Exemple #1
    def test_hyd_deut():
        """Test that isotopes are set correctly."""
        hyd = AtomSpec('H', isotope=1)
        deut = AtomSpec(1, isotope=2)

        molecule = Molecule([hyd, deut], [BondSpec(0, 1, 1)])
        assert molecule.isotope(0) == 1
        assert molecule.isotope(1) == 2
Exemple #2
    def test_dangling_bond():
        """Test a dangling bond."""
        carb = AtomSpec(6, 3)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            Molecule([carb], [BondSpec(0, 1, 1)])

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            Molecule([carb], [BondSpec(1, 0, 1)])
Exemple #3
    def test_isotope_given_invalid():
        Test that invalid atoms raise error when calling isotope.

        carb = AtomSpec(6, 4)
        molecule = Molecule([carb], [])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #4
    def test_neighbors_given_invalid():
        Test that invalid atoms raise error when calling neighbors.

        carb = AtomSpec(6, 4)
        molecule = Molecule([carb], [])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #5
    def test_size():
        """Test that ``size`` is correct."""
        carb_3 = AtomSpec(6, 3)
        carb_1 = AtomSpec(6, 1)

        atoms = [carb_3, carb_1, carb_1, carb_3]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(1, 2, BondOrder(2), True),
            BondSpec(2, 3, BondOrder(1)),

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.size() == 3
Exemple #6
    def test_given_bond_parity():
        """Test a given bond parity."""
        carb_3 = AtomSpec(6, 3)
        carb_1 = AtomSpec(6, 1)

        atoms = [carb_3, carb_1, carb_1, carb_3]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(1, 2, BondOrder(2), True),
            BondSpec(2, 3, BondOrder(1)),

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.bond_parity(1, 2) == Parity(True)
Exemple #7
    def test_has_edge():
        """Test that the right edges exist."""
        carb = AtomSpec('C')
        hyd = AtomSpec('H')

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, carb, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 2, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 3, 2),
            BondSpec(3, 4, 1),

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.has_edge(0, 3)
Exemple #8
    def test_degree_expl():
        """Test the degree, constructed with explicit H."""
        carb = AtomSpec('C')
        hyd = AtomSpec('H')

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 2, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 3, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 4, 1),

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.degree(0) == 4
Exemple #9
    def test_given_bond_parity():
        """Test a given bond parity."""
        carb = AtomSpec(6)
        hyd = AtomSpec(1)

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, carb, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(0, 2, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(0, 3, BondOrder(2), True),
            BondSpec(3, 4, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(3, 5, BondOrder(1))

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.bond_parity(0, 3) == Parity(True)
Exemple #10
    def test_bond_parity():
        """Test the bond parity."""
        carb = AtomSpec(6)
        hyd = AtomSpec(1)

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, carb, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(0, 2, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(0, 3, BondOrder(2)),
            BondSpec(3, 4, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(3, 5, BondOrder(1))

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.bond_parity(0, 3) is None
Exemple #11
    def test_bond_order():
        """Test the bond orders."""
        carb = AtomSpec(6)
        hyd = AtomSpec(1)

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, carb, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(0, 2, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(0, 3, BondOrder(2)),
            BondSpec(3, 4, BondOrder(1)),
            BondSpec(3, 5, BondOrder(1))

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.bond_order(0, 3).as_int() == 2
Exemple #12
    def test_electrons():
        """Test the number of electrons."""
        carb = AtomSpec('C')
        hyd = AtomSpec('H')

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, carb, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 2, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 3, 2),
            BondSpec(3, 4, 1),
            BondSpec(3, 5, 1)

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        for node in molecule.nodes:
            assert molecule.electrons(node) == 0
Exemple #13
    def test_neighbors_expl():
        Test the number of neighbors, constructed with explicit H.

        carb = AtomSpec('C')
        hyd = AtomSpec('H')

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 2, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 3, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 4, 1),

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert len(molecule.neighbors(0)) == 4
Exemple #14
    def test_electrons_expl():
        Test the number of electrons, constructed with explicit H.

