Exemple #1
    def T_LA(obj):
        """Convert matrix/vector-like object to TMatrixT/TVectorT object
        >>> obj = ...
        >>> res = LinAlg.T_LA ( obj )
        s = obj.shape
        assert 1 <= len(s) <= 2, 'Invalid shape of the object %s' % s

        ## vector
        if 1 == len(s):
            l = s[0]
            v = Ostap.TVectorD(l)
            for i, p in enumerate(obj):
                v[i] = p
            return v

        mget = LinAlgT.mgetter
        nr, nc = s
        m = Ostap.TMatrixD(nr, nc)
        for i in range(nr):
            for j in range(nc):
                m[i, j] = mget(obj, i, j)

        return m
Exemple #2
def _closest_points_(line, line1):
    """Calculate the two closest points between two lines

    >>> line1 = ...
    >>> line2 = ...
    >>> point1 , point2 , flag = line1.closestPoints ( line2 )

    The return values is a tuple:
    - the point onthe fist line
    - the point on the second line
    - the flag (true is everything OK)
    _point1 = Ostap.XYZPoint(0, 0, -1.e+10)
    _point2 = Ostap.XYZPoint(0, 0, -1.e+11)
    _flag = _GeomFun.closestPoints(line, line1, _point1, _point2)
    if _flag: _flag = True
    else: _flag = False
    return (_point1, _point2, _flag)
Exemple #3
def _project_onto_plane_(plane, point):
    """Project the point into plane
    >>> point = ...
    >>> plane = ...
    >>> result = plane.project ( point ) 
    d = plane.Distance(point)
    return Ostap.XYZPoint(point.X() - plane.A() * d,
                          point.Y() - plane.B() * d,
                          point.Z() - plane.C() * d)
Exemple #4
def _intersect_two_planes_(plane, plane1):
    """Find the intersection line for two planes:

    >>> plane  = ...
    >>> plane1 = ...
    >>> line, flag = plane.line(plane1)

    Return value is a tuple:

    - the intersection line
    - the flag (true if intersection exists)

    _line = Ostap.XYZLine()
    _flag = _GeomFun.intersection(plane, plane1, _line)
    if _flag: _flag = True
    else: _flag = False
    return (_line, _flag)
Exemple #5
def _intersect_three_planes_(plane, plane1, plane2):
    """Find the intersection point for three planes:

    >>> plane  = ...
    >>> plane1 = ...
    >>> plane3 = ...
    >>> point, flag = plane.point(plane1,plane2)

    Return value is a tuple:

    - the intersection point
    - the flag (true if intersection exists)

    _point = Ostap.XYZPoint(0, 0, -1.e+10)
    _flag = _GeomFun.intersection(plane, plane1, plane2, _point)
    if _flag: _flag = True
    else: _flag = False
    return (_point, _flag)
Exemple #6
def _intersect_line_and_plane_(line, plane):
    """Find the intersection of line and plane

    >>> line  = ...
    >>> plane = ...

    >>> ok, point, mu = line.intersect ( plane )

    The return value is a tuple:
    - the point
    - the parameter along the line
    - the flag (true if intersection exists)

    _point = Ostap.XYZPoint(0, 0, -1.e+10)
    _mu = ctypes.c_double(-1.e+10)
    _flag = _GeomFun.intersection(line, plane, _point, _mu)
    if _flag: _flag = True
    else: _flag = False

    _mu = float(_mu.value)

    return (_point, _mu, _flag)
Exemple #7
def _pl_str_(self):
    """Self-printout of 3D-plane: (normal,point)
    >>> plane = ...
    >>> print plane 
    return "Plane3D(%s,%s)" % (self.Normal(), self.project(Ostap.XYZPoint()))
Exemple #8

# =============================================================================
if '__main__' == __name__:

    from ostap.utils.docme import docme
    docme(__name__, logger=logger)

    p1 = Ostap.XYZPoint(0, 1, 2)
    v1 = Ostap.XYZVector(2, 1, 0)
    l1 = Ostap.XYZLine(p1, v1)
    pl1 = Ostap.Plane3D(1, 1, 1, 0)

    logger.info('3D-point       (x,y,z)           : %s' % p1)
    logger.info('3D-vector      (x,y,z)           : %s' % v1)
    logger.info('3D-line        (point,direction) : %s' % l1)
    logger.info('3D-plane       (point,normal)    : %s' % pl1)

    pnt1 = Ostap.XYZPoint(-1, -2, -3)
    pnt2 = Ostap.XYZPoint(1, -2, -3)
    line1 = Ostap.Math.XYZLine(Ostap.XYZPoint(0, 1, 2),
                               Ostap.XYZVector(1, 1, 1))
    line2 = Ostap.Math.XYZLine(Ostap.XYZPoint(1, 3, 0),
                               Ostap.XYZVector(1, -1, 2))
Exemple #9
    ## result +=  y * z * w + y * u * w  ## <--  typo in  E.Byckling & K.Kajantie
    result += y * z * v + y * u * w  ## <--  correct line
    result -= x * y * (z + u + v + w)
    result -= z * u * (x + y + v + w)
    result -= v * w * (x + y + z + u)
    return result

# =============================================================================
if '__main__' == __name__:

    from ostap.utils.docme import docme
    docme(__name__, logger=logger)

    lv0 = Ostap.LorentzVector(2, 1, 0, 3)

    logger.info('Lorentz-vector ((px,py,pz),E)    : %s' % lv0)

    CLV = Ostap.ComplexLorentzVector

    lv1 = CLV()
    lv2 = CLV(lv0)
    lv3 = CLV(1 + 2j)
    lv4 = CLV(1, 2, 3, 4)
    lv5 = CLV(1, 2, 3, 4 + 3j)

    logger.info('Lorentz-vector ((px,py,pz),E)    : %s' % lv1)
    logger.info('Lorentz-vector ((px,py,pz),E)    : %s' % lv2)
    logger.info('Lorentz-vector ((px,py,pz),E)    : %s' % lv3)
    logger.info('Lorentz-vector ((px,py,pz),E)    : %s' % lv4)