def test_mixed_timestamp_write(n_lidar_timestamp, n_lidar_no_timestamp,
                               n_imu_timestamp, n_imu_no_timestamp, metadata,

    lidar_timestamp_packets = islice(
        random_lidar_packets(metadata, random_time=RANDOM_FLOAT),
    lidar_no_timestamp_packets = islice(
        random_lidar_packets(metadata, random_time=NO_RANDOM_TIME),
    imu_timestamp_packets = islice(
        random_imu_packets(metadata, random_time=RANDOM_FLOAT),
    imu_no_timestamp_packets = islice(
        random_imu_packets(metadata, random_time=NO_RANDOM_TIME),
    in_packets = list(
        chain(lidar_timestamp_packets, lidar_no_timestamp_packets,
              imu_timestamp_packets, imu_no_timestamp_packets))

    file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    yes_timestamps = n_lidar_timestamp + n_imu_timestamp
    no_timestamps = n_lidar_no_timestamp + n_imu_no_timestamp

    if yes_timestamps > 0 and no_timestamps > 0:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
        pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
Exemple #2
def test_mixed_timestamp_write(n_lidar_timestamp, n_lidar_no_timestamp,
                               n_imu_timestamp, n_imu_no_timestamp, fake_meta,
                               tmpdir) -> None:
    """Test recording mixed (un)timestamped packets fails."""

    lidar_ts_packets = fake_packets(fake_meta,
    lidar_no_ts_packets = fake_packets(fake_meta,
    imu_ts_packets = fake_packets(fake_meta,
    imu_no_ts_packets = fake_packets(fake_meta,
    in_packets: List[client.Packet] = list(
        chain(lidar_ts_packets, lidar_no_ts_packets, imu_ts_packets,

    file_path = path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    yes_timestamps = n_lidar_timestamp + n_imu_timestamp
    no_timestamps = n_lidar_no_timestamp + n_imu_no_timestamp

    if yes_timestamps > 0 and no_timestamps > 0:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
        pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
def test_write_nonsensical_packet_type(metadata, tmpdir):
    file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    in_packets = [42]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)

    assert not os.path.exists(file_path), "Didn't clean up empty file"
Exemple #4
def fake_pcap_path(lidar_imu_frac: float, fake_meta: client.SensorInfo,
                   n_packets: int, use_sll: bool, tmpdir: str) -> str:
    file_path = path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")
    n_lidar = int(lidar_imu_frac * n_packets)
    n_imu = n_packets - n_lidar
    packets = fake_packets(fake_meta, n_lidar, n_imu)
    pcap.record(packets, file_path, use_sll_encapsulation=use_sll)

    return file_path
Exemple #5
def test_write_nonsensical_packet_type(tmpdir) -> None:
    """Check that writing nonsense raises an error and cleans up."""
    file_path = path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    in_packets = [42]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)  # type: ignore

    assert not path.exists(file_path), "Didn't clean up empty file"
def pcap_path(metadata, n_packets, use_sll, tmpdir):
    file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    packets = islice(
                   random_imu_packets(metadata)), n_packets)

    pcap.record(packets, file_path, use_sll_encapsulation=use_sll)

    yield file_path
Exemple #7
def test_read_write_lidar_imu(n_lidar, n_imu, fake_meta, tmpdir) -> None:
    """Test that random packets read back from pcap are identical."""
    in_packets = list(fake_packets(fake_meta, n_lidar, n_imu))
    file_path = path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
    out_packets = list(pcap.Pcap(file_path, fake_meta))
    out_bufs = [bytes(p._data) for p in out_packets]
    in_bufs = [bytes(p._data) for p in in_packets]

    assert in_bufs == out_bufs
Exemple #8
def test_timestamp_read_write(fake_meta, tmpdir) -> None:
    """Check that timestamps are preserved by a round trip."""
    in_packets = list(
        fake_packets(fake_meta, n_lidar=10, n_imu=10, timestamped=True))
    file_path = path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
    out_packets = list(pcap.Pcap(file_path, fake_meta))
    out_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in out_packets]
    in_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in in_packets]

