def get_pos_command(self): ts = ovr.getTrackingState(self.session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose # Get queternions q0 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.w; q1 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.x; q2 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.y; q3 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.z; # Calculate Euler angles x = int(1500 + 637*math.asin(2*(q0*q1 - q3*q2))) #pitch y = int(1450 - 637*math.atan2(2*(q0*q2 - q1*q3),1-2*(q2*q2+q1*q1))) #yaw z = int(1500 + 637*math.asin(2*(q0*q3 + q1*q2))) #roll pos_command = "" # Anti-shaking if abs(self.xtemp-x)>1 or abs(self.ytemp-y)>1 or abs(self.ztemp-z)>1: pos_command = (str(x) + "," + str(y) + ","+str(z)+'\n') sys.stdout.flush() self.xtemp = x self.ytemp = y self.ztemp = z return pos_command
def stream_loop(session, tx, dryrun=False): ''' Collect head orientation data from the Oculus Rift and stream it to the microcontroller, forever. Parameters ---------- session : pointer to HmdDesc Interface for the head-moounted device tx : tx.Transmitter Interface for serial port dryrun : bool If True, runs the test mode of the loop where there is no MCU communication ''' print_after = 10 count = 0 print("Starting stream loop") yvel = 0 xvel = 0 while True: # Query the HMD for the current tracking state. ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose angles = np.array(pose.ThePose.Orientation.getEulerAngles())* 180 / np.pi pitch = np.round(angles[0] * -1 + 90) yaw = np.round(angles[1] + 90) # Don't allow values outside the range of the servos pitch = clamp(pitch, 0, 180) yaw = clamp(yaw, 0, 180) # Get data from gamepad thread if lock.acquire(True): yvel = y_data * 127 / 32768.0 # Scale to int8_t xvel = x_data * 127 / 32768.0 # Scale to int8_t lock.release() if count % print_after == 0: print("Pitch: {0}| Yaw: {1}| Yvel: {2} | Xvel: {3}".format(pitch, yaw, yvel, xvel)) if not dryrun: tx.transmit(pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw, yvel=yvel, xvel=xvel) sys.stdout.flush() count = count + 1 time.sleep(0.010)
def getPYRDataFromRift(session): """ Method to obtain the current pitch, yaw and roll data of the Oculus Rift. :return: Current Pitch, yaw and roll data of the Oculus Rift """ ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose.ThePose # axisY=1,axisX=0, axisZ=2 yaw_rad, pitch_rad, roll_rad = pose.Orientation.getEulerAngles(axis1=1, axis2=0, axis3=2, rotate_direction=1, handedness=1) # positive rotation is counter-clockwise pitch = float(np.rad2deg(pitch_rad)) # Pitch = rotation around X axis yaw = float(np.rad2deg(yaw_rad)) # Yaw = rotation around Y axis roll = float(np.rad2deg(roll_rad)) # Roll = rotation around Z axis yaw_orig = yaw yaw = yaw_orig if yaw >= 180: yaw = -360 + yaw_orig return (pitch * -1, yaw * -1, roll * -1)
def on_open(ws): print "### opened ###" ws.send("main_client") # Used for anti-shaking xtemp=0 ytemp=0 ztemp=0 # Main loop while True: ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), \ True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | \ ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose # Get queternions q0 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.w; q1 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.x; q2 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.y; q3 = pose.ThePose.Orientation.z; # Calculate Euler angles x = int(1500 + 637*math.asin(2*(q0*q1 - q3*q2))) #pitch y = int(1450 - 637*math.atan2(2*(q0*q2 - q1*q3),1 \ - 2*(q2*q2 + q1*q1))) #yaw z = int(1500 + 637*math.asin(2*(q0*q3 + q1*q2))) #roll time.sleep(0.004) # Anti-shaking if abs(xtemp-x)>1 or abs(ytemp-y)>1 or abs(ztemp-z)>1: ws.send(str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," \ + str(z) + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() xtemp = x ytemp = y ztemp = z ws.close()
def get_time_in_seconds(): return ovr.getTimeInSeconds()
