Exemple #1
def repository_path_search(apiurl, project, search_project, search_repository):
    queue = []

    # Initialize breadth first search queue with repositories from top project.
    root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    for repository in root.xpath(
            'repository[path[@project and @repository]]/@name'):
        queue.append((repository, project, repository))

    # Perform a breadth first search and return the first repository chain with
    # a series of path elements targeting search project and repository.
    for repository_top, project, repository in queue:
        if root.get('name') != project:
            # Repositories for a single project are in a row so cache parsing.
            root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))

        paths = root.findall('repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repository))
        for path in paths:
            if path.get('project') == search_project and path.get(
                    'repository') == search_repository:
                return repository_top

                (repository_top, path.get('project'), path.get('repository')))

    return None
Exemple #2
    def getProjectMeta(self, project):
        getProjectMeta(project) -> string

        Get XML metadata for project
        return ''.join(core.show_project_meta(self.apiurl, project))
    def apply(self, splitter):
        super(StrategyQuick, self).apply(splitter)

        # Leaper accepted which means any extra reviews have been added.
            './review[@by_user="******" and @state="accepted"]')

        # No @by_project reviews that are not accepted. If not first round stage
        # this should also ignore previous staging project reviews or already
        # accepted human reviews.
            'not(./review[@by_project and @state!="accepted"])')

        # Only allow reviews by whitelisted groups and users as all others will
        # be considered non-quick (like @by_group="legal-auto"). The allowed
        # groups are only those configured as reviewers on the target project.
        meta = ET.fromstring(''.join(
            show_project_meta(splitter.api.apiurl, splitter.api.project)))
        allowed_groups = meta.xpath('group[@role="reviewer"]/@groupid')
        allowed_users = []
        if 'repo-checker' in splitter.config:

        self.filter_review_whitelist(splitter, 'by_group', allowed_groups)
        self.filter_review_whitelist(splitter, 'by_user', allowed_users)
def project_role_expand(apiurl, project, role='maintainer'):
    All users with a certain role on a project, including those who have the role directly assigned
    and those who are part of a group with that role.
    meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    return meta_role_expand(apiurl, meta, role)
    def getProjectMeta(self, project):
        getProjectMeta(project) -> string

        Get XML metadata for project
        return ''.join(core.show_project_meta(self.apiurl, project))
Exemple #6
def target_archs(apiurl, project):
    meta = show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
    meta = ET.fromstring(''.join(meta))
    archs = []
    for arch in meta.findall('repository[@name="standard"]/arch'):
    return archs
Exemple #7
 def generate_all_archs(self, project):
     meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(self.apiurl, project))
     archs = set()
     for arch in meta.findall('.//arch'):
     result = []
     for arch in archs:
     return '&'.join(result)
Exemple #8
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
    if package is None:
        meta = ET.fromstring(''.join(show_project_meta(apiurl, project)))
        return [p.get('userid') for p in meta.findall('.//person') if p.get('role') == 'maintainer']

    root = owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package)
    maintainers = [p.get('name') for p in root.findall('.//person') if p.get('role') == 'maintainer']
    if not maintainers:
        for group in [p.get('name') for p in root.findall('.//group') if p.get('role') == 'maintainer']:
            maintainers = maintainers + group_members(apiurl, group)
    return maintainers
Exemple #9
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
    if package:
            meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package)
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 404:
                # Fallback to project in the case of new package.
                meta = show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
        meta = show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
    meta = ET.fromstringlist(meta)

    userids = []
    for person in meta.findall('person[@role="maintainer"]'):

    if len(userids) == 0 and package is not None:
        # Fallback to project if package has no maintainers.
        return maintainers_get(apiurl, project)

    return userids
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
    if package:
            meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package)
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 404:
                # Fallback to project in the case of new package.
                meta = show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
        meta = show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
    meta = ET.fromstringlist(meta)

    userids = []
    for person in meta.findall('person[@role="maintainer"]'):

    if len(userids) == 0 and package is not None:
        # Fallback to project if package has no maintainers.
        return maintainers_get(apiurl, project)

    return userids
    def getTargets(self, project):
        getTargets(project) -> list

