Exemple #1
    def _get_manifest_list(self, image: ImageName) -> requests.Response:
        """try to figure out manifest list"""
        if image in self.manifest_list_cache:
            return self.manifest_list_cache[image]

        reg_client = self._get_registry_client(image.registry)

        manifest_list = reg_client.get_manifest_list(image)
        if '@sha256:' in str(image) and not manifest_list:
            # we want to adjust the tag only for manifest list fetching
            image = image.copy()

                config_blob = reg_client.get_config_from_registry(
                    image, image.tag)
            except (HTTPError, RetryError, Timeout) as ex:
                self.log.warning('Unable to fetch config for %s, got error %s',
                                 image, ex.response.status_code)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unable to fetch config for base image') from ex

            release = config_blob['config']['Labels']['release']
            version = config_blob['config']['Labels']['version']
            docker_tag = "%s-%s" % (version, release)
            image.tag = docker_tag

            manifest_list = reg_client.get_manifest_list(image)
        self.manifest_list_cache[image] = manifest_list
        return self.manifest_list_cache[image]
    def _store_manifest_digest(self, image: ImageName, use_original_tag: bool) -> None:
        """Store media type and digest for manifest list or v2 schema 2 manifest digest"""
        image_str = image.to_str()
        manifest_list = self._get_manifest_list(image)
        reg_client = self._get_registry_client(image.registry)
        if manifest_list:
            digest_dict = get_checksums(BytesIO(manifest_list.content), ['sha256'])
            media_type = get_manifest_media_type('v2_list')
            digests_dict = reg_client.get_all_manifests(image, versions=('v2',))
            media_type = get_manifest_media_type('v2')
                manifest_digest_response = digests_dict['v2']
            except KeyError as exc:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unable to fetch manifest list or '
                    'v2 schema 2 digest for {} (Does image exist?)'.format(image_str)
                ) from exc

            digest_dict = get_checksums(BytesIO(manifest_digest_response.content), ['sha256'])

        manifest_digest = 'sha256:{}'.format(digest_dict['sha256sum'])
        parent_digests = {media_type: manifest_digest}
        if use_original_tag:
            # image tag may have been replaced with a ref for autorebuild; use original tag
            # to simplify fetching parent_images_digests data in other plugins
            image = image.copy()
            base_image_key: ImageName = self.workflow.data.dockerfile_images.base_image_key
            image.tag = base_image_key.tag
            image_str = image.to_str()

        self.workflow.data.parent_images_digests[image_str] = parent_digests