def __init__(self, drop_late_bundles=False, timeout=0.01, advanced_matching=False, encoding='', encoding_errors='strict', default_handler=None, intercept_errors=True): """Create an OSCThreadServer. - `timeout` is a number of seconds used as a time limit for select() calls in the listening thread, optiomal, defaults to 0.01. - `drop_late_bundles` instruct the server not to dispatch calls from bundles that arrived after their timetag value. (optional, defaults to False) - `advanced_matching` (defaults to False), setting this to True activates the pattern matching part of the specification, let this to False if you don't need it, as it triggers a lot more computation for each received message. - `encoding` if defined, will be used to encode/decode all strings sent/received to/from unicode/string objects, if left empty, the interface will only accept bytes and return bytes to callback functions. - `encoding_errors` if `encoding` is set, this value will be used as `errors` parameter in encode/decode calls. - `default_handler` if defined, will be used to handle any message that no configured address matched, the received arguments will be (address, *values). - `intercept_errors`, if True, means that exception raised by callbacks will be intercepted and logged. If False, the handler thread will terminate mostly silently on such exceptions. """ self._must_loop = True self._termination_event = Event() self.addresses = {} self.sockets = [] self.timeout = timeout self.default_socket = None self.drop_late_bundles = drop_late_bundles self.advanced_matching = advanced_matching self.encoding = encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self.default_handler = default_handler self.intercept_errors = intercept_errors self.stats_received = Stats() self.stats_sent = Stats() t = Thread(target=self._run_listener) t.daemon = True t.start() self._thread = t self._smart_address_cache = {} self._smart_part_cache = {}
def test_to_tuple_stats(): tpl = Stats( calls=1, bytes=2, params=3, types=Counter("import antigravity") ).to_tuple() assert tpl[:3] == (1, 2, 3,) assert set(tpl[3]) == set('import antigravity')
def test_repr_stats(): r = repr(Stats(calls=0, bytes=1, params=2, types=Counter('abc'))) assert r == dedent( ''' Stats: calls: 0 bytes: 1 params: 2 types: a: 1 b: 1 c: 1 ''').strip()
def _send(options): def _parse(s): try: return literal_eval(s) except: return s stats = Stats() for i in range(options.repeat): stats += send_message(options.address, [_parse(x) for x in options.message],, options.port, safer=options.safer, encoding=options.encoding, encoding_errors=options.encoding_errors) print(stats)
def __init__(self, address, port, sock=None, encoding='', encoding_errors='strict'): """Create an OSCClient. `address` and `port` are the destination of messages sent by this client. See `send_message` and `send_bundle` documentation for more information. """ self.address = address self.port = port self.sock = sock or SOCK self.encoding = encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self.stats = Stats()
def format_bundle(data, timetag=None, encoding='', encoding_errors='strict'): """Create a bundle from a list of (address, values) tuples. String values will be encoded using `encoding` or must be provided as bytes. `encoding_errors` will be used to manage encoding errors. """ timetag = time_to_timetag(timetag) bundle = [pack('8s', b'#bundle\0')] bundle.append(TIME_TAG.pack(*timetag)) stats = Stats() for address, values in data: msg, st = format_message(address, values, encoding='', encoding_errors=encoding_errors) bundle.append(pack('>i', len(msg))) bundle.append(msg) stats += st return b''.join(bundle), stats
class OSCThreadServer(object): """A thread-based OSC server. Listens for osc messages in a thread, and dispatches the messages values to callbacks from there. The '/_oscpy/' namespace is reserved for metadata about the OSCPy internals, please see package documentation for further details. """ def __init__( self, drop_late_bundles=False, timeout=0.01, advanced_matching=False, encoding='', encoding_errors='strict', default_handler=None ): """Create an OSCThreadServer. - `timeout` is a number of seconds used as a time limit for select() calls in the listening thread, optiomal, defaults to 0.01. - `drop_late_bundles` instruct the server not to dispatch calls from bundles that arrived after their timetag value. (optional, defaults to False) - `advanced_matching` (defaults to False), setting this to True activates the pattern matching part of the specification, let this to False if you don't need it, as it triggers a lot more computation for each received message. - `encoding` if defined, will be used to encode/decode all strings sent/received to/from unicode/string objects, if left empty, the interface will only accept bytes and return bytes to callback functions. - `encoding_errors` if `encoding` is set, this value will be used as `errors` parameter in encode/decode calls. - `default_handler` if