        carb = AtomSpec('C')
        hyd = AtomSpec('H')

        atoms = [carb, hyd, hyd, hyd, hyd]
        bonds = [
            BondSpec(0, 1, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 2, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 3, 1),
            BondSpec(0, 4, 1),

        molecule = Molecule(atoms, bonds)
        assert molecule.electrons(0) == 0
Exemple #15
    def test_impossible_isotope():
        Test that isotopes lower than atomic no. produce errors.

        symbol_isotope = [('H', 0), ('He', 1), ('Li', 2), ('Be', 3), ('B', 4),
                          ('C', 5), ('N', 6), ('O', 7)]
        for symbol, isotope in symbol_isotope:
            atom = AtomSpec(symbol, isotope=isotope)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                Molecule([atom], [])
Exemple #16
    def test_overionised_negative():
        Test that atoms with too low a charge produce errors.

        symbol_ion = [('H', -2), ('Li', -8), ('Be', -7), ('B', -6), ('C', -5),
                      ('N', -4), ('O', -3), ('F', -2)]
        for symbol, ion in symbol_ion:
            atom = AtomSpec(symbol, ion=ion)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                Molecule([atom], [])
Exemple #17
    def test_bond_order_given_invalid():
        Test that invalid bonds raise error when calling bond_order.

        carb_3 = AtomSpec(6, 3)
        bond = BondSpec(0, 1, 1)
        molecule = Molecule([carb_3, carb_3], [bond])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            molecule.bond_order(1, 2)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            molecule.bond_order(2, 0)
Exemple #18
    def test_overionised_positive():
        Test that atoms with too high a charge produce errors.

        symbol_ion = [
            ('H', 2),
            ('Li', 2),
            ('Be', 3),
            ('B', 4),
            ('C', 5),
            # ('N', 4),
            # ('O', 3),
            # ('F', 2)
        for symbol, ion in symbol_ion:
            atom = AtomSpec(symbol, ion=ion)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                Molecule([atom], [])
Exemple #19
    def test_oversaturated():
        Test that oversaturated atoms produce errors.

        symbol_hydrogens = [
            ('H', 2),
            ('Li', 2),
            ('Be', 3),
            ('B', 4),
            ('C', 5),
            # ('N', 4),
            # ('O', 3),
            # ('F', 2)

        for symbol, hydrogens in symbol_hydrogens:
            atom = AtomSpec(symbol, hydrogens)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                Molecule([atom], [])
Exemple #20
 def test_charge():
     """Test the charge."""
     molecule = Molecule([AtomSpec('C')], [])
     assert molecule.charge(0) == 0
Exemple #21
 def test_hydrogens():
     """Test the number of virtual hydrogens."""
     molecule = Molecule([AtomSpec('C')], [])
     assert molecule.hydrogens(0) == 0
Exemple #22
 def test_electrons():
     """Test the number of electrons."""
     molecule = Molecule([AtomSpec('C')], [])
     assert molecule.electrons(0) == 4
Exemple #23
 def test_charge_methyl_carbocation():
     """Test the charge."""
     molecule = Molecule([AtomSpec('C', 3, 1)], [])
     assert molecule.charge(0) == 1
Exemple #24
 def test_texas_carbon():
     """Test a carb with 5 Hs."""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Molecule([AtomSpec(6, 5)], [])
Exemple #25
 def test_hydroborate_charge():
     """Test the charge of a hydroborate."""
     boron = AtomSpec(5, 4, -1)
     assert Molecule([boron], []).charge(0) == -1
Exemple #26
 def test_has_edge():
     """Test that ``has_edge`` returns the correct result."""
     molecule = Molecule([], [])
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         molecule.has_edge(0, 1)
Exemple #27
 def test_has_node():
     """Test that ``has_node`` returns the correct result."""
     molecule = Molecule([], [])
     assert molecule.has_node(0) is False
Exemple #28
 def test_order():
     """Test that ``order`` returns the correct result."""
     molecule = Molecule([], [])
     assert molecule.order() == 0
Exemple #29
 def test_size():
     """Test that ``size`` returns the correct result."""
     molecule = Molecule([], [])
     assert molecule.size() == 0
Exemple #30
 def test_is_empty():
     """Test that ``is_empty`` returns the correct result."""
     molecule = Molecule([], [])
     assert molecule.is_empty() is True