Exemple #1
def test_gdf_from_place():
    # test loading spatial boundaries and plotting
    city = ox.gdf_from_place(place1)
    city_projected = ox.projection.project_gdf(city, to_crs="epsg:3395")

    city = ox.gdf_from_place(place1, buffer_dist=100)
Exemple #2
def get_outline(city_str, i_max=4):
    #We define a success flag and an error message in case we can't find the
    # city outline:
    success = False
    error = None
    #Ideally, we should get it very simply from OSMnx:
    gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(city_str)
    #If there are no result, then there is nothing we can do:
    if gdf.size == 0:
        error = "NoResultError"
    #In case there is at least one result, we should inspect it to know if it
    # is good or if we need to search for other results:
        gdf, success, error = inspect(gdf)
        #In case we did not achieve success, we can check other results of
        # the gdf search:
        if success == "False":
            i = 2
            while i < i_max and success == False:
                    gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(city_str, which_result=i)
                    if gdf.size != 0:
                        gdf, success, error = inspect(gdf)
                        i += 1
                        #In this case there are no more significant results:
                        i = i_max
                #Of course, there may not be i results. In this case there is
                # no need on iterating further:
                    i = i_max
    return success, error, gdf
def get_polygon(string):

    lis = glob('data/AOI/*/*.shp')

    city = []
    for i in lis:
        x = i.split('\\')[-1]

    if string in city:
        l = glob('data/AOI/{}/*.shp'.format(string))
        adm = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(l[0])
        adm = adm.to_crs(epsg=4326)
        pol = [i for i in adm.geometry]
        boundary_poly = cascaded_union(pol)

        boundary_GDF = ox.gdf_from_place('{}'.format(string), which_result=1)
        boundary_poly = boundary_GDF.loc[0, 'geometry']
        if boundary_poly.geom_type == 'Polygon':
            boundary_poly = boundary_poly
                boundary_GDF = ox.gdf_from_place('{}'.format(string),
                boundary_poly = boundary_GDF.loc[0, 'geometry']
                print('Polygon not available')
                boundary_poly = -1

    return boundary_poly
Exemple #4
def test_gdf_shapefiles():
    # test loading spatial boundaries, saving as shapefile, and plotting
    city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA')
    city_projected = ox.project_gdf(city, to_crs={'init': 'epsg:3395'})

    city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA', buffer_dist=100)
Exemple #5
def test_gdf_shapefiles():

    city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA')
    city_projected = ox.project_gdf(city, to_crs={'init':'epsg:3395'})

    city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA', buffer_dist=100)
Exemple #6
def test_gdf_shapefiles():

    # test loading spatial boundaries, saving as shapefile, and plotting
    city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA')
    city_projected = ox.project_gdf(city, to_crs={'init':'epsg:3395'})

    city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA', buffer_dist=100)
Exemple #7
def test_gdf_shapefiles():

    with httmock.HTTMock(get_mock_response_content()):
        city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA')
    city_projected = ox.project_gdf(city, to_crs={'init':'epsg:3395'})

    with httmock.HTTMock(get_mock_response_content()):
        city = ox.gdf_from_place('Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA', buffer_dist=100)
Exemple #8
def bbox_from_name(area_name, crs=None):
    # Get the shape by using osmnx, it returns the shape in DEFAULT_CRS
    boundary = osmnx.gdf_from_place(area_name)

    if isinstance(boundary.loc[0]['geometry'], shapely.geometry.Point):
        boundary = osmnx.gdf_from_place(area_name, which_result=2)

    if crs is None:
        return boundary

    return boundary.to_crs(crs)
Exemple #9
def _gdf_from_places(queries):
    Create a GeoDataFrame from a list of place names to query.

    queries : list
        list of query strings or structured query dicts to geocode/download, one
        at a time
    gdf_name : string
        name attribute metadata for GeoDataFrame (this is used to save shapefile
    buffer_dist : float
        distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters

    # create an empty GeoDataFrame then append each result as a new row
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame()
    for query in queries:
        gdf = gdf.append(
            ox.gdf_from_place(query['query_str'], query['which_result']))

    # reset the index, name the GeoDataFrame
    gdf = gdf.reset_index().drop(labels='index', axis=1)
    gdf.gdf_name = 'unnamed'

