def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
        super(StateMachine, self).coerce(obj, attr, value)
        msg = _("%(object)s's are not allowed transition out of %(value)s "

        if attr in obj:
            current_value = getattr(obj, attr)
            return value

        if current_value in self.ALLOWED_TRANSITIONS:

            if value in self.ALLOWED_TRANSITIONS[current_value]:
                return value
                msg = _(
                    "%(object)s's are not allowed to transition out of "
                    "'%(current_value)s' state to '%(value)s' state, choose "
                    "from %(options)r")
        msg = msg % {
            'object': obj.obj_name(),
            'current_value': current_value,
            'value': value,
            'options': [x for x in self.ALLOWED_TRANSITIONS[current_value]]
        raise ValueError(msg)
 def __init__(self, expected, value):
     super(KeyTypeError, self).__init__(
         _('Key %(key)s must be of type %(expected)s not %(actual)s'
           ) % {'key': repr(value),
                'expected': expected.__name__,
                'actual': value.__class__.__name__,
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     result = IPAddress.coerce(obj, attr, value)
     if result.version != 6:
         raise ValueError(_('Network "%(val)s" is not valid '
                            'in field %(attr)s') %
                          {'val': value, 'attr': attr})
     return result
    def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
            obj_name = value.obj_name()
        except AttributeError:
            obj_name = ""

        if self._subclasses:
            obj_names = self._get_all_obj_names(value)
            obj_names = [obj_name]

        if self._obj_name not in obj_names:
            if not obj_name:
                # If we're not dealing with an object, it's probably a
                # primitive so get it's type for the message below.
                obj_name = type(value).__name__
            obj_mod = ''
            if hasattr(obj, '__module__'):
                obj_mod = ''.join([obj.__module__, '.'])
            val_mod = ''
            if hasattr(value, '__module__'):
                val_mod = ''.join([value.__module__, '.'])
            raise ValueError(_('An object of type %(type)s is required '
                               'in field %(attr)s, not a %(valtype)s') %
                             {'type': ''.join([obj_mod, self._obj_name]),
                              'attr': attr, 'valtype': ''.join([val_mod,
        return value
    def save(self, context):
        """Save the changed fields back to the store.

        This is optional for subclasses, but is presented here in the base
        class for consistency among those that do.
        raise NotImplementedError(_('Cannot save anything in the base class'))
    def obj_load_attr(self, attrname):
        """Load an additional attribute from the real object.

        This should load self.$attrname and cache any data that might
        be useful for future load operations.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            _("Cannot load '%s' in the base class") % attrname)
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
         versionpredicate.VersionPredicate('check (%s)' % value)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError(_('Version %(val)s is not a valid predicate in '
                            'field %(attr)s') %
                          {'val': value, 'attr': attr})
     return value
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, list):
         raise ValueError(_('A list is required in field %(attr)s, '
                            'not a %(type)s') %
                          {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})
     for index, element in enumerate(list(value)):
         value[index] = self._element_type.coerce(
             obj, '%s[%i]' % (attr, index), element)
     return value
def convert_version_to_int(version):
        if isinstance(version, six.string_types):
            version = convert_version_to_tuple(version)
        if isinstance(version, tuple):
            return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: (x * 1000) + y, version)
    except Exception:
        msg = _("Provided version %s is invalid.") % version
        raise exception.VersionedObjectsException(msg)
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, list):
         raise ValueError(_('A list is required in field %(attr)s, '
                            'not a %(type)s') %
                          {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})
     coerced_list = CoercedList()
     coerced_list.enable_coercing(self._element_type, obj, attr)
     return coerced_list
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, set):
         raise ValueError(_('A set is required in field %(attr)s, '
                            'not a %(type)s') %
                          {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})
     coerced_set = CoercedSet()
     coerced_set.enable_coercing(self._element_type, obj, attr)
     return coerced_set
 def __init__(self, expected, key, value):
     super(ElementTypeError, self).__init__(
         _('Element %(key)s:%(val)s must be of type %(expected)s'
           ' not %(actual)s'
           ) % {'key': key,
                'val': repr(value),
                'expected': expected,
                'actual': value.__class__.__name__,
 def _null(self, obj, attr):
     if self.nullable:
         return None
     elif self._default != UnspecifiedDefault:
         # NOTE(danms): We coerce the default value each time the field
         # is set to None as our contract states that we'll let the type
         # examine the object and attribute name at that time.
         return self._type.coerce(obj, attr, copy.deepcopy(self._default))
         raise ValueError(_("Field `%s' cannot be None") % attr)
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     # FIXME(danms): We should really try to avoid the need to do this
     accepted_types = six.integer_types + (float, six.string_types,
     if isinstance(value, accepted_types):
         return six.text_type(value)
         raise ValueError(_('A string is required in field %(attr)s, '
                            'not a %(type)s') %
                          {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})
    def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
        if not isinstance(value, set):
            raise ValueError(_('A set is required in field %(attr)s, '
                               'not a %(type)s') %
                             {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})

