Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.internal_data_path = "/data/data/{}"
        self.external_data_path = "/sdcard/Android/data/{}"
        self.internal_data_dump_name = "{}_internal.tar.gz"
        self.external_data_dump_name = "{}_external.tar.gz"

        #Dump internal data https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/85564/need-one-line-adb-shell-su-push-pull-to-access-data-from-windows-batch-file
        self.check_root_command = """{} -s {} shell "su -c 'echo HASROOT'"""
        self.magic_root_command = """{} -s {} shell "su -c 'cd {} && tar czf - ./ --exclude='./files'| base64' 2>/dev/null" | {} -d"""
        self.magic_noroot_command = """{} -s {} shell "cd {} && tar czf - ./ --exclude='./files'| base64 2>/dev/null" | {} -d"""

        if not (
                or Utils.get_platform().startswith("darwin")
        ):  #some linux versions doesn't output if contains errors, so we ignore it. but base64 for windows doesn't have this attribute
            self.magic_root_command += "i"  #add -i flag to base64 decode to avoid some encoding issues
            self.magic_noroot_command += "i"  #add -i flag to base64 decode to avoid some encoding issues

        self.adb_location = Utils.get_adb_location()
        self.base64_location = Utils.get_base64_location()

        self.dumps_path = os.path.join(Utils.get_base_path_folder(), "dumps")

        self.path_dump_folder = os.path.join(self.dumps_path,
Exemple #2
    def process_by_datasource(self, dataSource):
        #Since we are running ingest for the same datasource, we remove the output folder first but only for the datasource!
        temp_directory = os.path.join(self.temp_module_path, dataSource.getName().replace(":","_"))

        self.progressJob.change_text("Analyzing Information for {}".format(dataSource.getName()))

        # We are going to use import previous json file or other data
        if self.method == "method_importfile":
            json_report = "Report.json"
            reports_by_app = {}
            # Find all Report.json in the data source
            json_reports = self.fileManager.findFiles(dataSource, json_report)
            # Processing all datasource json reports
            for report in json_reports:
                # Get app id of the json report
                info = Utils.read_json(report.getLocalPath())
                app_id = info["header"]["app_id"]
                self.progressJob.next_job("Processing report {} ".format(app_id))
                # Since we can have multiple json files for multiple apps, we have to track how many reports exists for each app
                if not reports_by_app.get(app_id):
                    reports_by_app[app_id] = 1
                    reports_by_app[app_id] += 1

                # Path for every report
                report_folder_path = os.path.join(temp_directory, app_id, str(reports_by_app[app_id]))

                # Copy json report to output folder
                report_location = os.path.join(report_folder_path, "Report.json")
                copyfile(report.getLocalPath(), report_location)

                item = {}
                item["report"] = report_location
                item["file"] = report
                item["app"] = Utils.find_app_name(app_id)
                self.process_report(item, dataSource)
        # Not using json report
            reports_by_app = {}

            #We will find all dumps on the datasource
            internal = "%_internal.tar.gz"
            external = "%_external.tar.gz"
            dumps = []
            dumps.extend(self.fileManager.findFiles(dataSource, internal))
            dumps.extend(self.fileManager.findFiles(dataSource, external))
            #We found dumps, the datasource is not a mount path
            if dumps:
                #For each dump, we are going to check it
                for base in dumps:
                    #Get app id of the dump
                    app_id = base.getName().replace('_internal.tar.gz', '').replace('_external.tar.gz','')
                    self.progressJob.next_job("Processing report {} ".format(app_id))
                    #No reports for this app yet
                    if not reports_by_app.get(app_id):
                        reports_by_app[app_id] = []

                    #We can have multiple dumps for the same app. this ensure we don't add the same folder twice
                    base_path = os.path.dirname(base.getLocalPath())
                    if base_path in reports_by_app[app_id]:
                    #Adds the folder to the list of reports by app

                    #Multiple dumps per app, we are going to create the folder based on the number of the reports
                    report_folder_path = os.path.join(temp_directory, app_id, str(len(reports_by_app[app_id])))

                    self.progressJob.change_text("Analyzing Information for {} ({})".format(dataSource.getName(), app_id))

                    #We are going to analyze the dumps and generate the report
                    analyzer = Analyzer(app_id, base_path, report_folder_path)

                    #Generated json report location
                    report_location = os.path.join(report_folder_path, "Report.json")

                    #Add to reports list
                    item = {}
                    item["report"] = report_location
                    item["file"] = base
                    item["app"] = Utils.find_app_name(app_id)
                    self.process_report(item, dataSource)
                base_path = None
                base = None
                # Little hack to know datasource real path
                # We only know the real path on files, folders doesn't provide the real path
                # So we are going to search every file
                files = self.fileManager.findFiles(dataSource, "%")
                for x in files:
                    #We should add artifacts to a file, so we add it to the logicalfileset as reference
                    if not base:
                        base = x

                    # Script needs files inside /data/data/
                    # We find a file with this path, we got the base path
                    if x.getLocalPath() and '/data/data/' in x.getParentPath():
                        # Multiple SO normalization
                        local = Utils.replace_slash_platform(x.getLocalPath())
                        if Utils.get_platform().startswith("windows"):    
                            base_path = local.split("\\data\\data\\")[0]
                            base_path = local.split("/data/data/")[0]

                        #Already have the base folder, stop the find
                # If have the base folder
                if base_path:
                    # For all supported apps
                    for app_id in Utils.get_all_packages().values():
                        # If app data exists in mount
                        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_path, "data", "data", app_id)):
                            # Create report folder
                            report_number = 1
                            report_folder_path = os.path.join(temp_directory, app_id, str(report_number)) #report path

                            self.progressJob.change_text("Analyzing Information for {} ({})".format(dataSource.getName(), app_id))

                            # Folder to analyze
                            analyzer = Analyzer(app_id, base_path, report_folder_path)
                            # Report
                            report_location = os.path.join(report_folder_path, "Report.json")
                            item = {}
                            item["report"] = report_location
                            item["file"] = base
                            item["app"] = Utils.find_app_name(app_id)
                            self.process_report(item, dataSource)

        # After all reports, post a message to the ingest messages in box.
        return IngestModule.ProcessResult.OK