Exemple #1
def waitforpuppet(currently_running):
    log_len = 0
    twirl = ["-","\\","|","/"]
    while currently_running:
        for hostname, finished_logfile in currently_running:
            log_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(finished_logfile))[0]
            space_len = basedefs.SPACE_LEN - len(log_file)
            if len(log_file) > log_len:
                log_len = len(log_file)
            if hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty():
                twirl = twirl[-1:] + twirl[:-1]
                sys.stdout.write(("\rTesting if puppet apply is finished : %s" % log_file).ljust(40 + log_len))
                sys.stdout.write("[ %s ]" % twirl[0])
                # Once a remote puppet run has finished, we retrieve the log
                # file and check it for errors
                local_server = utils.ScriptRunner()
                log = os.path.join(basedefs.PUPPET_MANIFEST_DIR,
                                   os.path.basename(finished_logfile).replace(".finished", ".log"))
                local_server.append('scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@%s:%s %s' % (hostname, finished_logfile, log))
                # Errors are expected here if the puppet run isn't finished so we suppress logging them

                # If we got to this point the puppet apply has finished
                currently_running.remove((hostname, finished_logfile))

                # clean off the last "testing apply" msg
                if hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty():
                    sys.stdout.write(("\r").ljust(45 + log_len))

            except ScriptRuntimeError, e:
                # the test raises an exception if the file doesn't exist yet
                # TO-DO: We need to start testing 'e' for unexpected exceptions

            # check the log file for errors
            sys.stdout.write(("\r%s : " % log_file).ljust(basedefs.SPACE_LEN))
            print ("[ " + utils.getColoredText(output_messages.INFO_DONE, basedefs.GREEN) + " ]")
Exemple #2
import logging
import uuid

import packstack.installer.engine_validators as validate
from packstack.installer import basedefs
import packstack.installer.common_utils as utils

from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import getManifestTemplate, appendManifestFile

# Controller object will be initialized from main flow
controller = None

# Plugin name
PLUGIN_NAME = "OS-Keystone"
PLUGIN_NAME_COLORED = utils.getColoredText(PLUGIN_NAME, basedefs.BLUE)

logging.debug("plugin %s loaded", __name__)

def initConfig(controllerObject):
    global controller
    controller = controllerObject
    logging.debug("Adding Openstack Keystone configuration")
    paramsList = [
                  {"CMD_OPTION"      : "keystone-host",
                   "USAGE"           : "The IP address of the server on which to install Keystone",
                   "PROMPT"          : "The IP address of the server on which to install Keystone",
                   "OPTION_LIST"     : [],
                   "VALIDATION_FUNC" : validate.validatePing,
                   "DEFAULT_VALUE"   : "",
                   "MASK_INPUT"      : False,
Exemple #3
import os
import tempfile

from packstack.installer import processors
from packstack.installer import validators
from packstack.installer import basedefs
import packstack.installer.common_utils as utils

from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import gethostlist

# Controller object will be initialized from main flow
controller = None

# Plugin name
PLUGIN_NAME_COLORED = utils.getColoredText(PLUGIN_NAME, basedefs.BLUE)

logging.debug("plugin %s loaded", __name__)

def initConfig(controllerObject):
    global controller
    controller = controllerObject
    logging.debug("Adding SSH KEY configuration")
    paramsList = [
            "Path to a Public key to install on servers. If a usable key has not been installed on the remote servers the user will be prompted for a password and this key will be installed so the password will not be required again",