Exemple #1
def check_entry(config, section, option, status, kind):
    Check entries to make sure that they conform to the correct range of values
    entry = None
        entry = str(config.get(section, option)).strip()
    except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.InterpolationError):
    is_subcluster = section.lower().startswith('subcluster')
    if not entry:
        if (status == REQUIRED
            or (status == REQUIRED_FOR_SUBCLUSTER and is_subcluster)
            or (status == REQUIRED_FOR_RESOURCE_ENTRY and not is_subcluster)):
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Can't get value for mandatory setting %s in section %s." % \
                                          (option, section))
            return None
    if kind == STRING:
        # No parsing we can do for strings.
        return entry
    elif kind == POSITIVE_INT:
            entry = int(entry)
            if entry < 0:
                raise ValueError()
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Value of option `%s` in section " \
                                          "`%s` should be a positive integer, but it is `%s`" % \
                                          (option, section, entry))
        return entry
    elif kind == POSITIVE_FLOAT:
            entry = float(entry)
            if entry < 0:
                raise ValueError()
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Value of option `%s` in section " \
                                          "`%s` should be a positive float, but it is `%s`" % \
                                          (option, section, entry))
        return entry
    elif kind == BOOLEAN:
        entry = entry.lower()
        possible_vals = ['t', 'true', 'yes', 'y', 'enable', 'enabled', 'f',
                         'false', 'no', 'n', 'disable', 'disabled']
        positive_vals = ['t', 'true', 'yes', 'y', 'enable', 'enabled']
        if entry not in possible_vals:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Value of option `%s` in section " \
                                          "`%s` should be a boolean, but it is `%s`" % (option,
        return entry in positive_vals
    elif kind == LIST:
        regex = re.compile(r'\s*,*\s*')
        entry = regex.split(entry)
        return entry

        # Kind of entry isn't known... OK for now.
        return entry
Exemple #2
def check_section(config, section):
    Check attributes related to a subcluster and make sure that they are consistent
    if section.lower().find('changeme') >= 0:
        msg = "You have a section named '%s', you must change this name.\n" % section
        raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)

    for option, value in ENTRIES.items():
        status, kind = value
        entry = check_entry(config, section, option, status, kind)
        if option in BANNED_ENTRIES and entry == BANNED_ENTRIES[option]:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Value for %s in section %s is " \
                                          "a default or banned entry (%s); " \
                                          "you must change this value." % \
                                          (option, section, BANNED_ENTRIES[option]))
        if entry is None:

            range_min, range_max = ENTRY_RANGES[option]

            if not (range_min <= entry <= range_max):
                msg = ("Value for %(option)s in section %(section)s is outside allowed range"
                       ", %(range_min)d-%(range_max)d" % locals())
                if option == 'HEPSPEC':
                    msg += '.  The conversion factor from HEPSPEC to SI2K is 250'
                raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
        except KeyError:
Exemple #3
    def _auto_configure(self, configuration):
        Method to configure info services without an info services section on a CE

        self.enabled = True
        if configuration.has_option('Site Information', 'group'):
            group = configuration.get('Site Information', 'group')
                'No group defined in Site Information, this is required on a CE',
            raise exceptions.SettingError(
                'In Site Information, group needs to be set')
        if group == 'OSG':
            bdii_servers = self._production_defaults['bdii_servers']
        elif group == 'OSG-ITB':
            bdii_servers = self._itb_defaults['bdii_servers']
            self.log('Group must be OSG or OSG-ITB', level=logging.ERROR)
            raise exceptions.SettingError(
                'In Site Information, group needs to be OSG or OSG-ITB')

        self.options['bdii_servers'].value = bdii_servers
        self.bdii_servers = self._parse_servers(bdii_servers)
Exemple #4
    def _parse_configuration(self, configuration):
        The meat of parse_configuration, runs after we've checked that GIP is
        enabled and we have the right RPMs installed.
        # The following is to set the user that gip files need to belong to
        # This can be overridden by setting the 'user' option in the [GIP] section
        self.gip_user = '******'
        if configuration.has_option(self.config_section, 'batch'):
            batch_opt = configuration.get(self.config_section, 'batch').lower()
            if (not utilities.blank(batch_opt)
                    and batch_opt not in self._valid_batch_opt):
                msg = "The batch setting in %s must be a valid option " \
                      "(e.g. %s), %s was given" % (self.config_section,
                self.log(msg, level=logging.ERROR)
                raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)

        if utilities.ce_installed():

