Exemple #1
def test_png_8():

    drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('PNG')
    ds_src = gdal.Open('data/idat_broken.png')

    md = ds_src.GetMetadata()
    assert not md, 'metadata list not expected'

    # Number of bands has been preserved
    assert ds_src.RasterCount == 4, 'wrong number of bands'

    # No reading is performed, so we expect valid reference
    b = ds_src.GetRasterBand(1)
    assert b is not None, 'band 1 is missing'

    # We're not interested in returned value but internal state of GDAL.
    err = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()

    assert err != 0, 'error condition expected'

    ds_dst = drv.CreateCopy('tmp/idat_broken.png', ds_src)
    err = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()
    ds_src = None

    assert err != 0, 'error condition expected'

    assert ds_dst is None, 'dataset not expected'

Exemple #2
    def getStatisticsWithProgress(self, gdalband, localdata=None):
        Helper method. Just quickly returns the stats if
        they are easily available from GDAL. Calculates them using
        the supplied progress if not.
        If localdata is not None, statistics are calulated using 
        the data in this numpy array.
        if localdata is None:
            # calculate stats for whole image
            # allow approxstats
            stats = gdalband.GetStatistics(1, 0)
            if stats == [0, 0, 0, -1] or gdal.GetLastErrorNo() != gdal.CE_None:
                # need to actually calculate them
                self.newProgress.emit("Calculating Statistics...")
                # TODO: find a way of ignoring NaNs

                # When calculating stats on the fly, use approxstats (much faster)
                # A workaround for broken progress support in GDAL 2.2.0
                # see https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6927
                if gdal.__version__ == '2.2.0':
                    stats = gdalband.ComputeStatistics(True)
                    stats = gdalband.ComputeStatistics(True, GDALProgressFunc,


                if (stats == [0, 0, 0, -1]
                        or gdal.GetLastErrorNo() != gdal.CE_None):
                    msg = 'unable to calculate statistics'
                    raise viewererrors.StatisticsError(msg)

            # local - using numpy - make sure float not 1-d array for json
            # ignore NANs
            minval = float(numpy.nanmin(localdata))
            maxval = float(numpy.nanmax(localdata))
            mean = float(numpy.nanmean(localdata))
            stddev = float(numpy.nanstd(localdata))
            stats = [minval, maxval, mean, stddev]

        # inf and NaNs really stuff things up
        # must be a better way, but GDAL doesn't seem to have
        # an option to ignore NaNs and numpy still returns Infs.
        # Make some numbers up.
        if not numpy.isfinite(stats[0]):
            stats[0] = 0.0
        if not numpy.isfinite(stats[1]):
            stats[1] = 10.0
        if not numpy.isfinite(stats[2]):
            stats[2] = 5.0
        if not numpy.isfinite(stats[3]):
            stats[3] = 1.0

        return stats
Exemple #3
def png_8():

    drv = gdal.GetDriverByName( 'PNG' )
    ds_src = gdal.Open( 'data/idat_broken.png' )

    md = ds_src.GetMetadata()
    if len(md) > 0:
        gdaltest.post_reason('metadata list not expected')
        return 'fail'

    # Number of bands has been preserved
    if ds_src.RasterCount != 4:
        gdaltest.post_reason('wrong number of bands')
        return 'fail'

    # No reading is performed, so we expect valid reference
    b = ds_src.GetRasterBand(1)
    if b is None:
        gdaltest.post_reason('band 1 is missing')
        return 'fail'

    # We're not interested in returned value but internal state of GDAL.
    gdal.PushErrorHandler( 'CPLQuietErrorHandler' )
    err = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()

    if err == 0:
        gdaltest.post_reason('error condition expected')
        return 'fail'

    gdal.PushErrorHandler( 'CPLQuietErrorHandler' )
    ds_dst = drv.CreateCopy( 'tmp/idat_broken.png', ds_src )
    err = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()
    ds_src = None

    if err == 0:
        gdaltest.post_reason('error condition expected')
        return 'fail'

    if ds_dst is not None:
        gdaltest.post_reason('dataset not expected')
        return 'fail'

    os.remove( 'tmp/idat_broken.png' )

    return 'success'
Exemple #4
def compute_density(mt_p, aoi_p):
    logger.debug('Computing density...')
    aoi = gpd.read_file(aoi_p)
    if len(aoi) == 1:
        geom_area = aoi.geometry.area
            'Multiple features found in AOI provided. Using first for density calculation.'
        geom_area = aoi.geometry.area[0]

    ds = gdal.Open(mt_p)
    b = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    gtf = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    matchtag_res_x = gtf[1]
    matchtag_res_y = gtf[5]
    matchtag_ndv = b.GetNoDataValue()
    data = b.ReadAsArray()

    err = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()
    if err != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Matchtag dataset read error: {}, {}".format(
            gdal.GetLastErrorMsg(), mt_p))
        data_pixel_count = np.count_nonzero(data != matchtag_ndv)
        data_area = abs(data_pixel_count * matchtag_res_x * matchtag_res_y)
        density = data_area / geom_area
        data = None
        ds = None

    return round(density, 2)
Exemple #5
def test_ogr2ogr_lib_21():

    src_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('Memory').Create('', 0, 0, 0)
    lyr = src_ds.CreateLayer('layer')
    f = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn())
    f['foo'] = 'bar'
    f['bar'] = 'foo'

    ds = gdal.VectorTranslate('', src_ds, format='Memory')
    with gdaltest.error_handler():
        gdal.VectorTranslate(ds, src_ds, accessMode='append',

    ds = None
    src_ds = None

    if gdal.GetLastErrorNo() != gdalconst.CPLE_IllegalArg:
            'expected use of -select and -append together to be invalid')
        return 'fail'

    return 'success'
Exemple #6
def SafeGetStatistics(band, approxok, force):
    """Retrieve statistics form a GDAL raster band in a safe way.