    # set the original CRS of the GeoDataFrame to default_crs, and return it
    gdf.crs = ox.settings.default_crs
        'Finished creating GeoDataFrame with {} rows from {} queries'.format(
            len(gdf), len(queries)))
    return gdf
Exemple #10
def test_pois():

    import pytest
    # download all points of interests from place
    gdf = ox.pois_from_place(place='Kamppi, Helsinki, Finland')

    # get all restaurants and schools from place
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_place(place='Emeryville, California, USA', amenities=['restaurant'])
    schools = ox.pois_from_place(place='Emeryville, California, USA', amenities=['school'])

    # get all universities from Boston area (with 2 km buffer to cover also Cambridge)
    boston_q = "Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America"
    boston_poly = ox.gdf_from_place(boston_q, buffer_dist=2000)
    universities = ox.pois_from_polygon(boston_poly.geometry.values[0], amenities=['university'])

    # by point and by address
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_point(point=(42.344490, -71.070570), distance=1000, amenities=['restaurant'])
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_address(address='Emeryville, California, USA', distance=1000, amenities=['restaurant'])

    # should raise an exception
    # polygon or -north, south, east, west- should be provided
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ox.create_poi_gdf(polygon=None, north=None, south=None, east=None, west=None)

    gdf = ox.pois_from_place(place='kusatsu, shiga, japan', which_result=2)
Exemple #11
def GetOSMdata(placename='University of Lagos', EPSGcode='28992'):
    """This function uses the OSMNX package to extract a geometry 
    representing the placename provided as input and transforms to 
    the required projection (EPSG code)"""
    CampusGDF = ox.gdf_from_place(placename)
    CampusGDF = ox.project_gdf(CampusGDF, to_latlong = True)
    bboxUniversity_Lagos = list(CampusGDF.total_bounds)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bboxWageningen
    BuildingsGDF = ox.footprints.create_footprints_gdf(polygon=CampusGDF, west=xmin, south=ymin, east=xmax, north=ymax, footprint_type='building')
    BuildingsGDF = gpd.overlay(CampusGDF, BuildingsGDF, how='intersection')
    PavedGDF = ox.footprints.create_footprints_gdf(polygon=CampusGDF, west=xmin, south=ymin, east=xmax, north=ymax, footprint_type='highway')
    PavedGDF = gpd.overlay(PavedGDF, BuildingsGDF,  how="difference")
    WaterGDF = ox.footprints.create_footprints_gdf(polygon=CampusGDF, west=xmin, south=ymin, east=xmax, north=ymax, footprint_type='water')
    WaterGDF = gpd.overlay(WaterGDF, PavedGDF,  how="difference")
    GreenGDF = ox.footprints.create_footprints_gdf(polygon = CampusGDF, north=ymax, south=ymin, east=xmax, west=xmin, footprint_type='natural')  
    GreenGDF = gpd.overlay(GreenGDF, CampusGDF, how="intersection")  
    CampusGDF = ox.projection.project_gdf(CampusGDF)
    BuildingsGDF = ox.projection.project_gdf(BuildingsGDF)
    PavedGDF = ox.projection.project_gdf(PavedGDF)
    WaterGDF = ox.projection.project_gdf(WaterGDF)
    GreenGDF = ox.projection.project_gdf(GreenGDF)

    return CampusGDF, BuildingsGDF, PavedGDF, WaterGDF, GreenGDF
Exemple #12
def main():
    city = ox.gdf_from_place('San Francisco, California, USA')
    G = ox.graph_from_place('San Francisco, California, USA')
    fullTransition = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for node in G.nodes():
        #print G.node[node].keys()
        #print node['lat']
        nodeLat = G.nodes[node]['x']
        nodeLong = G.nodes[node]['y']
        key = (nodeLat, nodeLong)

        if key not in fullTransition:
            allEdgeList = []
            allEdges = G.edges(node)
            for edge in allEdges:
                transition = edge[1]
                if transition in G.nodes():
                    transitionLat = G.nodes[transition]['x']
                    transitionLong = G.nodes[transition]['y']
                    allEdgeList.append((transitionLat, transitionLong))
            fullTransition[key] = allEdgeList
            #fullTransition[key] = 0

    new_df = []
    for k, v in fullTransition.iteritems():
        for value in v:
            new_df.append([k, value])
    ndf = pd.DataFrame(new_df, columns=['s', 's*'])
def get_graph(place):
    string = place.split(',')[0]

    print('Fetching graph data for {}'.format(place))

    poly = get_polygon(string)

    if poly == -1:
        gdf = ox.gdf_from_place('{}'.format(string))
        G = ox.graph_from_bbox(gdf.bbox_north, gdf.bbox_south, gdf.bbox_east,
        val = 0
            G = nx.read_gpickle('data/{a}/{a}'.format(a=string))
            val = 1
        except FileNotFoundError:
            G = ox.graph_from_polygon(poly, network_type='drive')
            val = 0