defined, will be used to handle any message that no configured address matched, the received arguments will be (address, *values). """ self.addresses = {} self.sockets = [] self.timeout = timeout self.default_socket = None self.drop_late_bundles = drop_late_bundles self.advanced_matching = advanced_matching self.encoding = encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self.default_handler = default_handler self.stats_received = Stats() self.stats_sent = Stats() t = Thread(target=self._listen) t.daemon = True t.start() self._smart_address_cache = {} self._smart_part_cache = {} def bind(self, address, callback, sock=None, get_address=False): """Bind a callback to an osc address. A socket in the list of existing sockets of the server can be given. If no socket is provided, the default socket of the server is used, if no default socket has been defined, a RuntimeError is raised. Multiple callbacks can be bound to the same address. """ if not sock and self.default_socket: sock = self.default_socket elif not sock: raise RuntimeError('no default socket yet and no socket provided') if isinstance(address, UNICODE) and self.encoding: address = address.encode( self.encoding, errors=self.encoding_errors) if self.advanced_matching: address = self.create_smart_address(address) callbacks = self.addresses.get((sock, address), []) cb = (callback, get_address) if cb not in callbacks: callbacks.append(cb) self.addresses[(sock, address)] = callbacks def create_smart_address(self, address): """Create an advanced matching address from a string. The address will be split by '/' and each part will be converted into a regexp, using the rules defined in the OSC specification. """ cache = self._smart_address_cache if address in cache: return cache[address] else: parts = address.split(b'/') smart_parts = tuple( re.compile(self._convert_part_to_regex(part)) for part in parts ) cache[address] = smart_parts return smart_parts def _convert_part_to_regex(self, part): cache = self._smart_part_cache if part in cache: return cache[part] else: r = [b'^'] for i, _ in enumerate(part): # getting a 1 char byte string instead of an int in # python3 c = part[i:i + 1] if c == b'?': r.append(b'.') elif c == b'*': r.append(b'.*') elif c == b'[': r.append(b'[') elif c == b'!' and r and r[-1] == b'[': r.append(b'^') elif c == b']': r.append(b']') elif c == b'{': r.append(b'(') elif c == b',': r.append(b'|') elif c == b'}': r.append(b')') else: r.append(c) r.append(b'$') smart_part = re.compile(b''.join(r)) cache[part] = smart_part return smart_part def unbind(self, address, callback, sock=None): """Unbind a callback from an OSC address. See `bind` for `sock` documentation. """ if not sock and self.default_socket: sock = self.default_socket elif not sock: raise RuntimeError('no default socket yet and no socket provided') if isinstance(address, UNICODE) and self.encoding: address = address.encode( self.encoding, errors=self.encoding_errors) callbacks = self.addresses.get((sock, address), []) to_remove = [] for cb in callbacks: if cb[0] == callback: to_remove.append(cb) while to_remove: callbacks.remove(to_remove.pop()) self.addresses[(sock, address)] = callbacks def listen( self, address='localhost', port=0, default=False, family='inet' ): """Start listening on an (address, port). - if `port` is 0, the system will allocate a free port - if `default` is True, the instance will save this socket as the default one for subsequent calls to methods with an optional socket - `family` accepts the 'unix' and 'inet' values, a socket of the corresponding type will be created. If family is 'unix', then the address must be a filename, the `port` value won't be used. 'unix' sockets are not defined on Windows. The socket created to listen is returned, and can be used later with methods accepting the `sock` parameter. """ if family == 'unix': family_ = socket.AF_UNIX elif family == 'inet': family_ = socket.AF_INET else: raise ValueError( "Unknown socket family, accepted values are 'unix' and 'inet'" ) sock = socket.socket(family_, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if family == 'unix': addr = address else: addr = (address, port) sock.bind(addr) self.sockets.append(sock) if default and not self.default_socket: self.default_socket = sock elif default: raise RuntimeError( 'Only one default socket authorized! Please set ' 'default=False to other calls to listen()' ) self.bind_meta_routes(sock) return sock def close(self, sock=None): """Close a socket opened by the server.""" if not sock and self.default_socket: sock = self.default_socket elif not sock: raise RuntimeError('no default socket yet and no socket provided') if platform != 'win32' and == socket.AF_UNIX: os.unlink(sock.getsockname()) else: sock.close() if sock == self.default_socket: self.default_socket = None def getaddress(self, sock=None): """Wrap call to getsockname. If `sock` is None, uses the default socket for the server. Returns (ip, port) for an inet socket, or filename for an unix socket. """ if not sock and self.default_socket: sock = self.default_socket elif not sock: raise RuntimeError('no default socket yet and no socket provided') return sock.getsockname() def stop(self, s=None): """Close and remove a socket from the server's sockets. If `sock` is None, uses the default socket for the server. """ if not s and self.default_socket: s = self.default_socket if s in self.sockets: read = select([s], [], [], 0) s.close() if s in read: s.recvfrom(65535) self.sockets.remove(s) else: raise RuntimeError('{} is not one of my sockets!'