        # Check for the presence of the classic SE
        has_classic_se = True
            has_classic_se = configuration.getboolean("GIP",
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0702
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0703
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0704
        except Exception:

        has_se = False
        for section in configuration.sections():
            if not section.lower().startswith('se'):
            has_se = True
            self.check_se(configuration, section)
        if not has_se and not has_classic_se:
                self._check_entry(configuration, "GIP", "se_name", REQUIRED,
                msg = "There is no `SE` section, the old-style SE" + \
                      "setup in GIP is not configured, and there is no classic SE. " + \
                      " At least one must be configured.  Please see the configuration" \
                      " documentation."
                raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
        if configuration.has_option(self.config_section, 'user'):
            username = configuration.get(self.config_section, 'user')
            if not validation.valid_user(username):
                err_msg = "%s is not a valid account on this system" % username
                raise exceptions.SettingError(err_msg)
            self.gip_user = username
Exemple #5
def get_option(config, section, option=None):
    Get an option from a config file with optional defaults and mandatory

    config  -- a ConfigParser object to query
    section --  the ini section the option is located in
    option  --  an Option object to information on the option to retrieve


    if option is None:
        raise exceptions.SettingError('No option passed to get_option')

    if config.has_option(section, option.name):

            if not utilities.blank(config.get(section, option.name)):
                if option.opt_type == bool:
                    option.value = config.getboolean(section, option.name)
                elif option.opt_type == int:
                    option.value = config.getint(section, option.name)
                elif option.opt_type == float:
                    option.value = config.getfloat(section, option.name)
                    option.value = config.get(section, option.name)
                # if option is blank and there's a default for the option
                # return the default if possible, otherwise raise an exception
                # if the option is mandatory

                if (option.required == Option.MANDATORY and
                            option.default_value is None):
                    raise exceptions.SettingError("Can't get value for %s in %s " \
                                                  "section and no default given" % \
                                                  (option.name, section))
                option.value = option.default_value

        except ValueError:
            error_mesg = "%s  in %s section is of the wrong type" % (option.name, section)
            raise exceptions.SettingError(error_mesg)
    elif option.required == Option.MANDATORY:
        err_mesg = "Can't get value for %s in %s section" % (option.name, section)
        raise exceptions.SettingError(err_mesg)
        option.value = option.default_value
    def set_status(self, configuration):
        Check the enable option and then set the appropriate attributes based on that.

        Returns False if the section is not enabled or set to ignore

            if not configuration.has_option(self.config_section, 'enabled'):
                self.logger.debug("%s not enabled" % self.config_section)
                self.enabled = False
                return False
            elif configuration.get(self.config_section,
                                   'enabled').lower() == 'ignore':
                self.logger.debug("%s will be ignored" % self.config_section)
                self.ignored = True
                self.enabled = False
                return False
            elif not configuration.getboolean(self.config_section, 'enabled'):
                self.logger.debug("%s not enabled" % self.config_section)
                self.enabled = False
                return False
                self.enabled = True
                return True
        except configparser.NoOptionError:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Can't get value for enable option "
                                          "in %s section" %
Exemple #7
    def _auto_configure(self, configuration):
        Configure gratia for a ce which does not have the gratia section
        self.enabled = True

        if configuration.has_option('Site Information', 'resource'):
            resource = configuration.get('Site Information', 'resource')
            self.options['resource'].value = resource
        elif configuration.has_option('Site Information', 'site_name'):
            resource = configuration.get('Site Information', 'site_name')
            self.options['resource'].value = resource
                'No site_name or resource defined in Site Information, this'
                ' is required on a CE',
            raise exceptions.SettingError(
                'In Site Information, '
                'site_name or resource needs to be set')