        Get a list of targets for a project
        targets = []
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(core.show_project_meta(self.apiurl, project)))
        for repo in tree.findall('repository'):
            for arch in repo.findall('arch'):
                targets.append('%s/%s' % (repo.get('name'), arch.text))
        return targets
Exemple #12
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
    if package is None:
        meta = ET.fromstring(''.join(show_project_meta(apiurl, project)))
        return [p.get('userid') for p in meta.findall('.//person') if p.get('role') == 'maintainer']

    root = owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package)
    maintainers = [p.get('name') for p in root.findall('.//person') if p.get('role') == 'maintainer']
    if not maintainers:
        for group in [p.get('name') for p in root.findall('.//group') if p.get('role') == 'maintainer']:
            url = makeurl(apiurl, ('group', group))
            root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
            maintainers = maintainers + [p.get('userid') for p in root.findall('./person/person')]
    return maintainers
Exemple #13
    def getTargets(self, project):
        getTargets(project) -> list

        Get a list of targets for a project
        targets = []
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(
            core.show_project_meta(self.apiurl, project)))
        for repo in tree.findall('repository'):
            for arch in repo.findall('arch'):
                targets.append('%s/%s' % (repo.get('name'), arch.text))
        return targets
Exemple #14
def maintainer(args):
    if args.group is None:
        # Default is appended to rather than overridden (upstream bug).
        args.group = ['factory-maintainers', 'factory-staging']
    desired = set(args.group)

    apiurl = osc.conf.config['apiurl']
    devel_projects = devel_projects_load(args)
    for devel_project in devel_projects:
        meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, devel_project))
        groups = meta.xpath('group[@role="maintainer"]/@groupid')
        intersection = set(groups).intersection(desired)
        if len(intersection) != len(desired):
            print('{} missing {}'.format(devel_project, ', '.join(desired - intersection)))
def repository_path_expand(apiurl, project, repo):
    """Recursively list underlying projects."""
    repos = [[project, repo]]
    meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    paths = meta.findall('.//repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repo))

    # The listed paths are taken as-is, except for the last one...
    for path in paths[:-1]:
        repos += [[path.get('project', project), path.get('repository')]]

    # ...which is expanded recursively
    if len(paths) > 0:
        repos += repository_path_expand(apiurl, paths[-1].get('project', project), paths[-1].get('repository'))
    return repos
Exemple #16
def repository_path_search(apiurl, project, search_project, search_repository):
    queue = []

    # Initialize breadth first search queue with repositories from top project.
    root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    for repository in root.xpath('repository[path[@project and @repository]]/@name'):
        queue.append((repository, project, repository))

    # Perform a breadth first search and return the first repository chain with
    # a series of path elements targeting search project and repository.
    for repository_top, project, repository in queue:
        if root.get('name') != project:
            # Repositories for a single project are in a row so cache parsing.
            root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))

        paths = root.findall('repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repository))
        for path in paths:
            if path.get('project') == search_project and path.get('repository') == search_repository:
                return repository_top

            queue.append((repository_top, path.get('project'), path.get('repository')))

    return None
Exemple #17
def _repository_path_expand(apiurl, project, repo):
    """Recursively list underlying projects."""

    repos = OrderedDict()

    meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    for path in meta.findall('.//repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repo)):
        rp = repository_path_expand(apiurl, path.get('project', project), path.get('repository'))
        for project, repo in rp:
            # only the last repo for a project is remembered by OBS
            if project in repos:
                del repos[project]
            repos[project] = repo

    return repos
Exemple #18
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
    if package is None:
        meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
        maintainers = meta.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@userid')

        groups = meta.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@groupid')
        maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))

        return maintainers

    # Ugly reparse, but real xpath makes the rest much cleaner.
    root = owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package)
    root = ETL.fromstringlist(ET.tostringlist(root))
    maintainers = root.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@name')

    groups = root.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@name')
    maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))

    return maintainers
    def source_has_correct_maintainers(self, source_project):
        """Checks whether the source project has the required maintainer

