def GetSystem ( self, doQCMM = False, doQCQC = False, expandToP1 = False, log = logFile, qcModel = None, useSymmetry = True ): """Get the system with the energy model defined.""" # . Read the molecule. molecule = AmberTopologyFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( _dataPath, self.label + ".top" ), mmModel = self.mmModel, log = log ) molecule.coordinates3 = AmberCrdFile_ToCoordinates3 ( os.path.join ( _dataPath, self.label + ".crd" ), log = log ) molecule.label = self.label # . Set up symmetry. if useSymmetry: kwargs = { "crystalClass" : self.crystalClass, "transformations" : self.transformations } kwargs.update ( self.crystalParameters ) molecule.DefineSymmetry ( **kwargs ) if expandToP1: self.p1Factor = float ( len ( molecule.symmetry.transformations ) * _numberCells ) molecule = CrystalExpandToP1 ( molecule, aRange = _aRange, bRange = _bRange, cRange = _cRange ) # . Set up the QC model. if qcModel is not None: # . QC/MM. if doQCMM: if self.qcCharge != 0: molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState ( charge = self.qcCharge ) # . For the tests do not worry if the MM charge is not zero or integral. try: molecule.DefineQCModel ( qcModel, qcSelection = self.qcSelection ) except: pass else: molecule.DefineQCModel ( qcModel ) # . Set up the NB model. if ( qcModel is None ) or doQCMM or doQCQC: molecule.DefineNBModel ( self.nbModel ) # . Summary. if LogFileActive ( log ): molecule.Summary ( log = log ) log.Paragraph ( "\nFormula = " + molecule.atoms.FormulaString ( ) + "." ) # . Finish up. return molecule
def GetSystem(self, doQCMM=True, log=logFile, nbModel=None, qcModel=None): """Get the system with the energy model defined.""" # . Basic setup. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(self.dataPath, self.fileName + ".mol")) molecule.label = self.label molecule.DefineMMModel(self.mmModel) # . Set up the QC model. if qcModel is not None: molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=self.qcCharge, multiplicity=self.multiplicity) if doQCMM: molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel, qcSelection=self.qcSelection) else: molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel) # . Set up the NB model. if (qcModel is None) or doQCMM: if nbModel is None: molecule.DefineNBModel(self.nbModel) else: molecule.DefineNBModel(nbModel) # . Summary. if LogFileActive(log): molecule.Summary(log=log) log.Paragraph("\nFormula = " + molecule.atoms.FormulaString() + ".") # . Finish up. return molecule
def prepare_semiempirical_model(self, system, method_name, charge, multiplicity, restricted): """Prepare common settings for computing with semiempirical models. :param system: input system with geometry :type system : pMolecule.System.System :param method_name: name of semiempirical model to apply :type method_name : str :param charge: system charge :type charge : int :param multiplicity: system multiplicity :type multiplicity : int :param restricted: whether to run a spin-restricted calculation :type restricted : bool :return: prepared system :rtype : pMolecule.System.System """ es = ElectronicState(charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity) converger = DIISSCFConverger(densityTolerance=1.0e-6, maximumSCFCycles=999) qcmodel = QCModelMNDO(method_name, converger=converger, isSpinRestricted=restricted) system.electronicState = es system.DefineQCModel(qcmodel) return system
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. isOK = True log = self.GetLog() # . Paths. sourcePath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_ROOT"), "molecularStructures", "gaussianGeometryOptimization") statesPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, "states.yaml") xyzPaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourcePath, "xyz", "*.xyz")) xyzPaths.sort() # . Get the states. states = YAMLUnpickle(statesPath) # . Loop over the molecules. reports = {} numberNotConverged = 0 for xyzPath in xyzPaths: # . Basic set up. label = os.path.split(xyzPath)[1][0:-4] (charge, multiplicity) = states.get(label, (0, 1)) system = XYZFile_ToSystem(xyzPath) system.electronicState = ElectronicState(charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity) system.DefineQCModel(QCModelMNDO("am1", isSpinRestricted=True)) system.Summary(log=log) # . Skip molecules that are too large. if len(system.atoms) > _MaximumMoleculeSize: continue # . Loop over the optimizers. tagReports = {} for (tag, minimizer, options) in _Minimizers: # . Reset the system. system.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3(xyzPath) system.Energy(log=log) # . Minimization. keywordArguments = dict(options) keywordArguments["log"] = log cpu = CPUTime() tagReports[tag] = minimizer(system, **keywordArguments) tagReports[tag]["CPU Time"] = cpu.Current() if not tagReports[tag].get("Converged", False): numberNotConverged += 1 # . Save the results. reports[label] = tagReports # . Finish up. self.ReportsSummary(reports, log=log) self.assertTrue(numberNotConverged == 0)