    If it is not possible to get statistics (e.g. because the force
    flag is set to false and statistics are not available, or because
    the approxok is set and there are too many nodata elements in the
    raster band) then a tuple of four None is returned.

    :param approxok:
        if True statistics may be computed based on overviews or a
        subset of all tiles
    :param force:
        if False statistics will only be returned if it can be done
        without rescanning the image

    .. note:: in order to check errors due to nodata values the GDAL
              internal error status is reset.

    .. important:: this function only works for versions of GDAL in
                   which gdal.Band.GetStatistics correctly reset the
                   return values: 1.6.4 <= GDAL < 1.7.0 and
                   GDAL > 1.7.2 (see `ticket #3572`_ on `GDAL Trac`_.

    .. _`ticket #3572`: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3572
    .. _`GDAL Trac`: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal


    if force is False and not HAS_GETSTATS_FORCE_BUG:
        raise RuntimeError('it is not safe to use gada.Band.GetStatistics '
                           'with the "force" parameter set to false with this '
                           'version of GDAL (%s)' % gdal.VersionInfo())


    stats = band.GetStatistics(approxok, force)
    if stats == [0, 0, 0, -1] or gdal.GetLastErrorNo() != 0:
        stats = (None, None, None, None)


    if Statistics:
        stats = Statistics(*stats)

    return stats
def raise_last_error() -> None:
    e = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()
    if e == gdal.CPLE_None:

    EClass = CPLE_TO_PYE.get(e) or RuntimeError
    ex = EClass(gdal.GetLastErrorMsg())

    if isinstance(ex, OSError):
        (msg, ) = ex.args
        if "No such file or directory" in msg:
            ex = FileNotFoundError(msg)
        elif "Permission denied" in msg:
            ex = PermissionError(msg)

        ex.strerror = msg

    raise ex
    def __init__(self, msg=None):
        ''' For raising GDAL related errors

            @type msg: C{str}
            @param msg: Initial message to include with GDAL the error message
            @return None
        errtype = {
            gdal.CE_None: 'None',
            gdal.CE_Debug: 'Debug',
            gdal.CE_Warning: 'Warning',
            gdal.CE_Failure: 'Failure',
            gdal.CE_Fatal: 'Fatal'
        self.errmsg = gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().replace('\n', ' ')
        self.errnum = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()
        self.errtyp = errtype.get(gdal.GetLastErrorType(), 'None')
        if msg: self.errmsg = '\n'.join([msg, self.errmsg])
        Exception.__init__(self, self.errmsg, self.errnum, self.errtyp)
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, msg=None, *args, **kwargs):
        ''' For raising GDAL related errors

            @type msg: C{str}
            @param msg: Initial message to include with GDAL the error message
            @return None

            @todo: GDAL now has a UseExceptions method, should this class go away?
        errtype = {
            gdal.CE_None: 'gdal.CE_None',
            gdal.CE_Debug: 'gdal.CE_Debug',
            gdal.CE_Warning: 'gdal.CE_Warning',
            gdal.CE_Failure: 'gdal.CE_Failure',
            gdal.CE_Fatal: 'gdal.CE_Fatal'
        self.errmsg = gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().replace('\n', ' ')
        self.errnum = gdal.GetLastErrorNo()
        self.errtyp = errtype.get(gdal.GetLastErrorType(), 'None')
        if msg: self.errmsg = '\n'.join([msg, self.errmsg])
        Exception.__init__(self, (self.errmsg, self.errnum, self.errtyp))
Exemple #10
def SafeGetStatistics(band, approx_ok=False, force=True):
    '''Safe replacement of gdal.Band.GetSrtatistics.

    The standard version of GetSrtatistics not always allows to know
    whenever statistics have beed actually computed or not (e.g. "force"
    flag set to False and no statistics available).

    This function gracefully handles this case an also cases in which
    an error happend during statistics computation (e.g. to many nodata

    :param band:
        GDAL raster band
    :param approx_ok:
        if approximate statistics are sufficient, the approx_ok flag
        can be set to True in which case overviews, or a subset of
        image tiles may be used in computing the statistics
        (default: False)
    :param force:
        if force is False results will only be returned if it can be
        done quickly (ie. without scanning the data).
        If force is False and results cannot be returned efficiently,
        the function will return four None instead of actual statistics
        Dafault: True.
        a tuple containing (min, max, mean, stddev) if statistics can
        be retriewed according to the input flags.
        A tuple of four None if statistics are not available or can't
        be computer according to input flags or if some error occurs
        during computation.


    # @NOTE: the band.GetStatistics method called with the second argument
    #        set to False (no image rescanning) has been fixed in
    #        r19666_ (1.6 branch) and r19665_ (1.7 branch)
    #        see `ticket #3572` on `GDAL Trac`_.
    # .. _r19666: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/19666
    # .. _r19665: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/19665
    # .. _`ticket #3572`: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3572
    # .. _`GDAL Trac`: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal

    stats = (None, None, None, None)
    if approx_ok and not SAFE_GDAL_STATS:
        stats = GetCachedStatistics(band)

    if None in stats:
        if not force and not SAFE_GDAL_STATS:
            raise ValueError('unable to retrieve statistics in a safe way.')

        stats = band.GetStatistics(approx_ok, force)
        if (gdal.GetLastErrorNo() == 1) and (gdal.GetLastErrorType() == 3):
            stats = (None, None, None, None)
        elif SAFE_GDAL_STATS and stats == [0, 0, 0, -1]:
            stats = (None, None, None, None)

    return stats