def project(self, geometry: ogr.Geometry, srs: int or ogr.osr.SpatialReference, copy: bool = True) -> ogr.Geometry: """ Project a geometry to a spatial reference. :param geometry: the geometry to project :type geometry: :py:class:`ogr.Geometry` :param srs: the spatial reference (or SRID) to which we're going to project :type srs: :py:class:`ogr.osr.SpatialReference` or ``int`` :param copy: Make a copy of the geometry or modify the current one? :type copy: ``bool`` :return: the projected geometry :rtype: :py:class:`ogr.Geometry` """ # The incoming spatial reference argument might be spatial reference, or it might be an SRID. Figure out # which one we're dealing with and make sure we end up with a spatial reference. _srs = srs if isinstance( srs, ogr.osr.SpatialReference) else self.get_spatial_reference( srid=srs) # The object we ultimately transform depends on the 'copy' parameter. _geometry = geometry if not copy else geometry.Clone() # Perform the transformation. _geometry.TransformTo(_srs) # Return whatever we have. return _geometry
def convert_geometry( geometry: ogr.Geometry, new_spatialreference: osr.SpatialReference) -> ogr.Geometry: """Converts the geometry to the new spatial reference if possible Arguments: geometry - The geometry to transform new_spatialreference - The spatial reference to change to Returns: The transformed geometry or the original geometry. If either the new Spatial Reference parameter is None, or the geometry doesn't have a spatial reference, then the original geometry is returned. """ if not new_spatialreference or not geometry: return geometry return_geometry = geometry try: geom_sr = geometry.GetSpatialReference() if int(osgeo.__version__[0]) >= 3: # GDAL 3 changes axis order: # pylint: disable=no-member geom_sr.SetAxisMappingStrategy( osgeo.osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) if geom_sr and not new_spatialreference.IsSame(geom_sr): transform = osr.CreateCoordinateTransformation( geom_sr, new_spatialreference) new_geom = geometry.Clone() if new_geom: new_geom.Transform(transform) return_geometry = new_geom except Exception as ex: logging.warning("Exception caught while transforming geometries: %s", str(ex)) logging.warning(" Returning original geometry") return return_geometry
def get_length(linestring_geom: ogr.Geometry, coordinate_transformer): cloned_geom = linestring_geom.Clone() cloned_geom.Transform(coordinate_transformer) return cloned_geom.Length()