def ToSystem ( self ): """Return a system.""" system = None if self.QPARSED: system = System.FromAtoms ( self.atomicNumbers ) system.label = self.title system.coordinates3 = self.ToCoordinates3 ( ) system.electronicState = ElectronicState ( charge = self.charge, multiplicity = self.multiplicity ) return system
def ToElectronicState(self, frameIndex=-1): """Return an electronic state object.""" if self.QPARSED: frame = self.frames[frameIndex] charge = frame.GetItem("Charge", default=0) multiplicity = frame.GetItem("Multiplicity", default=1) return ElectronicState(charge, multiplicity) else: return None
def ToElectronicState(self): """Return an electronic state object.""" if self.QPARSED: if hasattr(self, "charge"): charge = self.charge else: charge = 0 if hasattr(self, "multiplicity"): multiplicity = self.multiplicity else: multiplicity = 1 return ElectronicState(charge, multiplicity) else: return None
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. isOK = True # . Output setup. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "xyz") if self.resultPath is None: outPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_SCRATCH"), _Destination) else: outPath = os.path.join(self.resultPath, _Destination) if not os.path.exists(outPath): os.mkdir(outPath) log = self.GetLog() # . Loop over energy models. for (qcLabel, qcModel) in _QCModels: # . Read the system. molecule = XYZFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(dataPath, _SystemLabel + ".xyz")) molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState(charge=-1) molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel) molecule.Summary(log=log) molecule.Energy(log=log) # . Orbital energies. (energies, H**O, LUMO) = molecule.energyModel.qcModel.OrbitalEnergies( molecule.configuration) if log is not None: if energies is not None: energies.Print(log=log, title="Orbital Energies") log.Paragraph("H**O and LUMO indices: {:d}, {:d}.".format( H**O, LUMO)) indices = [H**O, LUMO] # . Write out the cube files. GaussianCubeFile_FromSystemDensity(os.path.join( outPath, _SystemLabel + "_" + qcLabel + "_density" + _Extension), molecule, gridspacing=_GridSpacing, log=log) GaussianCubeFile_FromSystemOrbitals(os.path.join( outPath, _SystemLabel + "_" + qcLabel + "_orbitals" + _Extension), molecule, gridspacing=_GridSpacing, orbitals=indices, log=log) # GaussianCubeFile_FromSystemPotential ( os.path.join ( outPath, _SystemLabel + "_" + qclabel + "_potential" + _Extension ), molecule, gridspacing = _GridSpacing, log = log ) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(isOK)
def SetUpSystem(path, forceNoQC=False, useSystemWithTimings=True): """Set up the system.""" # . Get system data. systemData = YAMLUnpickle(os.path.join(path, _TestDataFileName)) # . Get the parameters. parameters = CHARMMParameterFiles_ToParameters( glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.prm"))) # . Get the test name. name = os.path.split(path)[-1] # . Generate the system. system = CHARMMPSFFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(path, name + ".psfx"), isXPLOR=True, parameters=parameters) if useSystemWithTimings: system = SystemWithTimings.FromSystem(system) system.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3( os.path.join(path, name + ".xyz")) system.label = systemData["Label"] # . Symmetry. if systemData.get("Crystal Class", None) is not None: symmetryOptions = systemData["Symmetry Parameters"] symmetryOptions["crystalClass"] = _CrystalClasses[ systemData["Crystal Class"]] system.DefineSymmetry(**symmetryOptions) # . QC data. if not forceNoQC: qcData = systemData.get(_QCRegionKey, None) if qcData is not None: # . Electronic state. system.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=qcData.get("Charge", 0), multiplicity=qcData.get("Multiplicity", 1)) # . QC atoms. qcAtoms = set() for path in qcData["Atoms"]: index = system.sequence.AtomIndex(path) qcAtoms.add(index) system.DefineQCModel(_QCModel, qcSelection=Selection(qcAtoms)) # . Finish set up. system.DefineNBModel(_NBModel) return system