        If a 'required-source-maintainer' is set, it checks whether it is a
        maintainer for the source project. Inherited maintainership is
        intentionally ignored to have explicit maintainer set.

        source_project - source project name
            'Checking required maintainer from the source project (%s)' % self.required_maintainer
        if not self.required_maintainer: return True

        meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(self.apiurl, source_project))
        maintainers = meta.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@userid')
        maintainers += ['group:' + g for g in meta.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@groupid')]

        return self.required_maintainer in maintainers
Exemple #20
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
    if package is None:
        meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
        maintainers = meta.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@userid')

        groups = meta.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@groupid')
        maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))

        return maintainers

    # Ugly reparse, but real xpath makes the rest much cleaner.
    root = owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package)
    root = ETL.fromstringlist(ET.tostringlist(root))
    maintainers = root.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@name')

    groups = root.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@name')
    maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))

    return maintainers
Exemple #21
def repository_path_expand(apiurl, project, repo, repos=None):
    """Recursively list underlying projects."""

    if repos is None:
        # Avoids screwy behavior where list as default shares reference for all
        # calls which effectively means the list grows even when new project.
        repos = []

    if [project, repo] in repos:
        # For some reason devel projects such as graphics include the same path
        # twice for openSUSE:Factory/snapshot. Does not hurt anything, but
        # cleaner not to include it twice.
        return repos

    repos.append([project, repo])

    meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    for path in meta.findall('.//repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repo)):
        repository_path_expand(apiurl, path.get('project', project), path.get('repository'), repos)

    return repos
Exemple #22
def repository_path_expand(apiurl, project, repo, repos=None):
    """Recursively list underlying projects."""

    if repos is None:
        # Avoids screwy behavior where list as default shares reference for all
        # calls which effectively means the list grows even when new project.
        repos = []

    if [project, repo] in repos:
        # For some reason devel projects such as graphics include the same path
        # twice for openSUSE:Factory/snapshot. Does not hurt anything, but
        # cleaner not to include it twice.
        return repos

    repos.append([project, repo])

    meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    for path in meta.findall('.//repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repo)):
        repository_path_expand(apiurl, path.get('project', project),
                               path.get('repository'), repos)

    return repos
    def apply(self, splitter):
        super(StrategyQuick, self).apply(splitter)

        # Leaper accepted which means any extra reviews have been added.
        splitter.filter_add('./review[@by_user="******" and @state="accepted"]')

        # No @by_project reviews that are not accepted. If not first round stage
        # this should also ignore previous staging project reviews or already
        # accepted human reviews.
        splitter.filter_add('not(./review[@by_project and @state!="accepted"])')

        # Only allow reviews by whitelisted groups and users as all others will
        # be considered non-quick (like @by_group="legal-auto"). The allowed
        # groups are only those configured as reviewers on the target project.
        meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(splitter.api.apiurl, splitter.api.project))
        allowed_groups = meta.xpath('group[@role="reviewer"]/@groupid')
        allowed_users = []
        if 'repo-checker' in splitter.config:

