def check_nsm_load(cls, result_handler, max_load=None, use_total_capacity=False, total_capacity_warning=None, total_capacity_error=None):
     Checks all NSM services registered within the Framework and will report their load
     :param result_handler: logging object
     :type result_handler: ovs.extensions.healthcheck.result.HCResults
     :param max_load: Maximum load percentage before marking it as overloaded. Defaults to ovs/framework/plugins/alba/config|nsm.maxload
     :type max_load: float
     :param use_total_capacity: Base NSM load of the total possible capacity (capacity of NSMs before they are marked as overloaded)
     instead of checking the least filled NSM. Use threshold arguments for tuning'
     :type use_total_capacity: bool
     :param total_capacity_warning: Number of remaining namespaces threshold before throwing a warning. Defaults 20% of the total namespaces
     :type total_capacity_warning: int
     :param total_capacity_error: Number of remaining namespaces threshold before throwing an error. Defaults to 5% of the total namespaces
     :type total_capacity_error: int
     :return: None
     :rtype: NoneType
     max_nsm_load_config = Configuration.get('ovs/framework/plugins/alba/config|nsm.maxload')
     max_load = max_load or max_nsm_load_config
     for alba_backend in AlbaBackendList.get_albabackends():
         if alba_backend.abm_cluster is None:
             result_handler.failure('No ABM cluster found for ALBA Backend {0}'.format(
         if len(alba_backend.abm_cluster.abm_services) == 0:
             result_handler.failure('ALBA Backend {0} does not have any registered ABM services'.format(
         if len(alba_backend.nsm_clusters) == 0:
             result_handler.failure('ALBA Backend {0} does not have any registered NSM services'.format(
         internal = alba_backend.abm_cluster.abm_services[0].service.is_internal
         if use_total_capacity:
             maximum_capacity_before_overload = AlbaHealthCheck._get_nsm_max_capacity_before_overload(alba_backend, max_nsm_load_config)
             total_capacity_warning = total_capacity_warning or math.ceil(maximum_capacity_before_overload * 1.0/5)
             total_capacity_error = total_capacity_error or math.ceil(maximum_capacity_before_overload * 1.0/20)
             config = Configuration.get_configuration_path(key=alba_backend.abm_cluster.config_location)
             hosts_data ='list-nsm-hosts', config=config)
             current_capacity = sum([host['namespaces_count'] for host in hosts_data if not host['lost']])
             remaining_capacity = maximum_capacity_before_overload - current_capacity
             if remaining_capacity > total_capacity_warning and remaining_capacity > total_capacity_error:  # Only error could be specified
                 result_handler.success('NSMs for backend {0} have enough capacity remaining ({1}/{2} used)'.format(, current_capacity, maximum_capacity_before_overload),
             elif total_capacity_warning >= remaining_capacity > total_capacity_error:
                 result_handler.warning('NSMs for backend {0} have reached the warning threshold '
                                        '({1} namespaces had to be remaining, {2}/{3} used)'.format(, total_capacity_warning, current_capacity, maximum_capacity_before_overload),
                 result_handler.failure('NSMs for backend {0} have reached the error threshold '
                                        '({1} namespaces had to be remaining, ({2}/{3} used)'.format(, total_capacity_error, current_capacity, maximum_capacity_before_overload),
             nsm_loads = {}
             sorted_nsm_clusters = sorted(alba_backend.nsm_clusters, key=lambda k: k.number)
             for nsm_cluster in sorted_nsm_clusters:
                 nsm_loads[nsm_cluster.number] = AlbaController.get_load(nsm_cluster)
             overloaded = min(nsm_loads.values()) >= max_load
             if overloaded is False:
                 result_handler.success('NSMs for backend {0} are not overloaded'.format(,
                 if internal is True:
                     result_handler.warning('NSMs for backend {0} are overloaded. The NSM checkup will take care of this'.format(,
                     result_handler.failure('NSMs for backend {0} are overloaded. Please add your own NSM clusters to the backend'.format(,