def GetSystem(self, log=logFile): """Get the system with the energy model defined.""" # . Define the QC model. kwargs = { key: value for (key, value) in zip(_qcModelKeywordLabels, self.qcModelOptions) } kwargs["converger"] = DIISSCFConverger(densityTolerance=1.0e-10, maximumSCFCycles=250) kwargs["keepOrbitalData"] = True kwargs.update(_AlgorithmKeywords) qcModel = QCModelMNDO("am1", **kwargs) # . Read the molecule. molecule = XYZFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(_dataPath,, self.label + ".xyz")) molecule.label = self.label molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=self.charge, multiplicity=self.multiplicity) molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel) molecule.Summary(log=log) # . Finish up. return molecule
def GetSystem(self, log=logFile, maximumAtoms=None): """Get the system with the energy model defined.""" # . Get the QC model options. convergerKeywords = getattr(self, "convergerKeywords", {}) qcModelArguments = getattr(self, "qcModelArguments", []) qcModelClass = getattr(self, "qcModelClass", None) qcModelKeywords = getattr(self, "qcModelKeywords", {}) # . Basic setup. if self.fileFormat == "mol": molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(self.dataPath, self.fileName + ".mol")) elif self.fileFormat == "xyz": molecule = XYZFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(self.dataPath, self.fileName + ".xyz")) molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=getattr(self, "charge", 0), multiplicity=getattr(self, "multiplicity", 1)) molecule.label = self.label # . Only keep the molecule if it is not too large. if (maximumAtoms is None) or ((maximumAtoms is not None) and (len(molecule.atoms) <= maximumAtoms)): # . Define the QC model. if qcModelClass is not None: converger = DIISSCFConverger(**convergerKeywords) kwargs = dict(qcModelKeywords) kwargs["converger"] = converger qcModel = qcModelClass(*qcModelArguments, **kwargs) molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel, log=log) # . Summary. if LogFileActive(log): molecule.Summary(log=log) log.Paragraph("\nFormula = " + molecule.atoms.FormulaString() + ".") # . Molecule rejected. else: molecule = None # . Finish up. return molecule
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. log = self.GetLog() numberErrors = 0 if self.testGradients: maximumGradientDeviation = 0.0 # . Loop over systems and jobs. labels = labels.sort() for label in labels: testSystem = self.qcmmTestSystems[label] for (doQCMM, qcModelU, qcSelectionU) in, []): # . Check if ORCA tests are to be skipped. if self.skipORCATests and (qcModelU is _qcModelORCA): continue # . Get the molecule. molecule = testSystem.GetSystem(doQCMM=doQCMM, log=log, nbModel=_nbModel, qcModel=_qcModelMNDO) # . Energy. try: energy = molecule.Energy(log=log, doGradients=True) # . Define the object function. of = MultiLayerSystemGeometryObjectiveFunction.FromSystem( molecule) # . First layer. of.DefineQCLayer(qcSelectionU, qcModelU, electronicState=ElectronicState(charge=0)) of.SubsystemSummary(log=log) # . Gradient testing. if self.testGradients and (len(molecule.atoms) < self.maximumAtoms): gradientDeviation = of.TestGradients(delta=5.0e-04, log=log, tolerance=1.0e-02) maximumGradientDeviation = max( maximumGradientDeviation, gradientDeviation) # . Error. except Exception as e: numberErrors += 1 if log is not None: log.Text("\nError occurred> " + e.args[0] + "\n") # . Clear up. finally: if qcModelU is _qcModelORCA: _qcModelORCA.DeleteJobFiles() # . Get the observed and reference data. observed = {} referenceData = TestDataSet("ONIOM Energies") if self.testGradients: observed["Gradient Error"] = maximumGradientDeviation referenceData.AddDatum( TestReal( "Gradient Error", 0.0, referenceData, absoluteErrorTolerance=_GradientAbsoluteErrorTolerance, toleranceFormat="{:.3f}", valueFormat="{:.3f}")) # . Check for success/failure. if len(observed) > 0: results = referenceData.VerifyAgainst(observed) results.Summary(log=log, fullSummary=self.fullVerificationSummary) isOK = results.WasSuccessful() else: isOK = True isOK = isOK and (numberErrors == 0) self.assertTrue(isOK)
