
reg_call = cl.service.registerCall(" ")
res = cl.service.results(" ")
print("Name: " + reg_call.name)
print("Note: " + reg_call.note)
# from osa import Client
# coils_db_client = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/CoilsDBProxy?wsdl')
# extender_client = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/Extender?wsdl')

# ''' get full configuration from db: '''
# my_config = coils_db_client.types.getMagneticConfiguration(1)
# vmecURL = 'http://svvmec1.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8080/vmecrest/v1/run/w7x.1000_1000_1000_1000_+0500_+0500.03.09ll_fixed2aaa_8.48/wout.nc' 
# points = cl.types.Points3D()
# points.x1 = [5.5, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6]
# points.x2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.628, 0.628, 0.628, 0.628, 0.628]
# points.x3 = [0.0, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2]
# plasmaField = cl.service.getExtendedField(None, vmecURL, my_config, None, points, None)

from osa import Client
coils_db_client = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/CoilsDBProxy?wsdl')
extender_client = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/Extender?wsdl')

''' get full configuration from db: '''
my_config = coils_db_client.service.getConfigData(15)[0]

cl = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/Extender?wsdl')
vmecURL = 'http://svvmec1.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8080/vmecrest/v1/run/test42/wout.nc'

points = cl.types.Points3D()
points.x1 = [5.5, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6]
points.x2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.628, 0.628, 0.628, 0.628, 0.628]
points.x3 = [0.0, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2]

plasmaField = cl.service.getExtendedField(None, vmecURL, my_config, None, points, None)
Exemple #9
def GPI_lpar(x,y,z, configuration=1, limit=5000):

    ### Use webservices to get connection length ###
    from osa import Client
    tracer = Client('http://esb:8280/services/FieldLineProxy?wsdl')
    points = tracer.types.Points3D()
    points.x1 = x.flatten()
    points.x2 = y.flatten()
    points.x3 = z.flatten()

    ### copied from webservices...#
    task = tracer.types.Task()
    task.step = 6.5e-3
    con = tracer.types.ConnectionLength()
    con.limit = limit
    con.returnLoads = False
    task.connection = con

    # diff = tracer.types.LineDiffusion()
    # diff.diffusionCoeff = .00
    # diff.freePath = 0.1
    # diff.velocity = 5e4
    # task.diffusion = diff

    config = tracer.types.MagneticConfig()

    config.configIds = configuration  ## Just use machine IDs instead of coil currents because it's easier.

    ### This bit doesn't work when called as a function.  
    # config.coilsIds = range(160,230)
    # config.coilsIdsCurrents = [1.43e6,1.43e6,1.43e6,1.43e6,1.43e6]*10
    # # config.coilsCurrents.extend([0.13*1.43e6,0.13*1.43e6]*10)

    # # config.coilsCurrents.extend([0.13*1.43e6,0.13*1.43e6]*10)
    # config.coilsIdsCurrents = [1.43e6,1.43e6,1.43e6,1.43e6,1.43e6]*10
    # # config.coilsIdsCurrents.extend([0.13*1.43e6,0.13*1.43e6]*10)
    grid = tracer.types.Grid()
    grid.fieldSymmetry = 5

    cyl = tracer.types.CylindricalGrid()
    cyl.numR, cyl.numZ, cyl.numPhi = 181, 181, 481
    cyl.RMin, cyl.RMax, cyl.ZMin, cyl.ZMax = 4.05, 6.75, -1.35, 1.35
    grid.cylindrical = cyl

    machine = tracer.types.Machine(1)
    machine.grid.numX, machine.grid.numY, machine.grid.numZ = 500,500,100
    machine.grid.ZMin, machine.grid.ZMax = -1.5,1.5
    machine.grid.YMin, machine.grid.YMax = -7, 7
    machine.grid.XMin, machine.grid.XMax = -7, 7
    # machine.meshedModelsIds = [164]
    machine.assemblyIds = [12,14,8,9,13,21]

    config.grid = grid

    config.inverseField = False

    res_fwd = tracer.service.trace(points, config, task, machine)

