def sign(self, data, hash_context):
     if not isinstance(hash_context, hashes.HashContext):
         raise TypeError("hash_context must be an instance of hashes.HashContext.")
     digest = hash_context.finalize()
     r, s = decode_dss_signature(self._key.sign(digest, Prehashed(SHA256HMAC160())))
     # return long_to_bytes(r, 20) + long_to_bytes(s, 20)
     size = self.private_numbers.public_numbers.parameter_numbers.q.bit_length() // 8
     return long_to_bytes(r, size) + long_to_bytes(s, size)
 def sign(self, data, hash_context):
     if not isinstance(hash_context, hashes.HashContext):
         raise TypeError("hash_context must be an instance of hashes.HashContext.")
     signer = self._key.signer(hashes.SHA256())
     signer._hash_ctx = hash_context
     r, s = decode_dss_signature(signer.finalize())
     # return long_to_bytes(r, 20) + long_to_bytes(s, 20)
     size = self.private_numbers.public_numbers.parameter_numbers.q.bit_length() // 8
     return long_to_bytes(r, size) + long_to_bytes(s, size)
 def finalize(self):
     if self._ctx is None:
         raise AlreadyFinalized("Context was already finalized.")
     digest = self._ctx.finalize()
     self._ctx = None
     q = self._dsa_key.parameters.parameter_numbers().q
     # We need this for compatibility with libotr which doesn't truncate its digest to the leftmost q.bit_length() bits
     # when the digest is longer than that as per the DSA specification (see FIPS 186-4, 4.2 & 4.6). Passing digest mod q
     # is the same as passing it unmodified, but this way we avoid the cryptography library truncating the digest as per
     # the specification, which would result in the signature verification failing.
     if self.algorithm.digest_size * 8 > q.bit_length():
         digest = long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long(digest) % q, (q.bit_length() + 7) // 8)
     return digest
 def finalize(self):
     if self._ctx is None:
         raise AlreadyFinalized("Context was already finalized.")
     digest = self._ctx.finalize()
     self._ctx = None
     q = self._dsa_key.parameters.parameter_numbers().q
     # We need this for compatibility with libotr which doesn't truncate its digest to the leftmost q.bit_length() bits
     # when the digest is longer than that as per the DSA specification (see FIPS 186-4, 4.2 & 4.6). Passing digest mod q
     # is the same as passing it unmodified, but this way we avoid the cryptography library truncating the digest as per
     # the specification, which would result in the signature verification failing.
     if self.algorithm.digest_size * 8 > q.bit_length():
         digest = long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long(digest) % q, (q.bit_length() + 7) // 8)
     return digest
 def __init__(self, key, counter=0):
     self._cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(long_to_bytes(counter << 64, 16)), self.__backend__)
 def __init__(self, key, counter=0):
     self._cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(long_to_bytes(counter << 64, 16)), self.__backend__)