def __scs_connecting(self):
        if self.socket is not None:
            retval = ovs.socket_util.check_connection_completion(self.socket)
            assert retval != errno.EINPROGRESS
        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
            if self.retry_connect:
                    self.pipe = winutils.create_file(self._pipename)
                    self._retry_connect = False
                    retval = 0
                except pywintypes.error as e:
                    if e.winerror == winutils.winerror.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY:
                        retval = errno.EAGAIN
                        self._retry_connect = False
                        retval = errno.ENOENT
                # If retry_connect is false, it means it's already
                # connected so we can set the value of retval to 0
                retval = 0

        if retval == 0:
            self.state = Stream.__S_CONNECTED
        elif retval != errno.EAGAIN:
            self.state = Stream.__S_DISCONNECTED
            self.error = retval
    def open(name, dscp=DSCP_DEFAULT):
        """Attempts to connect a stream to a remote peer.  'name' is a
        connection name in the form "TYPE:ARGS", where TYPE is an active stream
        class's name and ARGS are stream class-specific.  The supported TYPEs
        include "unix", "tcp", and "ssl".

        Returns (error, stream): on success 'error' is 0 and 'stream' is the
        new Stream, on failure 'error' is a positive errno value and 'stream'
        is None.

        Never returns errno.EAGAIN or errno.EINPROGRESS.  Instead, returns 0
        and a new Stream.  The connect() method can be used to check for
        successful connection completion."""
        cls = Stream._find_method(name)
        if not cls:
            return errno.EAFNOSUPPORT, None

        suffix = name.split(":", 1)[1]
        if name.startswith("unix:"):
            suffix = ovs.util.abs_file_name(ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, suffix)
            if sys.platform == 'win32':
                pipename = winutils.get_pipe_name(suffix)

                if len(suffix) > 255:
                    # Return invalid argument if the name is too long
                    return errno.ENOENT, None

                    # In case of "unix:" argument, the assumption is that
                    # there is a file created in the path (suffix).
                    open(suffix, 'r').close()
                    return errno.ENOENT, None

                    npipe = winutils.create_file(pipename)
                    except pywintypes.error as e:
                        return errno.ENOENT, None
                except pywintypes.error as e:
                    if e.winerror == winutils.winerror.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY:
                        # Pipe is busy, set the retry flag to true and retry
                        # again during the connect function.
                        Stream.retry_connect = True
                        return 0, cls(None,
                    return errno.ENOENT, None
                return 0, cls(None, name, 0, pipe=npipe, is_server=False)

        error, sock = cls._open(suffix, dscp)
        if error:
            return error, None
            status = ovs.socket_util.check_connection_completion(sock)
            return 0, cls(sock, name, status)
    def __scs_connecting(self):
        if self.socket is not None:
            retval = ovs.socket_util.check_connection_completion(self.socket)
            assert retval != errno.EINPROGRESS
        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
            if self.retry_connect:
                    self.pipe = winutils.create_file(self._pipename)
                    self._retry_connect = False
                    retval = 0
                except pywintypes.error as e:
                    if e.winerror == winutils.winerror.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY:
                        retval = errno.EAGAIN
                        self._retry_connect = False
                        retval = errno.ENOENT
                # If retry_connect is false, it means it's already
                # connected so we can set the value of retval to 0
                retval = 0

        if retval == 0:
            self.state = Stream.__S_CONNECTED
        elif retval != errno.EAGAIN:
            self.state = Stream.__S_DISCONNECTED
            self.error = retval
Exemple #4
    def create_file(self, sec_attributes=-1):
        """Create the file for the named pipe and store it in the '_npipe_file'

        property of the class.

        :param sec_attributes: type win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
            The default value is -1 which uses the default security attributes.
            This means that the file handle will NOT be inherited when
            a new process is created.
            # Create the file using the name of the named pipe with the given
            # security attributes
            self._npipe_file = ovs_winutils.create_file(
      , attributes=sec_attributes)
            except ovs_winutils.pywintypes.error as e:
                raise NamedPipeException(
                    "Could not set pipe read mode to byte. "
                    "Error: %s." % e.strerror, e.winerror)
        except ovs_winutils.pywintypes.error as e:
            raise NamedPipeException(
                "Could not create file for named pipe. "
                "Error: %s." % e.strerror, e.winerror)
    def open(name, dscp=DSCP_DEFAULT):
        """Attempts to connect a stream to a remote peer.  'name' is a
        connection name in the form "TYPE:ARGS", where TYPE is an active stream
        class's name and ARGS are stream class-specific.  The supported TYPEs
        include "unix", "tcp", and "ssl".

        Returns (error, stream): on success 'error' is 0 and 'stream' is the
        new Stream, on failure 'error' is a positive errno value and 'stream'
        is None.

        Never returns errno.EAGAIN or errno.EINPROGRESS.  Instead, returns 0
        and a new Stream.  The connect() method can be used to check for
        successful connection completion."""
        cls = Stream._find_method(name)
        if not cls:
            return errno.EAFNOSUPPORT, None

        suffix = name.split(":", 1)[1]
        if name.startswith("unix:"):
            suffix = ovs.util.abs_file_name(ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, suffix)
            if sys.platform == 'win32':
                pipename = winutils.get_pipe_name(suffix)

                if len(suffix) > 255:
                    # Return invalid argument if the name is too long
                    return errno.ENOENT, None

                    # In case of "unix:" argument, the assumption is that
                    # there is a file created in the path (suffix).
                    open(suffix, 'r').close()
                    return errno.ENOENT, None

                    npipe = winutils.create_file(pipename)
                    except pywintypes.error as e:
                        return errno.ENOENT, None
                except pywintypes.error as e:
                    if e.winerror == winutils.winerror.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY:
                        # Pipe is busy, set the retry flag to true and retry
                        # again during the connect function.
                        Stream.retry_connect = True
                        return 0, cls(None, name, errno.EAGAIN,
                    return errno.ENOENT, None
                return 0, cls(None, name, 0, pipe=npipe, is_server=False)

        error, sock = cls._open(suffix, dscp)
        if error:
            return error, None
            status = ovs.socket_util.check_connection_completion(sock)
            return 0, cls(sock, name, status)