Exemple #1
    async def owo(self, ctx, *, text):
        """Converts given text to 'OwO' format"""

        # Delete the message sent by the user
        await ctx.message.delete()

        # Convert to "OwO" text
        uwu = OwO()
        owo = uwu.whatsthis(text)

        # Send the text back
        await ctx.message.channel.send(owo)
Exemple #2
 async def owoify(self, ctx, *, text: str):
     uwu = OwO()
     await qembed.send(ctx, uwu.whatsthis(text))
Exemple #3
class Text(commands.Cog):
    """Fun ways to make your text more interesting"""
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client
        self.uwu = OwO()
        self.cipher_suite = Fernet(Fernet.generate_key())

    async def cog_check(self, ctx):
        g_id = str(ctx.guild.id)
        for e in self.client.cogdata:
            if str(e["serverid"]) == str(g_id):
                if e["text"]:
                    return True
                    return False

    async def reverse(self, ctx, *, text: str):
        """ !poow ,ffuts esreveR
        Everything you type after reverse will of course, be reversed
        t_rev = text[::-1].replace("@", "@\u200B").replace("&", "&\u200B")
        return await ctx.send(f"{t_rev}")

    async def clapify(self, ctx, *, text):
        if len(text) > 1000:
            return await ctx.send("TOO LONG TO PROCESS")
            y = str(text)
            clist = []
            r = 0
            maste = ""
            for i in range(0, len(y)):
                if y[i] == " ":
                    r += 1

                i += 1
            for k in range(0, len(clist)):
                maste = maste + clist[k]
                k += 1
            return await ctx.send(maste)

    async def ascii(self, ctx, *, text: str):
        art = text2art(text)
        return await ctx.send(f"```{art}```")

    async def randomfont(self, ctx, *, text: str):
        art = text2art(text, "random")
        return await ctx.send(f"```{art}```")

    async def art(self, ctx, type: str = "random"):
            arto = art(type)
        except artError:
            return await ctx.send(
                "Your chosen art  does not exist/is not supported\n Please check the list of supported arts here: [link](https://pastebin.com/RfsFq1rj)\n Or just use randomart command!"
            return await ctx.send(arto)

    async def fontify(self, ctx, font: str, *, text: str):
            arto = text2art(text, font)
        except artError:
            return await ctx.send(
                "Your font does not exist/is not supported\n Please check the list of supported fonts here: [link](https://pastebin.com/P4cu2r0G) or just use the randomfont command!\n Or just use the randomfont command!"
            return await ctx.send(f"```{arto}```")

    async def randomart(self, ctx):
        y = random.randint(0, 1)
        if y == 0:
            arto = art("rnd-medium")
            arto = art("random-small")
        return await ctx.send(arto)

    async def monospace(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send("`{}`".format(text))

    async def under(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send(f"__{text}__")

    async def blue(self, ctx, *, text):
        y = len(text) * "-"
        return await ctx.send(f"```md\n{text}\n{y}```")

    async def orange(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send(f"```arm\n{text}```")

    async def yellow(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send(f"```http\n{text}```")

    async def green(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send(f"```css\n{text}```")

    async def cyan(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send(f"```yaml\n{text}```")

    async def red(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send(f"```diff\n-{text}```")

    async def spoiler(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send("||{}||".format(text))

    async def box(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send("```{}```".format(text))

    async def bold(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send("**{}**".format(text))

    async def italics(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send("*{}*".format(text))

    async def striked(self, ctx, *, text):
        return await ctx.send("~~{}~~".format(text))

    async def emojify(self, ctx, *, text):
        invalidchar = 0
        if len(text) > 1000:
            return await ctx.send("Too long to process")
            emos = []
            y = str(text)
            smalll = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
            letst = "0123456789"
            for jool in range(0, len(y)):
                let = y[jool]
                if let == " ":
                    emos.append(2 * "\U00000020")
                elif let == "?":
                elif let == "!":
                elif let == "":
                    emos.append(2 * "\U00000020")
                elif let in letst:
                    pos = letst.find(let)
                    emos.append("{}\N{combining enclosing keycap}".format(let))
                    pos = capl.find(let)
                    if pos == -1:
                        pos = smalll.find(let)
                        if pos == -1:
                            pos = -1
                            if invalidchar == 0:
                                return await ctx.send(
                                    "invalid characters that are not alphabets, they will be replace by 🇥"
                                invalidchar += 1
                                invalidchar += 1
                    beg = chr(ord("\U0001f1e5") + pos + 1)
                    jool += 1

            mst = ""
            for i in range(0, len(emos)):
                mst = mst + emos[i]
                i += 1
            return await ctx.send(mst)

    @commands.command(cooldown_after_parsing=True, aliases=["encode"])
    async def encrypt(self, ctx, *, text):
        text = str(text)
        strbytes = text.encode()
        encoded_text = self.cipher_suite.encrypt(strbytes)
        await ctx.author.send(f'Encrypted String\n`{encoded_text}`')

    @commands.command(cooldown_after_parsing=True, aliases=["decode"])
    async def decrypt(self, ctx, *, text):
        text = str(text)
        strbytes = text.encode()
        decoded_text = self.cipher_suite.decrypt(strbytes)
        await ctx.author.send(f"**Finished decryption**\n```{decoded_text}```")

    async def glitch(self, ctx, *text):
        t = zalgoify.process(text)
        if len(t) > 2000:
            return await ctx.send('Your text is too long!')
            return await ctx.send(f'{t}')

    async def uwu(self, ctx, *, text):
        t = self.uwu.whatsthis(text)
        if len(t) > 2000:
            return await ctx.send('your text is to long')
            return await ctx.send(t)

    async def vapor(self, ctx, *, text):
        t = vaporize(text)
        if len(t) > 2000:
            return await ctx.send('your text is to long')
            return await ctx.send(t)
Exemple #4
 async def owo(self, ctx, *, message):
     message_author = ctx.author
     print("{} issued .owo UwU".format(message_author))
     uwu = OwO()
     a = uwu.whatsthis(message)
     await ctx.send(a)
Exemple #5
 async def owo(self, ctx, *message):
     text = ' '.join(message)
     owo = OwO()
     await ctx.send(owo.whatsthis(text))
Exemple #6
 async def owo(self, ctx, *, args):
     uwu = OwO()
     await ctx.send(uwu.whatsthis(args))