    ###### end of copied code #######

    nx = x.shape[0]
    nz = x.shape[-1]
    lengths = np.zeros((nx*nz))
    for n in np.arange(0,nx*nz):
        lengths[n] = res_fwd.connection[n].length

    lengths = np.ndarray.reshape(lengths,(nx,nz))

    return lengths
Exemple #10
def GPI_curvature(x,y,z):
    phi0 = 4.787
    from osa import Client
    from boututils import calculus as calc
    nx = x.shape[0]
    nz = x.shape[-1]
    tracer = Client('http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/FieldLineProxy?wsdl')

    config = tracer.types.MagneticConfig()
    config.configIds = [1]

    #### Expand in phi to take derivatives
    phi_list = np.linspace(.99*phi0, 1.01*phi0, 9)
    r = x*np.cos(phi0) + y*np.sin(phi0)

    dz = z[0,1]-z[0,0]
    dx = x[1,0]-x[1,1]
    dphi = phi_list[1]-phi_list[0]

    r_extended = np.zeros((nx,9,nz))
    z_extended = np.zeros((nx,9,nz))
    phi_extended = np.zeros((nx,9,nz))
    for j in np.arange(0,phi_list.shape[0]):
        r_extended[:,j,:] = x*np.cos(phi_list[j]) + y*np.sin(phi_list[j])
        z_extended[:,j,:] = z
        phi_extended[:,j,:] = np.ones((nx,nz))*phi_list[j]
    points = tracer.types.Points3D()
    points.x1 = (r_extended*np.cos(phi_extended)).flatten()
    points.x2 = (r_extended*np.sin(phi_extended)).flatten()
    points.x3 = z_extended.flatten()

    res = tracer.service.magneticField(points, config)
    ## Reshape to 3d array
    Bx = np.ndarray.reshape(np.asarray(res.field.x1),(nx,9,nz))
    By = np.ndarray.reshape(np.asarray(res.field.x2),(nx,9,nz))
    bphi = -Bx*np.sin(phi_extended) + By*np.cos(phi_extended)
    Bz = np.ndarray.reshape(np.asarray(res.field.x3),(nx,9,nz))
    b2 = (Bx**2 + By**2 + Bz**2)
    Bx /= b2
    By /= b2
    Bz /= b2
    bphi /= b2

    dbphidz = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    dbrdz = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    dbzdphi = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    dbzdr = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    dbphidr = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    dbrdphi = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    curlbr = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    curlbphi = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    curlbz = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    for i in np.arange(0,nx):
        dbphidz[i,:] = calc.deriv(bphi[i,4,:])/dz
        dbrdz[i,:] = calc.deriv(Bx[i,4,:])/dz

    for k in np.arange(0,nz):
        dbzdr[:,k] = calc.deriv(Bz[:,4,k])/dx
        dbphidr[:,k] =  calc.deriv(bphi[:,4,k])/dx
        for i in np.arange(0,nx):
            dbzdphi[i,k] = calc.deriv(Bz[i,:,k])[4]/dphi
            dbrdphi[i,k] = calc.deriv(Bx[i,:,k])[4]/dphi
            curlbr[i,k]   = (dbzdphi[i,k] - dbphidz[i,k])  
            curlbphi[i,k] = (dbrdz[i,k] - dbzdr[i,k])
            curlbz[i,k]   = (dbphidr[i,k] - dbrdphi[i,k])

    return curlbr, curlbphi, curlbz
Exemple #11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Nov 30 11:22:01 2017

@author: tcw

from osa import Client
import numpy as np
from pyversion.version import urllib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os as _os

