def run(agent=defaultAgent, ghost=defaultGhost, layout=defaultLayout): sys.setrecursionlimit(8000) usage = """ USAGE: python <game_options> <agent_options> EXAMPLES: (1) python - plays a game with the human agent in small maze """ parser = ArgumentParser(usage) parser.add_argument('--seed', help='RNG seed', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--agentfile', help='Python file containing a `PacmanAgent` class.', default=agent) parser.add_argument( '--ghostagent', help='Ghost agent available in the `ghostAgents` module.', choices=["dumby", "greedy", "smarty"], default=ghost) parser.add_argument('--layout', help='Maze layout (from layout folder).', default=layout) parser.add_argument('--silentdisplay', help="Disable the graphical display of the game.", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if (args.agentfile == "" and args.silentdisplay): print("Human agent cannot play without graphical display") exit() agent = load_agent_from_file(args.agentfile)(args) gagt = ghosts[args.ghostagent] nghosts = 1 if (nghosts > 0): gagts = [gagt(i + 1) for i in range(nghosts)] else: gagts = [] total_score, total_computation_time, total_expanded_nodes = runGame( args.layout, agent, gagts, not silentDisplay, expout=0) return [total_score, total_computation_time, total_expanded_nodes]
default=0) parser.add_argument('--agentfile', help='Python file containing a `PacmanAgent` class.', default="") parser.add_argument( '--ghostagent', help='Ghost agent available in the `ghostAgents` module.', choices=["lefty", "greedy", "randy"], default="greedy") parser.add_argument('--layout', help='Maze layout (from layout folder).', default="small") parser.add_argument('--silentdisplay', help="Disable the graphical display of the game.", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() agent = load_agent_from_file(args.agentfile)(args) gagt = ghosts[args.ghostagent] if (args.nghosts > 0): gagts = [gagt(i + 1) for i in range(args.nghosts)] else: gagts = [] total_score, total_computation_time, total_expanded_nodes = runGame( args.layout, agent, gagts, not args.silentdisplay, expout=0) print("Total score : " + str(total_score)) print("Total computation time (seconds) : " + str(total_computation_time)) print("Total expanded nodes : " + str(total_expanded_nodes))
agent = load_agent_from_file(args.agentfile, "PacmanAgent")(args) gagt = ghosts[args.ghostagent] nghosts = args.nghosts if (nghosts > 0): gagts = [gagt(i + 1, args) for i in range(nghosts)] else: gagts = [] layout = layout_thin_borders(args.layout, args.w) bsagt = None if args.bsagentfile is not None: bsagt = load_agent_from_file(args.bsagentfile, "BeliefStateAgent")(args) total_score, total_computation_time, total_expanded_nodes = runGame( layout, agent, gagts, bsagt, not args.silentdisplay, expout=0, hiddenGhosts=args.hiddenghosts) print("Total score : " + str(total_score)) print("Total computation time (seconds) : " + str(total_computation_time)) print("Total expanded nodes : " + str(total_expanded_nodes)) f = open("temp", "w+") s, c, e = total_score, total_computation_time, total_expanded_nodes f.write(str(s) + ";" + str(c) + ";" + str(e)) f.close()
gagts = [] layout = args.layout bsagt = None oraclebsagt = None startingIndex = 0 if args.bsagentfile is not None: bsagt = load_agent_from_file(args.bsagentfile, "BeliefStateAgent")(args) startingIndex = nghosts + 1 if args.oraclebsagentfile is not None: oraclebsagt = load_agent_from_file(args.oraclebsagentfile, "BeliefStateAgent")(args) total_score, total_computation_time, _ = runGame( layout, agent, gagts, bsagt, not args.silentdisplay, expout=0, hiddenGhosts=args.hiddenghosts, edibleGhosts=args.edibleghosts, startingIndex=startingIndex, oracleBeliefStateAgent=oraclebsagt) print("Total score : " + str(total_score)) print("Total computation time (seconds) : " + str(total_computation_time)) f = open("temp", "w+") s, c = total_score, total_computation_time f.write(str(s) + ";" + str(c)) f.close()
agent = load_agent_from_file(args.agentfile, "PacmanAgent")(args) gagt = ghosts[args.ghostagent] nghosts = args.nghosts if (nghosts > 0): gagts = [gagt(i + 1, args) for i in range(nghosts)] else: gagts = [] layout = args.layout bsagt = None if args.bsagentfile is not None: bsagt = load_agent_from_file(args.bsagentfile, "BeliefStateAgent")(args) total_score, total_computation_time, _ = runGame( layout, agent, gagts, bsagt, not args.silentdisplay, expout=0, hiddenGhosts=args.hiddenghosts, edibleGhosts=args.edibleghosts) print("Total score : " + str(total_score)) print("Total computation time (seconds) : " + str(total_computation_time)) f = open("temp", "w+") s, c = total_score, total_computation_time f.write(str(s) + ";" + str(c)) f.close()