def post(): """ Route for uploading "big data" to database Request should be json, contain a simple dict with entries for any data to be uploaded, matching options from 'data_types' :return: status of request, if true contains how many were inserted """ status = { 'success': True, } if not request.is_json: status['success'] = False return status database = db.get_db().get_database('big_data') inserted = 0 for data_type in data_types: if data_type in request.json: ins = {'datetime':, 'data': request.json[data_type]} database.get_collection(data_type).insert_one(ins) inserted += 1 status['inserted'] = inserted return status
def add_to_db(collection, content): """ Add one item to a collection in the database :param collection: the collection to add to :param content: the item to insert """ db = get_db().get_database('home_automation') db.get_collection(collection).insert_one(content)
def get_from_db_raw(collection, filter=None): """ Get all items in a certain collection in the database, without labels :param collection: the collection to pull from :param filter: the filter to use, default None :return: filtered items in collection, in a mongoDB cursor reference """ db = get_db().get_database('home_automation') return db.get_collection(collection).find(filter)
def home(): """ Simple data browser route Renders a template that formats all the data into a nice list, using the user's timezone. It's only the user's timezone as long as they live in CST. :return: Rendered template """ database = db.get_db().get_database('big_data') data_dict = {} for data_type in data_types: data_dict[data_type] = [] for item in database.get_collection(data_type).find().sort( 'datetime', pymongo.DESCENDING): data_dict[data_type].append(item) return render_template('big_data/big_data_home.html', datatypes=data_types, datadict=data_dict, user_timezone=timezone(timedelta(hours=-6)))
def remove_from_db(collection, item_id): db = get_db().get_database('home_automation') db.get_collection(collection).delete_one({'_id': ObjectId(item_id)})