def qstat(args): clusters, pending_jobs = build_cluster(args.options, args.user_pattern) pending_jobs = pending_jobs if args.pending_jobs else None if not (args.cluster_only or args.expand or args.full): print_status(clusters, pending_jobs, elif args.required_memory: jobids = flatten(c.get_jobids() for c in clusters) if isinstance(args.required_memory, str): vmem_list = get_resource_option(jobids, args.required_memory) else: vmem_list = get_resource_option(jobids) for cluster in clusters: add_host_info(cluster.queues) cluster.set_host_info() cluster.set_vmem(vmem_list) cluster.set_queue_printlen() elif args.physical_memory or args.swapped_memory: for cluster in clusters: add_host_info(cluster.queues) cluster.set_host_info() cluster.set_queue_printlen() if args.cluster_only: print_cluster_status(clusters) elif args.expand or args.full: print_full_status(clusters, pending_jobs, not args.no_sort, args.full)
def main(): setup_html() print_status('Bot Framework SDK Github Report') print_status('===============================') g = Github(GIT_PERSONAL_TOKEN) # Filter out people associated with Microsoft microsoft_members = get_msorg_members(g) + MICROSFT_EMPLOYEES # Output for UI OUTPUT = OuputIssuesJson() for repo in REPOS: repo_name = repo if '/' in repo else f'microsoft/{repo}' repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) # Output for UI repository_output_element = OutputRepository(repo_name) OUTPUT.repositories.append(repository_output_element) # Set state='closed' to find closed issues that weren't tagged properly # Note: repo.get_issues() underlying library appears to have a bug where # `start` and `labels` don't seem to work properly, so we do it manually here. # Super inefficient on the wire! open_issues = [issue for issue in repo.get_issues(state='open')\ if issue.created_at >= START_DATE and not filter_azure(repo_name, issue)] print_status(f'Repo: {repo.full_name}:') print_status(f' Total open issues after {START_DATE} : {len(open_issues)}', 'tab1') # Filter out adaptive issues open_issues = [issue for issue in open_issues if not filter_adaptive_label(issue) and not filter_exempt_from_dri_label(issue)] user_filtered = True if in BYPASS_USERFILTER_REPOS: user_filtered_issues = [issue for issue in open_issues if not issue.pull_request] user_filtered = False else: user_filtered_issues = [issue for issue in open_issues if (not issue.user.login.strip().lower() in \ microsoft_members and not issue.pull_request)] if repo_name.lower() != 'azure/azure-cli': no_bs_cr_label = [issue for issue in user_filtered_issues if not filter_bot_service_label(issue) or \ not filter_customer_reported_label(issue)] if no_bs_cr_label: print_status(f' No "Bot Services/Customer Reported": Count: {len(no_bs_cr_label)}', 'tab1') for issue in no_bs_cr_label: if user_filtered or not filter_milestone_label(issue): print_issue(issue) repository_output_element.issues.append(OutputIssue("no_bot_services", issue)) no_crt_label = [issue for issue in user_filtered_issues if not filter_customer_replied_label(issue)] if no_crt_label: print_status(f' No "Customer Replied": Count: {len(no_crt_label)}', 'tab1') for issue in no_crt_label: if user_filtered in microsoft_members or not filter_milestone_label(issue): print_issue(issue) repository_output_element.issues.append(OutputIssue("no_customer_reply", issue)) # Start looking at stale (untouched with no comments) issues stale_days = 10 stale_customer_issues = [add_last_comment(issue, stale_days) \ for issue in user_filtered_issues if not filter_stale_customer_issues(issue, days_old=stale_days)] stale_no_nones = [i for i in stale_customer_issues if i] stale_descending = sorted(stale_no_nones, key=lambda issue: issue.last_comment, reverse=False) if stale_descending: print_status(f' 90-day stale : Customer issues not touched in more than {stale_days} days: Count: {len(stale_descending)}', 'tab1') print_status(f' Last touched by {Fore.GREEN}CUSTOMER{Style.RESET_ALL}:', 'tab2') for issue in stale_descending: if last_touched_by_microsoft(issue, microsoft_members): print_stale_issue(issue) repository_output_element.issues.append(OutputIssue("last_touch_customer", issue)) print_status(f' Last touched by {Fore.GREEN}MICROSOFT{Style.RESET_ALL}:', 'tab1') for issue in stale_descending: if not last_touched_by_microsoft(issue, microsoft_members): print_stale_issue(issue) repository_output_element.issues.append(OutputIssue("last_touch_microsoft", issue)) else: # azure/azure-cli just print active issues. for issue in user_filtered_issues: print_issue(issue) repository_output_element.issues.append(OutputIssue("azure_cli", issue)) # Write JSON output for UI # OUTPUT.write_output() OUTPUT_FILE.write("</body></html>") OUTPUT_FILE.close() if sys.platform == 'win32': os.system('start "" "' + FILE_NAME + '"') else: os.system('open ' + FILE_NAME)
def print_detail(args, settings): j = Job("12345", "0.0", "job12345", settings["username"], 'r', "01/01/2015", "12:34:56", "6") jo = Job("12344", "0.0", "job12344", "user01", 'r', "01/01/2015", "12:34:00", "4") jp = Job("12346", "0.0", "job12346", "user02", 'qw', "01/01/2015", "12:35:28", "10") ja = Job("12340", "0.0", "job12340", "user03", 'r', "01/01/2015", "12:30:11", "20") q = Queue("cluster01.q@host001", "BIP", "6/10/20", "4.71", "lx-amd64") qo = Queue("cluster01.q@host002", "BIP", "0/0/20", "0.03", "lx-amd64") q1 = Queue("cluster02.q@host003", "BIP", "0/20/20", "21.38", "lx-amd64", "a") q2 = Queue("cluster02.q@host004", "BIP", "0/0/20", "0.13", "lx-amd64", "d") c = Cluster("cluster01.q", "4.38", "10", "0", "40", "40", "0", "0") c2 = Cluster("cluster02.q", "4.38", "10", "0", "40", "40", "0", "0") q.set_job(j) q.set_job(jo) q1.set_job(ja) c.set_queue(q) c.set_queue(qo) c2.set_queue(q1) c2.set_queue(q2) for job in (j, jo, jp, ja): if args.user_pattern.match(job.user): job.visible() q.set_host_info("20", "2", "10", "20", "4.71", "64G", "21.2G", "7.9G", "108M") q1.set_host_info("20", "2", "10", "20", "21.38", "64G", "57.4G", "11.3G", "3.1G") q2.set_host_info("20", "2", "10", "20", "0.13", "64G", "461.4M", "3.1G", "51M") qo.set_host_info("20", "2", "10", "20", "0.03", "64G", "203.9M", "4.1G", "71M") c.set_host_info() c2.set_host_info() c.set_vmem({"12344": "3G", "12345": "4G"}) c2.set_vmem({"12340": "3G"}) c.set_queue_printlen() c2.set_queue_printlen() pj = [jp] if args.pending_jobs else [] print "preview:" print print_status([c, c2], pj) print print print "full format preview (-e/-f):" print print "<cluster> used/total slot (rate)" print "\t<queuename> qtype resv/used/tot load_avg " + (("use/" if args.physical_memory else '') + ("req/" if args.required_memory else '') + ("tot mem" if args.required_memory or args.physical_memory else '') + (" use/tot swap" if args.swapped_memory else '') + " arch states") print print_full_status([c, c2], pj, not args.no_sort, True) print print print "cluster status preview (-c):" print print_cluster_status([c, c2]) print print print "current default settings (edit ~/.cqstat_config.json to change these defaults):" l = max(map(len, settings)) for k, v in sorted(settings.items()): print " {}\t{}".format(k.ljust(l+4), repr(v))