########################################## dateToday = str( Ts = 0.01 reset = False start = True latched = False elapsed = 0.0 experimentStart = 0.0 previousTime = unix.time() scenario = 0 try: while True: # Oculus IMU Stuff ############ ts = ovr.getTrackingState(hmd, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): angularAcc = ts.HeadPose.AngularAcceleration linearAcc = ts.HeadPose.LinearAcceleration timeSec = ts.HeadPose.TimeInSeconds sys.stdout.flush() ################################ # GSR Stuff #################### while numbytes < framesize: ddata += numbytes = len(ddata) data = ddata[0:framesize] ddata = ddata[framesize:]
''' Created on Oct 13, 2018 @author: maddo ''' import sys import time import ovr ovr.initialize(None) session, luid = ovr.create() hmdDesc = ovr.getHmdDesc(session) print(hmdDesc.ProductName) ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose for t in range(100): # Query the HMD for the current tracking state. ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose #print(pose.ThePose.Orientation.x) #ovr.Quatf = Orientation, ovr.Vector3f = Position #print(pose) nextupdown = pose.ThePose.Orientation.z nextleftright = pose.ThePose.Orientation.y print(nextupdown) print(nextleftright) sys.stdout.flush()
dateToday = str( Ts = 0.01 reset = False start = False latched = True elapsed = 0.0 experimentStart = 0.0 previousTime = unix.time() scenario = 0 iterations = num_iterations try: while True: # Oculus IMU Stuff ############ ts = ovr.getTrackingState(hmd, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): angularAcc = ts.HeadPose.AngularAcceleration linearAcc = ts.HeadPose.LinearAcceleration timeSec = ts.HeadPose.TimeInSeconds sys.stdout.flush() ################################ # GSR Stuff #################### while numbytes < framesize: ddata += numbytes = len(ddata) data = ddata[0:framesize] ddata = ddata[framesize:] numbytes = len(ddata)
def start_tracker_app(): oscIdentifier = '/pyBinSim' ip = '' port = 10000 nSources = 1 minAngleDifference = 5 if (len(sys.argv)) > 1: for i in range(len(sys.argv)): if (sys.argv[i] == '-port'): port = int(sys.argv[i + 1]) if (sys.argv[i] == '-ip'): ip = sys.argv[i + 1] if (sys.argv[i] == '-nSources'): nSources = int(sys.argv[i + 1]) if (sys.argv[i] == '-angleStep'): minAngleDifference = int(sys.argv[i + 1]) # Internal settings: positionVector = np.arange(360) positionVectorSubSampled = range(0, 360, minAngleDifference) # Create OSC client parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ip", default=ip, help="The ip of the OSC server") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=port, help="The port the OSC server is listening on") args = parser.parse_args() client = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient(args.ip, args.port) # Create OVR session ovr.initialize(None) session, luid = ovr.create() hmdDesc = ovr.getHmdDesc(session) print(hmdDesc.ProductName) try: while 1: # Query the HMD for the current tracking state. ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): pose = ts.HeadPose.ThePose yawRad, pitchRad, rollRad = pose.Orientation.getEulerAngles( axis1=1, axis2=0, axis3=2, rotate_direction=1, handedness=1) yaw = int(round(np.rad2deg(yawRad))) pitch = int(round(np.rad2deg(pitchRad))) roll = int(round(np.rad2deg(rollRad))) # Adjustment to desired global origin yaw = 360 - yaw if yaw > 360: yaw = yaw - 360 print(['YAW: ', yaw, ' PITCH: ', pitch, 'ROLL: ', roll]) for n in range(0, nSources): # round yaw to angle stepsize yaw = min(positionVectorSubSampled, key=lambda x: abs(x - yaw)) #channel valueOne valueTwo ValueThree valueFour valueFive ValueSix binSimParameters = [n, yaw, n, 0, 0, 0, 0] print([' Yaw: ', yaw]) client.send_message(oscIdentifier, binSimParameters) #print pose sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.020) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Break if ctrl+c is pressed ovr.destroy(session) ovr.shutdown() print('Done')
s.listen(5) s2.listen(5) print "Listening for connections..." q,addr = s.accept() q2,addr2 = s2.accept() pos=0 posH = 0 time.sleep(5) ts = ovr.getTrackingState(session, ovr.getTimeInSeconds(), True) if ts.StatusFlags & (ovr.Status_OrientationTracked | ovr.Status_PositionTracked): time.sleep(0.200) pos =ts.HeadPose.ThePose.Orientation.x posH =ts.HeadPose.ThePose.Orientation.y degaux = convert_to_degrees(pos) degauxH = convert_to_degrees(posH) degaux = degaux+90 degaux = round(degaux) deg = degaux degauxH = degauxH+90 degauxH = round(degauxH)