        if configuration.has_option('Site Information', 'group'):
            group = configuration.get('Site Information', 'group')
                'No group defined in Site Information, this is required on a CE',
            raise exceptions.SettingError(
                'In Site Information, group needs to be set')

        if group == 'OSG':
            probes = self._production_defaults['probes']
        elif group == 'OSG-ITB':
            probes = self._itb_defaults['probes']
            raise exceptions.SettingError('In Site Information, group must be '
                                          'OSG or OSG-ITB')

        self.options['probes'].value = probes

        return True
Exemple #8
 def _parse_configuration_ce(self, configuration):
     # All CEs must advertise subclusters
     has_sc = self.check_subclusters(configuration)
     if not has_sc:
             self._check_entry(configuration, "GIP", "sc_number", REQUIRED,
         except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.SettingError):
             msg = "There is no `subcluster` section and the old-style subcluster" + \
                   "setup in GIP is not configured. " + \
                   " Please see the configuration documentation."
             raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
def check_section(config, section):
    Check attributes related to a subcluster and make sure that they are consistent
    if "changeme" in section.lower():
        msg = "You have a section named '%s', you must change this name.\n" % section
        raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)

    for option, value in ENTRIES.items():
        status, kind = value
        entry = check_entry(config, section, option, status, kind)
        if option in BANNED_ENTRIES and entry == BANNED_ENTRIES[option]:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Value for %s in section %s is " \
                                          "a default or banned entry (%s); " \
                                          "you must change this value." % \
                                          (option, section, BANNED_ENTRIES[option]))
        if entry is None:

            range_min, range_max = ENTRY_RANGES[option]

            if not (range_min <= entry <= range_max):
                msg = (
                    "Value for %(option)s in section %(section)s is outside allowed range"
                    ", %(range_min)d-%(range_max)d" % locals())
                raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
        except KeyError:

    # Special case: Pilot sections either need "os" specified or "require_singularity=true"
    if is_pilot(section):
        require_singularity = utilities.config_safe_getboolean(
            config, section, "require_singularity", True)
        os = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, "os", None)

        if not require_singularity and not os:
            msg = "'os' must be specified in section %s if 'require_singularity' is false" % section
            raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
    def get_options(self, configuration, **kwargs):
        Populate self.options based on contents of ConfigParser object,
        warns if unknown options are found

        configuration - a ConfigParser object

        keyword arguments:
        ignore_options - a list of option names that should be ignored
                         when checking for unknown options

        for option in self.options.values():
            self.log("Getting value for %s" % option.name)
                configfile.get_option(configuration, self.config_section,
                self.log("Got %s" % option.value)
            except configparser.Error as err:
                self.log("Syntax error in configuration: %s" % err,
                raise exceptions.SettingError(str(err))
            except Exception:
                self.log("Received exception when parsing option",

        # check and warn if unknown options found
        known_options = list(self.options.keys())
        known_options.extend(kwargs.get('ignore_options', []))
        temp = utilities.get_set_membership(
            configuration.options(self.config_section), known_options,
        for option in temp:
            self.log("Found unknown option",
    def section_disabled(configuration, section):
        Check the enable option for a specified section

        Returns False if the section is not enabled or set to ignore

            if not configuration.has_option(section, 'enabled'):
                return True
            elif configuration.get(section, 'enabled').lower() == 'ignore':
                return True
            elif not configuration.getboolean(section, 'enabled'):
                return True
                return False
        except configparser.NoOptionError:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("Can't get value for enable option "
                                          "in %s section" % section)
Exemple #12
    def _parse_servers(cls, servers):
        Take a list of servers and parse it into a list of
        (server, subscription_type) tuples
        server_list = {}
        if servers.lower() == 'ignore':
            # if the server list is set to ignore, then don't use any servers
            # this allows cemon to be send ress information but not bdii or vice versa
            return server_list

        server_regex = re.compile(r'(.*)\[(.*)\]')
        for entry in servers.split(','):
            match = server_regex.match(entry)
            if match is None:
                raise exceptions.SettingError('Invalid subscription: %s' %
            server_list[match.group(1).strip()] = match.group(2)
        return server_list
Exemple #13
def resource_catalog_from_config(config, default_allowed_vos=None):
    Create a ResourceCatalog from the subcluster entries in a config
    :type config: ConfigParser.ConfigParser
    :rtype: ResourceCatalog
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    assert isinstance(config, ConfigParser.ConfigParser)
    from osg_configure.modules import resourcecatalog

    rc = resourcecatalog.ResourceCatalog()

