Exemple #1
def check_token_endpoint(request):
    This endpoint is out of the oAuth 2.0 specification, however it's needed in
    order to support total desacoplation of the oAuth server and the resource
    servers. When an application (a.k.a. client) impersons the user in order to
    access to the user's resources, the resource server needs to check if the
    token provided is valid and check if it was issued to the user.

    access_token = request.params.get("access_token")
    username = request.params.get("username")
    scope = request.params.get("scope", None)

    if username is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request("Required parameter username not found in the request")
    elif access_token is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request("Required parameter access_token not found in the request")
    elif len(access_token) != ACCESS_TOKEN_LENGTH:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request("Required parameter not valid found in the request")

    storage = request.registry.osiris_store
    token_info = storage.retrieve(token=access_token)
    if token_info:
        if token_info.get("scope") == scope and token_info.get("username") == username:
            return HTTPOk()
            return HTTPUnauthorized()

    return HTTPUnauthorized()
Exemple #2
def check_token_endpoint(request):
    This endpoint is out of the oAuth 2.0 specification, however it's needed in
    order to support total desacoplation of the oAuth server and the resource
    servers. When an application (a.k.a. client) impersons the user in order to
    access to the user's resources, the resource server needs to check if the
    token provided is valid and check if it was issued to the user.

    access_token = request.params.get('access_token')
    username = urllib.unquote(request.params.get('username'))
    scope = request.params.get('scope', None)
    if scope is not None:
        scope = urllib.unquote_plus(scope)

    if username is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
            'Required parameter username not found in the request')
    elif access_token is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
            'Required parameter access_token not found in the request')
    elif len(access_token) != ACCESS_TOKEN_LENGTH:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
            'Required parameter not valid found in the request')

    storage = request.registry.osiris_store
    token_info = storage.retrieve(token=access_token)
    if token_info:
        if token_info.get('scope') == scope and token_info.get(
                'username') == username:
            return HTTPOk()
            return HTTPUnauthorized()

    return HTTPUnauthorized()
Exemple #3
def check_token_endpoint(request):
    This endpoint is out of the oAuth 2.0 specification, however it's needed in
    order to support total desacoplation of the oAuth server and the resource
    servers. When an application (a.k.a. client) impersons the user in order to
    access to the user's resources, the resource server needs to check if the
    token provided is valid and check if it was issued to the user.

    access_token = request.params.get('access_token')
    username = request.params.get('username')

    if username is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
            'Required paramer "username" not found in the request')
    elif access_token is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
            'Required paramer "access_token" not found in the request')

    storage = request.registry.osiris_store
    token_info = storage.retrieve(access_token)
    if token_info:
        if token_info.get('username') == username:
            return HTTPOk()

    return HTTPUnauthorized()
Exemple #4
def password_authorization(request, username, password, scope, expires_in):

    ldap_enabled = asbool(request.registry.settings.get('osiris.ldap_enabled'))
    ldap_scope_as_group = asbool(

    if ldap_enabled:
        from osiris import get_ldap_connector
        connector = get_ldap_connector(request)
        identity = connector.authenticate(username, password)
        scopes = scope.split(' ')
        if ldap_scope_as_group and scope:
            user_groups = connector.user_groups(username)
            user_groups = [group[0] for group in user_groups]
            user_groups = [
                group.split(",")[0].split("=")[1] for group in user_groups

            for req_scope in scopes:
                if req_scope not in user_groups:
                    return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_scope(req_scope)

        policy = request.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy)
        authapi = policy._getAPI(request)
        credentials = {'login': username, 'password': password}

        identity, headers = authapi.login(credentials)
        user_groups = []

    if not identity:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_grant()
        storage = request.registry.osiris_store
        # Check if an existing token for the username and scope is already issued
        issued = storage.retrieve(username=username, scope=scope)
        if issued:
            # Return the already issued one
            return dict(
            # Create and store token
            token = generate_token()
            stored = storage.store(token, username, scope, expires_in)

            # Issue token
            if stored:
                return dict(access_token=token,
                # If operation error, return a generic server error
                return HTTPInternalServerError()
Exemple #5
def password_authorization(request, username, password, scope, expires_in):

    ldap_enabled = asbool(request.registry.settings.get('osiris.ldap_enabled'))
    ldap_scope_as_group = asbool(

    if ldap_enabled:
        from osiris import get_ldap_connector
        connector = get_ldap_connector(request)
        identity = connector.authenticate(username, password)
        scopes = scope.split(' ')
        if ldap_scope_as_group and scope:
            user_groups = connector.user_groups(username)
            user_groups = [group[0] for group in user_groups]
            user_groups = [group.split(",")[0].split("=")[1]
                           for group in user_groups]

            for req_scope in scopes:
                if req_scope not in user_groups:
                    return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_scope(req_scope)

        policy = request.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy)
        authapi = policy._getAPI(request)
        credentials = {'login': username, 'password': password}

        identity, headers = authapi.login(credentials)
        user_groups = []

    if not identity:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_grant()
        storage = request.registry.osiris_store
        # Check if an existing token for the username and scope is already issued
        issued = storage.retrieve(username=username, scope=scope)
        if issued:
            # Return the already issued one
            return dict(access_token=issued.get('token'),
            # Create and store token
            token = generate_token()
            stored = storage.store(token, username, scope, expires_in)