        coerced = set()
        for element in value:
                obj, '%s["%s"]' % (attr, element), element))
        return coerced
    def obj_attr_is_set(self, attrname):
        """Test object to see if attrname is present.

        Returns True if the named attribute has a value set, or
        False if not. Raises AttributeError if attrname is not
        a valid attribute for this object.
        if attrname not in self.obj_fields:
            raise AttributeError(
                _("%(objname)s object has no attribute '%(attrname)s'") %
                {'objname': self.obj_name(), 'attrname': attrname})
        return hasattr(self, _get_attrname(attrname))
Exemple #17
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, list):
         raise ValueError(
             _('A list is required in field %(attr)s, '
               'not a %(type)s') % {
                   'attr': attr,
                   'type': type(value).__name__
     coerced_list = CoercedList()
     coerced_list.enable_coercing(self._element_type, obj, attr)
     return coerced_list
Exemple #18
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, set):
         raise ValueError(
             _('A set is required in field %(attr)s, '
               'not a %(type)s') % {
                   'attr': attr,
                   'type': type(value).__name__
     coerced_set = CoercedSet()
     coerced_set.enable_coercing(self._element_type, obj, attr)
     return coerced_set
    def obj_attr_is_set(self, attrname):
        """Test object to see if attrname is present.

        Returns True if the named attribute has a value set, or
        False if not. Raises AttributeError if attrname is not
        a valid attribute for this object.
        if attrname not in self.obj_fields:
            raise AttributeError(
                _("%(objname)s object has no attribute '%(attrname)s'") %
                {'objname': self.obj_name(), 'attrname': attrname})
        return hasattr(self, _get_attrname(attrname))
Exemple #20
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     # FIXME(danms): We should really try to avoid the need to do this
     accepted_types = six.integer_types + (float, six.string_types,
     if isinstance(value, accepted_types):
         return six.text_type(value)
         raise ValueError(
             _('A string is required in field %(attr)s, '
               'not a %(type)s') % {
                   'attr': attr,
                   'type': type(value).__name__
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, dict):
         raise ValueError(_('A dict is required in field %(attr)s, '
                            'not a %(type)s') %
                          {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})
     for key, element in value.items():
         if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
             # NOTE(guohliu) In order to keep compatibility with python3
             # we need to use six.string_types rather than basestring here,
             # since six.string_types is a tuple, so we need to pass the
             # real type in.
             raise KeyTypeError(six.string_types[0], key)
         value[key] = self._element_type.coerce(
             obj, '%s["%s"]' % (attr, key), element)
     return value
class VersionedObjectsException(Exception):
    """Base VersionedObjects Exception

    To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
    a 'msg_fmt' property. That msg_fmt will get printf'd
    with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.

    msg_fmt = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
    code = 500
    headers = {}
    safe = False

    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        if not message:
                message = self.msg_fmt % kwargs

            except Exception:
                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation'))
                for name, value in kwargs.items():
                    LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))  # noqa

                if CONF.oslo_versionedobjects.fatal_exception_format_errors:
                    raise six.reraise(*exc_info)
                    # at least get the core message out if something happened
                    message = self.msg_fmt

        super(VersionedObjectsException, self).__init__(message)

    def format_message(self):
        # NOTE(mrodden): use the first argument to the python Exception object
        # which should be our full VersionedObjectsException message,
        # (see __init__)
        return self.args[0]
    def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
            obj_name = value.obj_name()
        except AttributeError:
            obj_name = ""

        if self._subclasses:
            obj_names = self._get_all_obj_names(value)
            obj_names = [obj_name]