    # list of section names of all subcluster sections
    subcluster_sections = [section for section in config.sections() if section.lower().startswith('subcluster')]
    subcluster_names = [config.get(section, 'name').strip() for section in subcluster_sections]

    sections_without_max_wall_time = []
    for section in config.sections():
        lsection = section.lower()
        if not (lsection.startswith('subcluster') or lsection.startswith('resource entry')):

        check_section(config, section)

        rcentry = resourcecatalog.RCEntry()
        rcentry.name = config.get(section, 'name')

        rcentry.cpus = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'cpucount') or \
                       utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'cores_per_node')
        if not rcentry.cpus:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("cpucount / cores_per_node not found in section %s" % section)
        rcentry.cpus = int(rcentry.cpus)

        rcentry.memory = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'maxmemory') or \
                         utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'ram_mb')
        if not rcentry.memory:
            raise exceptions.SettingError("maxmemory / ram_mb not found in section %s" % section)
        rcentry.memory = int(rcentry.memory)

        rcentry.allowed_vos = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'allowed_vos', default="").strip()
        if not rcentry.allowed_vos:
            logger.error("No allowed_vos specified for section '%s'."
                         "\nThe factory will not send jobs to these subclusters/resources. Specify the allowed_vos"
                         "\nattribute as either a list of VOs, or a '*' to use an autodetected VO list based on"
                         "\nthe user accounts available on your CE." % section)
            raise exceptions.SettingError("No allowed_vos for %s" % section)
        if rcentry.allowed_vos == "*":
            if default_allowed_vos:
                rcentry.allowed_vos = default_allowed_vos
                rcentry.allowed_vos = None

        max_wall_time = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'max_wall_time')
        if not max_wall_time:
            rcentry.max_wall_time = 1440
            rcentry.max_wall_time = max_wall_time.strip()
        rcentry.queue = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'queue')

        scs = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'subclusters')
        if scs:
            scs = re.split(r'\s*,\s*', scs)
            for sc in scs:
                if sc not in subcluster_names:
                    raise exceptions.SettingError("Undefined subcluster '%s' mentioned in section '%s'" % (sc, section))
        rcentry.subclusters = scs

        rcentry.vo_tag = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'vo_tag')

        # The ability to specify extra requirements is disabled until admins demand it
        # rcentry.extra_requirements = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'extra_requirements')
        rcentry.extra_requirements = None
        rcentry.extra_transforms = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'extra_transforms')

    # end for section in config.sections()

    if sections_without_max_wall_time:
        logger.warning("No max_wall_time specified for some sections; defaulting to 1440."
                       "\nAdd 'max_wall_time=1440' to the following section(s) to clear this warning:"
                       "\n'%s'" % "', '".join(sections_without_max_wall_time))

    return rc
    def parse_configuration(self, configuration):
        Try to get configuration information from ConfigParser or SafeConfigParser object given
        by configuration and write recognized settings to attributes dict

        self.log('InfoServicesConfiguration.parse_configuration started')


        if not configuration.has_section(self.config_section):
            self.enabled = False
            self.log("%s section not in config file" % self.config_section)
            self.log('InfoServicesConfiguration.parse_configuration completed')

        if not self.set_status(configuration):
            self.log('InfoServicesConfiguration.parse_configuration completed')
            return True


                             'itb-ress-servers', 'itb-bdii-servers',
                             'osg-ress-servers', 'osg-bdii-servers',
                             'ress_servers', 'enabled', 'bdii_servers'

        self.ce_collectors = self._parse_ce_collectors(


        def csg(section, option):
            return utilities.config_safe_get(configuration, section, option,

        def csgbool(section, option):
            return utilities.config_safe_getboolean(configuration, section,
                                                    option, False)

