Exemple #1
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # These pre-conditions can't easily be factored out into the normal
        # pre-conditions as they do more than run a test and then raise an
        # exception if it fails.
        self.reference_id = self.request.GET.get('reference_id')
        if self.reference_id:
            facade = Facade(self.reference_id)
            address = facade.get_partial_shipping_address()
            address_fields = model_to_dict(address)
            address_fields.pop("country", None)


        # Check that shipping is required at all
        if not request.basket.is_shipping_required():
            # No shipping required - we store a special code to indicate so.
            return self.get_success_response()

        # Check that shipping address has been completed
        if not self.checkout_session.is_shipping_address_set():
            messages.error(request, _("Please choose a shipping address"))
            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(

        # Save shipping methods as instance var as we need them both here
        # and when setting the context vars.
        self._methods = self.get_available_shipping_methods()
        if len(self._methods) == 0:
            # No shipping methods available for given address
                _("Shipping is unavailable for your chosen address - please "
                  "choose another"))
            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(
        elif len(self._methods) == 1:
            # Only one shipping method - set this and redirect onto the next
            # step
            return self.get_success_response()

        # Must be more than one available shipping method, we present them to
        # the user to make a choice.
        return super(ShippingMethodView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # These pre-conditions can't easily be factored out into the normal
        # pre-conditions as they do more than run a test and then raise an
        # exception if it fails.
        self.reference_id = self.request.GET.get('reference_id')
        if self.reference_id:
            facade = Facade(self.reference_id)
            address = facade.get_partial_shipping_address()
            address_fields = model_to_dict(address)
            address_fields.pop("country", None)


        # Check that shipping is required at all
        if not request.basket.is_shipping_required():
            # No shipping required - we store a special code to indicate so.
            return self.get_success_response()

        # Check that shipping address has been completed
        if not self.checkout_session.is_shipping_address_set():
            messages.error(request, _("Please choose a shipping address"))
            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(

        # Save shipping methods as instance var as we need them both here
        # and when setting the context vars.
        self._methods = self.get_available_shipping_methods()
        if len(self._methods) == 0:
            # No shipping methods available for given address
            messages.warning(request, _(
                "Shipping is unavailable for your chosen address - please "
                "choose another"))
            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(
        elif len(self._methods) == 1:
            # Only one shipping method - set this and redirect onto the next
            # step
            return self.get_success_response()

        # Must be more than one available shipping method, we present them to
        # the user to make a choice.
        return super(ShippingMethodView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)