        if self._obj_name not in obj_names:
            raise ValueError(_('An object of type %(type)s is required '
                               'in field %(attr)s, not a %(valtype)s') %
                             {'type': self._obj_name, 'attr': attr,
                              'valtype': obj_name})
        return value
    def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
        if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
            # NOTE(danms): Being tolerant of isotime strings here will help us
            # during our objects transition
            value = timeutils.parse_isotime(value)
        elif not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            raise ValueError(_('A datetime.datetime is required '
                               'in field %(attr)s, not a %(type)s') %
                             {'attr': attr, 'type': type(value).__name__})

        if value.utcoffset() is None and self.tzinfo_aware:
            # NOTE(danms): Legacy objects from sqlalchemy are stored in UTC,
            # but are returned without a timezone attached.
            # As a transitional aid, assume a tz-naive object is in UTC.
            value = value.replace(tzinfo=iso8601.iso8601.Utc())
        elif not self.tzinfo_aware:
            value = value.replace(tzinfo=None)
        return value
    def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
            obj_name = value.obj_name()
        except AttributeError:
            obj_name = ""

        if self._subclasses:
            obj_names = self._get_all_obj_names(value)
            obj_names = [obj_name]

        if self._obj_name not in obj_names:
            if not obj_name:
                # If we're not dealing with an object, it's probably a
                # primitive so get it's type for the message below.
                obj_name = type(value).__name__
            raise ValueError(_('An object of type %(type)s is required '
                               'in field %(attr)s, not a %(valtype)s') %
                             {'type': self._obj_name, 'attr': attr,
                              'valtype': obj_name})
        return value
 def get_schema(self):
     if hasattr(self, "PATTERN"):
         return {'type': ['string'], 'pattern': self.PATTERN}
         msg = _("%s has no pattern") % self.__class__.__name__
         raise AttributeError(msg)
Exemple #27
class UnregisteredSubobject(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _("%(child_objname)s is referenced by %(parent_objname)s but "
                "is not registered")
Exemple #28
class TargetBeforeSubobjectExistedException(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _("No subobject existed at version %(target_version)s")
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if value not in self._valid_values:
         msg = _("Field value %s is invalid") % value
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return super(Enum, self).coerce(obj, attr, value)
Exemple #30
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
     if value not in self._valid_values:
         msg = _("Field value %s is invalid") % value
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return super(Enum, self).coerce(obj, attr, value)
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     v = float(value)
     if v < 0:
         raise ValueError(_('Value must be >= 0 for field %s') % attr)
     return v
Exemple #32
class EnumRequiresValidValuesError(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Enum fields require a list of valid_values')
Exemple #33
class UnsupportedObjectError(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Unsupported object type %(objtype)s')
Exemple #34
class IncompatibleObjectVersion(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Version %(objver)s of %(objname)s is not supported, '
                'supported version is %(supported)s')
Exemple #35
class OrphanedObjectError(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Cannot call %(method)s on orphaned %(objtype)s object')
Exemple #36
class ObjectFieldInvalid(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Field %(field)s of %(objname)s is not an instance of Field')
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
         lowered = value.lower().replace('-', ':')
         if MACAddress._REGEX.match(lowered):
             return lowered
     raise ValueError(_("Malformed MAC %s") % (value, ))
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
         newvalue = value.lower()
         if PCIAddress._REGEX.match(newvalue):
             return newvalue
     raise ValueError(_("Malformed PCI address %s") % (value, ))
Exemple #39
class EnumValidValuesInvalidError(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Enum valid values are not valid')
 def stringify(self, value):
     if value not in self._valid_values:
         msg = _("Field value %s is invalid") % value
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return super(Enum, self).stringify(value)
Exemple #41
class EnumFieldInvalid(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('%(typename)s in %(fieldname)s is not an instance of Enum')
Exemple #42
 def stringify(self, value):
     if value not in self._valid_values:
         msg = _("Field value %s is invalid") % value
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return super(Enum, self).stringify(value)
Exemple #43
class EnumFieldUnset(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('%(fieldname)s missing field type')
Exemple #44
class ReadOnlyFieldError(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Cannot modify readonly field %(field)s')
Exemple #45
class InvalidTargetVersion(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Invalid target version %(version)s')
Exemple #46
class ObjectActionError(VersionedObjectsException):
    msg_fmt = _('Object action %(action)s failed because: %(reason)s')
 def coerce(obj, attr, value):
     v = float(value)
     if v < 0:
         raise ValueError(_('Value must be >= 0 for field %s') % attr)
     return v