def runTest ( self ): """The test.""" # . Initialization. failures = 0 otherFailures = 0 successes = 0 # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE" ), "data", "pdb" ) if self.resultPath is None: outPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_SCRATCH" ), _Destination ) else: outPath = os.path.join ( self.resultPath, _Destination ) if not os.path.exists ( outPath ): os.mkdir ( outPath ) log = self.GetLog ( ) # . Models. mmModel = MMModelCHARMM ( "c36a2" ) nbModel = NBModelABFS ( ) qcModel = QCModelMNDO ( ) # . Get the file. pdbFile = os.path.join ( dataPath, "2E4E_folded_solvated.pdb" ) ( head, tail ) = os.path.split ( pdbFile ) tag = tail[0:-4] if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nProcessing " + pdbFile + ":\n" ) system = PDBFile_ToSystem ( pdbFile, log = log, useComponentLibrary = True ) try: # . Fixed atoms. fixedAtoms = Selection ( ~ AtomSelection.FromAtomPattern ( system, "A:*:*" ) ) # . QC selection. indices = set ( ) for atomTag in _Tags: indices.add ( system.sequence.AtomIndex ( "A:TYR.2:" + atomTag ) ) tyrosine = Selection ( indices ) # . Setup. system.electronicState = ElectronicState ( charge = 0, multiplicity = 1 ) system.DefineFixedAtoms ( fixedAtoms ) system.DefineSymmetry ( crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic ( ), a = _BoxSize ) system.DefineMMModel ( mmModel, log = log ) system.DefineQCModel ( qcModel, qcSelection = tyrosine ) system.DefineNBModel ( nbModel ) system.Summary ( log = log ) referenceEnergy = system.Energy ( log = log, doGradients = True ) # . Pickling. pklFile = os.path.join ( outPath, tag + ".pkl" ) yamlFile = os.path.join ( outPath, tag + ".yaml" ) Pickle ( pklFile , system ) YAMLPickle ( yamlFile, system ) # . Unpickling. pklSystem = Unpickle ( pklFile ) pklSystem.label += " (Pickled)" pklSystem.Summary ( log = log ) pklEnergy = pklSystem.Energy ( log = log, doGradients = True ) if math.fabs ( referenceEnergy - pklEnergy <= _Tolerance ): successes += 1 else: failures += 1 yamlSystem = YAMLUnpickle ( yamlFile ) yamlSystem.label += " (YAMLPickled)" yamlSystem.Summary ( log = log ) yamlEnergy = yamlSystem.Energy ( log = log, doGradients = True ) if math.fabs ( referenceEnergy - yamlEnergy <= _Tolerance ): successes += 1 else: failures += 1 except Exception as e: otherFailures += 1 if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nError occurred> " + e.args[0] + "\n" ) # . Summary of results. if log is not None: summary = log.GetSummary ( ) summary.Start ( "Pickle Tests" ) summary.Entry ( "Pickle Successes", "{:d}".format ( successes ) ) summary.Entry ( "Pickle Failures" , "{:d}".format ( failures ) ) summary.Entry ( "Total Tests" , "2" ) summary.Entry ( "Loop Failures" , "{:d}".format ( otherFailures ) ) summary.Stop ( ) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue ( ( failures == 0 ) and ( otherFailures == 0 ) )
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. isOK = True log = self.GetLog() molPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol") # . Options. converger = DIISSCFConverger(densityTolerance=1.0e-6, maximumSCFCycles=500) qcModel = QCModelMNDO("am1", converger=converger, isSpinRestricted=False) singlet = ElectronicState(charge=1, multiplicity=1) triplet = ElectronicState(charge=1, multiplicity=3) # . Optimizer. optimizer = QuasiNewtonMinimizer(logFrequency=1, maximumIterations=500, rmsGradientTolerance=0.05) optimizer.Summary(log=log) # . Set up the system. system = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(molPath, "phenylCation.mol")) system.electronicState = singlet system.label = "Phenyl Cation" system.DefineQCModel(qcModel) system.Summary(log=log) # . Check both methods. numberNotConverged = 0 results = {} for method in ("GP", "PF"): # . Reset coordinates. system.coordinates3 = MOLFile_ToCoordinates3( os.path.join(molPath, "phenylCation.mol")) system.configuration.Clear() # . Set up the objective function. seamOF = SEAMObjectiveFunction.FromSystem(system, singlet, triplet, method=method) #seamOF.RemoveRotationTranslation ( ) # . Minimize. #seamOF.TestGradients ( delta = 1.0e-05 ) # . Works with 1.0e-10 density tolerance. cpu = CPUTime() report = optimizer.Iterate(seamOF, log=log) report["CPU Time"] = cpu.CurrentAsString() # . Final energies. (f1, f2) = seamOF.Energies(doGradients=True, log=log) report["Energy 1"] = f1 report["Energy 2"] = f2 results[method] = report if not report.get("Converged", False): numberNotConverged += 1 # . Print out a summary of the results. if LogFileActive(log): table = log.GetTable(columns=[10, 20, 20, 10, 10, 20]) table.Start() table.Title("Surface Crossing Optimizations") table.Heading("Method") table.Heading("State Energies", columnSpan=2) table.Heading("Converged") table.Heading("Calls") table.Heading("Time") for method in ("GP", "PF"): report = results[method] table.Entry(method, alignment="left") table.Entry("{:20.1f}".format(report["Energy 1"])) table.Entry("{:20.1f}".format(report["Energy 2"])) table.Entry("{!r}".format(report.get("Converged", False))) table.Entry("{:d}".format(report["Function Calls"])) table.Entry(report["CPU Time"]) table.Stop() # . Finish up. self.assertTrue(numberNotConverged == 0)