Exemple #1
 def get_data(cls, project_identifier, fuzzy=False):
     result = None
     url = "http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/%s.json"%project_identifier
     page = get_page('%s' % (url), utf8=True)
     json_data = json.loads(page)
     if 'project' in json_data:
         result = json_data['project']
     if result is None:
         print("No project with identifier %s" % project_identifier)
         if fuzzy:
             projects_identifiers = get_projects_identifiers()
             for candidate_project_identifier in projects_identifiers:
                 p = project_identifier.lower()
                 c = candidate_project_identifier
                 match = (p in c) or (c in p) or \
                         (p.replace('-','') in c) or \
                         (c in p.replace('-','')) or \
                         (p.replace('_','') in c) or \
                         (c in p.replace('_',''))
                 if match:
                     print("Using project with similar identifier %s" \
                                         % c)
                     result = cls.get_data(c)
     return result
    def create(github_repo_str):

        if github_repo_str is None:
            print("Empty github_repo_str")
            return None

        if github_repo_str.endswith(".git"):
             github_repo_str = github_repo_str[:-4]

        if not github_repo_str.startswith('https://github.com'):
            print("Incorrectly formatted github_repo_str: %s"%github_repo_str)
            return None
        if not len(github_repo_str.split('/')) == 5:
            print("Incorrectly formatted github_repo_str: %s"%github_repo_str)
            return None

        repo = "https://api.github.com/repos/"+github_repo_str[19:]
        page = get_page(repo, utf8=True)
        gh = json.loads(page)
        '''for g in gh:
            print("%s = <<%s>>"%(g, gh[g]))'''
        ghr = GitHubRepository(gh)
        return ghr
 def list_files_in_repo(self):
     rest_url = self.list_files_template%(self.full_name)
     #print("URL: %s"%rest_url)
     w = get_page(rest_url, utf8=True)
     json_files = json.loads(w)
     if not 'tree' in json_files:
     files = []
     tree = json_files["tree"]
     for entry in tree:
     return files
Exemple #4
def get_projects_data(min_curation_level, limit=1000):
    url = "http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects.json"
    page = get_page('%s?limit=%d' % (url,limit), utf8=True)
    json_data = json.loads(page)
    projects_data_all = json_data['projects']
    projects_data = []
    for project_data in projects_data_all:
        curation_level = 0
        text = "Curation level"
        if get_custom_field(project_data, text):
            curation_level = int(get_custom_field(project_data, text)) 
        if (min_curation_level in ["None",None,"",0]) or \
           (min_curation_level in ["Low",1] and curation_level>=1)  or \
           (min_curation_level in ["Medium",2] and curation_level>=2)  or \
           (min_curation_level in ["High",3] and curation_level>=3):
    return projects_data
Exemple #5
def get_projects_data(min_curation_level, limit=1000, url = LIVE_URL, verbose=False):
    page_url = '%s?limit=%d' % (url,limit)
    if verbose:
        print("> Requesting page: %s..."%page_url)
    page = get_page(page_url, utf8=True)
    json_data = json.loads(page)
    projects_data_all = json_data['projects']
    projects_data = []
    for project_data in projects_data_all:
        curation_level = 0
        text = "Curation level"
        if get_custom_field(project_data, text):
            curation_level = int(get_custom_field(project_data, text)) 
        if (min_curation_level in ["None",None,"",0]) or \
           (min_curation_level in ["Low",1] and curation_level>=1)  or \
           (min_curation_level in ["Medium",2] and curation_level>=2)  or \
           (min_curation_level in ["High",3] and curation_level>=3):
    return projects_data
Exemple #6
            for file in files:
                if is_nml2_file(file):
                    desc = Description(file)
                    raw_url = github_repo.link_to_raw_file_in_repo(file)
                    comment = "NeuroML 2 file: %s (at %s)"%(file,raw_url)

                    # It's a computational neuroscience model
                    add_simple_qualifier(desc, \
                                        'bqmodel', \
                                        'is', \
                                        raw_url, \

                    contents = get_page(raw_url)

                    print("  Building NeuroML doc from: "+raw_url)
                    cno_type = None
                    doc = parseString(contents)
                    if doc.notes:
                        comment += "\n%s"%doc.notes

                    for ion_channel in doc.ion_channel:
                        cno_type = 'ionic current model'
                        if ion_channel.notes:
                            comment += "\n  Ion Channel: %s; %s"%(ion_channel.id, ion_channel.notes)

                        channel_type = 'ion channel complex'
                        if ion_channel.species:
                            if ion_channel.species == "ca":
                if is_nml2_file(file):
                    desc = Description(file)
                    raw_url = github_repo.link_to_raw_file_in_repo(file)
                    comment = "NeuroML 2 file: %s (at %s)"%(file,raw_url)

                    # It's a computational neuroscience model
                    add_simple_qualifier(desc, \
                                        'bqmodel', \
                                        'is', \
                                        raw_url, \

                    print("  Building NeuroML doc from: "+raw_url)

                    contents = get_page(raw_url, utf8=True)

                    cno_type = None
                    doc = parseString(contents)
                    if doc.notes:
                        comment += "\n%s"%doc.notes

                    for ion_channel in doc.ion_channel:
                        cno_type = 'ionic current model'
                        if ion_channel.notes:
                            comment += "\n  Ion Channel: %s; %s"%(ion_channel.id, ion_channel.notes)

                        channel_type = 'ion channel complex'
                        if ion_channel.species:
                            if ion_channel.species == "ca":
                                channel_type = 'calcium channel complex'