    assert len(in_timestamps) == len(out_timestamps)
    assert in_timestamps == pytest.approx(out_timestamps)
Exemple #9
def test_read_write_lidar_imu(n_lidar, n_imu, metadata, tmpdir):
    """Test that random packets read back from pcap are identical."""
    lidar_packets = islice(random_lidar_packets(metadata), n_lidar)
    imu_packets = islice(random_imu_packets(metadata), n_imu)
    in_packets = list(chain(lidar_packets, imu_packets))


    file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
    out_packets = list(pcap.Pcap(file_path, metadata))
    out_bufs = [bytes(p._data) for p in out_packets]
    in_bufs = [bytes(p._data) for p in in_packets]
    assert in_bufs == out_bufs
Exemple #10
def test_no_timestamp_read_write(fake_meta, tmpdir) -> None:
    """Check that capture timestamps are set when recording."""
    in_packets = list(
        fake_packets(fake_meta, n_lidar=10, n_imu=10, timestamped=False))
    file_path = path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    current_timestamp = time.time()
    pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
    out_packets = list(pcap.Pcap(file_path, fake_meta))
    out_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in out_packets]
    in_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in in_packets]

    assert len(in_timestamps) == len(out_timestamps)
    assert all(ts is None for ts in in_timestamps)
    assert all(ts == pytest.approx(current_timestamp, abs=1.0)
               for ts in out_timestamps)
def test_timestamp_float_read_write(mode, metadata, tmpdir):
    lidar_packets = islice(random_lidar_packets(metadata, random_time=mode),
    imu_packets = islice(random_imu_packets(metadata, random_time=mode), 10)
    in_packets = list(chain(lidar_packets, imu_packets))

    file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
    out_packets = list(pcap.Pcap(file_path, metadata))
    out_timestamps = []
    in_timestamps = []

    out_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in out_packets]
    in_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in in_packets]

    assert len(in_timestamps) == len(out_timestamps)
    for i, o in zip(in_timestamps, out_timestamps):
        # Make sure to deal with float rounding issues in the compare
        assert i == pytest.approx(o, abs=1e-6)
def test_no_timestamp_read_write(metadata, tmpdir):
    mode = NO_RANDOM_TIME
    current_timestamp = time.time()
    lidar_packets = islice(random_lidar_packets(metadata, random_time=mode),
    imu_packets = islice(random_imu_packets(metadata, random_time=mode), 10)
    in_packets = list(chain(lidar_packets, imu_packets))

    file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pcap_test.pcap")

    pcap.record(in_packets, file_path)
    out_packets = list(pcap.Pcap(file_path, metadata))
    out_timestamps = []
    in_timestamps = []

    out_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in out_packets]
    in_timestamps = [p.capture_timestamp for p in in_packets]

    assert len(in_timestamps) == len(out_timestamps)
    for i, o in zip(in_timestamps, out_timestamps):
        assert i is None
        assert current_timestamp == pytest.approx(o, abs=5e-1)
def record_pcap(hostname: str,
                lidar_port: int = 7502,
                imu_port: int = 7503,
                n_seconds: int = 10) -> None:
    """Record data from live sensor to pcap file.

    Note that pcap files recorded this way only preserve the UDP data stream and
    not networking information, unlike capturing packets directly from a network
    interface with tools like tcpdump or wireshark.

    See the API docs of :py:func:`.pcap.record` for additional options for
    writing pcap files.

        hostname: hostname of the sensor
        lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data
        imu_port: UDP port to listen on for imu data
        n_seconds: max seconds of time to record. (Ctrl-Z correctly closes
    import ouster.pcap as pcap
    from datetime import datetime

    # [doc-stag-pcap-record]
    from more_itertools import time_limited
    # connect to sensor and record lidar/imu packets
    with closing(client.Sensor(hostname, lidar_port, imu_port,
                               buf_size=640)) as source:

        # make a descriptive filename for metadata/pcap files
        time_part ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        meta = source.metadata
        fname_base = f"{meta.prod_line}_{}_{meta.mode}_{time_part}"

        print(f"Saving sensor metadata to: {fname_base}.json")

        print(f"Writing to: {fname_base}.pcap (Ctrl-C to stop early)")
        source_it = time_limited(n_seconds, source)
        n_packets = pcap.record(source_it, f"{fname_base}.pcap")

        print(f"Captured {n_packets} packets")