Exemple #1
def track_length(track):
    ''' Run through the track, calculate distance in kilometers
        and return that. '''

    kilometers = 0.0
    n = 1
    for tp in track[0:-1]:
        distance = haversine.haversine(tp['lon'], tp['lat'], track[n]['lon'], track[n]['lat'])
        kilometers += distance
        n += 1

    return kilometers
Exemple #2
def track_length(track):
    ''' Run through the track, calculate distance in kilometers
        and return that. '''

    kilometers = 0.0
    n = 1
    for tp in track[0:-1]:
        distance = haversine.haversine(tp['lon'], tp['lat'], track[n]['lon'],
        kilometers += distance
        n += 1

    return kilometers
Exemple #3
def get_geoJSON():
    data = json.load(bottle.request.body)

    # needs LOTS of error handling

    usertid = data.get('usertid')
    from_date = data.get('fromdate')
    to_date = data.get('todate')
    spacing = int(data.get('spacing', POINT_KM))
    tzname = data.get('tzname', 'UTC')

    track = getDBdata(usertid, from_date, to_date, spacing, tzname)

    last_point = [None, None]

    collection = {
            'type' : 'FeatureCollection',
            'features' : [],        # [ geo, <list of points> ]

    geo = {
            'type' : 'Feature',
            'geometry' : {
                    'type' : 'LineString',
                    'coordinates' : []
            'properties' : {
                    'description' : "an OwnTracks track",  # updated below

    pointlist = []
    track_coords = []
    kilometers = track_length(track)

    # bounding box
    lat_min = 180
    lat_max = -180
    lon_min = 90
    lon_max = -90

    for tp in track:

        lat = tp['lat']
        lon = tp['lon']
        tst = tp['tst']

        if lat > lat_max:
            lat_max = lat
        if lat < lat_min:
            lat_min = lat
        if lon > lon_max:
            lon_max = lon
        if lon < lon_min:
            lon_min = lon

        track_coords.append( [ lon, lat ] )

        distance = None
        if last_point[0] is not None:
            distance = haversine.haversine(lon, lat, last_point[0], last_point[1])

        if last_point[0] is None or distance > spacing:
            last_point = [lon, lat]
            point = {
                    'type'  : 'Feature',
                    'geometry' : {
                        'type'  : "Point",
                        'coordinates' : [lon, lat],
                    'properties' : {
                        'description' : "%s: %s" % (tst, tp.get('addr', 'Unknown location'))

    geo['geometry']['coordinates'] = track_coords
    geo['properties']['description'] = "Track length: %.2f km" % kilometers

    collection['features'] = [ geo ]
    for p in pointlist:

    # Experiment: geofences
    fences = []

    for f in getDBwaypoints(usertid, lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max):
        fence = {
                    'type'  : 'Feature',
                    'geometry' : {
                        'type'  : "Point",
                        'coordinates' : [f['lon'], f['lat']],
                    'properties' : {
                        'description' : f['name'],
                        'geofence': {
                            'radius' : f['rad'],

    return collection
Exemple #4
def get_geoJSON():
    data = json.load(bottle.request.body)

    # needs LOTS of error handling

    usertid = data.get('usertid')
    from_date = data.get('fromdate')
    to_date = data.get('todate')
    spacing = int(data.get('spacing', POINT_KM))
    tzname = data.get('tzname', 'UTC')

    track = getDBdata(usertid, from_date, to_date, spacing, tzname)

    last_point = [None, None]

    collection = {
        'type': 'FeatureCollection',
        'features': [],  # [ geo, <list of points> ]

    geo = {
        'type': 'Feature',
        'geometry': {
            'type': 'LineString',
            'coordinates': []
        'properties': {
            'description': "an OwnTracks track",  # updated below

    pointlist = []
    track_coords = []
    kilometers = track_length(track)

    # bounding box
    lat_min = 180
    lat_max = -180
    lon_min = 90
    lon_max = -90

    for tp in track:

        lat = tp['lat']
        lon = tp['lon']
        tst = tp['tst']

        if lat > lat_max:
            lat_max = lat
        if lat < lat_min:
            lat_min = lat
        if lon > lon_max:
            lon_max = lon
        if lon < lon_min:
            lon_min = lon

        track_coords.append([lon, lat])

        distance = None
        if last_point[0] is not None:
            distance = haversine.haversine(lon, lat, last_point[0],

        if last_point[0] is None or distance > spacing:
            last_point = [lon, lat]
            point = {
                'type': 'Feature',
                'geometry': {
                    'type': "Point",
                    'coordinates': [lon, lat],
                'properties': {
                    "%s: %s" % (tst, tp.get('addr', 'Unknown location'))

    geo['geometry']['coordinates'] = track_coords
    geo['properties']['description'] = "Track length: %.2f km" % kilometers

    collection['features'] = [geo]
    for p in pointlist:

    # Experiment: geofences
    fences = []

    for f in getDBwaypoints(usertid, lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max):
        fence = {
            'type': 'Feature',
            'geometry': {
                'type': "Point",
                'coordinates': [f['lon'], f['lat']],
            'properties': {
                'description': f['name'],
                'geofence': {
                    'radius': f['rad'],

    return collection