Exemple #1
def gauss_cdf ( x , mu = 0.0 , sigma = 1.0 ) :
    """Standard gaussian CDF:
    >>> x,mu, sigma = ....
    >>> cdf = gauss_cdf ( x  , mu , sigma )
    y =  VE ( x ) 
    return _gauss_cdf_ ( y if 0 < y.cov2() else y.value () , mu , sigma )
Exemple #2
    def __call__(self, x, y, cxy=0):
        """Evaluate the function 
        >>> func2 = lambda x,y : x*x + y*y
        >>> eval2 = Eval2VE ( func2 )
        >>> x = VE(1,0.1**2)
        >>> y = VE(2,0.1**2)
        >>> print eval2(x,y)    ## treat x,y as uncorrelated 
        >>> print eval2(x,y, 0) ## ditto 
        >>> print eval2(x,y,+1) ## treat x,y as 100% correlated 
        >>> print eval2(x,y,-1) ## treat x,y as 100% anti-correlated
        assert isinstance ( cxy , num_types ) and \
               ( abs ( cxy ) <= 1 or isequal ( abs ( cxy ) , 1 ) ) , \
               'Invalid correlation coefficient %s' % cxy

        x = VE(x)
        y = VE(y)

        xv = x.value()
        yv = y.value()

        val = self.func(xv, yv)

        xc2 = x.cov2()
        yc2 = y.cov2()

        x_plain = xc2 <= 0 or iszero(xc2)
        y_plain = yc2 <= 0 or iszero(yc2)

        if x_plain and y_plain: return VE(val, 0)

        ## here we need to calculate the uncertainties
        dx = self.partial[0](xv, yv) if not x_plain else 0
        dy = self.partial[1](xv, yv) if not y_plain else 0

        cov2 = dx * dx * xc2 + dy * dy * yc2

        if cxy and xc2 and yc2:
            cov2 += 2 * cxy * dx * dy * math.sqrt(xc2 * yc2)

        return VE(val, cov2)
Exemple #3
    def __call__ ( self , args , cor = None ) :
        """Calcualte the value of the scalar function of N arguments
        with uncertainties and correlations 
        >>> fun2   = lambda x , y : ...
        >>> fun2e  = EvalNVEcor ( fun2 , 2 )
        >>> cor    = ... # 2x2 symmetric correlation matrix
        >>> x      = ...
        >>> y      = ...    
        >>> result = fun2e ( (x,y) , cor ) ##           
        n = self.N 
        assert len ( args ) == n , 'Invalid argument size'

        ## get value of the function 
        val = self.func ( *args )
        c2  = 0
        x   = n * [ 0 ]  ## argument 
        g   = n * [ 0 ]  ## gradient 
        for i in range ( n ) :

            xi    = VE ( args[i] )
            x [i] = x 
            ci    = xi.cov2()
            if ci < 0  or iszero ( ci ) : continue
            di    = self.partial[i] ( *args )
            if iszero ( di )            : continue
            ei    = xi.error() 

            g [i] = di  
            e [i] = ei
            ## diagonal correlation coefficients are assumed to be 1 and ignored! 
            c2   += ci * di * di
            for j in range ( i ) : 

                xj   = x  [ j ]
                cj   = xj.cov2 () 
                if cj < 0  or iszero ( cj ) : continue
                dj   = d  [ j ]
                if iszero ( dj )            : continue                
                ej   = e  [ j ]

                rij  =  self.__corr ( cor , i , j ) if cor else 0 
                assert -1 <= rij <= 1 or isequal ( abs ( rij ) , 1 ) ,\
                       'Invalid correlaation coefficient (%d,%d)=%s ' % ( i , j , rij )
                c2  += 2.0 * di * dj * rij * ei * ej 
        return VE ( val , c2 ) 
Exemple #4
    def __call__(self, x, y, cxy=0):
        """Evaluate the function 
        >>> func2 = lambda x,y : x*x + y*y
        >>> eval2 = Eval2VE ( func2 )
        >>> x = VE(1,0.1**2)
        >>> y = VE(2,0.1**2)
        >>> print eval2(x,y)    ## treat x,y as uncorrelated 
        >>> print eval2(x,y, 0) ## ditto 
        >>> print eval2(x,y,+1) ## treat x,y as 100% correlated 
        >>> print eval2(x,y,-1) ## treat x,y as 100% anti-correlated
        ## evaluate the function
        val = self._value_(x, y)
        x = VE(x)
        y = VE(y)
        x_plain = x.cov2() <= 0 or iszero(x.cov2())
        y_plain = y.cov2() <= 0 or iszero(y.cov2())
        if x_plain and y_plain: return VE(val, 0)
        ## here we need to calculate the uncertainties
        cov2 = 0.0
        fx = self.dFdX(x, y.value()) if not x_plain else 0
        fy = self.dFdY(x.value(), y) if not y_plain else 0
        if not x_plain: cov2 += fx * fx * x.cov2()
        if not y_plain: cov2 += fy * fy * y.cov2()
        if not x_plain and not y_plain:
            ## adjust the correlation coefficient:
            cxy = min(max(-1, cxy), 1)
            if not iszero(cxy):
                cov2 += 2 * cxy * fx * fy * x.error() * y.error()

        return VE(val, cov2)
Exemple #5
 def dFdY(self, x, y):
     """Get a partial derivatives d(func)/d(Y)"""
     y = VE(y)
     return self._partial_(self._dFdY, x, y.value(), y.cov2())
Exemple #6
 def dFdX(self, x, y):
     """Get a partial derivatives d(func)/d(X)"""
     x = VE(x)
     return self._partial_(self._dFdX, x.value(), y, x.cov2())