        # We get some values for HTCondor-CE from the Site Information section
        self.osg_resource = csg('Site Information', 'resource')
        self.osg_resource_group = csg('Site Information', 'resource_group')
        # and the enabled batch systems from their respective sections
        self.enabled_batch_systems = [
            bs for bs in BATCH_SYSTEMS if csgbool(bs, 'enabled')

        self.htcondor_gateway_enabled = csgbool('Gateway',

        self.authorization_method = csg('Misc Services',
        self.subcluster_sections = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
        self.gums_host = csg('Misc Services', 'gums_host')

        for section in configuration.sections():
            if section.lower().startswith('subcluster') or section.lower(
            ).startswith('resource entry'):
                for key, value in configuration.items(section):
                    self.subcluster_sections.set(section, key, value)

        if utilities.ce_installed(
        ) and not subcluster.check_config(configuration):
                "On a CE but no valid 'Subcluster' or 'Resource Entry' sections defined."
                " This is required to advertise the capabilities of your cluster to the central collector."
                " Jobs may not be sent to this CE.",
            raise exceptions.SettingError(
                "No Subcluster or Resource Entry sections")

        # Check resource catalog
        # This is a bit clunky to parse it here and not use the result in
        # configure(), but at this point we don't have a way of knowing what
        # default_allowed_vos should be.
        if self.ce_collector_required_rpms_installed and self.htcondor_gateway_enabled and classad is not None:

        self.log('InfoServicesConfiguration.parse_configuration completed')
Exemple #15
def resource_catalog_from_config(
        config: ConfigParser,
        default_allowed_vos: str = None) -> ResourceCatalog:
    Create a ResourceCatalog from the subcluster entries in a config
    :param default_allowed_vos: The allowed_vos to use if the user specified "*"
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    assert isinstance(config, ConfigParser)
    from osg_configure.modules.resourcecatalog import ResourceCatalog, RCEntry

    def safeget(option: str, default=None) -> str:
        return utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, option, default)

    def safegetbool(option: str, default=None) -> bool:
        return utilities.config_safe_getboolean(config, section, option,

    rc = ResourceCatalog()

    # list of section names of all subcluster sections
    subcluster_sections = [
        section for section in config.sections() if is_subcluster(section)
    subcluster_names = [
        rce_section_get_name(config, section)
        for section in subcluster_sections

    sections_without_max_wall_time = []
    for section in config.sections():
        if not (is_subcluster(section) or is_resource_entry(section)
                or is_pilot(section)):

        check_section(config, section)

        rcentry = RCEntry()
        rcentry.name = rce_section_get_name(config, section)

        rcentry.cpus = (safeget("cpucount") or safeget("cores_per_node")
                        or CPUCOUNT_DEFAULT)
        rcentry.cpus = int(rcentry.cpus)

        rcentry.memory = (safeget("maxmemory") or safeget("ram_mb")
                          or RAM_MB_DEFAULT)
        rcentry.memory = int(rcentry.memory)

        rcentry.allowed_vos = utilities.split_comma_separated_list(
            safeget("allowed_vos", default="").strip())
        if not rcentry.allowed_vos or not rcentry.allowed_vos[0]:
                "No allowed_vos specified for section '%s'."
                "\nThe factory will not send jobs to these subclusters/resources. Specify the allowed_vos"
                "\nattribute as either a list of VOs, or a '*' to use an autodetected VO list based on"
                "\nthe user accounts available on your CE." % section)
            raise exceptions.SettingError("No allowed_vos for %s" % section)
        if rcentry.allowed_vos == ["*"]:
            if default_allowed_vos:
                rcentry.allowed_vos = default_allowed_vos
                rcentry.allowed_vos = []

        max_wall_time = safeget("max_wall_time")
        if not max_wall_time:
            rcentry.max_wall_time = 1440
            rcentry.max_wall_time = max_wall_time.strip()
        rcentry.queue = safeget("queue")

        scs = utilities.split_comma_separated_list(safeget("subclusters", ""))
        if scs:
            for sc in scs:
                if sc not in subcluster_names:
                    raise exceptions.SettingError(
                        "Undefined subcluster '%s' mentioned in section '%s'" %
                        (sc, section))
            rcentry.subclusters = scs
            rcentry.subclusters = None

        rcentry.vo_tag = safeget("vo_tag")

