Exemple #1
from ospery_diver.util import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

	cam = Camera(cv2)
	display = Display(cv2)
	executor = Executor(cv2, np)

	while( True ):

		frame = cam.getFrame()
		#point = executor.run(tasks.gateDetector, cam.getFrame())

		#if point is not None:

			#draw a cross hair
		#	cv2.circle(frame, (point.getX() ,point.getY()), 40, (0,0,255), 5)

		print frame
		rects = executor.run(tasks.findBoundingRectsByColor, cam.getFrame(), ORANGE)

		for rect in rects:
			display.drawContour(frame, rect, RED, 2)

		if (display.show(frame, "output")==-1):

cam = Camera(cv2)              # Camera Object
display = Display(cv2)         # Object used to display results or camera frames
executor = Executor(cv2, np)   # The object that is responsible for executing different tasks (color detection, buoy detection, etc )

# Program we will be constantly looping 
# press CTRL-C to abort (end program) 
while( True ):

    frame = cam.getFrame()    # get a single frame or image from the camera and store it in a object

    # Try running the task with different colors
    # Comment the color = ORANGE and uncomment either color = BLUE or color GREEN 
    color = ORANGE
    #color = BLUE
    #color = GREEN

    buoyTask = executor.run(tasks.buoyDetector, frame, color)   # Execute the task. The executed task can be stored in variable     
    buoyResult = buoyTask.result()    # grab a result object from the task 
    buoyResult.drawOnFrame(frame)     # the result  of the task can draw on the frame 

    # comment the if block below and uncomment the other if block to see the thresholded frame
    if (display.show(frame, "output")==-1):


    #if (display.show(buoyTask.getThresholdFrame(), "output")==-1):

    #    display.destroy()
Exemple #3
comm = Communicator('/dev/ttyAMA0', 9600)
# calibrated_color = long_range_orange()
# colorCalibrate(calibrated_color)
# display = Display(cv2)
ret, frame = cam.read()
height, width, _ = frame.shape
mid_x = width / 2
mid_y = height / 2
i = 0

turn = False
while (True):
    i += 1
    ret, frame = cam.read()
    cv2.imwrite('/home/pi/test' + str(i) + '.jpg', frame)
    pointTask = executor.run(tasks.gateDetector, frame, orange())
    pointResult = pointTask.result()

    # display.show(frame, 'frame')
    # display.show(threshold, 'threshold')
    command = "1 1 "
    if pointResult.value() is not None:
        gate_x = pointResult.value()[0]
        gate_y = pointResult.value()[1]

        if gate_y < mid_y:
            command += "2 1"
            command += "2 3"
Exemple #4
cam = Camera(cv2)
display = Display(cv2)
executor = Executor(cv2, np)
# for video logging please donot erase!
# fps = 13
# size = cam.getFrameSize()
# fwdCamFileName = 'fwdCamera.avi'
# videoWriter = cam.getVideoSettings(fwdCamFileName,fps,size)
# numFramesRemaining = 10 * fps - 1

while( True ):

	frame = cam.getFrame()

	buoyTask = executor.run(tasks.buoyDetector, frame, orange())
	buoyResult = buoyTask.result()
	display.show(buoyTask.getThresholdFrame(), "buoy_threshold")
	#rectResult = executor.run(tasks.findBoundingRectsByColor, frame, orange())

	if (display.show(frame, "output")==-1):
Exemple #5
cam = Camera(cv2)
display = Display(cv2)
executor = Executor(cv2, np)
# for video logging please donot erase!
# fps = 13
# size = cam.getFrameSize()
# fwdCamFileName = 'fwdCamera.avi'
# videoWriter = cam.getVideoSettings(fwdCamFileName,fps,size)
# numFramesRemaining = 10 * fps - 1

while (True):

    frame = cam.getFrame()

    buoyTask = executor.run(tasks.buoyDetector, frame, orange())

    buoyResult = buoyTask.result()

    display.show(buoyTask.getThresholdFrame(), "buoy_threshold")

    #rectResult = executor.run(tasks.findBoundingRectsByColor, frame, orange())

    if (display.show(frame, "output") == -1):

#while numFramesRemaining > 0:
#cam.recordFrame(frame, videoWriter)
#frame = cam.getFrame()
Exemple #6
# Program we will be constantly looping
# press CTRL-C to abort (end program)
while (True):

    frame = cam.getFrame(
    )  # get a single frame or image from the camera and store it in a object

    # Try running the task with different colors
    # Comment the color = ORANGE and uncomment either color = BLUE or color GREEN
    color = ORANGE
    #color = BLUE
    #color = GREEN

    buoyTask = executor.run(
        tasks.buoyDetector, frame,
        color)  # Execute the task. The executed task can be stored in variable

    buoyResult = buoyTask.result()  # grab a result object from the task
        frame)  # the result  of the task can draw on the frame

    # comment the if block below and uncomment the other if block to see the thresholded frame
    if (display.show(frame, "output") == -1):


    #if (display.show(buoyTask.getThresholdFrame(), "output")==-1):

    #    display.destroy()
Exemple #7
import numpy as np
import cv2
from ospery_diver import Camera, Display, Executor, tasks, Communicator
from ospery_diver.util import *
import time

cam = Camera(cv2)
display = Display(cv2)
executor = Executor(cv2, np)

while (True):

    frame = cam.getFrame()

    task = executor.run(tasks.gateDetector, frame, orange(),

    result = task.result()

    #rectResult = executor.run(tasks.findBoundingRectsByColor, frame, orange())

    if (display.show(frame, "output") == -1):

#while numFramesRemaining > 0:
#cam.recordFrame(frame, videoWriter)
#frame = cam.getFrame()
#numFramesRemaining -= 1
import numpy as np
import cv2
from ospery_diver import Camera, Display, Executor, tasks, Communicator
from ospery_diver.util import *
import time

cam = Camera(cv2)
display = Display(cv2)
executor = Executor(cv2, np)

while( True ):

	frame = cam.getFrame()

	task = executor.run(tasks.gateDetector, frame, orange(), [histogramStrenching])
	result = task.result()
	#rectResult = executor.run(tasks.findBoundingRectsByColor, frame, orange())

	if (display.show(frame, "output")==-1):