.format(s)) def stop_all(self): """Call stop on all the existing sockets.""" for s in self.sockets[:]: self.stop(s) sleep(10e-9) def _listen(self): """(internal) Busy loop to listen for events. This method is called in a thread by the `listen` method, and will be the one actually listening for messages on the server's sockets, and calling the callbacks when messages are received. """ match = self._match_address advanced_matching = self.advanced_matching addresses = self.addresses stats = self.stats_received while True: drop_late = self.drop_late_bundles if not self.sockets: sleep(.01) continue else: try: read, write, error = select(self.sockets, [], [], self.timeout) except (ValueError, socket.error): continue for sender_socket in read: try: data, sender = sender_socket.recvfrom(65535) except: continue for address, tags, values, offset in read_packet( data, drop_late=drop_late, encoding=self.encoding, encoding_errors=self.encoding_errors ): stats.calls += 1 stats.bytes += offset stats.params += len(values) stats.types.update(tags) matched = False if advanced_matching: for sock, addr in addresses: if sock == sender_socket and match(addr, address): matched = True for cb, get_address in addresses[(sock, addr)]: if get_address: cb(address, *values) else: cb(*values) else: if (sender_socket, address) in addresses: matched = True for cb, get_address in addresses.get( (sender_socket, address), [] ): if get_address: cb(address, *values) else: cb(*values) if not matched and self.default_handler: self.default_handler(address, *values) @staticmethod def _match_address(smart_address, target_address): """(internal) Check if provided `smart_address` matches address. A `smart_address` is a list of regexps to match against the parts of the `target_address`. """ target_parts = target_address.split(b'/') if len(target_parts) != len(smart_address): return False return all( model.match(part) for model, part in zip(smart_address, target_parts) ) def send_message( self, osc_address, values, ip_address, port, sock=None, safer=False ): """Shortcut to the client's `send_message` method. Use the default_socket of the server by default. See `client.send_message` for more info about the parameters. """ if not sock and self.default_socket: sock = self.default_socket elif not sock: raise RuntimeError('no default socket yet and no socket provided') stats = send_message( osc_address, values, ip_address, port, sock=sock, safer=safer, encoding=self.encoding, encoding_errors=self.encoding_errors ) self.stats_sent += stats return stats def send_bundle( self, messages, ip_address, port, timetag=None, sock=None, safer=False ): """Shortcut to the client's `send_bundle` method. Use the `default_socket` of the server by default. See `client.send_bundle` for more info about the parameters. """ if not sock and self.default_socket: sock = self.default_socket elif not sock: raise RuntimeError('no default socket yet and no socket provided') stats = send_bundle( messages, ip_address, port, sock=sock, safer=safer, encoding=self.encoding, encoding_errors=self.encoding_errors ) self.stats_sent += stats return stats def get_sender(self): """Return the socket, ip and port of the message that is currently being managed. Warning:: this method should only be called from inside the handling of a message (i.e, inside a callback). """ frames = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe()) for frame, filename, _, function, _, _ in frames: if function == '_listen' and __FILE__.startswith(filename): break else: raise RuntimeError('get_sender() not called from a callback') sock = frame.f_locals.get('sender_socket') address, port = frame.f_locals.get('sender') return sock, address, port def answer( self, address=None, values=None, bundle=None, timetag=None, safer=False, port=None ): """Answers a message or bundle to a client. This method can only be called from a callback, it will lookup the sender of the packet that triggered the callback, and send the given message or bundle to it. `timetag` is only used if `bundle` is True. See `send_message` and `send_bundle` for info about the parameters. Only one of `values` or `bundle` should be defined, if `values` is defined, `send_message` is used with it, if `bundle` is defined, `send_bundle` is used with its value. """ if not values: values = [] sock, ip_address, response_port = self.get_sender() if port is not None: response_port = port