def installParcel(parcel, old_version=None):
    main = schema.ns('osaf.views.main', parcel.itsView)
    controller = Controller.update(
        parcel, 'RecordingController',
        blockName = 'RecordingController')

    #Define the block events for use with the menu items to be created.

    # Add menu and event to record scripts
    ToggleRecording = BlockEvent.update(
        parcel, 'ToggleRecording',
        blockName = 'ToggleRecording',
        dispatchEnum = 'SendToBlockByReference',
        destinationBlockReference = controller)

    # Add menu and event to include testing in script
    ScriptVerification = BlockEvent.update(
        parcel, 'ScriptVerification',
        blockName = 'ScriptVerification',
        dispatchEnum = 'SendToBlockByReference',
        destinationBlockReference = controller)
    # Create a block event that will be used for the dynamic play script menu system
    PlayableSripts = BlockEvent.template('PlayableSripts',
                    dispatchToBlockName = 'ScriptMenu',
                    commitAfterDispatch = True).install(parcel)    
    # Add event to play a recording
    #create the block event that will handle the event raised by open script menu item
    BrowseScript = BlockEvent.update(
        parcel, 'BrowseScript',
        blockName = 'BrowseScript',
        dispatchEnum = 'SendToBlockByReference',
        destinationBlockReference = controller)
        title = _(u'Scriptin&g'),
        childBlocks = [
                title = _(u'&Record Script'), # see onToggleRecordingEventUpdateUI
                helpString = _(u'Record commands in Chandler'),
                event = ToggleRecording),
                title = _(u'&Verify Script'),
                helpString = _(u"When scripts run, verification ensure that the UI's data matches the state when the script was recorded"),
                menuItemKind = 'Check',
                event = ScriptVerification),
            # Create the block for the dynamic menu
            # Add a dynamic menu to display the playable scripts
                title = _(u'Run &Script'),
                event = PlayableSripts,
                childBlocks = [
                    # Add a menu item that allows user to browse for a specific playable script
                        title = _(u'&Browse...'),
                        helpString = _(u'Open a script you recorded to play'),
                        event = BrowseScript)
        parentBlock = main.ToolsMenu)#don't .install(parcel)