    G = ox.project_graph(G)

    print('Writing graph file')

    except FileExistsError:

    if val != 1:
        nx.write_gpickle(G, path='data/{a}/{a}'.format(a=string))

    return G
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self):
     # uncomment for log console
     ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True)
     self.italy_gdf = ox.gdf_from_place('Italy')
     self.map = None
     self.route = None
     self.route_cache = []
Exemple #15
    def get_osm_polygon(self, name, select=1, buffer_dist=20):

        log.info('searching for query=%s, which_result=%s', name, select)

        gdf = osmnx.gdf_from_place(name, buffer_dist=buffer_dist, which_result=select)
        log.info('gdf=%s', gdf)

        polygon = gdf.geometry.values[0]

        return polygon
Exemple #16
    def draw_map(self, padx=0.001, pady=0.001):
        Generate a 2d matplotlib plot with buildings and the drone flight path

            padx: the number of meters to add either side of the drone data.
                TODO: Actually make this meters, not latitude
            pady: the number of meters to add top and bottom of the drone data.
                TODO: Actually make this meters, not longitude

            fig: A matplotlib figure containing the drone map
        north = max(self.drone_data["OSD.latitude"]) + pady
        south = min(self.drone_data["OSD.latitude"]) - pady
        east = max(self.drone_data["OSD.longitude"]) + padx
        west = min(self.drone_data["OSD.longitude"]) - padx

        # Fetch the OSM data
        place = "Åkersberga, Sweden"
        graph = ox.graph_from_bbox(north, south, east, west)
        area = ox.gdf_from_place(place)
        buildings = ox.create_footprints_gdf(
            "shapely Polygon", north, south, east, west)
        _, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(graph)

        # Plot the different map features
        self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
        area.plot(ax=self.ax, facecolor='black')
        edges.plot(ax=self.ax, linewidth=1, edgecolor='#BC8F8F')
        buildings.plot(ax=self.ax, facecolor='khaki', alpha=0.7)
            leisure = ox.create_footprints_gdf(
                "shapely Polygon", north, south, east, west, "leisure")
            parks = leisure[leisure["leisure"].isin(["park","playground"])]
            parks.plot(ax=self.ax, facecolor='limegreen')
            print("No parks within bbox")

        self.ax.set_xlim(west, east)
        self.xlim_diff = east - west
        self.ax.set_ylim(north, south)

        # Event handlers
        def on_xlims_change(axes):
            # Update the reference scale for arrow drawing
            # TODO: Find some way to update the map on zoom action, rather than
            #       having to wait for the slider to be updated
            x, xmax = self.ax.get_xlim()
            self.xlim_diff = xmax - x

        # Set callback, to update arrow size when screen is zoomed
        self.ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', on_xlims_change)
    def recover_osm_area(self):
        Recover area from OpenStreetMap, based of a name of locality
        :return: GeoDataFrame (epsg: 4326) : gdf_area

        logging.info("data recovery from OSM")
        logging.info("-- recover territory")

        self.gdf_area = ox.gdf_from_place(self.place_name)
        assert self.gdf_area.count().max > 0, "No territory name {}".format(self.place_name)
Exemple #18
 def calcStats(self, G, city):
     gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(city)
     area = ox.project_gdf(gdf).unary_union.area
     stats = ox.stats.basic_stats(G, area=area)
     stat = {}
     stat["length_total"] = stats["edge_length_total"]
     stat["length_single"] = stats["street_length_total"]
     stat["length_average"] = stats["street_length_avg"]
     stat["length_density"] = stats["edge_density_km"]
     stat["intersection_density"] = stats["intersection_density_km"]
     return stat
Exemple #19
def get_buildings(city_name):
    Arguments : city_name = string ('Loerrach, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Gernamy')
    Downloads the footprint of the city buildings form osm database.
    Returns a GeoDataFrame gdf.
    # download city boundary
    city = ox.gdf_from_place(city_name).geometry.iloc[0]
    # download buildings inside the boundary
    buildings = ox.buildings.create_buildings_gdf(city)
    return buildings
def get_street_structure(city_name):
    Get street structure of a city
    :param city_name: city name like 'Campbell, California, USA'
    :return: a tuple of list of paths and a nodes dictionary
    city_boundaries = ox.gdf_from_place(city_name)
    city_paths_nodes = ox.osm_net_download(
        city_boundaries['geometry'].unary_union, network_type="drive")
    nodes_dict = get_nodes_dict(city_paths_nodes)
    paths = [p for p in city_paths_nodes[0]['elements'] if p['type'] != 'node']
    return paths, nodes_dict
Exemple #21
def fetch_osm_data(name):
    Fetch OSM data for a given place.