if bundle: return self.send_bundle( bundle, ip_address, response_port, timetag=timetag, sock=sock, safer=safer ) else: return self.send_message( address, values, ip_address, response_port, sock=sock ) def address(self, address, sock=None, get_address=False): """Decorate functions to bind them from their definition. `address` is the osc address to bind to the callback. if `get_address` is set to True, the first parameter the callback will receive will be the address that matched (useful with advanced matching). example: server = OSCThreadServer() server.listen('localhost', 8000, default=True) @server.address(b'/printer') def printer(values): print(values) send_message(b'/printer', [b'hello world']) note: This won't work on methods as it'll call them as normal functions, and the callback won't get a `self` argument. To bind a method use the `address_method` decorator. """ def decorator(callback): self.bind(address, callback, sock, get_address=get_address) return callback return decorator def address_method(self, address, sock=None, get_address=False): """Decorate methods to bind them from their definition. The class defining the method must itself be decorated with the `ServerClass` decorator, the methods will be bound to the address when the class is instantiated. See `address` for more information about the parameters. example: osc = OSCThreadServer() osc.listen(default=True) @ServerClass class MyServer(object): @osc.address_method(b'/test') def success(self, *args): print("success!", args) """ def decorator(decorated): decorated._address = (self, address, sock, get_address) return decorated return decorator def bind_meta_routes(self, sock=None): """This module implements osc routes to probe the internal state of a live OSCPy server. These routes are placed in the /_oscpy/ namespace, and provide information such as the version, the existing routes, and usage statistics of the server over time. These requests will be sent back to the client's address/port that sent them, with the osc address suffixed with '/answer'. examples: '/_oscpy/version' -> '/_oscpy/version/answer' '/_oscpy/stats/received' -> '/_oscpy/stats/received/answer' messages to these routes require a port number as argument, to know to which port to send to. """ self.bind(b'/_oscpy/version', self._get_version, sock=sock) self.bind(b'/_oscpy/routes', self._get_routes, sock=sock) self.bind(b'/_oscpy/stats/received', self._get_stats_received, sock=sock) self.bind(b'/_oscpy/stats/sent', self._get_stats_sent, sock=sock) def _get_version(self, port, *args): self.answer( b'/_oscpy/version/answer', (__version__, ), port=port ) def _get_routes(self, port, *args): self.answer( b'/_oscpy/routes/answer', [a[1] for a in self.addresses], port=port ) def _get_stats_received(self, port, *args): self.answer( b'/_oscpy/stats/received/answer', self.stats_received.to_tuple(), port=port ) def _get_stats_sent(self, port, *args): self.answer( b'/_oscpy/stats/sent/answer', self.stats_sent.to_tuple(), port=port )
def test_create_stats(): stats = Stats(calls=1, bytes=2, params=3, types=Counter('abc')) assert stats.calls == 1 assert stats.bytes == 2 assert stats.params == 3 assert stats.types['a'] == 1
def test_compare_stats(): assert Stats( calls=1, bytes=2, params=3, types=Counter('abc') ) == Stats( calls=1, bytes=2, params=3, types=Counter('abc') )
def test_add_stats(): stats = Stats(calls=1) + Stats(calls=3, bytes=2) assert stats.calls == 4 assert stats.bytes == 2
def format_message(address, values, encoding='', encoding_errors='strict'): """Create a message.""" tags = [b','] fmt = [] encode_cache = {} lv = 0 count = Counter() for value in values: lv += 1 cls_or_value, writer = None, None for cls_or_value, writer in WRITERS: if (cls_or_value is value or isinstance(cls_or_value, type) and isinstance(value, cls_or_value)): break else: raise TypeError( u'unable to find a writer for value {}, type not in: {}.'. format(value, [x[0] for x in WRITERS])) if cls_or_value == UNICODE: if not encoding: raise TypeError( u"Can't format unicode string without encoding") cls_or_value = bytes value = (encode_cache[value] if value in encode_cache else encode_cache.setdefault( value, value.encode(encoding, errors=encoding_errors))) assert cls_or_value, writer tag, v_fmt = writer if b'%i' in v_fmt: v_fmt = v_fmt % padded(len(value) + 1, PADSIZES[cls_or_value]) tags.append(tag) fmt.append(v_fmt) count[tag.decode('utf8')] += 1 fmt = b''.join(fmt) tags = b''.join(tags + [NULL]) if encoding and isinstance(address, UNICODE): address = address.encode(encoding, errors=encoding_errors) if not address.endswith(NULL): address += NULL fmt = b'>%is%is%s' % (padded(len(address)), padded(len(tags)), fmt) message = pack( fmt, address, tags, *((encode_cache.get(v) + NULL if isinstance(v, UNICODE) and encoding else (v + NULL) if t in ( b's', b'b') else format_midi(v) if isinstance(v, MidiTuple) else v) for t, v in izip(tags[1:], values))) return message, Stats(1, len(message), lv, count)