Exemple #1
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for server-side protection headers against Clickjacking" + \
            "(TODO: Add rudimentary search for frame busting)<br/>"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName(
    return Content
Exemple #2
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for cookie setting headers (TODO: Check vuln scanners' output!)<br />"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName(
    # TODO: Fix up
    return Content
Exemple #3
def run(PluginInfo):
    # Background: http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/2010/01/to-disable-ie8s-xss-filter-or-not.html
    title = "This plugin looks for server-side protection headers against XSS (TODO: Check vuln scanners' output!)<br/>"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName(
    return Content
Exemple #4
def run(PluginInfo):
    urls = get_urls_to_visit()
    for url in urls:  # This will return only unvisited urls
        requester.get_transaction(True, url)  # Use cache if possible
    Content = "{} URLs were visited".format(str(len(urls)))
    return plugin_helper.HtmlString(Content)
Exemple #5
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for server-side protection headers and tags against cache snooping<br />"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName(
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseBodyMatchesForRegexpName(
    return Content
Exemple #6
def run(PluginInfo):
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString("Intended to show helpful info in the future")
    return Content
Exemple #7
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for HTML 5 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers<br/>"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName('HEADERS_FOR_CORS')
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName('HEADERS_REGEXP_FOR_CORS_METHODS')
    return Content
Exemple #8
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for password and form tags to review the autocomplete attribute<br />"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseBodyMatchesForRegexpName(
    return Content
Exemple #9
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for server-side protection headers to enforce SSL<br />"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName(
    return Content
Exemple #10
def run(PluginInfo):
    title = "This plugin looks for Robots meta tag and X-Robots-Tag HTTP header<br />"
    Content = plugin_helper.HtmlString(title)
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseHeaderMatchesForRegexpName('HEADERS_FOR_ROBOTS')
    Content += plugin_helper.FindResponseBodyMatchesForRegexpName('RESPONSE_REGEXP_FOR_ROBOTS_META_TAG')
    return Content