    :param str name: name of the place.

    logging.info("Fetching city graph for {!r}".format(name))

    # Find the place by name and convert it to a polygon
    gdf = osmnx.gdf_from_place(name)
    logging.info("Found geodata frame")
    polygon = gdf["geometry"].unary_union

    if not isinstance(polygon, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
        raise ValueError(
            "invalid geometry. "
            "Expected Polygon or MultiPolygon, but got {} instead. "
            "Perhabs the place does not exist.".format(type(polygon)))

    # Fetch all the networks and public transportation routes
    networks = {}
    for path_type in list(TransportType):
        if path_type in TRANSPORT_TO_NETWORK:
            logging.info("Fetching {} network".format(path_type))
            network_type = TRANSPORT_TO_NETWORK[path_type]
            networks[path_type] = osmnx.graph_from_polygon(
                polygon, network_type=network_type, simplify=False)
        elif path_type in TRANSPORT_TO_ROUTE:
            logging.info("Fetching {} routes".format(path_type))
            route_type = TRANSPORT_TO_ROUTE[path_type]
            networks[path_type] = routes_from_polygon(polygon,
                "TransportType {} is not recognized as either network type "
                "or route type. Ignoring it".format(path_type))

    # Fetch all the building footprints
    logging.info("Importing footprints")
    footprints = osmnx.footprints_from_polygon(polygon)
    footprints["name"] = footprints["name"].fillna(value="")

    # Fetch all the points of interest
    logging.info("Importing points of interest")

    pois = pois_from_polygon(polygon)
    pois["name"] = pois["name"].fillna(value="")

    return gdf, networks, footprints, pois
Exemple #22
def download_place(place,
    """ Downloads streets and buildings for a place, saves the data to disk and returns them """

    if file_prefix is None:
        file_prefix = 'data/{}'.format(utils.string_to_filename(place))

    if which_result is None:
        which_result = which_result_polygon(place)

    # Streets
    streets = ox.graph_from_place(place,
    if project:
        streets = ox.project_graph(streets)
    filename_streets = '{}_streets.pickle.xz'.format(file_prefix)
    utils.save(streets, filename_streets)

    # Boundary and buildings
    boundary = ox.gdf_from_place(place, which_result=which_result)
    polygon = boundary['geometry'].iloc[0]
    buildings = ox.create_buildings_gdf(polygon)
    if project:
        buildings = ox.project_gdf(buildings)
        boundary = ox.project_gdf(boundary)

    # Save buildings
    filename_buildings = '{}_buildings.pickle.xz'.format(file_prefix)
    utils.save(buildings, filename_buildings)

    # Build and save simplified buildings
    if tolerance != 0:
        filename_buildings_simpl = '{}_buildings_{:.2f}.pickle.xz'.format(
            file_prefix, tolerance)
        buildings = simplify_buildings(buildings)
        utils.save(buildings, filename_buildings_simpl)

    # Save boundary
    filename_boundary = '{}_boundary.pickle.xz'.format(file_prefix)
    utils.save(boundary, filename_boundary)

    # Return data
    data = {'streets': streets, 'buildings': buildings, 'boundary': boundary}
    return data
Exemple #23
def build_gdf(places, gdf_name, location=PATH_GDF, save_gdf=True):

    places = [places] if isinstance(places, list) else places
    state = False

    print(f'Building GDF for {places}')

        gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(places, gdf_name=gdf_name)
        ox.save_gdf_shapefile(gdf, gdf_name, location) if save_gdf else None
        state = True
    except Exception as exc:

    return state
Exemple #24
def test_pois():