            # Issue token
            if stored:
                return dict(access_token=token,
                # If operation error, return a generic server error
                return HTTPInternalServerError()
Exemple #6
def password_authorization(request, username, password, scope, expires_in):

    policy = request.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy)
    authapi = policy._getAPI(request)
    credentials = {'login': username, 'password': password}

    identity, headers = authapi.login(credentials)

    if not identity:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unauthorized_client()
        # Create and store token
        storage = request.registry.osiris_store
        token = generate_token()
        stored = storage.store(token, username, scope, expires_in)

        # Issue token
        if stored:
            return dict(access_token=token,
            # If operation error, return a generic server error
            return HTTPInternalServerError()
Exemple #7
def password_authorization(request, username, password, scope, expires_in):

    policy = request.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy)
    authapi = policy._getAPI(request)
    credentials = {'login': username, 'password': password}

    identity, headers = authapi.login(credentials)

    if not identity:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unauthorized_client()
        # Create and store token
        storage = request.registry.osiris_store
        token = generate_token()
        stored = storage.store(token, username, scope, expires_in)

        # Issue token
        if stored:
            return dict(
            # If operation error, return a generic server error
            return HTTPInternalServerError()
Exemple #8
def token_endpoint(request):
    The token endpoint is used by the client to obtain an access token by
    presenting its authorization grant or refresh token. The token
    endpoint is used with every authorization grant except for the
    implicit grant type (since an access token is issued directly).

    expires_in = request.registry.settings.get("osiris.tokenexpiry", 0)

    grant_type = request.params.get("grant_type")

    # Authorization Code Grant
    if grant_type == "authorization_code":
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Implicit Grant
    elif grant_type == "implicit":
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Client Credentials
    elif grant_type == "client_credentials":
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Client Credentials Grant
    elif grant_type == "password":
        scope = request.params.get("scope", None)  # Optional
        username = request.params.get("username", None)
        password = request.params.get("password", None)
        if username is None:
            return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request("Required parameter username not found in the request")
        elif password is None:
            return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request("Required parameter password not found in the request")
            return password_authorization(request, username, password, scope, expires_in)
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
Exemple #9
def token_endpoint(request):
    The token endpoint is used by the client to obtain an access token by
    presenting its authorization grant or refresh token. The token
    endpoint is used with every authorization grant except for the
    implicit grant type (since an access token is issued directly).

    expires_in = request.registry.settings.get('osiris.tokenexpiry', 0)

    grant_type = request.params.get('grant_type')

    # Authorization Code Grant
    if grant_type == 'authorization_code':
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Implicit Grant
    elif grant_type == 'implicit':
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Client Credentials
    elif grant_type == 'client_credentials':
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Client Credentials Grant
    elif grant_type == 'password':
        scope = request.params.get('scope', '')  # Optional
        username = request.params.get('username', None)
        password = request.params.get('password', None)
        if username is None:
            return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request('Required paramer "username" not found in the request')
        elif password is None:
            return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request('Required paramer "password" not found in the request')
            return password_authorization(request, username, password, scope, expires_in)
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
Exemple #10
def check_token_endpoint(request):
    This endpoint is out of the oAuth 2.0 specification, however it's needed in
    order to support total desacoplation of the oAuth server and the resource
    servers. When an application (a.k.a. client) impersons the user in order to
    access to the user's resources, the resource server needs to check if the
    token provided is valid and check if it was issued to the user.

    access_token = request.params.get('access_token')
    username = request.params.get('username')

    if username is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request('Required paramer "username" not found in the request')
    elif access_token is None:
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request('Required paramer "access_token" not found in the request')

    storage = request.registry.osiris_store
    token_info = storage.retrieve(access_token)
    if token_info:
        if token_info.get('username') == username:
            return HTTPOk()

    return HTTPUnauthorized()
Exemple #11
def token_endpoint(request):
    The token endpoint is used by the client to obtain an access token by
    presenting its authorization grant or refresh token. The token
    endpoint is used with every authorization grant except for the
    implicit grant type (since an access token is issued directly).

    expires_in = request.registry.settings.get('osiris.tokenexpiry', 0)

    grant_type = request.params.get('grant_type')

    # Authorization Code Grant
    if grant_type == 'authorization_code':
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Implicit Grant
    elif grant_type == 'implicit':
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Client Credentials
    elif grant_type == 'client_credentials':
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()
    # Client Credentials Grant
    elif grant_type == 'password':
        scope = request.params.get('scope', None)  # Optional
        username = urllib.unquote(request.params.get('username', None))
        password = urllib.unquote(request.params.get('password', None))
        if username is None:
            return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
                'Required parameter username not found in the request')
        elif password is None:
            return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_invalid_request(
                'Required parameter password not found in the request')
            return password_authorization(request, username, password, scope,
        return OAuth2ErrorHandler.error_unsupported_grant_type()