        self.filter_review_whitelist(splitter, 'by_group', allowed_groups)
        self.filter_review_whitelist(splitter, 'by_user', allowed_users)
def project_locked(apiurl, project):
    meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    return meta.find('lock/enable') is not None
Exemple #25
def target_archs(apiurl, project, repository='standard'):
    meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    return meta.xpath('repository[@name="{}"]/arch/text()'.format(repository))
Exemple #26
def project_locked(apiurl, project):
    meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    return meta.find('lock/enable') is not None
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if not "service" in params or not "repo" in params:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " % p.repourl)
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        # if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
            # self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
        # else:
            pkginfo = core.show_files_meta(
                self.obs.apiurl, str(project), str(package), expand=False, meta=True)
            if "<entry" not in pkginfo:
                # This is a link and it needs branching from the linked project
                # so grab the meta and extract the project from the link
                print "Found %s as a link in %s" % (package, project)
                x = etree.fromstring(
                    "".join(core.show_project_meta(self.obs.apiurl, project)))
                l = x.find('link')
                if l is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Expected a <link> in project %s." % project)
                print "Got a link  %s" % l
                linked_project = l.get('project')
                print "Branching %s to overwrite _service" % package
                core.branch_pkg(self.obs.apiurl, linked_project,
                                str(package), target_project=str(project))
        except Exception, exc:
            print "Doing a metatype pkg add because I caught %s" % exc
            print "Creating package %s in project %s" % (package, project)
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(
                data % {"name": str(package), "user": self.obs.getUserName()}).readlines()
            u = core.makeurl(
                self.obs.apiurl, ['source', str(project), str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
            print "HTTP PUT result of pkg add : %s" % x
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if "service" not in params or "repo" not in params:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " % p.repourl)
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        # if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
            # self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
        # else:
            pkginfo = core.show_files_meta(
                self.obs.apiurl, str(project), str(package),
                expand=False, meta=True)
            if "<entry" not in pkginfo:
                # This is a link and it needs branching from the linked project
                # so grab the meta and extract the project from the link
                print("Found %s as a link in %s" % (package, project))
                x = etree.fromstring(
                    "".join(core.show_project_meta(self.obs.apiurl, project)))
                link = x.find('link')
                if link is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Expected a <link> in project %s." % project)
                print("Got a link  %s" % link)
                linked_project = link.get('project')
                print("Branching %s to overwrite _service" % package)
                core.branch_pkg(self.obs.apiurl, linked_project,
                                str(package), target_project=str(project))
        except Exception as exc:
            print("Doing a metatype pkg add because I caught %s" % exc)
            print("Creating package %s in project %s" % (package, project))
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(
                data % {
                    "name": str(package),
                    "user": self.obs.getUserName()}
            u = core.makeurl(
                ['source', str(project), str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
            print("HTTP PUT result of pkg add : %s" % x)

        # Set any constraint before we set the service file
        constraint_xml = make_constraint(package)
        if constraint_xml:
            # obs module only exposed the putFile by filepath so
            # this is a reimplement to avoid writing a tmpfile
            u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl,
                             ['source', project, package, "_constraints"])
            core.http_PUT(u, data=constraint_xml)
            print "New _constraints file:\n%s" % constraint_xml
            print "No _constraints for %s" % package

        # Start with an empty XML doc
        try:  # to get any existing _service file.
            # We use expand=0 as otherwise a failed service run won't
            # return the _service file
            print("Trying to get _service file for %s/%s" % (project, package))
            services_xml = self.obs.getFile(
                project, package, "_service", expand=0)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
            print("Exception %s trying to get _service file for %s/%s" %
                  (e, project, package))
            if e.code == 404:
                services_xml = empty_service
            elif e.code == 400:
                # HTTP Error 400: service in progress error
                wid.result = True
                print("Service in progress, could not get _service file. "
                      "Not triggering another run.")
                raise e

        services_xml = services_xml.strip() or empty_service

        # Replace the matching one:
            services = etree.fromstring(services_xml)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:

        # Create our new service (not services anymore)
        new_service_xml = service % params
        new_service = etree.fromstring(new_service_xml)
        svcname = new_service.find(".").get("name")
        old_service = services.find("./service[@name='%s']" % svcname)
        if old_service is not None:
            services.replace(old_service, new_service)

        svc_file = etree.tostring(services, pretty_print=True)
        print("New _service file:\n%s" % svc_file)