    # download all points of interests from place
    gdf = ox.pois_from_place(place='Kamppi, Helsinki, Finland')

    # Get all restaurants and schools from place
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_place(place='Emeryville, California, USA',
    schools = ox.pois_from_place(place='Emeryville, California, USA',

    # Get all Universities from Boston area (with 2 km buffer to cover also Cambridge)
    boston_q = "Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America"
    boston_poly = ox.gdf_from_place(boston_q, buffer_dist=2000)
    universities = ox.pois_from_polygon(boston_poly.geometry.values[0],
Exemple #25
def GeocodePlacenameToGDF(placename='AOI', EPSGcode='28992'):
    """This function uses the OSMNX package to extract a geometry 
    representing the placename provided as input and transforms to 
    the required projection (EPSG code)"""
    import osmnx as ox
    PlaceGDF = ox.gdf_from_place(placename)
    # check first whether there is any output to return
    if len(PlaceGDF) == 1:
        # project GDFs to the required projection
        crs = 'epsg:'+EPSGcode
        try: PlaceGDF = PlaceGDF.to_crs({'init': crs})
        except: print("Given EPSG-code doesn't exist")
        else: return PlaceGDF
        print("We're sorry, but the given placename is not found within OpenStreetMap. Check for typos or try another placename")
Exemple #26
def test_pois():

    # download all points of interests from place
    gdf = ox.pois_from_place(place='Kamppi, Helsinki, Finland')

    # get all restaurants and schools from place
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_place(place='Emeryville, California, USA', amenities=['restaurant'])
    schools = ox.pois_from_place(place='Emeryville, California, USA', amenities=['school'])

    # get all universities from Boston area (with 2 km buffer to cover also Cambridge)
    boston_q = "Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America"
    boston_poly = ox.gdf_from_place(boston_q, buffer_dist=2000)
    universities = ox.pois_from_polygon(boston_poly.geometry.values[0], amenities=['university'])

    # by point and by address
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_point(point=(42.344490, -71.070570), distance=1000, amenities=['restaurant'])
    restaurants = ox.pois_from_address(address='Emeryville, California, USA', distance=1000, amenities=['restaurant'])
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, name: str):

            name (str): [description]

            TypeError: [description]
        self.name = name

        self.gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(name)
        self.official_name = self.gdf.place_name.values[0]
        self.geometry = self.gdf.geometry[0]
        if not type(self.geometry) is Polygon or type(
                self.geometry) is MultiPolygon:
            raise TypeError(
                "Location geometry was not a Polygon or a MultiPolygon")
def get_polygon(place):
    Get Polygon

    df_osm_data : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
      input OSM data frame
    geo_filename : string
      filename for GeoDataFrame storage


    # Get polygon
    poly_gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(place, which_result=1)
    polygon = poly_gdf.geometry[0]
    return polygon
Exemple #29
def get_city_from_osm(city_name, network_type="drive"):
    Get city data from OSM as an osmnx data structure.
    :param city_name: city name like 'Campbell, California, USA'
    :param network_type: string: {'walk', 'bike', 'drive', 'drive_service', 'all', 'all_private', 'none'}
    :return: city data structure
    city_paths_nodes = None
    for which_result in range(1, 4):
            city_boundaries = ox.gdf_from_place(city_name,
            city_paths_nodes = ox.osm_net_download(
        except Exception as e:
            return None

    return city_paths_nodes
Exemple #30
def download_streets_from_name(place,
    """Downloads a street data defined by it's name from OpenStreetMap"""

    # Setup OSMnx

    if use_sumo_downloader:
        if script_dir is None:
            script_dir = search_tool_dir()

        api_resp = ox.osm_polygon_download(
            place, limit=which_result, polygon_geojson=0)
        if not api_resp:
            raise RuntimeError('Place not found')
        area_id = api_resp[which_result - 1]['osm_id']
        exit_code = download_streets_from_id(
            area_id, prefix, directory, debug, script_dir)
        return exit_code

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = 'osm'

        file_name = prefix + '_city.osm.xml'
        file_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name)

        gdf_place = ox.gdf_from_place(place, which_result=which_result)
        polygon = gdf_place['geometry'].unary_union
        response = osm_xml.osm_net_download(polygon, network_type='drive')

        with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
            return_code = file.write(response[0])
        return return_code
def city_polygon_bbox(city_name):
    Get the polygon, the bounding box and the place name (with region, country, etc) of a city