VClient = Client("http://esb:8280/services/vmec_v5?wsdl")

def create_local_configs(vmec_local='C:\PortablePrograms\configs\\'):
    ''' creates local copy of boozer files for TRAVIS'''

    url = 'http://svvmec1.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8080/vmecrest/v1/geiger/w7x/'

    if not _os.path.exists(vmec_local):
    label = {}
    stream = {}
    label[0] = 'DBM000'
    stream[0] = '1000_1000_1000_1000_+0750_+0750/01/00/boozer.txt'
    label[1] = 'EIM000'
    stream[1] = '1000_1000_1000_1000_+0000_+0000/01/00/boozer.txt'
    label[2] = 'EIM065'
    stream[2] = '1000_1000_1000_1000_+0000_+0000/01/04m/boozer.txt'
Exemple #12
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import linalg as LA
from numpy import pi
from osa import Client

vmec = Client('http://esb:8280/services/vmec_v5?wsdl')
# Some reference equilibria
P_LP11 w7x_ref_113, sval=0.6534784
[20,20], maxits=8 -> 500ms to 2.7e-9
[30,30], maxits=7 -> 547ms to 2.7e-9
[40,40], maxits=6 -> 656ms to 2.7e-9
[50,50], maxits=6 -> 891ms to 2.7e-9
# one gui advantage of 50x50 is that you can see the whole torus

# limiter centrelins at equaotr corresponds for sval=0.654871
surf_distance, dic = distance_to_surface(sval=0.654871, vmec_eq='w7x_ref_113',point=limcl[8], npts=[30,30],ax3D=None,max_its=6)
0.636 is 3mm away from lim cl
All points are > 3.11 mm so if we use 0.654871, all distances are positive.
# So now plot the distance from last surface to the limiter centreline
# this is not the whole story for flat faced limiters such as 483 (OK for 474)

SOL = [[pt[2],distance_to_surface(sval=0.654871,vmec_eq='w7x_ref_113',point=pt, ax3D=None,max_its=4)[0]] for pt in limcl]
print '\n'.join([str('{0:8.2f}, {1:8.2f}'.format(*(pair*1e3))) for pair in array(SOL)])

EEM - OP1.1. limiter; config. J w7x/1000_1000_1000_1000_+0390_+0390/01/020s/ w7x_ref_60 
EEM - OP1.1. limiter; config. J w7x/1000_1000_1000_1000_+0390_+0390/01/00s/ w7x_ref_59  
def island_fluxtube_grid(nx, ny, nz, turns=1, configuration=1):
    ### Copy GPI Code:
    # Generates a nx by nz rectangular grid at the location of the
    # outboard midplane island in standard configuration
    bottom_left = [6.1, 0, -0.5]
    bottom_right = [6.2, 0, -0.5]
    top_left = [6.1, 0, 0.5]
    top_right = [6.2, 0, 0.5]
    x_array = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    z_array = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    y_array = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    for y in np.arange(0, ny):
        left_edge_x = np.linspace(bottom_left[0], top_left[0], nz)
        left_edge_z = np.linspace(bottom_left[2], top_left[2], nz)
        left_edge_y = np.linspace(bottom_left[1], top_left[1], nz)

        right_edge_x = np.linspace(bottom_right[0], top_right[0], nz)
        right_edge_z = np.linspace(bottom_right[2], top_right[2], nz)
        right_edge_y = np.linspace(bottom_right[1], top_right[1], nz)

        for z in np.arange(0, nz):
            line_x = np.linspace(left_edge_x[z], right_edge_x[z], nx)
            line_z = np.linspace(left_edge_z[z], right_edge_z[z], nx)
            line_y = np.linspace(left_edge_y[z], right_edge_y[z], nx)
            z_array[:, y, z] = line_z
            x_array[:, y, z] = line_x
            y_array[:, y, z] = line_y