        # And send our new service file
        self.obs.setupService(project, package, svc_file)

        wid.result = True
Exemple #29
def target_archs(apiurl, project, repository='standard'):
    meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
    return meta.xpath('repository[@name="{}"]/arch/text()'.format(repository))
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = None
        package = None

        if f.project and f.package:
            project = f.project
            package = f.package

        if p.project and p.package:
            project = p.project
            package = p.package

        if not project or not package:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Missing mandatory field or parameter: package, project")

        if not f.repourl and not p.repourl:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing mandatory field or parameter: repourl")

        params = {}

        if f.repourl:
            params["url"] = f.repourl

        if p.repourl:
            params["url"] = p.repourl

        params["service"], params["repo"] = find_service_repo(params["url"])

        if f.branch:
            params["branch"] = f.branch
        if p.branch:
            params["branch"] = p.branch
        params["revision"] = ""
        if f.revision:
            params["revision"] = f.revision
        if p.revision:
            params["revision"] = p.revision
        params["token"] = ""
        params["debian"] = ""
        params["dumb"] = ""
        if f.token:
            params["token"] = f.token
        if p.token:
            params["token"] = p.token
        if p.debian:
            params["debian"] = p.debian
        if f.debian:
            params["debian"] = f.debian

        if p.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = p.dumb
        if f.dumb:
            params["dumb"] = f.dumb

        if "branch" in params and params["branch"].startswith("pkg-"):
            if "service" not in params or "repo" not in params:
                raise RuntimeError("Service/Repo not found in repourl %s " %
            service = git_pkg_service
            service = tar_git_service

        # the simple approach doesn't work with project links
        # if self.obs.isNewPackage(project, package):
        # self.obs.getCreatePackage(str(project), str(package))
        # else:
            pkginfo = core.show_files_meta(self.obs.apiurl,
            if "<entry" not in pkginfo:
                # This is a link and it needs branching from the linked project
                # so grab the meta and extract the project from the link
                self.log.debug("Found %s as a link in %s" % (package, project))
                x = etree.fromstring("".join(
                    core.show_project_meta(self.obs.apiurl, project)))
                link = x.find('link')
                if link is None:
                    raise Exception("Expected a <link> in project %s." %
                self.log.debug("Got a link  %s" % link)
                linked_project = link.get('project')
                self.log.debug("Branching %s to overwrite _service" % package)
        except Exception as exc:
            self.log.warn("Doing a metatype pkg add because I caught %s" % exc)
            self.log.warn("Creating package %s in project %s" %
                          (package, project))
            data = core.metatypes['pkg']['template']
            data = StringIO(data % {
                "name": str(package),
                "user": self.obs.getUserName()
            u = core.makeurl(
                ['source', str(project),
                 str(package), "_meta"])
            x = core.http_PUT(u, data="".join(data))
            self.log.debug("HTTP PUT result of pkg add : %s" % x)

        # Set any constraint before we set the service file
        constraint_xml = self.make_constraint(package)
        if constraint_xml:
            # obs module only exposed the putFile by filepath so
            # this is a reimplement to avoid writing a tmpfile
            u = core.makeurl(self.obs.apiurl,
                             ['source', project, package, "_constraints"])
            core.http_PUT(u, data=constraint_xml)
            self.log.info("New _constraints file:\n%s" % constraint_xml)
            self.log.info("No _constraints for %s" % package)

        # Start with an empty XML doc
        try:  # to get any existing _service file.
            # We use expand=0 as otherwise a failed service run won't
            # return the _service file
            self.log.debug("Trying to get _service file for %s/%s" %
                           (project, package))
            services_xml = self.obs.getFile(project,
        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
                "Exception %s trying to get _service file for %s/%s" %
                (e, project, package))
            if e.code == 404:
                services_xml = empty_service
            elif e.code == 400:
                # HTTP Error 400: service in progress error
                wid.result = True
                    "Service in progress, could not get _service file. "
                    "Not triggering another run.")
                raise e

        services_xml = services_xml.strip() or empty_service

        # Replace the matching one:
            services = etree.fromstring(services_xml)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
            self.log.exception("Creating services xml failed")

        # Create our new service (not services anymore)
        new_service_xml = service % params
        new_service = etree.fromstring(new_service_xml)
        svcname = new_service.find(".").get("name")
        old_service = services.find("./service[@name='%s']" % svcname)
        if old_service is not None:
            services.replace(old_service, new_service)

        svc_file = etree.tostring(services, pretty_print=True)
        self.log.debug("New _service file:\n%s" % svc_file)

        # And send our new service file
        self.obs.setupService(project, package, svc_file)

        wid.result = True