    :param city_name: the city of intereset (eg 'Toulouse')
    :return: a tuple of (shapely Polygon, bbox [east, north, west, south], place name [string])
    city = osmnx.gdf_from_place(city_name)

    # retrieve data from row
    row = city.loc[0]
    polygon = row.get('geometry')
    bbox_east = row.get('bbox_east')
    bbox_north = row.get('bbox_north')
    bbox_south = row.get('bbox_south')
    bbox_west = row.get('bbox_west')
    place_name = row.get('place_name')

    # build bbox
    bbox = (bbox_east, bbox_north, bbox_west, bbox_south)

    return polygon, bbox, place_name
Exemple #32
def get_bufferedstudyregion_bbox(filepath, place=None, buffer_dist=1e4, crs=None, to_crs=None, to_latlong=True):
    If the studyregion shapefile exist:
    Get bbox from a GeoDataFrame file with the UTM zone appropriate for its geometries' centroid.
    Bounding box formatted as a 4 element tuple: (lng_max, lat_min, lng_min, lat_max)
    Get bbox from the query to geocode to get geojson boundary polygon from OSM
    filepath : String
        the name of the shapefile path(including file extension)
    place : String 
        the query to geocode to get geojson boundary polygon
    buffer_dist : float 
        distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters
    crs : dict 
        the starting coordinate reference system of the passed-in geometry, 
        default value (None) will set settings.default_crs as the CRS
    to_crs : dict
        if not None, just project to this CRS instead of to UTM
    to_latlong : bool
        if True, projects to latlong instead of to UTM
        (geometry_proj, crs), the projected shapely geometry and the crs of the
        projected geometry
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        polygon_buffer = get_bufferedstudyregion_polygon(filepath, buffer_dist=1e4, crs=crs, to_crs=to_crs, to_latlong=True)
        bbox = polygon_buffer[0].bounds 
        gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(query, gdf_name=None, which_result=1, buffer_dist=buffer_dist)
        bbox = gdf.geometry.bounds[['miny','minx','maxy','maxx']].values[0].tolist()
        bbox = ','.join(['{}'.format(x) for x in bbox])
    return bbox
place_names = ['Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam',
               #'Beijing, China', 
               #'Jakarta, Indonesia',
               'London, UK',
               'Los Angeles, California, USA',
               'Manila, Philippines',
               #'Mexico City, Mexico',
               'New Delhi, India',
               'Sao Paulo, Brazil',
               'New York, New York, USA',
               #'Tokyo, Japan',
               #'Nairobi, Kenya',
               #'Bangalore, India'
# In this for-loop, we save all the shapefiles for the valid cities.
for city in place_names:  
    city_admin_20kmbuff = ox.gdf_from_place(city, gdf_name = 'global_cities', buffer_dist = 20000)
    fig, ax = ox.plot_shape(city_admin_20kmbuff)
    ox.save_gdf_shapefile(city_admin_20kmbuff, filename = city)
# In this for-loop, we save all the street networks for the valid cities.
for city in place_names:
    grid = ox.graph_from_place(city, network_type = 'drive', retain_all = True)
    grid_projected = ox.project_graph(grid)
    ox.save_graph_shapefile(grid_projected, filename = city + '_grid')
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

for place in places:
    name = (place.replace(",","").replace(" ","")) # make better place_names
    print('working on: ', name)

    #make a geodataframe of the street network (outline) from openstreetmap place names
    # use retain_all if you want to keep all disconnected subgraphs (e.g. when your places aren't adjacent)
    G = ox.graph_from_place(place, network_type='drive', retain_all=True)
    G = ox.project_graph(G)
    #make a geodataframe of the shape (outline) from openstreetmap place names
    gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(place)
    gdf = ox.project_gdf(gdf)
    ox.save_graph_shapefile(G, filename=name)
    print(name, ' has crs:' ) 
    gdf.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:3395'})
    # Confirm big step of projection change
    # calculate basic stats for the shape
    # TODO adjust this to calculate stats based on neighborhoods
    stats = ox.basic_stats(G, area=gdf['geometry'].area[0])
    print('area', gdf['area'][0] / 10**6, 'sqkm')

    # save to file:
    def ensure_dir(file_path):