        # The ability to specify extra requirements is disabled until admins demand it
        # rcentry.extra_requirements = utilities.config_safe_get(config, section, 'extra_requirements')
        rcentry.extra_requirements = None
        rcentry.extra_transforms = safeget("extra_transforms")

        rcentry.gpus = safeget("gpucount")
        if is_pilot(section):
            rcentry.max_pilots = safeget("max_pilots")
            rcentry.whole_node = safegetbool("whole_node", False)
            if rcentry.whole_node:
                rcentry.cpus = None
                rcentry.memory = None
            rcentry.require_singularity = safegetbool("require_singularity",
            rcentry.os = safeget("os")
            rcentry.send_tests = safegetbool("send_tests", True)
            rcentry.is_pilot = True

    # end for section in config.sections()

    if sections_without_max_wall_time:
            "No max_wall_time specified for some sections; defaulting to 1440."
            "\nAdd 'max_wall_time=1440' to the following section(s) to clear this warning:"
            "\n'%s'" % "', '".join(sections_without_max_wall_time))

    return rc
Exemple #16
    def check_se(self, config, section):
        Check attributes currently stored and make sure that they are consistent
        self.log('GipConfiguration.check_se started')
        attributes_ok = True

        enabled = True
            if config.has_option(section, 'enabled'):
                enabled = config.getboolean(section, 'enabled')
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0703
        except Exception:
            enabled = False

        if not enabled:
            # if section is disabled, we can exit
            return attributes_ok

        if section.lower().find('changeme') >= 0:
            msg = "You have a section named 'SE CHANGEME', but it is not turned off.\n"
            msg += "'SE CHANGEME' is an example; you must change it if it is enabled."
            raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)

        for option, value in SE_ENTRIES.items():
            status, kind = value
            entry = self._check_entry(config, section, option, status, kind)
            if option in SE_BANNED_ENTRIES and entry == SE_BANNED_ENTRIES[
                raise exceptions.SettingError("Value for %s in section %s is " \
                                              "a default or banned entry (%s); " \
                                              "you must change this value." % \
                                              (option, section, SE_BANNED_ENTRIES[option]))
            if entry is None:

            # Validate the mount point information
            if option == 'mount_point':
                regex = re.compile(r"/(/*[A-Za-z0-9_\-]/*)*$")
                err_info = {'input': value}
                if len(entry) != 2:
                    err_info['reason'] = "Only one path was specified!"
                    msg = MOUNT_POINT_ERROR % err_info
                    raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
                if not regex.match(entry[0]):
                    err_info['reason'] = "First path does not pass validation"
                    msg = MOUNT_POINT_ERROR % err_info
                    raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
                if not regex.match(entry[1]):
                    err_info['reason'] = "Second path does not pass validation"
                    msg = MOUNT_POINT_ERROR % err_info
                    raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)

            if option == 'srm_endpoint':
                regex = re.compile(
                match = regex.match(entry)
                if not match or match.groups()[3].find('?SFN=') >= 0:
                    msg = "Given SRM endpoint is not valid! It must be of the form " + \
                          "srm://<hostname>:<port>/<path>.  The hostname, port, and path " + \
                          "must be present.  The path should not contain the string '?SFN='"
                    raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
            elif option == 'allowed_vos':
                user_vo_map = None
                if config.has_option('Install Locations', 'user_vo_map'):
                    user_vo_map = config.get('Install Locations',
                vo_list = utilities.get_vos(user_vo_map)
                for vo in entry:
                    if vo not in vo_list:
                        msg = "The vo %s is explicitly listed in the allowed_vos list in " % vo
                        msg += "section %s, but is not in the list of allowed VOs." % section
                        if vo_list:
                            msg += "  The list of allowed VOs are: %s." % ', '.join(
                            msg += "  There are no allowed VOs detected; contact the experts!"
                        raise exceptions.SettingError(msg)
        self.log('GipConfiguration.check_se completed')
        return attributes_ok