    ### Have grid, must calculate curvature ####

    tracer = Client(

    pos = tracer.types.Points3D()

    config = tracer.types.MagneticConfig()
    config.configIds = configuration

    lineTask = tracer.types.LineTracing()
    lineTask.numSteps = turns * ny

    task = tracer.types.Task()
    task.step = turns * 2 * np.pi * np.mean(x_array) / lineTask.numSteps
    task.lines = lineTask

    pos.x1 = x_array.flatten()
    pos.x2 = y_array.flatten()
    pos.x3 = z_array.flatten()

    res = tracer.service.trace(pos, config, task, None, None)

    x = np.asarray(res.lines[0].vertices.x1)
    y = np.asarray(res.lines[0].vertices.x2)
    z = np.asarray(res.lines[0].vertices.x3)

    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
    dphi = phi[1] - phi[0]

    drdphi = calc.deriv(r) / dphi
    d2rdphi2 = calc.deriv(drdphi) / dphi
    k = (r**2 + 2 * drdphi**2 - r * d2rdphi2) / ((r**2 + drdphi**2)**(1.5))

    k = np.ndarray.reshape(k, (nx, ny, nz))
    # dzdphi = calc.deriv(z)/dphi
    # d2zdphi2 = calc.deriv(dzdphi)/dphi

    # Ktot = np.sqrt(d2zdphi2**2 + (d2rdphi2*dzdphi - d2zdphi2*drdphi)**2 - (d2rdphi2)**2) / (drdphi**2+dzdphi**2)**1.5

    # kz = Ktot - k

    return r, phi, x, y, z, k
# From http://webservices.ipp-hgw.mpg.de/docs/howto.html   takes about a minute.
# •Import the osa Client class into your script:
from osa import Client
# •Create a new client object with the URL to the WSDL of the service you want to use:
cl = Client("http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/w7xfp?wsdl")

#•You can now use all web operations of the serives as methods of this client object:

#• You can get a listing of all methods of the service by:

#• Get information about the data types, that are used in this service by:

#• Use the client object to create new objects of such a data type by:
p = cl.types.Points3D()
p.x1 = [5.5, 5.55, 5.6]
p.x2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
p.x3 = [0.0, 3.14, 6.28]
Full sample script:
from osa import Client
cl = Client("http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/w7xfp?wsdl")

# should be '21'

pressure = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
jtor = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Exemple #15
@author: gawe

# ========================================================================== #

from __future__ import absolute_import, with_statement, absolute_import, \
                       division, print_function, unicode_literals

# ========================================================================== #
# ========================================================================== #

from osa import Client
import numpy as _np
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt

vmec = Client("http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/vmec_v5?wsdl")

vmecid = 'w7x_ref_60'
currents = vmec.service.getCoilCurrents(vmecid)

s = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1]
numPoints = 100
phi_t = [0.0, _np.pi / 5]

## getting VMEC input from w7x_ref_60 run
#inp1 = vmec.service.getVmecRunData('w7x_ref_60', 'input')
## calculation ID
#id = 'test20160114_7'
## start of the VMEC run
Exemple #16
from osa import Client
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

srv2 = Client("http://esb.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:8280/services/MeshSrv?wsdl")

#describe geometry
mset = srv2.types.SurfaceMeshSet()  # a set of surface meshes
mset.references = []
for i in [17, 16, 15, 9, 7, 6, 5, 2]:  # assemblies ids from database
    ref = srv2.types.DataReference()  # for each assembly a data reference
    ref.dataId = "%d" % i
# add references to single components, in this case ports
w1 = srv2.types.SurfaceMeshWrap()
ref = srv2.types.DataReference()
ref.dataId = "387"  # component id
w1.reference = ref
w2 = srv2.types.SurfaceMeshWrap()
ref = srv2.types.DataReference()
ref.dataId = "387"  # component id
w2.reference = ref
mset.meshes = [w1, w2]

# intersection call for phi = 0
result = srv2.service.intersectMeshPhiPlane(0.0, mset)

# plotting
for s in result:  #loop over non-empty triangle intersections
    xyz = np.array((s.vertices.x1, s.vertices.x2, s.vertices.x3)).T
    R = np.sqrt(xyz[:, 0]**2 + xyz[:, 1]**2)  # major radius